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Uechi-Ryu Karate-Do in Chinese / Japanese...

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  1. Karate-Do

  2. Karate

  3. Shidokan

  4. Kakuto Karate

  5. Kenka Karate

  6. Law of the Fist Karate / Kempo Karate

  7. Okinawa Karate

  8. Nihon Karate-Do

  9. White Crane Karate

10. Karate-Do Shinyo-Kai

11. Danketsu Karate-Do

12. Flying Dragon Karate-Do

13. Karate Ni Sente Nashi

14. Kempo Karate / Law of the Fist Empty Hand

15. Nippon Karate Kyokai

16. Shidokan Karate-Do

17. Shotokan Karate-Do

18. Snow Leopard Karate-Do

19. Uechi-Ryu Karate-Do

20. Japanese Karate Association

21. Nippon Karate-Do Genbu-Kai

 kōng shǒu dào
 kara te dou
Karate-Do Scroll

The literal meaning of 空手道 is “empty hand method” or “empty hand way.”

Credit is given that karate started in China but migrated and became refined and vastly popular in Japan.

Karate is a martial art that uses no blades or weapons other than the “natural weapons” God gave to humans (fists and feet). The last character somehow became optional, but the meaning of that character is “method” or “the way” as in Taoism / Daoism.

Karate-Do reached Korea, where it is known as 공수도 which can be romanized as “Kong Soo Do” or “Gong Su Do.”

 kōng shǒu
 kara te
Karate Scroll

空手 is the short and widely-used-in-English version of karate-do without the “do” or “dao” at the end.

Literal meaning: Empty Hand.

Shidokan (Karate)

 shi dou kan
Shidokan (Karate) Scroll

士道館 is the Japanese title for Shidōkan, a style of full-contact karate.

士道館 is a newer karate style founded in 1980 by Yoshiji Soeno.

Kakuto Karate

 kaku tou kara te
Kakuto Karate Scroll

格闘空手 is Kakutō Karate and means Fighting Karate and/or Combat Karate.

Kenka Karate

 kanka karate
Kenka Karate Scroll

This is the title Kenka Karate in Japanese.

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

Law of the Fist Karate / Kempo Karate

 quán fǎ táng shǒu
 ken pou kara te
Law of the Fist Karate / Kempo Karate Scroll

The first two characters mean “fist law” which is Romanized from Japanese as “Kenpo” or “Kempo.”

The last two are a secondary way to express “karate.”

The more common way to express “karate” is literally “empty hand” (meaning “without weapons in your hand”). This version would be translated literally as “Tang hand” (as in the Tang Dynasty) or “China hand” (sometimes “Tang” means “China” in Japanese). Even though the character for “Tang” is used instead of “empty,” it's still pronounced “kara-te” in Japanese.

拳法唐手 is not commonly used in China - so please consider it to be a Japanese-only title.

Many Japanese people will say the last two Kanji are the old and antiquated way of saying Karate. This fact does not stop this title from existing, as these four characters are often seen in Kenpo / Kempo Dojos around the western world.

Okinawa Karate

 chōng shéng kōng shǒu
 oki nawa kara te
Okinawa Karate Scroll

沖縄空手 is the title for Okinawa Karate.

Nihon Karate-Do

 ni hon kara te do
Nihon Karate-Do Scroll

日本空手道 is the title Nihon Karate Do in Japanese Kanji.

The literal meaning is “Japan(ese) empty hand way.”

White Crane Karate

 shiro tsuru kara te
White Crane Karate Scroll

This is the title for White Crane Karate in Japanese Kanji.

Karate-Do Shinyo-Kai

 kara te dou shin you kai
Karate-Do Shinyo-Kai Scroll

空手道心養会 is the Japanese Kanji for
Karate-Dō Shinyō-Kai.

Danketsu Karate-Do

 dan ketsu kara te dou
Danketsu Karate-Do Scroll

団結空手道 is the title for Danketsu Karate-Do, a dojo located in Stroudsburg, PA.

団結 (danketsu) means union, unity, or combination.

空手道 (karate-do) means “empty hand way.”

If you need you martial arts school/dojo/academy added to my database, just give me the info (actual Chinese/Japanese text if you have it).

Flying Dragon Karate-Do

 fēi lóng kòng shǒu dào

 hi ryuu kara te dou
Flying Dragon Karate-Do Scroll

飛龍空手道 is the title Flying Dragon Karate-Do.

