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Prince in Chinese / Japanese...

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 wáng zǐ
 ou ji
Prince Scroll

王子 is prince in Chinese characters and Japanese Kanji.

If you look at the meaning of each character, the first means king, and the second means son (or child). Thus, “King's Son,” “Son of the King,” or “King's Child” is the literal meaning of this title.

Adoring Love

 ài mù
 ai bou
Adoring Love Scroll

愛慕 means “adoring love” in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean.

I suppose this is the best kind of love to have. 愛慕 has the common character for love. But the second character modifies and reinforces the meaning to become adore, adoring love, or to love and adore.

Ancient Chinese warning:
Adoring someone is fine until you are in the shoes of the Prince of the Kingdom of Wu. This Prince adored a certain beautiful woman (Xi Shi) so much that he neglected his duties and soon let the kingdom fall into ruins.

Shakyamuni / The Buddha

 shì jiā móu ní
 sha ka mu ni
Shakyamuni / The Buddha Scroll

釋迦牟尼 is a transliteration of “Shakyamuni” or “Sakyamuni” in Chinese, Japanese, and old Korean.

The perceived meaning of the name is roughly translated as “Sage of the Sakyas.”
This same Buddha is also known as “Siddhartha Gautama,” “Gotama Buddha,” “Tathagata,” or simply, “The Supreme Buddha.”

Shakyamuni is the legendary man and prince who eventually established the Buddhist religion.

Note: Occasionally Romanized as “Siddhattha Gotama.”

This combination of characters is sometimes seen and used in South Korea and Japan as well (with the same meaning).

Note: 釋迦牟尼 came from the Sanskrit शाक्यमुनि and can also be romanized with diuretics as Śākyamuni.

 sān rén chéng hǔ
Tiger Rumor Scroll

These four characters together relay the meaning that can be expressed in English as “When three people say there's a tiger running in the street, you believe it.”

Of course, there is an ancient story behind this idiom...

三人成虎 is actually a proverb that resulted from a conversation that occurred around 300 B.C.

The conversation was between the king of the Wei kingdom and one of the king's ministers named Pang Cong.

It was near the end of one of many wars, this time with the Zhao kingdom. Pang Cong was to be sent by the king to the Zhao kingdom with the king's son, who was to be held hostage. It was common at the time for a king to make his son a hostage to secure stable peace between warring kingdoms.

Before minister Pang Cong departed, he asked his king, “If one person told you a tiger was running in the street, would you believe it?.”

“No,” the king said.

The minister continued, “What if two people told you?”

The king replied, “Well, I would have my doubts but I might believe it.”

The minister continued, “So, what if three people told you that a tiger is running in the streets?”

The king replied, “Yes, I would believe it. It must be true if three people say it.”

The minister then reminded the king, “Your son and I are now traveling far away to live in the distant Zhao kingdom - much farther from your palace than the street. Rumors may fly about me in my absence, so I hope your majesty will weight such rumors appropriately.”

The king replied, “I have every trust in you, do not worry”

While the minister was gone, the king's enemies gossiped about minister Pang Cong on many occasions. At first, the king thought nothing of these comments and rumors. But slowly, as the rumors mounted, the king began to suspect ill of his minister.

Sometime later, when peace was well-established, the minister and prince were freed and returned to the kingdom of Wei. The king received his son BUT DID NOT EVEN SUMMON MINISTER PANG CONG TO THE PALACE!

Hopefully, this story will help you see how dangerous words can be when used to promote rumors or create ill will. And perhaps will inspire you not to believe everything you hear.

There is also a secondary suggestion in this idiom that gossip is as ferocious as a tiger. Some Chinese people who don't know the ancient story above may believe that this scroll means that rumors are as vicious as three tigers.

Note: This proverb appears in my Korean dictionary but is not well-known in Korea.

Warrior Within

 wǔ zhě zhī xīn
Warrior Within Scroll

武者之心 means “Warrior Within” from the Chinese video game title, “Prince of Persia: Warrior Within.”

