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The name Empty in Chinese / Japanese...

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Sky / Ether / Void / Emptiness / Unreality

(Used in Japanese version of five elements)

 kuu / kara / sora / ron
Sky / Ether / Void / Emptiness / Unreality Scroll

空 is a single character that means empty, void, hollow, vacant, vacuum, blank, nonexistent, vacuity, voidness, emptiness, non-existence, immateriality, unreality, the false or illusory nature of all existence, and being unreal.

In the Buddhist context, this relates to the doctrine that all phenomena and the ego have no reality but are composed of a certain number of skandhas or elements, which disintegrate. The void, the sky, space. The universal, the absolute, complete abstraction without relativity. The doctrine further explains that all things are compounds, or unstable organisms, possessing no self-essence, i.e. are dependent, or caused, come into existence only to perish. The underlying reality, the principle of eternal relativity, or non-infinity, i.e. śūnya, permeates all phenomena making possible their evolution.

From Sanskrit and/or Pali, this is the translation to Chinese and Japanese of the title śūnya or śūnyatā.

In Japanese, when pronounced as “ron” (sounds like “roan”) this can be a given name. It should be noted that this Kanji has about 5 different possible pronunciations in Japanese: kuu, kara, sora, ron, and uro. 空 is also an element in the Japanese version of the five elements.

Nothing / Nothingness

Nothing / Nothingness Scroll

無 is the simple way to express “nothing.”

However, this single character leaves a bit of mystery as to what you might really mean if you hang it as a wall scroll. I'm not saying that's a bad thing; as you can decide what it means to you, and you won't be wrong if you stay within the general context.

More info: 無 is usually used as a suffix or prefix for Chinese and Japanese words (also old Korean). It can be compared to “un-” or “-less” in English. It can also mean “not to have,” no, none, not, “to lack,” or nothingness.

Nothingness / Empty / Void

 xū kōng
Nothingness / Empty / Void Scroll

虛空 means empty space, empty sky, or void.

In the Buddhist context, it can mean “emptiness of the material world.” This can also be used as an adjective to modify other words with a meaning of unreal or insubstantial.

 kōng wú
 kuu mu
Nothingness Scroll

空無 is “nothingness” in a Buddhist context.

The first character means empty but can also mean air or sky (air and sky have no form).

The second character means have not, no, none, not, or to lack.

Together these characters reinforce each other into a word that means “absolute nothingness.”

I know this is a term used in Buddhism, but I have not yet figured out the context in which it is used. I suppose it can be the fact that Buddhists believe that the world is a non-real illusion, or perhaps it's about visualizing yourself as “nothing” and therefore leaving behind your desire and worldliness.
Buddhist concepts and titles often have this element of ambiguity or, rather, “mystery.” Therefore, such ideas can have different meanings to different people, and that's okay. If you don't get it right in this lifetime, there will be plenty more lifetimes to master it (whatever “it” is, and if “it” really exists at all).

Soothill defines this as “Unreality, or immateriality, of things, which is defined as nothing existing of independent or self-contained nature.”

True Emptiness Yields Transcendent Existence

 zhēn kōng miào yǒu
 shin kuu myou u
True Emptiness Yields Transcendent Existence Scroll

According to Soothill 眞空妙有 means:
The true void is the mysteriously existing, truly void, or immaterial, yet transcendentally existing.

眞空妙有 is the state of being nonexistent after removing all errant worldly influences. 眞空妙有 is achieved when all forms of existence are seen for their real nature.

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Below are some entries from our dictionary that may match your empty search...


If shown, 2nd row is Simp. Chinese

Simple Dictionary Definition


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(1) empty nest; (2) empty house; empty home; (3) (abbreviation) (See 空き巣狙い) burglary (of an empty house); burglar (who targets empty houses); sneak thief; prowler

see styles
 kuu / ku
to empty; vacant; unoccupied; space; leisure; free time
(1) empty air; sky; (2) {Buddh} shunyata (the lack of an immutable intrinsic nature within any phenomenon); emptiness; (3) (abbreviation) (See 空軍) air force; (noun or adjectival noun) (4) fruitlessness; meaninglessness; (noun or adjectival noun) (5) (See 五大・1) void (one of the five elements); (can be adjective with の) (6) {math} empty (e.g. set); (female given name) Ron
śūnya, empty, void, hollow, vacant, nonexistent. śūnyatā, 舜若多, vacuity, voidness, emptiness, non-existence, immateriality, perhaps spirituality, unreality, the false or illusory nature of all existence, the seeming 假 being unreal. The doctrine that all phenomena and the ego have no reality, but are composed of a certain number of skandhas or elements, which disintegrate. The void, the sky, space. The universal, the absolute, complete abstraction without relativity. There are classifications into 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 11, 13, 16, and 18 categories. The doctrine is that all things are compounds, or unstable organisms, possessing no self-essence, i.e. are dependent, or caused, come into existence only to perish. The underlying reality, the principle of eternal relativity, or non-infinity, i.e. śūnya, permeates all phenomena making possible their evolution. From this doctrine the Yogācārya school developed the idea of the permanent reality, which is Essence of Mind, the unknowable noumenon behind all phenomena, the entity void of ideas and phenomena, neither matter nor mind, but the root of both.