Karate Ni Sente Nashi

 karate ni sente nashi
Karate Ni Sente Nashi Scroll

空手に先手なし means there is no first attack in Karate, or there is no first strike in Karate.

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

Kempo Karate / Law of the Fist Empty Hand

 kōng shǒu quán fǎ
 kara te ken pou
Kempo Karate / Law of the Fist Empty Hand Scroll

空手拳法 is the Kanji title for Kempo Karate.

The first two characters mean “karate” - technically they express “empty hand.”

The last two express “fist law” which is Romanized from Japanese as “Kenpo” or “Kempo.”

That “empty hand” translation can be understood better when you grasp the idea that karate is a martial art without weapons (other than the weapons organic to your body, such as your foot, hand, fist, etc). When you practice karate, you do so with empty hands (no weapons).

Note: There is also an antiquated way to write karate. It has the same pronunciation but a different first character which means “Tang” as in the Tang Dynasty. Some dojos use that form - let us know if you need that alternate form, and we'll add it.

Nippon Karate Kyokai

 nippon karate kyokai
Nippon Karate Kyokai Scroll

日本空手協会 is the title for Nippon Karate Kyokai in Japanese Kanji.

Shidokan Karate-Do

 shi dou kan kara te dou
Shidokan Karate-Do Scroll

士道館空手道 is the full Japanese title for Shidōkan Karate-Do, a style of full-contact karate.

This is a newer karate style, founded in 1980 by Yoshiji Soeno.

Shotokan Karate-Do

 sōng tāo guǎn kōng shǒu dào
 shou tou kan kara te dou
Shotokan Karate-Do Scroll

鬆濤館空手道 art the Japanese Kanji that make up the title for Shotokan Karate.

This should be considered a Japanese-only title. It does make sense and is pronounceable in Chinese and Korean but only as a title for a building (perhaps a martial arts hall) surrounded by pine trees - followed by the characters for “The empty hand method” (kong shou dao / Karate-do). Also, the first two characters were simplified in both Japanese and Chinese. The third character was simplified in Chinese but not Japanese.

Upon request, we can offer the fully traditional Chinese version but be sure you know what you are asking for.

Note: This would be understood in Chinese and Korean Hanja by a person from those cultures familiar with martial arts and various schools of Japanese karate.

Snow Leopard Karate-Do

 xuě bào kōng shǒu dào
 yukihyou karate
Snow Leopard Karate-Do Scroll

雪豹空手道 is the Japanese (and Chinese) title for Snow Leopard Karate-Do.

Uechi-Ryu Karate-Do

 ue chi ryuu kara te dou
Uechi-Ryu Karate-Do Scroll

上地流空手道 is the title of the Uechi-Ryu Karate-Do school of Okinawan martial arts.

Uechi means “higher stages of practice” in a Buddhist context.

Japanese Karate Association

 rì běn kōng shǒu xié huì
 ni hon kara te kyou kai
Japanese Karate Association Scroll

日本空手協会 is the Kanji for Nihon Karate Kyōkai or Japanese Karate Association.

Nippon Karate-Do Genbu-Kai

Japanese Genbu Karate Club

 rì běn kōng shǒu dào xuán wǔ huì
 ni ppon kara te dou gen bu kai
Nippon Karate-Do Genbu-Kai Scroll

日本空手道玄武會 is the title for Nippon Karate-Do Genbu-Kai.
A Japanese karate association of the Genbu school.

Note that while this title does make perfect sense in Chinese, it is really a Japanese title. In fact, the first word is “Japanese/Japan.”

If you’d like your martial arts school, dojo or club added to our calligraphy database for easy ordering of a custom calligraphy wall scroll, just contact me.

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The following table may be helpful for those studying Chinese or Japanese...