This more literally means “warrior or the heart” or “warrior of the soul/mind.”

Not the results for prince that you were looking for?

Below are some entries from our dictionary that may match your prince search...


If shown, 2nd row is Simp. Chinese

Simple Dictionary Definition

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monarch; lord; gentleman; ruler
(suffix) (1) (after the name of a male of equal or lower status) Mr; master; boy; (suffix) (2) (after the name of a female of lower status; used by males in formal settings) Ms; miss; (suffix) (3) (archaism) (still used among members of the Japanese Diet) sir; madam; (personal name) Kunji
Prince, noble, ideal man or woman; translit. kun.

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(literary) (of a monarch) to reign over (a kingdom)
(n,n-suf) (1) king; ruler; sovereign; monarch; (n,n-suf) (2) tycoon; magnate; champion; master; (n,n-suf) (3) (abbreviation) {shogi} (See 王将・おうしょう・1) king (of the senior player); (surname) Wan
rāja, king, prince, royal; to rule.


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wáng zǐ
    wang2 zi3
wang tzu

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prince; son of a king
(1) prince; (2) subordinate Kumano shrine; (female given name) Kimiko


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prince; (personal name) Prince; Prins

see styles

(bound form) instructor; (literary) to instruct; to attach; to apply (makeup etc)
(archaism) instructor; tutor (to a prince); (surname) Fu
To superintend, teach; a tutor; to paint; a function; annex.

see styles
public; collectively owned; common; international (e.g. high seas, metric system, calendar); make public; fair; just; Duke, highest of five orders of nobility 五等爵位[wu3 deng3 jue2 wei4]; honorable (gentlemen); father-in-law; male (animal)
(1) (See 私) public affair; government matter; the state; the government; the public; (n,n-suf) (2) duke; prince; (suffix) (3) (after the name of a high-ranking person) Sir; Lord; (suffix) (4) (after a person, animal, etc.) familiar or derogatory suffix; (given name) Hiromu
Public, general, official; a duke, grandparent, gentleman; just, fair.

see styles
palace; temple; castration (as corporal punishment); first note in pentatonic scale
(1) shrine; (2) palace; imperial residence; (3) (honorific or respectful language) Imperial prince; Imperial princess; (4) headboard with built-in shelves, drawers, etc.; (5) (archaism) temple; (surname) Miyataka
A palace, mansion; a eunuch.

see styles

god of the earth
To revere, venerate; only; translit. j in 祇園精舍; 祇樹給孤獨園 The vihāra and garden Jetavana, bought by Anāthapiṇḍaka from prince Jeta and given to Śākyamuni.; The Earth-Spirit; repose; vast; translit. j, g.

see styles
 kou / ko
death of a prince; swarming
death (of a nobleman, etc.)

see styles

penal law; variant of 闢|辟[pi4]
false; punish; crime; law; ruler
A prince, sovereign, lord; split; punish, repress; perverse; toady; quiet.

see styles

prince consort


see styles
sān guāng
    san1 guang1
san kuang
the sun, the moon, and the stars
(1) (poetic term) the Sun, the Moon and the stars; (2) {hanaf} three 20-point cards (high-scoring meld); (personal name) Miteru
(三光天) Sun, moon, and stars. Also, in the second dhyāna of the form-world there are the two deva regions 少光天, 無量光天, and 光音天q.v. Also 觀音 Avalokiteśvara is styled 日天子sun-prince, or divine son of the sun, 大勢至 Mahāsthāmaprapta is styled 月天子 divine son of the moon, and 虛空藏菩薩 the bodhisattva of the empyrean, is styled 明星天子 divine son of the bright stars.


