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If you want a special phrase, word, title, name, or proverb, feel free to contact me, and I will translate your custom calligraphy idea for you.
1. Optimism / Happy With Your Fate
3. Alone with only your shadow for company
5. You are always a beauty in your lover’s eyes
6. If you cannot bite, do not show your teeth
8. Devotion to your Profession / Career
9. Opportunity Knocks Only Once
10. Realize Your Ambitions / Embrace Your Ambition
11. Keep Your Feet on the Ground
12. Shadow of Karma / Dogged by Karma
13. Karma
14. Know Your Enemy, Know Yourself, and You Cannot Lose
15. Know Your Enemy, Know Yourself, and Win 100 Battles
17. Learn From Your Predecessors
18. Listen to Your Heart / Follow Your Heart
21. Love Your Children, But Discipline Them Too
23. Never Forget Your First Resolution
24. Fear not long roads; Fear only short ambition
26. An Open Book Benefits Your Mind
27. Opportunity Knocks Only Once
28. The Pain of Separation from Your Loves
29. Appreciation and Love for Your Parents
30. Better to sacrifice your life than your principles
31. Realize Your Ambitions / Ride on the Crest of Success
33. If you love your child, send them out into the world
34. Shadow
35. Shadow Warrior
36. Not Only Can Water Float A Boat, It Can Sink It Also
37. Only the sleepless know the length of night
38. With all the strength of your heart
39. Sun Tzu: Regard Your Soldiers as Children
40. Trust Your Heart
41. The two most important days in your life...
樂天 is about being optimistic and also making the best of whatever life throws at you.
This is hard to define. One dictionary defines this as “acceptance of fate and happy about it.” There is one English word equivalent, which is sanguinity or sanguinary.
You can also say that this means “Be happy with whatever Heaven provides,” or “Find happiness in whatever fate Heaven bestows upon you.” 樂天 suggests being an optimist in life.
Note: This is sometimes a given name in China.
Please note that Japanese tend to write the first character in a slightly-different form (as seen to the right). Let us know if you have a preference when you place your order.
獨自 is a Japanese word that means “alone” in the context of a person by himself/herself.
This can be translated as individual, solo, on one's own, or by oneself.
See Also: I Miss You
煢煢孑立形影相吊 is a Chinese proverb about the state of being as alone as you possibly can be.
It can be translated as “Alone with only your shadow for comfort/company.”
See Also: I Miss You
獨居 is a Chinese word that can be translated as to live alone, to live a solitary existence, solitude, solitary life, dwelling alone.
You might use a word like this regarding a hermit.
In modern Japan, and Simplified Chinese, they use the version of the first character shown to the right. If you want this version please click on the character to the right instead of the button above.
Any woman with affection for Asian art will love a gift of this Chinese proverb calligraphy on a wall scroll.
She will melt in your arms as you tell her the meaning of these characters.
Contained in this phrase is a reference to the most beautiful woman in Chinese history. Her name was Xi Shi, and she was known to have good looks that need not have fine robes or makeup. Her charms were so powerful that she brought down an entire kingdom (in a successful effort to bring honor and pride back to her people).
情人眼里出西施 is a great way to express that the woman in your life is your one love.
If you cannot fight, don't start one
不能咬人就别龇牙 is a Chinese proverb that literally translates as: [if you] can't bite people, don't bare [your] teeth.
Figuratively, this means: Don't show your anger if you can't do anything about the situation.
Some will also say this means “Don't start a fight that you cannot win.” Others will say it means that you must be willing to back up your words (perhaps with your fists).
從事/従事 is often used to describe the devotion someone has to their profession - However, it can just mean career, depending on context.
We don't highly recommend this selection for a wall scroll.
In more simple terms, this word also means undertake / to deal with / to handle / to do. It does not have to refer to a career issue, as it could be used to encourage someone that is beginning their university studies etc.
This kind of makes sense in Japanese, however, there is a slight deviation in the way they write the first Kanji in Japanese.
Please note that Japanese use an alternate version of the first character. Click on the character to the right if you want the Japanese version of this two-character Devotion-to-your-Profession calligraphy.
大志を抱く is a Japanese proverb that suggests you should embrace, pursue, and realize your ambitions.
