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Metal in Chinese / Japanese...

Buy a Metal calligraphy wall scroll here!

Personalize your custom “Metal” project by clicking the button next to your favorite “Metal” title below...

  1. Gold / Metal

  2. Golden/Metal Dragon

  3. Golden/Metal Tiger

  4. Golden/Metal Rabbit

  5. Golden/Metal Rat

  6. Golden/Metal Ox/Bull

  7. Golden/Metal Dog

  8. Golden/Metal Pig/Boar

  9. Golden/Metal Monkey

10. Golden/Metal Rooster

11. Golden/Metal Horse

12. Golden/Metal Goat/Sheep

13. Golden/Metal Snake

14. Five Elements

Gold / Metal

(One of the five elements)

Gold / Metal Scroll

金 is the symbol for metal (often means gold or money) in Chinese, Korean and Japanese.

In an interesting twist, in Japanese, this Kanji can also mean “Friday.” I guess Friday is “the golden day” in Japan.

Gold / Metal is one of the five elements that ancient Chinese believed all things were composed of. These elements are also part of the cycle of Chinese astrology. Every person has both an animal sign, and one of the five elements according to the date of their birth. See also Five Elements and Chinese 12 Animals / Zodiac.

Golden/Metal Dragon

The Year of the Golden/Metal Dragon

 jīn lóng
Golden/Metal Dragon Scroll

金龍 is Golden/Metal Dragon in Chinese.

In the Chinese zodiac and sexagenary (60-year) cycle, this combination occurs in years that include 1880, 1940, 2000, and 2060.

In the sexagenary cycle, this year is represented by 庚辰.

See Also:  Dragon

Golden/Metal Tiger

The Year of the Golden/Metal Tiger

 jīn hǔ
Golden/Metal Tiger Scroll

金虎 is Golden/Metal Tiger in Chinese.

In the Chinese zodiac and sexagenary (60-year) cycle, this combination occurs in years that include 1890, 1950, 2010, and 2070.

In the sexagenary cycle, this year is represented by 庚寅.

See Also:  Tiger

Golden/Metal Rabbit

The Year of the Golden/Metal Rabbit

 jīn tù
Golden/Metal Rabbit Scroll

金兔 is Golden/Metal Rabbit in Chinese.

In the Chinese zodiac and sexagenary (60-year) cycle, this combination occurs in years that include 1891, 1951, 2011, and 2071.

In the sexagenary cycle, this year is represented by 辛卯.

See Also:  Rabbit

Golden/Metal Rat

The Year of the Golden/Metal Rat

 jīn shǔ
Golden/Metal Rat Scroll

金鼠 is Golden/Metal Rat in Chinese.

In the Chinese zodiac and sexagenary (60-year) cycle, this combination occurs in years that include 1900, 1960, 2020, and 2080.

In the sexagenary cycle, this year is represented by 庚子.

See Also:  Rat

Golden/Metal Ox/Bull

The Year of the Golden/Metal Ox/Bull

 jīn niú
Golden/Metal Ox/Bull Scroll

金牛 is Golden/Metal Ox/Bull in Chinese.

In the Chinese zodiac and sexagenary (60-year) cycle, this combination occurs in years that include 1901, 1961, 2021, and 2081.

In the sexagenary cycle, this year is represented by 辛丑.

See Also:  Ox/Bull

Golden/Metal Dog

The Year of the Golden/Metal Dog

 jīn gǒu
Golden/Metal Dog Scroll

金狗 is Golden/Metal Dog in Chinese.

In the Chinese zodiac and sexagenary (60-year) cycle, this combination occurs in years that include 1910, 1970, 2030, and 2090.

In the sexagenary cycle, this year is represented by 庚戌.

See Also:  Dog

Golden/Metal Pig/Boar

The Year of the Golden/Metal Pig/Boar

 jīn zhū
Golden/Metal Pig/Boar Scroll

金豬 is Golden/Metal Pig/Boar in Chinese.

