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The name Shaolin Martial Arts in Chinese / Japanese...

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See also: Martial Arts Words and Phrases

  1. Kenpo / Kempo / Quan Fa / Chuan Fa

  2. Ken Zen Ichi Nyo

  3. Kung Fu / Gong Fu

  4. Changquan / Long Fist

  5. Matsubayashi-Ryu Karate-Do

  6. Shaolin Chuan / Shao Lin Quan

  7. Shaolin Martial Arts

  8. Shaolin Chan

  9. Shorinji Kempo / Kenpo

10. Shorin Ji Ryu

11. Shorin-Ryu

12. Wudang Fist

13. Matsumura Shorin-Ryu

Kenpo / Kempo / Quan Fa / Chuan Fa

 quán fǎ
Kenpo / Kempo / Quan Fa / Chuan Fa Scroll

拳法 is a form of martial arts that can be translated in several ways.

Some will call it “fist principles,” “the way of the fist,” or even “law of the fist.” The first character literally means fist. The second can mean law, method, way, principle, or Buddhist teaching.

Kempo is really a potluck of martial arts. Often a combination of Chinese martial arts such as Shaolin Kung Fu with Japanese martial arts such as Karate, Jujutsu (Jujitsu), Aikido, and others. You may see the term “Kempo Karate,” which basically means Karate with other disciplines added. In this way, Kempo becomes an adjective rather than a title or school of martial arts.

These facts will long be argued by various masters and students of Kempo. Even the argument as to whether it should be spelled “kenpo” or “Kempo” ensues at dojos around the world (the correct Romaji should actually be “kenpou” if you precisely follow the rules).

The benefit of Kempo is that the techniques are easier to learn and master than pure Kung Fu (wu shu). Students are often taught basic Karate moves, kicks, and punches before augmenting the basic skills with complex Kung Fu techniques. This allows students of Kempo to achieve a level where they can defend themselves or fight in a relatively short amount of time (a few years rather than a decade or more).

Because the definition of this word is so fluid, I should make some notes here:

1. Purists in Okinawa will claim that “Okinawa Kenpo” or “Ryukyu Hon Kenpo” is the original and true version of this martial art from the old kingdom. It is actually little or no connection between Okinawa Kenpo and the way the word is used elsewhere.

2. In Chinese, where these characters are pronounced “quan fa” (sometimes Romanized as “chuan fa” because the Chinese-pinyin “q” actually sounds like an English “ch” sound), these characters do not hold the connotation of being a mixed martial art. It is simply defined as “the law of the fist.”

3. My Japanese dictionary oddly defines Kenpo as the “Chinese art of self-defense.” I personally don't feel this is the most common way that people perceive the word but just something you should know.

Ken Zen Ichi Nyo

 ken zen ichi nyo
Ken Zen Ichi Nyo Scroll

拳禪一如 is a Japanese phrase that is often translated as “train both body and spirit.”

Here's the breakdown of the words in this phrase:
拳 means fist.
禅 is zen, which means meditation.
一如 is a word that means “to be just like,” “oneness,” “true nature,” or “true character.”

So to get to the translation of “train both body and spirit,” you must understand that “fist” is representing “body” and the idea of meditation is representing “mind.”

I have to say, this is not how I would translate this. To me, it's really about training with your mind and remembering that meditation is a huge part of training, not just your fist. As the Shaolin Buddhist monks show us, meditation is just as important as physical training in martial arts.

Kung Fu / Gong Fu

 gōng fu
 gung fu
 kan fu / ku fu
Kung Fu / Gong Fu Scroll

功夫 or Kung Fu is one of the most famous types of martial arts in the world - and not just because of Bruce Lee.

Some translate the meaning as “Accomplishment by Great Effort.” I think this is partially true, but directly translated, it literally means “Merit/Achievement/Accomplishment Man.” The word “fu” can sometimes mean “husband” or “porter,” but in this case, it can only mean “man.” However, few in China will think “man” when they hear the word “Gong Fu” spoken.

This term is also used for things other than martial arts. In fact, it's used to refer to a person with excellent skills in crafts that require a lot of effort to master, such as cooking, tea ceremonies, and calligraphy.

What a lot of people don't know is that the spelling of “Kung Fu” was actually taken from the old Wade Giles form of Romanization. Using this method, the sounds of the English “G” and “K” were both written as “K” and an apostrophe after the “K” told you it was supposed to sound like a “G.” Nobody in the west knew this rule, so most people pronounce it with a “K-sound.” And so, Gong Fu will always be Kung Fu for most westerners.

Also, just to educate you a little more, the “O” in “Gong” has a sound like the English word “oh.”

The popular Chinese dish “Kung Pao Chicken” suffers from the same problem. It should actually be “Gong Bao Chicken.”

Historical note: Many will claim that Kung Fu was invented by the monks of the Shaolin monastery. This fact is argued in both directions by scholars of Chinese history. Perhaps it is more accurate to say that the Shaolin Monks brought the original fame to Kung Fu many generations ago.