The first part means ambitions or aspirations.
The last part means to embrace or to hold in your arms.
Here's the character breakdown:
大志 (taishi) ambition; aspiration.
を (o) particle
抱く (idaku) to embrace; to hold in the arms (e.g. a baby); to hug; to harbor/harbour; to bear (e.g., a grudge); to entertain (e.g., suspicion); to sleep with; to sit on eggs.
Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.
Be Down-to-Earth
腳踏實地 is a four-character proverb that suggests that you should be practical, realistic, and grounded.
Some translate this as a suggestion to be down-to-earth.
The first character means “feet.”
The second means “step on” or “stand.”
The third means “solid,” “real,” or “true.”
The last character means “ground,” “earth,” or “terra.”
Literally, this means “[keep your] Feet Standing [on] Solid Ground.”
宿業 is the Buddhist concept of Past Karma. Simply put, it's the sum of all the good and bad from all previous lives (perhaps earlier in your current life). This term is not commonly used outside of the Buddhist faith (you'll have a tough time finding a non-Buddhist Asian person that knows this word).
Other ways to translate this are “The karma of previous existence,” “The karma remaining from prior existences,” or simply “Former karma.”
See Also: Buddhism
知彼知己百戰不殆 is from Sun Tzu's (Sunzi's) Art of War. It means that if you know and understand the enemy, you also know yourself, and thus with this complete understanding, you cannot lose.
This proverb is often somewhat directly translated as “Know the enemy and know yourself, and you can fight a hundred battles without defeat.”
It can also be translated as “If you know both yourself and your enemy, you can come out of hundreds of battles without danger,” or “Know your enemy, know yourself, and your victory will not be threatened.”
敵を知り己を知れば百戦危うからず is the longer/full Japanese version of this proverb. This means “Know your enemy, know yourself, and you will not fear a hundred battles.”
Others will translate this as “Know thy enemy, know thyself, yields victory in one hundred battles.”
Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.
When the cart in front overturns, be cautious with your own
前車之覆后車之鑒 is a Chinese proverb that suggests looking at the circumstances and toils of those you proceeded before you and learning from their experience.
This more literally means “the cart in front overturns, a warning to the following cart.”
This is figuratively translated as “draw a lesson from the failure of one's predecessor,” “learn from past mistakes,” or compared to the English idiom, “once bitten twice shy.”
Other more-direct translations:
Make the overturning of the chariot in front a warning for the chariot behind.
Learn caution through an unpleasant experience.
The wrecked coach in front should be a warning.
The overturned cart in front serves as a warning to the carts behind.
隨心而行 is the closest way to express this idea in Chinese. Literally translated, this phrase means “Allow your heart to dictate your behavior” or “Let your heart guide your conduct” in Chinese. You could also translate this as “follow your heart.” Or, with a bit of imagination, it could mean: “let your spirit be your guide.”
Note that in some cases, “heart” can mean “mind,” “soul” or even “spirit” in Chinese. In ancient China, it was thought that the big pumping organ in your chest was where your thoughts came from, or where your soul resides.
Ancient western thought followed a similar belief. Thus phrases like “I love you with all my heart” and “I give you my whole heart.”
気持ちに従う is a Japanese phrase that means follow your heart.
The first part of this Japanese proverb means feeling, sensation, or mood.
The second part suggests the following, abiding by, or listening to this inner feeling.
In this context, you could say it means your heart, as the whole proverb suggests that you follow the feelings that you have inside.
Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.
不干己事不张口一问摇头三不知 literally translates as [About] matters [that] don't concern [you], do not open [your] mouth, [and] when questioned, always shake [your] head “No.”
Figuratively, this means: It is best to remain reticent about other people's affairs and to refuse to make any comment on matters that don't concern you.
余計なお世話 suggests that you do not give unwanted help or advice to someone.
The Japanese characters break down this way:
余計 (yokei) too much, unnecessary, extraneous, abundance, surplus, excess, superfluity.
な (na) connecting article.
お世話 (osewa) help, aid, assistance.
Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.
Never Lose Your Beginner's Spirit
初心忘るべからず is an old Japanese proverb that suggests you try to never forget the enthusiasm you had as a child when you try new things (or even face the day-to-day). Basically, avoid having the mundane attitude that many people get with age.
