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Always and Forever in Chinese / Japanese...

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Eternity / Always and Forever

 yǒng yuǎn
Eternity / Always and Forever Scroll

永遠 is the Chinese, Korean and Japanese word for forever.

If we take this word apart, the first character means always, forever, or perpetual. While the second character means far or distant.

See Also:  Immortality

Eternity / Forever

Eternity / Forever Scroll

永 is the simplest form of eternity or “always and forever.”

永 can sometimes mean forever, always, perpetual, infinite, or “without end,” depending on context.

Note: Not often seen as a single Kanji in Japanese. Best if your audience is Chinese.

See Also:  Forever | Ever Lasting

Eternal / Eternity

 yǒng héng
Eternal / Eternity Scroll

永恆 is the Chinese word for eternity.

The first character means always, forever, and perpetual. The second character holds the meaning of permanent. Together, they create a word that means eternal, eternally, or infinite time.

See Also:  Immortality

From Here to Eternity

 cóng zhè lǐ dào yǒng héng
From Here to Eternity Scroll

從這里到永恆 is the translation of the phrase “From here to eternity” into Mandarin Chinese.

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Not the results for always and forever that you were looking for?

Below are some entries from our dictionary that may match your always and forever search...


If shown, 2nd row is Simp. Chinese

Simple Dictionary Definition

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Universe / Space
eternity; (geology) eon
(1) space; air; midair; (2) (See 空・そら・5) (from) memory; (by) heart; (male given name) Hiroshi

see styles

More info & calligraphy:

Eternity / Forever
forever; always; perpetual
(pref,suf) long; (adj-na,n,adj-no) eternity; perpetuity; immortality; (given name) Hisashi
Perpetual, eternal, everlasting (like the unceasing flow of water).


see styles
yǒng jiǔ
    yong3 jiu3
yung chiu

More info & calligraphy:

Eternal / Long-Lasting
everlasting; perpetual; lasting; forever; permanent
(n,adj-na,adj-no) (1) eternity; permanence; perpetuity; (2) (hist) Eikyū era (1113.7.13-1118.4.3); (female given name) Haruku



see styles
yǒng héng
    yong3 heng2
yung heng

More info & calligraphy:

Eternal / Eternity
eternal; everlasting; fig. to pass into eternity (i.e. to die)



see styles
yǒng yuǎn
    yong3 yuan3
yung yüan

More info & calligraphy:

Eternity / Always and Forever
forever; eternal
(n,adj-no,adj-na) eternity; perpetuity; permanence; immortality; (female given name) Mirai



see styles
wú qióng
    wu2 qiong2
wu ch`iung
    wu chiung
 mukyuu / mukyu
endless; boundless; inexhaustible
(noun or adjectival noun) eternity; infinitude; immortality



see styles
wú xiàn
    wu2 xian4
wu hsien
unlimited; unbounded
(1) infinity; infinitude; eternity; (adj-no,adj-na) (2) infinite; limitless; (given name) Mugen


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 ichijitsusenshuu; ichinichisenshuu / ichijitsusenshu; ichinichisenshu
    いちじつせんしゅう; いちにちせんしゅう

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One Day Seems Like 1000 Years
(yoji) (waiting) impatiently; (spending) many a weary day; each moment seeming like an eternity


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 mansei / manse
(n,adv) all ages; eternity; (place-name) Mansei


see styles
(n-adv,n-t) thousands of years; eternity; all generations; (surname) Yorozuyo


see styles
 mangou / mango
eternity; (place-name) Mangou


see styles
(n,adv) perpetuity; eternity; (female given name) Mako


see styles
(1) ten thousand years; (2) eternity; (place-name, surname) Mannen


see styles
(1) (abbreviation) (See 万葉集) Man'yōshū (8th century anthology of Japanese poetry); (2) (archaism) thousands of leaves; (3) (archaism) thousands of years; all ages; eternity; (female given name) Mitsuyo


see styles
(archaism) the present (esp. as a privileged moment in eternity); (surname) Nakaima



see styles
jiǔ yuǎn
    jiu3 yuan3
chiu yüan
old; ancient; far away
(noun - becomes adjective with の) eternity; (surname) Hisatoo
very long time



