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Be True to Yourself in Chinese / Japanese...

Buy a Be True to Yourself calligraphy wall scroll here!

Personalize your custom “Be True to Yourself” project by clicking the button next to your favorite “Be True to Yourself” title below...

  1. Be True to Yourself

  2. True to Yourself

  3. Sincere / True Sincerity

  4. To thine own self be true

  5. ...And this above all to thine own self be true

  6. True Friend

  7. True Heart

  8. True Love

  9. True Essence

10. My True Love

11. True Religion / Buddha Truth

12. True Love

13. True / Real / Genuine

14. My True Love

15. Makaze / True Wind

16. The True and Complete Enlightenment

17. Honesty

18. Dream Come True / Enjoy Success

19. True Emptiness Yields Transcendent Existence

20. Honesty / Fidelity

21. True Victory is Victory Over Oneself

22. Shin Buddhism

Be True to Yourself

 jibun jishin ni chuujitsu de aru
Be True to Yourself Scroll

自分自身に忠実である is, “be true to yourself” in Japanese.

You could also translate this as “be true to oneself.”

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

Be True to Yourself

 zuò zhēn shí de zì jǐ
Be True to Yourself Scroll

做真实的自己 means “be true to yourself” in Chinese.

Note: This is more a western-style phrase or idea, so it’s not that common to see this in Chinese.

True to Yourself

 zuò zhēn shí de zì jǐ
True to Yourself Scroll

真實的自己 means “true to yourself” in Chinese.

This is just a one-word difference from “be true to yourself.”

Note: This is more a western-style phrase or idea, so it’s not that common to see this in Chinese.

Sincere / True Sincerity

 zhēn chéng
Sincere / True Sincerity Scroll

真誠 is the true essence of sincerity.

It takes strength of personality to be truly sincere without overdoing it. Speaking of strength, this is probably the strongest way to convey the idea of sincerity in the Chinese language.

The first character literally means true, real, and genuine. While the second character means sincere and honest.

See Also:  Love | Honor

To thine own self be true

 onore ni chuujitsu nare
To thine own self be true Scroll

己に忠実なれ is “ thine own self be true” in Japanese.

This is a small portion of the classic line from Shakespeare's Hamlet.

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

...And this above all to thine own self be true

A line from Shakespeare's Hamlet

 yóu qí yào jǐn de nǐ bì xū duì nǐ zì jǐ zhōng shí
...And this above all to thine own self be true Scroll

尤其要緊的你必須對你自己忠實 is the classic translation of a line from Shakespeare's Hamlet into Chinese.

True Friend Scroll

真の友 is “true friend” in Japanese.

 gòu péng you
True Friend Scroll

夠朋友 is a colloquial title in Chinese meaning “to be a true friend.”

 zhēn xīn
 mago koro
True Heart Scroll

While 真心 literally reads as “true heart” or “genuine heart,” the understood meaning is sincerity, devotion, sincere, or heartfelt. Some will extend the meaning to be like “true love.” It's the idea of doing something or treating someone with genuine feelings.

真心 is valid and has the same meaning in both Chinese characters and Japanese Kanji.

Note: While not too common, this can be the female given name “Mami” in Japanese.

 zhēn ài
True Love Scroll

真愛 is literally “True Love” in Chinese.

The first character means “real,” “true,” and “genuine.” The second character means “love” and “affection.”

During the customization of your calligraphy wall scroll, there is a place to add an inscription. You might want that inscription to be your names in Chinese down the side of your wall scroll or perhaps just below these two main characters (just $9 extra). A nice gift to celebrate an anniversary or marriage!

True Essence

 zhēn dì
 shintai / shintei
True Essence Scroll

真諦 is a Buddhist term that can be defined as the real meaning, the true essence, or the ultimate truth.

My True Love

 shin jitsu no ai
My True Love Scroll

真実の愛 means “true love” or “genuine affection” in Japanese.

The first two Kanji mean true, real, genuine, or authentic.
The third Kanji is a connecting possessive article.
The last character is love or affection.

True Religion / Buddha Truth

The way of the truth

 shí dào
 jitsu dou
True Religion / Buddha Truth Scroll

實道 is a Buddhist title that means “The true way,” “The true religion,” “The way of the truth,” or “The absolute Buddha-truth.”

True Love Scroll

屋烏の愛 is a Japanese way to express true love or deep love.

The phrase literally suggests that this is a love for someone so strong that it can reach a crow perched on that person's roof.

True / Real / Genuine

 shin / makoto
True / Real / Genuine Scroll

真 is a simple way to express the idea that something is real, true, truth, or genuine.

Occasionally, this character refers to a Buddhist sect that originated in the 13th century.