You'll find this Japanese proverb translated in a few different ways. Here are some of them:
Don't forget your first resolution.
Never forget your childlike enthusiasm.
Forget not the beginner's mind.
Try never to lose your initial enthusiasm (freshness of attitude).
Note: This is sometimes written as 初心忘る可からず. The one shown above is used about 10x more often. There’s only one character difference between the two versions.
Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.
不怕路遠隻怕志短 is a Chinese proverb that literally translates as “Fear not long roads; fear only short ambition,” or “Don't fear that the road is long, only fear that your will/ambition/aspiration is short.”
Figuratively, this means: However difficult the goal is, one can achieve it as long as one is determined to do so.
Others may translate the meaning as “Don't let a lack of willpower stop you from pressing onward in your journey.”
There are several ways to translate this ancient proverb. Translated literally and directly, it says, “Open roll has/yields benefit.”
To understand that, you must know a few things...
First, Chinese characters and language have deeper meanings that often are not spoken but are understood - especially with ancient texts like this. Example: It's understood that the “benefit” referred to in this proverb is to the reader's mind. Just the last character expresses that whole idea.
Second, Chinese proverbs are supposed to make you think and leave a bit of mystery to figure out.
Third, for this proverb, it should be noted that roll = book. When this proverb came about (about two thousand years ago), books were rolls of bamboo slips strung together. The first bound books like the ones we use today did not come about until about a thousand years after this proverb when they invented paper in China.
開卷有益 is a great gift for a bookworm who loves to read and increase their knowledge. Or for any friend that is or wants to be well-read.
Some other translations of this phrase:
Opening a book is profitable
The benefits of education.
愛別離苦 is a Buddhist term that refers to “the pain of separation from loved ones,” or “the suffering of being separated from those whom one loves.”
If you translate each character separately, you get, “love(s) separated [and] departed [yields] pain.”
The pain character can also be defined as anguish; suffering; distress; anxiety; worry; trouble; difficulty; hardship; bitterness; to suffer; anguish; distress; anxiety; worry; trouble; difficulty; bitterness; unhappiness; or misery.
誰言寸草心報得三春暉 is the last line of a famous poem. It is perceived as a tribute or ode to your parents or mother from a child or children that have left home.
The poem was written by Meng Jiao during the Tang Dynasty (about 1200 years ago). The Chinese title is “You Zi Yin” which means “The Traveler's Recite.”
The last line as shown here speaks of the generous and warm spring sunlight which gives the grass far beyond what the little grass can could ever give back (except perhaps by showing its lovely green leaves and flourishing). The metaphor is that the sun is your mother or parents, and you are the grass. Your parents raise you and give you all the love and care you need to prepare you for the world. A debt that you can never repay, nor is repayment expected.
The first part of the poem (not written in the characters to the left) suggests that the thread in a loving mother's hands is the shirt of her traveling offspring. Vigorously sewing while wishing them to come back sooner than they left.
...This part is really hard to translate into English that makes any sense but maybe you get the idea. We are talking about a poem that is so old that many Chinese people would have trouble reading it (as if it was the King James Version of Chinese).
捨生取義 is a Chinese proverb that comes from the philosopher Mencius.
It can be translated in a few different ways:
To give up life for righteousness.
To choose honor over life
Better to sacrifice one's life than one's principles.
大展宏圖 is a four-character proverb used in Chinese to mean “realize your ambitions” or “exhibit your ambition and success.”
It's used to talk about someone with great career ambitions. Almost literally, it expresses the idea of someone unfolding a great career like a map or a set of blueprint plans.
Very literally translated, these four characters mean “Great unfolding of a huge map” or “Great exhibition of a colossal plan.”
追尋夢想 means “pursue your dreams,” “follow your dreams,” or “chase your dreams” in Chinese.
The first two characters mean “to pursue,” “to track down,” or “to search for.”
The last two mean dreams. This version of dreams refers to those with an element of reality (not the dreams you have when you sleep but rather your aspirations or goals in life).
This title will tell everyone that you want to make your dreams come true.
See Also: Pursuit of Happiness
夢を追い続ける is the Japanese way to express “pursue your dreams,” “follow your dreams,” or “chase your dreams.”