see styles
wǔ shí
    wu3 shi2
wu shih
(五時教) The five periods or divisions of Śākyamuni's teaching. According to Tiantai they are (1) 華嚴時 the Avataṃsaka or first period in three divisions each of seven days, after his enlightenment, when he preached the content, of this sutra; (2) 鹿苑時 the twelve years of his preaching the Āgamas 阿含 in the Deer Park; (3) 方等時 the eight years of preaching Mahāyāna-cum-Hīnayāna doctrines, the vaipulya period; (4) 般若時 the twenty-two years of his preaching the prajñā or wisdom sutras; (5) 法華涅槃時 the eight years of his preaching the Lotus Sutra and, in a day and a night, the Nirvana Sutra. According to the Nirvana School (now part of the Tiantai) they are (1) 三乘別教 the period when the differentiated teaching began and the distinction of the three vehicles, as represented by the 四諦 Four Noble Truths for śrāvakas, the 十二因緣 Twelve Nidānas for pratyekabuddhas, and the 六度 Six Pāramitās for bodhisattvas; (2) 三乘通教 the teaching common to all three vehicles, as seen in the 般若經; (3) 抑揚教 the teaching of the 維摩經, the 思益梵天所問經, and other sutras olling the bodhisattva teaching at the expense of that for śrāvakas; (4) 同歸教 the common objective teaching calling all three vehicles, through the Lotus, to union in the one vehicle; (5) 常住教 the teaehmg of eternal life i. e. the revelation through the Nirvana sutra of the eternity of Buddhahood; these five are also called 有相; 無相; 抑揚; 曾三歸—; and 圓常. According to 劉虬 Liu Chiu of the 晉 Chin dynasty, the teaching is divided into 頓 immediate and 漸 gradual attainment, the latter having five divisions called 五時教 similar to those of the Tiantai group. According to 法寶 Fabao of the Tang dynasty the five are (1) 小乘; (2) 般着 or 大乘; (3) 深密 or 三乘; (4) 法華 or 一乘; (5) 涅槃 or 佛性教.


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bā mí
    ba1 mi2
pa mi
The eight misleading terms, which form the basis of the logic of the 中論, i.e. 生 birth, 滅 death, 去 past, 來 future, 一 identity, 異 difference, 斷 annihilation, 常 perpetuity (or eternity). The 三論宗 regards these as unreal; v. 八不中道.


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shí miào
    shi2 miao4
shih miao
The ten wonders, or incomprehensibles; there are two groups, the 迹v traceable or manifested and 本門妙 the fundamental. The 迹門十妙 are the wonder of: (1) 境妙 the universe, sphere, or whole, embracing mind, Buddha, and all things as a unity; (2) 智妙 a Buddha's all-embracing knowledge arising from such universe; (3) 行妙 his deeds, expressive of his wisdom; (4) 位妙 his attainment of all the various Buddha stages, i.e. 十住 and十地; (5) 三法妙 his three laws of 理, 慧, and truth, wisdom, and vision; (6) 感應妙 his response to appeal, i.e. his (spiritual) response or relation to humanity, for "all beings are my children"; (7) 神通妙 his supernatural powers; (8) 說法妙 his preaching; (9) 眷屬妙 his supernatural retinue; (10) 利益妙 the blessings derived through universal elevation into Buddhahood. The 本門十妙 are the wonder of (1) 本因妙 the initial impulse or causative stage of Buddhahood; (2) 本果妙 its fruit or result in eternity, joy, and purity; (3) 國土妙 his (Buddha) realm; (4) 感應妙 his response (to human needs); (5) 神通妙 his supernatural powers; (6) 說法妙 his preaching; (7) 眷屬妙 his supernatural retinue; (8) 涅槃妙 his nirvāṇa; (9) 壽命妙 his (eternal) life; (10) his blessings as above. Both groups are further defined as progressive stages in a Buddha's career. These "wonders" are derived from the Lotus sūtra.


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qiān gǔ
    qian1 gu3
ch`ien ku
    chien ku
for all eternity; throughout all ages; eternity (used in an elegiac couplet, wreath etc dedicated to the dead)
(n,adv) all ages; great antiquity; eternity; (given name) Chifuru
great antiquity


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sì dé
    si4 de2
ssu te
four Confucian injunctions 孝悌忠信 (for men), namely: piety 孝 to one's parents, respect 悌 to one's older brother, loyalty 忠 to one's monarch, faith 信 to one's male friends; the four Confucian virtues for women of morality 德[de2], physical charm 容, propriety in speech 言 and efficiency in needlework 功
The four nirvana virtues, or values, according to the Mahāyāna Nirvana Sutra: (1) 常德 permanence or eternity; (2) 樂德 joy; (3) 我德 personality or the soul; (4) 淨德 purity. These four important terms, while denied in the lower realms, are affirmed by the sutra in the transcendental, or nirvana-realm.


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shān jīn
    shan1 jin1
shan chin
The weight of a mountain, or of Sumeru— may be more readily ascertained than the eternity of the Buddha.