真 is commonly used as a compound with other characters to create ideas like “true love.” It's also used similarly to the English words “really” or “truly” to say “really good” or “He is really knowledgeable.” Those phrases start with “他真的是... (note the second character is 真).

There are two ways to write this character, shown here is the most common way in China; however, a slight stroke variation is used in Korean Hanja. If you want that version, just let us know when you place your order.

See Also:  Honesty

My True Love

 wǒ xīn zhēn ài
My True Love Scroll

我心真愛 is a slightly poetic way to express this sentiment to someone.

The meaning is “My True Love,” but the characters directly translate as “I/Me/My Heart/Mind True/Real Love.”

Note that Chinese grammar and construction are different, so this sounds very eloquent and artsy in Chinese.
In Korean Hanja, the third character should be written differently. Just let me know when you place your order if you want that version - it will still make sense in Chinese. This phrase makes sense in Korean but is not commonly used.

Makaze / True Wind

 maji / makaze
Makaze / True Wind Scroll

This Japanese word means southerly breeze or true wind.

This can also be a Japanese surname that is romanized as Makaze.

The True and Complete Enlightenment

 zhēn jué
The True and Complete Enlightenment Scroll

眞覺 means true and complete enlightenment.

This can refer to the perfect nirvana of the Buddha or the perception of ultimate truth or true awareness of all things (reality and unreality).

Honesty Scroll

實 means real, true, honest, or solid.

It is one of several ways to express the idea of truth.

Note: In some contexts, this can carry extended meanings of reality, actuality, sincerity, or substance.

See Also:  Truth | Trust | Justice

Dream Come True / Enjoy Success

 dé zhì
Dream Come True / Enjoy Success Scroll

得誌 is a Chinese word that means to accomplish one's ambition, a dream come true, or to enjoy your success.

True Emptiness Yields Transcendent Existence

 zhēn kōng miào yǒu
 shin kuu myou u
True Emptiness Yields Transcendent Existence Scroll

According to Soothill 眞空妙有 means:
The true void is the mysteriously existing, truly void, or immaterial, yet transcendentally existing.

眞空妙有 is the state of being nonexistent after removing all errant worldly influences. 眞空妙有 is achieved when all forms of existence are seen for their real nature.

Honesty / Fidelity

Honesty / Fidelity Scroll

信 is another character that expresses the idea of honesty.

It can also mean truth, faith, belief in, fidelity, sincerity, trust, and/or confidence.

Some have included this in the list for the Bushido, although “makoto” is probably more common/popular.

Note: In some contexts, this character can mean a letter (mail), news, or envoy. However, alone, it will generally be read with the honesty-meaning.

See our page with just Code of the Samurai / Bushido here

See Also:  Loyalty Trustworthiness Trustworthy

True Victory is Victory Over Oneself

 masa katsu a gatsu
True Victory is Victory Over Oneself Scroll

正勝吾勝 is a proverb that is often translated as “True victory is victory over oneself.”

However, literally, Kanji by Kanji, means “True victory [is] my/self victory.”

My Japanese friends rate this very highly for a wall scroll.

See Also:  Know Thy Enemy Know Thyself

Shin Buddhism

True Pure Land Buddhism

 jou do shin shuu
Shin Buddhism Scroll

浄土真宗 is known in the west as “Shin Buddhism.”

This is a school of Japanese “Pure Land Buddhism.” This form is also known as “True Pure Land Buddhism” or “Jodoshinshu” (jōdoshinshū).

If you are looking for this title, you probably already know the rest of the story.

See Also:  Pure Land Buddhism

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The following table may be helpful for those studying Chinese or Japanese...