If you have dreams that you want to pursue and make true, this is the phrase for you.
The first character is “dream” or “dreams.” The rest of the characters establish the idea of chasing or pursuing.
Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.
See Also: Pursuit of Happiness
可愛い子には旅をさせよ is a Japanese proverb that means “If you love your children, send them out on a journey into the world.”
This is kind of similar to the western phrase, “Spare the rod and spoil the child.”
More literally, this reads, “Cute child, a journey granted.”
That “granted” could also be understood as “should be initiated.”
Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.
影 means shadow in Chinese, Japanese Kanji, and old Korean Hanja.
Depending on the context, this can also mean silhouette, reflection, image, or presence.
影武者 is the title for Shadow Warrior in Chinese and Japanese.
This may refer to a few video games that share this English title, or a Japanese movie called Kagemusha.
If you are looking for the Japanese TV show, that was originally 影の軍団 (Kage no Gundan), which more literally means “Army of Shadows,” but was re-titled Shadow Warrior when released outside Japan in English.
In Japan, this title can also refer to a body double or decoy of an army general or leader used to avoid assassination. It can also be somebody who does all the work (or fighting) behind the scenes (not getting much, if any, credit).
Many things have opposite properties. The water you drink can also drown you. Pork may nourish you and keep you alive but under-cook it and it could kill you. Potassium nitrate is often used as a fertilizer to grow the food that sustains us but it's also been used as an explosive to topple buildings and destroy us.
This concept is easily associated with “yin yang” where an element has two opposite properties that are as different as night and day.
This proverb's meaning can be summed up this way: “Anything that can lead you to success may also contain great risks.”
This phrase is known in literary circles by Korean people (scholars or literature). It is therefore also a valid proverb in Korean Hanja, though most Koreans would not be able to make sense of it.
Please note that there is an unwritten rule when the same character appears twice in the same phrase, the calligrapher will alter the appearance so that no two characters are exactly alike in the same piece. This calligraphy has two repeating characters that will be written differently than they appear here.
不眠之夜长久交知人心 literally translates as: [Only one who does] not sleep, learns how long the night is; [Only by] long acquaintance [does one] learn a person ['s true] character.
Basically, this proverb suggests that we really need to experience something intimately and for a long time to really know everything about it.
This can also be translated as “Spending years with someone is the only way to know them.”
Note: Sometimes this proverb is split into just the first or second idea alone (first 5 or last 5 characters only).
思い切り can be translated as “with all one's strength,” “with all one's heart,” “to the limits of your heart,” or “to the end of your heart/emotions.”
The character breakdown:
思い (omoi) thought; mind; heart; feelings; emotion; sentiment; love; affection; desire; wish; hope; expectation; imagination; experience
切り (kiri) bounds; limits.
Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.
視卒如嬰兒故可以與之赴深溪視卒如愛子故可與之俱死 is an entry from the 10th section within the Earth/Terrain chapter of Sun Tzu's Art of War.
This is often translated as “Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys. Look upon them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death.”
人生で一番大事な日は二日ある。生まれた日と、なぜ生まれたかを分かった日 is Mark Twain's quote, “The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why” in Japanese.
Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.
一度だけ生きる is the simplest Japanese phrase that means “[you] only live once” or “only one [life] to live.”
The first four characters create a word that means “only once.”
The last three characters create a word that means “to live” or “to exist.”
Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.
You're only old if you think you're old
The most famous tattoo in Chinese history
盡忠報國 is a proverb that is the tattoo worn on the back of Yue Fei, a famous Chinese warrior who lived until 1142 A.D.
The tattoo can be translated as “Serve the country with the utmost loyalty.” More literally, it means “[The] Ultimate Loyalty [is too] Duty [of] Country.”
Legend has it that this tattoo once saved his life when he was accused of treason.
The first two characters have come to create a word that means “serve the country faithfully” or “die for the country.” Note: It's more a willingness to die for one's country than the actual act of dying.
The last two characters have come to mean “Dedicate oneself to the service of one's country.”
Both of these words are probably only in the Chinese lexicon because of this famous tattoo.