see styles
shì zǐ
    shi4 zi3
shih tzu
crown prince; heir of a noble house
heir; successor; (female given name) Wakako


see styles
liǎo jiào
    liao3 jiao4
liao chiao
A noted disciple named Ajñāta-Kauṇḍinya, v. 阿, also known as拘鄰鄰,了本際 and 知本際. He is described as "a prince of Magadha, maternal uncle of Śākyamuni, whose first disciple he became". He is "to be reborn as Buddha under the name of Samanṭa-Prabhāsa". Eitel.


see styles
wǔ wèi
    wu3 wei4
wu wei
(1) fifth court rank; (2) (abbreviation) (See 五位鷺) black-crowned night heron (Nycticorax nycticorax); night heron; (3) {Buddh} five ranks; five stages; (place-name, surname) Goi
The five categories, or divisions; there are several groups, e. g. (1) Hīnayāna and Mahāyāna have groupings of all phenomena under five heads, i. e. Hīnayāna has 75 法 which are 11 色法, 1 心法, 46 心所法, 14 不相離法, and 3 無爲法; Mahāyāna has 100 法 which are 8 心, 51 心所, 11 色, 24 不相因, and 6 無爲法. (2) The five divisions of 唯識 are 資糧位, 加行位, 通達位, 修習位, and 究竟 or 佛位. (3) The five evolutions in the womb are: kalalaṃ, embryo-initiation; arbudaṃ, after 27 days; peśī, 37; ghana, 47; praśākha, 57 days when form and organs are all complete. (4) Certain combinations of the 八卦 Eight Diagrams are sometimes styled 五位君臣 five positions of prince and minister.


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(1) newly born imperial prince; (2) newly constructed (branch) shrine; (place-name, surname) Imamiya


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 ryouji; reishi / ryoji; reshi
    りょうじ; れいし
prince's message; command of a prince


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 jikou / jiko
(1) (hist) tutor to a daimyo, etc.; (2) (hist) tutor to the emperor or crown prince (Meiji period)


see styles
(person) Yamatotakeru (12th Emperor of Japan); Prince Yamatotakeru


see styles
noble's consort; consort of a prince; consort of a duke; duchess; princess; (female given name) Kimihi


see styles
gōng jué
    gong1 jue2
kung chüeh
 koushaku / koshaku
duke; dukedom
(See 五等爵) prince; duke



see styles
cè lì
    ce4 li4
ts`e li
    tse li
 sakuritsu; sakuryuu / sakuritsu; sakuryu
    さくりつ; さくりゅう
to confer a title on (an empress or a prince)
(noun, transitive verb) imperial investiture; installation


see styles
 maebou / maebo
former crown prince; the late crown prince; (surname) Maebou


see styles
shí zhù
    shi2 zhu4
shih chu
 jū jū
The ten stages, or periods, in bodhisattva-wisdom, prajñā 般若, are the 十住; the merits or character attained are the 十地 q.v. Two interpretations may be given. In the first of these, the first four stages are likened to entry into the holy womb, the next four to the period of gestation, the ninth to birth, and the tenth to the washing or baptism with the water of wisdom, e.g. the baptism of a Kṣatriya prince. The ten stages are (1) 發心住 the purposive stage, the mind set upon Buddhahood; (2) 治地住 clear understanding and mental control; (3) 修行住 unhampered liberty in every direction; (4) 生貴住 acquiring the Tathāgata nature or seed; (5) 方便具足住 perfect adaptability and resemblance in self-development and development of others; (6) 正心住 the whole mind becoming Buddha-like; (7) 不退住 no retrogression, perfect unity and constant progress; (8) 童眞住 as a Buddha-son now complete; (9) 法王子住 as prince of the law; (10) 灌頂住 baptism as such, e.g. the consecration of kings. Another interpretation of the above is: (1) spiritual resolve, stage of śrota-āpanna; (2) submission to rule, preparation for Sakṛdāgāmin stage; (3) cultivation of virtue, attainment of Sakṛdāgāmin stage; (4) noble birth, preparation for the anāgāmin stage; (5) perfect means, attainment of anāgāmin stage; (6) right mind, preparation for arhatship; (7) no-retrogradation, the attainment of arhatship; (8) immortal youth, pratyekabuddhahood; (9) son of the law-king, the conception of bodhisattvahood; (10) baptism as the summit of attainment, the conception of Buddhahood.