see styles
    garaaki / garaki
(noun or adjectival noun) virtually empty; quite empty; (noun or adjectival noun) (1) virtually empty; quite empty; (2) inadequately defended; defenseless; defenceless


see styles
kòng xīn
    kong4 xin1
k`ung hsin
    kung hsin
on an empty stomach
An empty mind, or heart; a mind meditating on the void, or infinite; a mind not entangled in cause and effect, i.e. detached from the phenomenal.



see styles
xū yán
    xu1 yan2
hsü yen
empty words; false words
Empty words, baseless talk.


see styles
(1) empty residence; empty estate; (2) empty lot


see styles
(1) empty residence; empty estate; (2) empty lot


see styles
(1) empty residence; empty estate; (2) empty lot


see styles
 kara(p); kara
    から(P); カラ
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (1) emptiness; being empty; (prefix) (2) not carrying anything; unburdened; empty-handed; (prefix) (3) dishonoured (bill, promise, etc.); false; no-show (reservation); put-on (cheeriness, courage, etc.); empty (compliments); insincere


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kōng shǒu
    kong1 shou3
k`ung shou
    kung shou

More info & calligraphy:

empty-handed; unarmed; (painting, embroidery etc) without following a model; (abbr. for 空手道[kong1 shou3 dao4]) karate
(1) karate; (2) empty handed; (surname) Sorate


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 kokuu / koku

More info & calligraphy:

Nothingness / Empty / Void
empty space; empty sky; (given name) Kokuu



see styles
xū kōng
    xu1 kong1
hsü k`ung
    hsü kung

More info & calligraphy:

Nothingness / Empty / Void
void; hollow; empty
śūnya; empty, void, space; ākāśa, in the sense of space, or the ether; gagana, the sky, atmosphere, heaven; kha, space, sky, ether, 虛 is defined as that which is without shape or substantiality, 空 as that which has no resistance. The immaterial universe behind all phenomena.

see styles
to use up; to exhaust; empty

see styles

emptiness; void; abstract theory or guiding principles; empty or unoccupied; diffident or timid; false; humble or modest; (of health) weak; virtual; in vain
śūnya. Empty, vacant; unreal, unsubstantial, untrue; space; humble; in vain.


see styles
sān kōng
    san1 kong1
san k`ung
    san kung
The three voids or immaterialities. The first set of three is (a) 空, (b) 無相, (c) 無願, v. 三三昧. The second, (a) 我空 , (b) 法空 , (c) 倶空 the self, things, all phenomena as "empty" or immaterial. The third relates to charity: (a) giver, (b) receiver, (c) gift, all are "empty".


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bù kōng
    bu4 kong1
pu k`ung
    pu kung
 fukuu / fuku
(given name, person) Fukuu
Amogha, Amoghavajra. 不空三藏; 智藏; 阿目佉跋折羅 Not empty (or not in vain) vajra. The famous head of the Yogācāra school in China. A Singhalese of northern brahmanic descent, having lost his father, he came at the age of 15 with his uncle to 東海, the eastern sea, or China, where in 718 he became a disciple of 金剛智 Vajrabodhi. After the latter's death in 732, and at his wish, Eliot says in 741, he went to India and Ceylon in search of esoteric or tantric writings, and returned in 746, when he baptized the emperor Xuan Tsung. He was especially noted for rain-making and stilling storms. In 749 he received permission to return home, but was stopped by imperial orders when in the south of China. In ?756 under Su Tsung he was recalled to the capital. His time until 771 was spent translating and editing tantric books in 120 volumes, and the Yogacara 密教 rose to its peak of prosperity. He died greatly honoured at 70 years of age, in 774, the twelfth year of Tai Tsung, the third emperor under whom he had served. The festival of feeding the hungry spirits 孟蘭勝會 is attributed to him. His titles of 智藏 and 不空三藏 are Thesaurus of Wisdom and Amogha Tripitaka.


see styles
jù kōng
    ju4 kong1
chü k`ung
    chü kung
Both or all empty, or unreal, i.e. both ego and things have no reality.