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cháng zhù
    chang2 zhu4
ch`ang chu
    chang chu
long-term resident; permanent residence; eternalism (permanence of soul, Sanskrit Sassatavada)
(adverb) (1) always; constantly; eternally; (n,vs,vi) (2) {Buddh} (orig. meaning) (ant: 無常) constancy; eternity; (n,vs,vi) (3) permanent residence; (surname) Tokosumi
Permanent, always abiding, eternal.


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cháng dào
    chang2 dao4
ch`ang tao
    chang tao
normal and proper practice; conventional practice; common occurrence
normal practice; proper practice; (surname, given name) Tsunemichi
Eternal Tao; the way of eternity; regular ways, the regulation path.


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xīn mìng
    xin1 ming4
hsin ming
Mind life, i. e. the life, longevity, or eternity of the dharmakāya or spiritual body, that of mind; also 慧命. v. 智度論 78.



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shù lùn
    shu4 lun4
shu lun
number theory (math.)
The śāstras of the Sarvāstivādins; also Kaplila, called數論外道; 數論師 founder of the Sāṅkhyā philosophy; v. 僧伽, 劫, and 迦. It is an attempt to place all concepts in twenty-five categories, with puruṣa at the head and the others in ordered progress. Inter alia it also teaches 'the eternity and multiplicity of souls' (Eitel). Vasubandhu wrote in criticism of the system.


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mò dài
    mo4 dai4
mo tai
final generation
all ages to come; all generations; eternity; (female given name) Matsuyo
latter age


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(adj-na,n,adj-no) eternity; perpetuity; immortality


see styles
yǒng shì
    yong3 shi4
yung shih
eternal; forever
eternity; perpetuity; immortality; permanence; (surname) Nagayo


see styles
permanence; eternity; (personal name) Hisayo

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The following table may be helpful for those studying Chinese or Japanese...

Title CharactersRomaji (Romanized Japanese)Various forms of Romanized Chinese
Always and Forever
ei-enyǒng yuǎn
yong3 yuan3
yong yuan
yung yüan
eiyǒng / yong3 / yongyung
yǒng héng
yong3 heng2
yong heng
yung heng
From Here to Eternity從這里到永恆
cóng zhè lǐ dào yǒng héng
cong2 zhe4 li3 dao4 yong3 heng2
cong zhe li dao yong heng
ts`ung che li tao yung heng
tsung che li tao yung heng
In some entries above you will see that characters have different versions above and below a line.
In these cases, the characters above the line are Traditional Chinese, while the ones below are Simplified Chinese.


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All of our calligraphy wall scrolls are handmade.

When the calligrapher finishes creating your artwork, it is taken to my art mounting workshop in Beijing where a wall scroll is made by hand from a combination of silk, rice paper, and wood.
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A nice Chinese calligraphy wall scroll

The wall scroll that Sandy is holding in this picture is a "large size"
single-character wall scroll.
We also offer custom wall scrolls in small, medium, and an even-larger jumbo size.

A professional Chinese Calligrapher

Professional calligraphers are getting to be hard to find these days.
Instead of drawing characters by hand, the new generation in China merely type roman letters into their computer keyboards and pick the character that they want from a list that pops up.

There is some fear that true Chinese calligraphy may become a lost art in the coming years. Many art institutes in China are now promoting calligraphy programs in hopes of keeping this unique form of art alive.

Trying to learn Chinese calligrapher - a futile effort

Even with the teachings of a top-ranked calligrapher in China, my calligraphy will never be good enough to sell. I will leave that to the experts.

A high-ranked Chinese master calligrapher that I met in Zhongwei

The same calligrapher who gave me those lessons also attracted a crowd of thousands and a TV crew as he created characters over 6-feet high. He happens to be ranked as one of the top 100 calligraphers in all of China. He is also one of very few that would actually attempt such a feat.

Check out my lists of Japanese Kanji Calligraphy Wall Scrolls and Old Korean Hanja Calligraphy Wall Scrolls.

Some people may refer to this entry as Always and Forever Kanji, Always and Forever Characters, Always and Forever in Mandarin Chinese, Always and Forever Characters, Always and Forever in Chinese Writing, Always and Forever in Japanese Writing, Always and Forever in Asian Writing, Always and Forever Ideograms, Chinese Always and Forever symbols, Always and Forever Hieroglyphics, Always and Forever Glyphs, Always and Forever in Chinese Letters, Always and Forever Hanzi, Always and Forever in Japanese Kanji, Always and Forever Pictograms, Always and Forever in the Chinese Written-Language, or Always and Forever in the Japanese Written-Language.

86 people have searched for Always and Forever in Chinese or Japanese in the past year.
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