In the Chinese zodiac and sexagenary (60-year) cycle, this combination occurs in years that include 1911, 1971, 2031, and 2091.

In the sexagenary cycle, this year is represented by 辛亥.

See Also:  Pig/Boar

Golden/Metal Monkey

The Year of the Golden/Metal Monkey

 jīn hóu
Golden/Metal Monkey Scroll

金猴 is Golden/Metal Monkey in Chinese.

In the Chinese zodiac and sexagenary (60-year) cycle, this combination occurs in years that include 1920, 1980, 2040, and 2100.

In the sexagenary cycle, this year is represented by 庚申.

See Also:  Monkey

Golden/Metal Rooster

The Year of the Golden/Metal Rooster

 jīn jī
Golden/Metal Rooster Scroll

金雞 is Golden/Metal Rooster in Chinese.

In the Chinese zodiac and sexagenary (60-year) cycle, this combination occurs in years that include 1921, 1981, 2041, and 2101.

In the sexagenary cycle, this year is represented by 辛酉.

See Also:  Rooster

Golden/Metal Horse

The Year of the Golden/Metal Horse

 jīn mǎ
Golden/Metal Horse Scroll

金馬 is Golden/Metal Horse in Chinese.

In the Chinese zodiac and sexagenary (60-year) cycle, this combination occurs in years that include 1870, 1930, 1990, and 2050.

In the sexagenary cycle, this year is represented by 庚午.

See Also:  Horse

Golden/Metal Goat/Sheep

The Year of the Golden/Metal Goat/Sheep

 jīn yáng
Golden/Metal Goat/Sheep Scroll

金羊 is Golden/Metal Goat/Sheep in Chinese.

In the Chinese zodiac and sexagenary (60-year) cycle, this combination occurs in years that include 1871, 1931, 1991, and 2051.

In the sexagenary cycle, this year is represented by 辛未.

See Also:  Goat/Sheep

Golden/Metal Snake

The Year of the Gold Snake

 jīn shé
Golden/Metal Snake Scroll

金蛇 is Golden/Metal Snake in Chinese.

In the Chinese zodiac and sexagenary (60-year) cycle, this combination occurs in years that include 1881, 1941, 2001, and 2061.

In the sexagenary cycle, this year is represented by 辛巳.

See Also:  Snake

Five Elements

 jīn mù shuǐ huǒ tǔ
Five Elements Scroll

金木水火土 is a list of the Chinese characters for the five elements in a comfortable order (meaning that they “feel right” to a Chinese person who views this arrangement).

The order is metal, wood, water, fire, and earth.

Note that sometimes the metal element is translated as gold. And earth refers to soil versus the whole planet earth.

Five Elements

 wǔ xíng
Five Elements Scroll

五行 is the title of the five elements: wood, fire, water, earth, and metal.

The first character means five, and the second character is simply element(s).

According to ancient Chinese science, all matter in the world is comprised of these elements. One idea presented with the five elements is that when energy is added, the matter is believed to expand. When energy is removed, matter contracts. Oddly, this concept is not far from Einstein's theories and modern science. Just a few thousand years before Einstein.

More info: Wikipedia - Five Elements (Wu Xing).

See Also:  Wood | Fire | Water | Earth | Five Elements

The following table may be helpful for those studying Chinese or Japanese...