If you break it down, character-by-character, here is what you get:
1. To the utmost, to the limit of something, the ultimate.
2. Loyalty or duty (a sense of duty to one's master, lord, country, or job).
3. Report, recompense, give back to (in this case, you are giving yourself to your country as payback).
4. Country, state, nation, kingdom.
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The following table may be helpful for those studying Chinese or Japanese...
Title | Characters | Romaji (Romanized Japanese) | Various forms of Romanized Chinese | |
Optimism Happy With Your Fate | 樂天 / 楽天 乐天 | raku ten / rakuten | lè tiān / le4 tian1 / le tian / letian | le t`ien / letien / le tien |
Alone A Lone Person | 獨自一人 独自一人 | dú zì yì rén du2 zi4 yi4 ren2 du zi yi ren duziyiren | tu tzu i jen tutzuijen |
Alone A Lone Person | 獨自 独自 | dokuji | ||
Alone with only your shadow for company | 煢煢孑立形影相吊 茕茕孑立形影相吊 | qióng qióng jié lì xíng yǐng xiāng diào qiong2 qiong2 jie2 li4 xing2 ying3 xiang1 diao4 qiong qiong jie li xing ying xiang diao | ch`iung ch`iung chieh li hsing ying hsiang tiao chiung chiung chieh li hsing ying hsiang tiao |
Alone Solitary Existence | 獨居 独居 | dokkyo / dokyo | dú jū / du2 ju1 / du ju / duju | tu chü / tuchü |
You are always a beauty in your lover’s eyes | 情人眼里出西施 | qíng rén yǎn lǐ chū xī shī qing2 ren2 yan3 li3 chu1 xi1 shi1 qing ren yan li chu xi shi qingrenyanlichuxishi | ch`ing jen yen li ch`u hsi shih chingjenyenlichuhsishih ching jen yen li chu hsi shih |
If you cannot bite, do not show your teeth | 不能咬人就別齜牙 不能咬人就别龇牙 | bù néng yǎo rén jiù bié zī yá bu4 neng2 yao3 ren2 jiu4 bie2 zi1 ya2 bu neng yao ren jiu bie zi ya bunengyaorenjiubieziya | pu neng yao jen chiu pieh tzu ya | |
Choose Your Own Destiny | 選擇自己的命運 选择自己的命运 | xuǎn zé zì jǐ de mìng yùn xuan3 ze2 zi4 ji3 de ming4 yun4 xuan ze zi ji de ming yun xuanzezijidemingyun | hsüan tse tzu chi te ming yün | |
Devotion to your Profession Career | 從事 / 従事 从事 | jyuu ji / jyuuji / jyu ji | cóng shì / cong2 shi4 / cong shi / congshi | ts`ung shih / tsungshih / tsung shih |
Opportunity Knocks Only Once | 機不可失時不再來 机不可失时不再来 | jī bù kě shī shí bù zài lái ji1 bu4 ke3 shi1 shi2 bu4 zai4 lai2 ji bu ke shi shi bu zai lai jibukeshishibuzailai | chi pu k`o shih shih pu tsai lai chipukoshihshihputsailai chi pu ko shih shih pu tsai lai |
Realize Your Ambitions Embrace Your Ambition | 大志を抱く | taishi wo Idaku taishiwoIdaku | ||
Keep Your Feet on the Ground | 腳踏實地 脚踏实地 | jiǎo tà shí dì jiao3 ta4 shi2 di4 jiao ta shi di jiaotashidi | chiao t`a shih ti chiaotashihti chiao ta shih ti |
Shadow of Karma Dogged by Karma | 業影 业影 | gou you / gouyou / go yo | yè yǐng / ye4 ying3 / ye ying / yeying | yeh ying / yehying |
Karma (of your past lives) | 宿業 宿业 | shukugou / shukugo | sù yè / su4 ye4 / su ye / suye | su yeh / suyeh |
Know Your Enemy, Know Yourself, and You Cannot Lose | 知彼知己百戰不殆 知彼知己百战不殆 | zhí bǐ zhí jī bǎi zhàn bú dài zhi2 bi3 zhi2 ji1 bai3 zhan4 bu2 dai4 zhi bi zhi ji bai zhan bu dai zhibizhijibaizhanbudai | chih pi chih chi pai chan pu tai | |
Know Your Enemy, Know Yourself, and Win 100 Battles | 敵を知り己を知れば百戦危うからず | teki o shi ri o no o shi re ba hya ku sen aya u ka ra zu | ||