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shí lái
    shi2 lai2
shih lai
(female given name) Torai
(十來偈) The ten rhymes in "lai", a verse which expresses the Buddhist doctrine of moral determinism, i.e. that the position anyone now occupies is solely the result of his character in past lives; heredity and environment having nothing to do with his present condition, for, whether in prince or beggar, it is the reward of past deeds. The upright from the forbearing come,
The poor from the mean and greedy come,
Those of high rank from worshippers come,
The low and common from the Prideful come,
Those who are dumb from slanderers come,
The blind and deaf from unbelievers come,
The long-lived from the merciful come,
The short-lived from life, takers come,
The deficient in faculties from command-breakers come,
The complete in faculties from command-keepers come.


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kè hán
    ke4 han2
k`o han
    ko han
 kagan; kakan
    かがん; かかん
khan (loanword)
(from "khaghan") (See ハン) khan
khan. A Turkish term for 'prince'.


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visit by the empress or the crown prince


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inspection by the empress or the crown prince



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guó wáng
    guo2 wang2
kuo wang
A king, prince, i. e. one who has attained to his present high estate consequent on keeping all the ten commandments in a previous incarnation; and being protected by devas 天, he is called 天子 deva son, or Son of Heaven.



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dàn á
    dan4 a2
tan a
sudana, 須達拏, 須大拏, 蘇達拏 ; i.e. Sakyamuni as a prince in a former life, when he forfeited the throne by his generosity.

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The following table may be helpful for those studying Chinese or Japanese...

Title CharactersRomaji (Romanized Japanese)Various forms of Romanized Chinese
Prince王子ou ji / ouji / o jiwáng zǐ / wang2 zi3 / wang zi / wangziwang tzu / wangtzu
Adoring Love愛慕
ai bou / aibou / ai boài mù / ai4 mu4 / ai mu / aimu
The Buddha
sha ka mu ni
shì jiā móu ní
shi4 jia1 mou2 ni2
shi jia mou ni
shih chia mou ni
Tiger Rumor三人成虎sān rén chéng hǔ
san1 ren2 cheng2 hu3
san ren cheng hu
san jen ch`eng hu
san jen cheng hu
Warrior Within武者之心wǔ zhě zhī xīn
wu3 zhe3 zhi1 xin1
wu zhe zhi xin
wu che chih hsin
In some entries above you will see that characters have different versions above and below a line.
In these cases, the characters above the line are Traditional Chinese, while the ones below are Simplified Chinese.


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A nice Chinese calligraphy wall scroll

The wall scroll that Sandy is holding in this picture is a "large size"
single-character wall scroll.
We also offer custom wall scrolls in small, medium, and an even-larger jumbo size.

A professional Chinese Calligrapher

Professional calligraphers are getting to be hard to find these days.
Instead of drawing characters by hand, the new generation in China merely type roman letters into their computer keyboards and pick the character that they want from a list that pops up.

There is some fear that true Chinese calligraphy may become a lost art in the coming years. Many art institutes in China are now promoting calligraphy programs in hopes of keeping this unique form of art alive.

Trying to learn Chinese calligrapher - a futile effort

Even with the teachings of a top-ranked calligrapher in China, my calligraphy will never be good enough to sell. I will leave that to the experts.

A high-ranked Chinese master calligrapher that I met in Zhongwei

The same calligrapher who gave me those lessons also attracted a crowd of thousands and a TV crew as he created characters over 6-feet high. He happens to be ranked as one of the top 100 calligraphers in all of China. He is also one of very few that would actually attempt such a feat.

Check out my lists of Japanese Kanji Calligraphy Wall Scrolls and Old Korean Hanja Calligraphy Wall Scrolls.

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