Title CharactersRomaji (Romanized Japanese)Various forms of Romanized Chinese
Karate-Do空手道kara te dou
kara te do
kōng shǒu dào
kong1 shou3 dao4
kong shou dao
k`ung shou tao
kung shou tao
Karate空手kara te / karatekōng shǒu
kong1 shou3
kong shou
k`ung shou
kung shou
Shidokan (Karate)士道館shi dou kan
shi do kan
Kakuto Karate格闘空手kaku tou kara te
kaku to kara te
Kenka Karateけんか空手kanka karate
Law of the Fist Karate
Kempo Karate
拳法唐手ken pou kara te
ken po kara te
quán fǎ táng shǒu
quan2 fa3 tang2 shou3
quan fa tang shou
ch`üan fa t`ang shou
chüan fa tang shou
Okinawa Karate沖縄空手oki nawa kara te
chōng shéng kōng shǒu
chong1 sheng2 kong1 shou3
chong sheng kong shou
ch`ung sheng k`ung shou
chung sheng kung shou
Nihon Karate-Do日本空手道ni hon kara te do
White Crane Karate白鶴空手shiro tsuru kara te
Karate-Do Shinyo-Kai空手道心養会kara te dou shin you kai
kara te do shin yo kai
Danketsu Karate-Do団結空手道dan ketsu kara te dou
dan ketsu kara te do
Flying Dragon Karate-Do飛龍空手道
hi ryuu kara te dou
hi ryu kara te do
fēi lóng kòng shǒu dào
fei1 long2 kong4 shou3 dao4
fei long kong shou dao
fei lung k`ung shou tao
fei lung kung shou tao
Karate Ni Sente Nashi空手に先手なしkarate ni sente nashi
Kempo Karate
Law of the Fist Empty Hand
空手拳法kara te ken pou
kara te ken po
kōng shǒu quán fǎ
kong1 shou3 quan2 fa3
kong shou quan fa
k`ung shou ch`üan fa
kung shou chüan fa
Nippon Karate Kyokai日本空手協會
nippon karate kyokai
nipon karate kyokai
Shidokan Karate-Do士道館空手道shi dou kan kara te dou
shi do kan kara te do
Shotokan Karate-Do鬆濤館空手道
shou tou kan kara te dou
sho to kan kara te do
sōng tāo guǎn kōng shǒu dào
song1 tao1 guan3 kong1 shou3 dao4
song tao guan kong shou dao
sung t`ao kuan k`ung shou tao
sung tao kuan kung shou tao
Snow Leopard Karate-Do雪豹空手道yukihyou karate
yukihyo karate
xuě bào kōng shǒu dào
xue3 bao4 kong1 shou3 dao4
xue bao kong shou dao
hsüeh pao k`ung shou tao
hsüeh pao kung shou tao
Uechi-Ryu Karate-Do上地流空手道ue chi ryuu kara te dou
ue chi ryu kara te do
Japanese Karate Association日本空手協會
ni hon kara te kyou kai
ni hon kara te kyo kai
rì běn kōng shǒu xié huì
ri4 ben3 kong1 shou3 xie2 hui4
ri ben kong shou xie hui
jih pen k`ung shou hsieh hui
jih pen kung shou hsieh hui
Nippon Karate-Do Genbu-Kai日本空手道玄武會
ni ppon kara te dou gen bu kai
ni pon kara te do gen bu kai
rì běn kōng shǒu dào xuán wǔ huì
ri4 ben3 kong1 shou3 dao4 xuan2 wu3 hui4
ri ben kong shou dao xuan wu hui
jih pen k`ung shou tao hsüan wu hui
jih pen kung shou tao hsüan wu hui
In some entries above you will see that characters have different versions above and below a line.
In these cases, the characters above the line are Traditional Chinese, while the ones below are Simplified Chinese.


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A nice Chinese calligraphy wall scroll

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single-character wall scroll.
We also offer custom wall scrolls in small, medium, and an even-larger jumbo size.

A professional Chinese Calligrapher

Professional calligraphers are getting to be hard to find these days.
Instead of drawing characters by hand, the new generation in China merely type roman letters into their computer keyboards and pick the character that they want from a list that pops up.

There is some fear that true Chinese calligraphy may become a lost art in the coming years. Many art institutes in China are now promoting calligraphy programs in hopes of keeping this unique form of art alive.

Trying to learn Chinese calligrapher - a futile effort

Even with the teachings of a top-ranked calligrapher in China, my calligraphy will never be good enough to sell. I will leave that to the experts.

A high-ranked Chinese master calligrapher that I met in Zhongwei

The same calligrapher who gave me those lessons also attracted a crowd of thousands and a TV crew as he created characters over 6-feet high. He happens to be ranked as one of the top 100 calligraphers in all of China. He is also one of very few that would actually attempt such a feat.

Check out my lists of Japanese Kanji Calligraphy Wall Scrolls and Old Korean Hanja Calligraphy Wall Scrolls.

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