Set your heart ablaze | 心を燃やせ | kokoro o mo ya se kokoroomoyase | ||
Learn From Your Predecessors | 前車之覆后車之鑒 前车之覆后车之鉴 | qián chē zhī fù hòu chē zhī jiàn qian2 che1 zhi1 fu4 hou4 che1 zhi1 jian4 qian che zhi fu hou che zhi jian | ch`ien ch`e chih fu hou ch`e chih chien chien che chih fu hou che chih chien |
Listen to Your Heart Follow Your Heart | 隨心而行 随心而行 | suí xīn ér xíng sui2 xin1 er2 xing2 sui xin er xing suixinerxing | sui hsin erh hsing suihsinerhhsing |
Follow Your Heart | 気持ちに従う | kimochi ni shitagau kimochinishitagau | ||
Realize Your Dreams | 實現你的夢想 实现你的梦想 | shí xiàn nǐ de mèng xiǎng shi2 xian4 ni3 de meng4 xiang3 shi xian ni de meng xiang shixiannidemengxiang | shih hsien ni te meng hsiang shihhsiennitemenghsiang |
Love Your Children, But Discipline Them Too | 愛在心里狠在面皮 / 愛在心里狠在麵皮 爱在心里狠在面皮 | ài zài xīn lǐ hèn zài miàn pì ai4 zai4 xin1 li3 hen4 zai4 mian4 pi4 ai zai xin li hen zai mian pi aizaixinlihenzaimianpi | ai tsai hsin li hen tsai mien p`i ai tsai hsin li hen tsai mien pi |
Mind Your Own Business | 不干己事不張口一問搖頭三不知 不干己事不张口一问摇头三不知 | bù gān jǐ shì bù zhāng kǒu yī wèn yáo tóu sān bù zhī bu4 gan1 ji3 shi4 bu4 zhang1 kou3 yi1 wen4 yao2 tou2 san1 bu4 zhi1 bu gan ji shi bu zhang kou yi wen yao tou san bu zhi | pu kan chi shih pu chang k`ou i wen yao t`ou san pu chih pu kan chi shih pu chang kou i wen yao tou san pu chih |
Mind Your Own Business | 余計なお世話 | yokei na osewa yokeinaosewa | ||
Never Forget Your First Resolution | 初心忘るべからず / 初心忘る可からず 初心忘るべからず | sho shin wasu ru be ka ra zu shoshinwasurubekarazu | ||
Fear not long roads; Fear only short ambition | 不怕路遠隻怕志短 不怕路远只怕志短 | bú pà lù yuǎn zhǐ pà zhì duǎn bu2 pa4 lu4 yuan3 zhi3 pa4 zhi4 duan3 bu pa lu yuan zhi pa zhi duan bupaluyuanzhipazhiduan | pu p`a lu yüan chih p`a chih tuan pu pa lu yüan chih pa chih tuan |
Only God Can Judge Me | 衹有上帝能評判我 只有上帝能评判我 | zhǐ yǒu shàng dì néng píng pàn wǒ zhi3 you3 shang4 di4 neng2 ping2 pan4 wo3 zhi you shang di neng ping pan wo | chih yu shang ti neng p`ing p`an wo chih yu shang ti neng ping pan wo |
Only God Can Judge Me | 神のみぞ知る | kami nomi zo shiru kaminomizoshiru | ||
An Open Book Benefits Your Mind | 開卷有益 开卷有益 | kāi juàn yǒu yì kai1 juan4 you3 yi4 kai juan you yi kaijuanyouyi | k`ai chüan yu i kaichüanyui kai chüan yu i |
Opportunity Knocks Only Once | 機會隻敲一次門 机会只敲一次门 | jī huì zhǐ qiāo yī cì mén ji1 hui4 zhi3 qiao1 yi1 ci4 men2 ji hui zhi qiao yi ci men jihuizhiqiaoyicimen | chi hui chih ch`iao i tz`u men chihuichihchiaoitzumen chi hui chih chiao i tzu men |
The Pain of Separation from Your Loves | 愛別離苦 爱别离苦 | ai betsu ri ku aibetsuriku | ài bié lí kǔ ai4 bie2 li2 ku3 ai bie li ku aibieliku | ai pieh li k`u aipiehliku ai pieh li ku |
Appreciation and Love for Your Parents | 誰言寸草心報得三春暉 谁言寸草心报得三春晖 | shuí yán cùn cǎo xīn bào dé sān chūn huī shui2 yan2 cun4 cao3 xin1 bao4 de2 san1 chun1 hui1 shui yan cun cao xin bao de san chun hui | shui yen ts`un ts`ao hsin pao te san ch`un hui shui yen tsun tsao hsin pao te san chun hui |
Better to sacrifice your life than your principles | 捨生取義 舍生取义 | shě shēng qǔ yì she3 sheng1 qu3 yi4 she sheng qu yi sheshengquyi | she sheng ch`ü i sheshengchüi she sheng chü i |