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fàng kōng
    fang4 kong1
fang k`ung
    fang kung
to relax completely; to empty one's mind; (finance) to sell short; (of a commercial vehicle) to travel empty (no cargo or passengers); to deadhead


see styles
(irregular okurigana usage) empty house; empty shop


see styles
(1) white cloth; (2) empty land; empty lot; (3) (archaism) respectable woman (as opposed to a prostitute); (place-name) Hakuchi


see styles
jiē kōng
    jie1 kong1
chieh k`ung
    chieh kung
All is empty and void.


see styles
(1) empty house; (2) empty nest; (3) (abbreviation) prowler; sneak thief; cat burglar


see styles
(irregular okurigana usage) empty house; empty shop


see styles
kōng guǒ
    kong1 guo3
k`ung kuo
    kung kuo
Empty fruit; also fruit of freedom from the illusion that things and the ego are real.


see styles
kōng kōng
    kong1 kong1
k`ung k`ung
    kung kung
empty; vacuous; nothing; vacant; in vain; all for nothing; air-to-air (missile)
(noun or adjectival noun) empty; vacant; void
Unreality of unreality. When all has been regarded as illusion, or unreal, the abstract idea of unreality itself must be destroyed.


see styles
kōng jù
    kong1 ju4
k`ung chü
    kung chü
(1) An empty abode or place. (2) The body as composed of the six skandhas, which is a temporary assemblage without underlying reality.


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kōng fù
    kong1 fu4
k`ung fu
    kung fu
 kuufuku / kufuku
an empty stomach
(n,adj-na,adj-no) (ant: 満腹・1) empty stomach; hunger


see styles
 kuusha(p); karaguruma / kusha(p); karaguruma
    くうしゃ(P); からぐるま
(1) (ant: 実車・1) empty conveyance; empty taxi; free taxi; (2) (くうしゃ only) (ant: 満車) having spaces available (of a parking lot)


see styles
sù shǒu
    su4 shou3
su shou
white hand; empty-handed
(noun - becomes adjective with の) bare hand; empty hand


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 kyomei / kyome
false reputation; empty title; empty name

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The following table may be helpful for those studying Chinese or Japanese...

Title CharactersRomaji (Romanized Japanese)Various forms of Romanized Chinese
kuu / kara / sora / ron
ku / kara / sora / ron
kōng / kong1 / kongk`ung / kung

muwú / wu2 / wu
kokuu / kokuxū kōng / xu1 kong1 / xu kong / xukonghsü k`ung / hsükung / hsü kung
kuu mu / kuumu / ku mukōng wú / kong1 wu2 / kong wu / kongwuk`ung wu / kungwu / kung wu
True Emptiness Yields Transcendent Existence眞空妙有shin kuu myou u
shin ku myo u
zhēn kōng miào yǒu
zhen1 kong1 miao4 you3
zhen kong miao you
chen k`ung miao yu
chen kung miao yu
In some entries above you will see that characters have different versions above and below a line.
In these cases, the characters above the line are Traditional Chinese, while the ones below are Simplified Chinese.


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All of our calligraphy wall scrolls are handmade.

When the calligrapher finishes creating your artwork, it is taken to my art mounting workshop in Beijing where a wall scroll is made by hand from a combination of silk, rice paper, and wood.
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A nice Chinese calligraphy wall scroll

The wall scroll that Sandy is holding in this picture is a "large size"
single-character wall scroll.
We also offer custom wall scrolls in small, medium, and an even-larger jumbo size.

A professional Chinese Calligrapher

Professional calligraphers are getting to be hard to find these days.
Instead of drawing characters by hand, the new generation in China merely type roman letters into their computer keyboards and pick the character that they want from a list that pops up.

There is some fear that true Chinese calligraphy may become a lost art in the coming years. Many art institutes in China are now promoting calligraphy programs in hopes of keeping this unique form of art alive.

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A high-ranked Chinese master calligrapher that I met in Zhongwei

The same calligrapher who gave me those lessons also attracted a crowd of thousands and a TV crew as he created characters over 6-feet high. He happens to be ranked as one of the top 100 calligraphers in all of China. He is also one of very few that would actually attempt such a feat.

Check out my lists of Japanese Kanji Calligraphy Wall Scrolls and Old Korean Hanja Calligraphy Wall Scrolls.

Some people may refer to this entry as Empty Kanji, Empty Characters, Empty in Mandarin Chinese, Empty Characters, Empty in Chinese Writing, Empty in Japanese Writing, Empty in Asian Writing, Empty Ideograms, Chinese Empty symbols, Empty Hieroglyphics, Empty Glyphs, Empty in Chinese Letters, Empty Hanzi, Empty in Japanese Kanji, Empty Pictograms, Empty in the Chinese Written-Language, or Empty in the Japanese Written-Language.

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