Title CharactersRomaji (Romanized Japanese)Various forms of Romanized Chinese
kinjīn / jin1 / jinchin
Golden/Metal Dragon金龍
jīn lóng / jin1 long2 / jin long / jinlongchin lung / chinlung
Golden/Metal Tiger金虎jīn hǔ / jin1 hu3 / jin hu / jinhuchin hu / chinhu
Golden/Metal Rabbit金兔jīn tù / jin1 tu4 / jin tu / jintuchin t`u / chintu / chin tu
Golden/Metal Rat金鼠jīn shǔ / jin1 shu3 / jin shu / jinshuchin shu / chinshu
Golden/Metal Ox/Bull金牛jīn niú / jin1 niu2 / jin niu / jinniuchin niu / chinniu
Golden/Metal Dog金狗jīn gǒu / jin1 gou3 / jin gou / jingouchin kou / chinkou
Golden/Metal Pig/Boar金豬
jīn zhū / jin1 zhu1 / jin zhu / jinzhuchin chu / chinchu
Golden/Metal Monkey金猴jīn hóu / jin1 hou2 / jin hou / jinhouchin hou / chinhou
Golden/Metal Rooster金雞
jīn jī / jin1 ji1 / jin ji / jinjichin chi / chinchi
Golden/Metal Horse金馬
jīn mǎ / jin1 ma3 / jin ma / jinmachin ma / chinma
Golden/Metal Goat/Sheep金羊jīn yáng / jin1 yang2 / jin yang / jinyangchin yang / chinyang
Golden/Metal Snake金蛇jīn shé / jin1 she2 / jin she / jinshechin she / chinshe
Five Elements金木水火土jīn mù shuǐ huǒ tǔ
jin1 mu4 shui3 huo3 tu3
jin mu shui huo tu
chin mu shui huo t`u
chin mu shui huo tu
Five Elements五行gogyou / gogyowǔ xíng / wu3 xing2 / wu xing / wuxingwu hsing / wuhsing
In some entries above you will see that characters have different versions above and below a line.
In these cases, the characters above the line are Traditional Chinese, while the ones below are Simplified Chinese.


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All of our calligraphy wall scrolls are handmade.

When the calligrapher finishes creating your artwork, it is taken to my art mounting workshop in Beijing where a wall scroll is made by hand from a combination of silk, rice paper, and wood.
After we create your wall scroll, it takes at least two weeks for air mail delivery from Beijing to you.

Allow a few weeks for delivery. Rush service speeds it up by a week or two for $10!

When you select your calligraphy, you'll be taken to another page where you can choose various custom options.

A nice Chinese calligraphy wall scroll

The wall scroll that Sandy is holding in this picture is a "large size"
single-character wall scroll.
We also offer custom wall scrolls in small, medium, and an even-larger jumbo size.

A professional Chinese Calligrapher

Professional calligraphers are getting to be hard to find these days.
Instead of drawing characters by hand, the new generation in China merely type roman letters into their computer keyboards and pick the character that they want from a list that pops up.

There is some fear that true Chinese calligraphy may become a lost art in the coming years. Many art institutes in China are now promoting calligraphy programs in hopes of keeping this unique form of art alive.

Trying to learn Chinese calligrapher - a futile effort

Even with the teachings of a top-ranked calligrapher in China, my calligraphy will never be good enough to sell. I will leave that to the experts.

A high-ranked Chinese master calligrapher that I met in Zhongwei

The same calligrapher who gave me those lessons also attracted a crowd of thousands and a TV crew as he created characters over 6-feet high. He happens to be ranked as one of the top 100 calligraphers in all of China. He is also one of very few that would actually attempt such a feat.

Check out my lists of Japanese Kanji Calligraphy Wall Scrolls and Old Korean Hanja Calligraphy Wall Scrolls.

Some people may refer to this entry as Metal Kanji, Metal Characters, Metal in Mandarin Chinese, Metal Characters, Metal in Chinese Writing, Metal in Japanese Writing, Metal in Asian Writing, Metal Ideograms, Chinese Metal symbols, Metal Hieroglyphics, Metal Glyphs, Metal in Chinese Letters, Metal Hanzi, Metal in Japanese Kanji, Metal Pictograms, Metal in the Chinese Written-Language, or Metal in the Japanese Written-Language.

75 people have searched for Metal in Chinese or Japanese in the past year.
Metal was last searched for by someone else on Mar 25th, 2025