Title CharactersRomaji (Romanized Japanese)Various forms of Romanized Chinese
Be True to Yourself自分自身に忠実であるjibun jishin ni chuujitsu de aru
jibun jishin ni chujitsu de aru
Be True to Yourself做真實的自己
zuò zhēn shí de zì jǐ
zuo4 zhen1 shi2 de zi4 ji3
zuo zhen shi de zi ji
tso chen shih te tzu chi
True to Yourself真實的自己
zuò zhēn shí de zì jǐ
zhen1 shi2 de zi4 ji3
zhen shi de zi ji
chen shih te tzu chi
True Sincerity
zhēn chéng
zhen1 cheng2
zhen cheng
chen ch`eng
chen cheng
To thine own self be true己に忠実なれonore ni chuujitsu nare
onore ni chujitsu nare
...And this above all to thine own self be true尤其要緊的你必須對你自己忠實
yóu qí yào jǐn de nǐ bì xū duì nǐ zì jǐ zhōng shí
you2 qi2 yao4 jin3 de ni3 bi4 xu1 dui4 ni3 zi4 ji3 zhong1 shi2
you qi yao jin de ni bi xu dui ni zi ji zhong shi
yu ch`i yao chin te ni pi hsü tui ni tzu chi chung shih
yu chi yao chin te ni pi hsü tui ni tzu chi chung shih
True Friend真の友shinnotomo
True Friend夠朋友
gòu péng you
gou4 peng2 you5
gou peng you
kou p`eng yu
kou peng yu
True Heart真心mago koro / magokorozhēn xīn / zhen1 xin1 / zhen xin / zhenxinchen hsin / chenhsin
True Love真愛
shinaizhēn ài / zhen1 ai4 / zhen ai / zhenaichen ai / chenai
True Essence真諦
shintai / shinteizhēn dì / zhen1 di4 / zhen di / zhendichen ti / chenti
My True Love真実の愛shin jitsu no ai
True Religion
Buddha Truth
jitsu dou / jitsudou / jitsu doshí dào / shi2 dao4 / shi dao / shidaoshih tao / shihtao
True Love屋烏の愛okuunoai / okunoai
真 or 眞
shin / makotozhēn / zhen1 / zhenchen
My True Love我心真愛
wǒ xīn zhēn ài
wo3 xin1 zhen1 ai4
wo xin zhen ai
wo hsin chen ai
True Wind
真風maji / makaze
The True and Complete Enlightenment眞覺
shinkakuzhēn jué / zhen1 jue2 / zhen jue / zhenjuechen chüeh / chenchüeh
shí / shi2 / shishih
Dream Come True
Enjoy Success
dé zhì / de2 zhi4 / de zhi / dezhite chih / techih
True Emptiness Yields Transcendent Existence眞空妙有shin kuu myou u
shin ku myo u
zhēn kōng miào yǒu
zhen1 kong1 miao4 you3
zhen kong miao you
chen k`ung miao yu
chen kung miao yu
shinxìn / xin4 / xinhsin
True Victory is Victory Over Oneself正勝吾勝
masa katsu a gatsu
Shin Buddhism浄土真宗jou do shin shuu
jo do shin shu
In some entries above you will see that characters have different versions above and below a line.
In these cases, the characters above the line are Traditional Chinese, while the ones below are Simplified Chinese.


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All of our calligraphy wall scrolls are handmade.

When the calligrapher finishes creating your artwork, it is taken to my art mounting workshop in Beijing where a wall scroll is made by hand from a combination of silk, rice paper, and wood.
After we create your wall scroll, it takes at least two weeks for air mail delivery from Beijing to you.

Allow a few weeks for delivery. Rush service speeds it up by a week or two for $10!

When you select your calligraphy, you'll be taken to another page where you can choose various custom options.

A nice Chinese calligraphy wall scroll

The wall scroll that Sandy is holding in this picture is a "large size"
single-character wall scroll.
We also offer custom wall scrolls in small, medium, and an even-larger jumbo size.

A professional Chinese Calligrapher

Professional calligraphers are getting to be hard to find these days.
Instead of drawing characters by hand, the new generation in China merely type roman letters into their computer keyboards and pick the character that they want from a list that pops up.

There is some fear that true Chinese calligraphy may become a lost art in the coming years. Many art institutes in China are now promoting calligraphy programs in hopes of keeping this unique form of art alive.

Trying to learn Chinese calligrapher - a futile effort

Even with the teachings of a top-ranked calligrapher in China, my calligraphy will never be good enough to sell. I will leave that to the experts.

A high-ranked Chinese master calligrapher that I met in Zhongwei

The same calligrapher who gave me those lessons also attracted a crowd of thousands and a TV crew as he created characters over 6-feet high. He happens to be ranked as one of the top 100 calligraphers in all of China. He is also one of very few that would actually attempt such a feat.

Check out my lists of Japanese Kanji Calligraphy Wall Scrolls and Old Korean Hanja Calligraphy Wall Scrolls.

Some people may refer to this entry as Be True to Yourself Kanji, Be True to Yourself Characters, Be True to Yourself in Mandarin Chinese, Be True to Yourself Characters, Be True to Yourself in Chinese Writing, Be True to Yourself in Japanese Writing, Be True to Yourself in Asian Writing, Be True to Yourself Ideograms, Chinese Be True to Yourself symbols, Be True to Yourself Hieroglyphics, Be True to Yourself Glyphs, Be True to Yourself in Chinese Letters, Be True to Yourself Hanzi, Be True to Yourself in Japanese Kanji, Be True to Yourself Pictograms, Be True to Yourself in the Chinese Written-Language, or Be True to Yourself in the Japanese Written-Language.

98 people have searched for Be True to Yourself in Chinese or Japanese in the past year.
Be True to Yourself was last searched for by someone else on Feb 5th, 2025