Realize Your Ambitions Ride on the Crest of Success | 大展宏圖 大展宏图 | dà jiǎn hóng tú da4 jian3 hong2 tu2 da jian hong tu dajianhongtu | ta chien hung t`u tachienhungtu ta chien hung tu |
Pursue Your Dreams | 追尋夢想 追寻梦想 | zhuī xún mèng xiǎng zhui1 xun2 meng4 xiang3 zhui xun meng xiang zhuixunmengxiang | chui hsün meng hsiang chuihsünmenghsiang |
Pursue Your Dreams | 夢を追い続ける | yume wo oi tsudukeru yumewooitsudukeru | ||
If you love your child, send them out into the world | 可愛い子には旅をさせよ | kawaii ko ni wa tabi o sa seyo kawaiikoniwatabiosaseyo kawai ko ni wa tabi o sa seyo | ||
Shadow | 影 | kage | yǐng / ying3 / ying | |
Shadow Warrior | 影武者 | kagemusha | yīng wǔ zhǔ ying1 wu3 zhu3 ying wu zhu yingwuzhu | ying wu chu yingwuchu |
Not Only Can Water Float A Boat, It Can Sink It Also | 水能載舟亦能覆舟 水能载舟亦能覆舟 | shuǐ néng zài zhōu yì néng fù zhōu shui3 neng2 zai4 zhou1 yi4 neng2 fu4 zhou1 shui neng zai zhou yi neng fu zhou | shui neng tsai chou i neng fu chou | |
Only the sleepless know the length of night | 不眠之夜長久交知人心 不眠之夜长久交知人心 | bù mián zhī yè cháng jiǔ jiāo zhī rén xīn bu4 mian2 zhi1 ye4 chang2 jiu3 jiao1 zhi1 ren2 xin1 bu mian zhi ye chang jiu jiao zhi ren xin | pu mien chih yeh ch`ang chiu chiao chih jen hsin pu mien chih yeh chang chiu chiao chih jen hsin |
With all the strength of your heart | 思い切り | omoi kiri / omoikiri | ||
Sun Tzu: Regard Your Soldiers as Children | 視卒如嬰兒故可以與之赴深溪視卒如愛子故可與之俱死 视卒如婴儿故可以与之赴深溪视卒如爱子故可与之俱死 | shì cù rú yīng ér gù kě yǐ yú zhī fù shēn xī shì cù rú ài zǐ gù kě yú zhī jū sǐ shi4 cu4 ru2 ying1 er2 gu4 ke3 yi3 yu2 zhi1 fu4 shen1 xi1 shi4 cu4 ru2 ai4 zi3 gu4 ke3 yu2 zhi1 ju1 si3 shi cu ru ying er gu ke yi yu zhi fu shen xi shi cu ru ai zi gu ke yu zhi ju si | shih ts`u ju ying erh ku k`o i yü chih fu shen hsi shih ts`u ju ai tzu ku k`o yü chih chü ssu shih tsu ju ying erh ku ko i yü chih fu shen hsi shih tsu ju ai tzu ku ko yü chih chü ssu |
Trust Your Heart | 相信你的心 | xiàng xìn nǐ dì xīn xiang4 xin4 ni3 di4 xin1 xiang xin ni di xin xiangxinnidixin | hsiang hsin ni ti hsin hsianghsinnitihsin |
The two most important days in your life... | 人生で一番大事な日は二日ある生まれた日となぜ生まれたかを分かった日 | Jinsei de ichiban daijina hi wa futsuka aru. Umaretahi to, naze umareta ka o wakatta hi | ||
You Only Live Once | 生命隻有一次 生命只有一次 | shēng mìng zhǐ yǒu yí cì sheng1 ming4 zhi3 you3 yi2 ci4 sheng ming zhi you yi ci shengmingzhiyouyici | sheng ming chih yu i tz`u shengmingchihyuitzu sheng ming chih yu i tzu |
You Only Live Once | 一度だけ生きる | ichi do da ke i ki ru ichidodakeikiru | ||
You are only as old as you feel | 不怕人老隻怕心老 不怕人老只怕心老 | bú pà rén lǎo zhǐ pà xīn lǎo bu2 pa4 ren2 lao3 zhi3 pa4 xin1 lao3 bu pa ren lao zhi pa xin lao buparenlaozhipaxinlao | pu p`a jen lao chih p`a hsin lao pupajenlaochihpahsinlao pu pa jen lao chih pa hsin lao |
Ultimate Loyalty to Your Country | 盡忠報國 尽忠报国 | jìn zhōng bào guó jin4 zhong1 bao4 guo2 jin zhong bao guo jinzhongbaoguo | chin chung pao kuo chinchungpaokuo |
In some entries above you will see that characters have different versions above and below a line. In these cases, the characters above the line are Traditional Chinese, while the ones below are Simplified Chinese. |
Successful Chinese Character and Japanese Kanji calligraphy searches within the last few hours...
All of our calligraphy wall scrolls are handmade.
When the calligrapher finishes creating your artwork, it is taken to my art mounting workshop in Beijing where a wall scroll is made by hand from a combination of silk, rice paper, and wood.
After we create your wall scroll, it takes at least two weeks for air mail delivery from Beijing to you.
Allow a few weeks for delivery. Rush service speeds it up by a week or two for $10!
When you select your calligraphy, you'll be taken to another page where you can choose various custom options.
The wall scroll that Sandy is holding in this picture is a "large size"
single-character wall scroll.
We also offer custom wall scrolls in small, medium, and an even-larger jumbo size.
Professional calligraphers are getting to be hard to find these days.
Instead of drawing characters by hand, the new generation in China merely type roman letters into their computer keyboards and pick the character that they want from a list that pops up.
There is some fear that true Chinese calligraphy may become a lost art in the coming years. Many art institutes in China are now promoting calligraphy programs in hopes of keeping this unique form
of art alive.
Even with the teachings of a top-ranked calligrapher in China, my calligraphy will never be good enough to sell. I will leave that to the experts.
The same calligrapher who gave me those lessons also attracted a crowd of thousands and a TV crew as he created characters over 6-feet high. He happens to be ranked as one of the top 100 calligraphers in all of China. He is also one of very few that would actually attempt such a feat.
Check out my lists of Japanese Kanji Calligraphy Wall Scrolls and Old Korean Hanja Calligraphy Wall Scrolls.
Some people may refer to this entry as Alone With Only Your Shadow for Company Kanji, Alone With Only Your Shadow for Company Characters, Alone With Only Your Shadow for Company in Mandarin Chinese, Alone With Only Your Shadow for Company Characters, Alone With Only Your Shadow for Company in Chinese Writing, Alone With Only Your Shadow for Company in Japanese Writing, Alone With Only Your Shadow for Company in Asian Writing, Alone With Only Your Shadow for Company Ideograms, Chinese Alone With Only Your Shadow for Company symbols, Alone With Only Your Shadow for Company Hieroglyphics, Alone With Only Your Shadow for Company Glyphs, Alone With Only Your Shadow for Company in Chinese Letters, Alone With Only Your Shadow for Company Hanzi, Alone With Only Your Shadow for Company in Japanese Kanji, Alone With Only Your Shadow for Company Pictograms, Alone With Only Your Shadow for Company in the Chinese Written-Language, or Alone With Only Your Shadow for Company in the Japanese Written-Language.
80 people have searched for Alone With Only Your Shadow for Company in Chinese or Japanese in the past year.
Alone With Only Your Shadow for Company was last searched for by someone else on Mar 8th, 2025