Japanese note: While most Japanese martial artists will recognize these characters, Katakana is more often used to approximate the pronunciation of "Kung Fu" with "カンフー." Some will argue as to whether this should be considered a Japanese word at all.

See Also:  Bruce Lee

Changquan / Long Fist

 cháng quán
Changquan / Long Fist Scroll

長拳 is the title for Changquan or Chang Quan, meaning Long Fist.

This style comes from the 北少林 (Northern Shaolin). Changquan belongs to the Northern Chinese School of Martial Arts.

Matsubayashi-Ryu Karate-Do

 matsu bayashi ryuu kara te dou
Matsubayashi-Ryu Karate-Do Scroll

鬆林流空手道 is the Japanese title for the Matsubayashi-Ryu Karate-Do school of martial arts.

If directly translated, it means “Pine Forest Style Empty Hand Way.”

1. 松林流 can be pronounced Matsubayashi-Ryū or Shōrin-Ryū. This can be confusing as Shōrin can also represent 少林 which refers to the Shaolin (little forest) style.
2. 松 can also be written in the traditional form of 鬆.

Shaolin Chuan / Shao Lin Quan

 shǎo lín quán
Shaolin Chuan / Shao Lin Quan Scroll

少林拳 is the title of the martial art (style of Kung Fu) that is taught to the monks and students in the Shaolin Buddhist Monastery.

The addition of Chuan or Quan, which means fist is what signifies that you are talking about this school or form of martial arts.

Shaolin Martial Arts

 shǎo lín wǔ gōng
Shaolin Martial Arts Scroll

少林武功 is the title for “Shaolin Wu Gong” or “Shaolin martial arts.”

Shaolin Chan

 shǎo lín chán
 sho rin zen
Shaolin Chan Scroll

少林禪 translates as “Little Forest Meditation.”

少林禪 is part of a movement to provide spiritual and mental health by integrating the practices of martial arts and meditation.

More information at Shaolin Chan Foundation.

Shorinji Kempo / Kenpo

 shào lín sì quán fǎ
 shourinji kenpou
Shorinji Kempo / Kenpo Scroll

少林寺拳法 is a specific type of martial art in Japan that claims origins in the Kung Fu practiced in the original Shaolin Monastery of China.

The first three characters mean “Shaolin Monastery,” and you might notice the Japanese is pronounced in a very similar way. The reason is, many words were “borrowed” from the original Chinese when Japan did not have a written language and simply absorbed Chinese characters into their language around the 5th century. When a Japanese word did not exist, the Chinese pronunciation was often absorbed as well as the written form.

The last two characters mean “fist law” or “method of the fist.” It has long been argued as to whether the Japanese for these characters should be Romanized as “kempo” or “kenpo.” The official method should be “kenpou” but it's common to drop the “u” that comes after the “o.”

I imagine if you are looking for this title, you already know what it means, so the above is simply extra information that a student of Shorinji Kempo might want to know.

Shorin Ji Ryu

Shaolin Temple Style

 shou rin ji ryuu
Shorin Ji Ryu Scroll

少林寺流 is the Japanese martial arts title “Shorin-ji-ryu.”

Though the first part of the title comes from the Shaolin temple in China. In Japan, this refers to an Okinawa school of karate.

Note: Sometimes, this title is written without the “ji” or “temple” Kanji.


Shaolin Style

 shou rin ryuu
Shorin-Ryu Scroll

少林流 is the Japanese martial arts title “Shorin-ryu.”

Though the first part of the title comes from the Shaolin (small forest) monks of China.
In Japan, this refers to the Okinawa School of Karate.

小Note that often in Japanese, the first Kanji of this title was changed to the version shown to the right. If you prefer this version, please click on the Kanji to the right instead of the button above.

 wǔ dāng quán
Wudang Fist Scroll

武當拳 means Wudang Quan or Wudang Fist.

Wudang (sometimes romanized as Wutang or Wu Tang) refers to a Mountain range in northwest Hubei. The Wudang martial arts style refers to a version of Shaolin Kung Fu.

Matsumura Shorin-Ryu

Matsumura Sōkon's Shaolin Style

 matsu mura shou rin ryuu
Matsumura Shorin-Ryu Scroll

松村少林流 is the Japanese martial arts title “Matsumura Shorin-ryu.”

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The following table may be helpful for those studying Chinese or Japanese...

Title CharactersRomaji (Romanized Japanese)Various forms of Romanized Chinese
Quan Fa
Chuan Fa
拳法kenpou / kenpoquán fǎ / quan2 fa3 / quan fa / quanfach`üan fa / chüanfa / chüan fa
Ken Zen Ichi Nyo拳禪一如
ken zen ichi nyo
Kung Fu
Gong Fu
功夫kan fu / ku fu
kanfu / kufu
gōng fu / gong1 fu / gong fu / gongfukung fu / kungfu
Long Fist
cháng quán
chang2 quan2
chang quan
ch`ang ch`üan
chang chüan
Matsubayashi-Ryu Karate-Do松林流空手道matsu bayashi ryuu kara te dou
matsu bayashi ryu kara te do
Shaolin Chuan
Shao Lin Quan
少林拳shǎo lín quán
shao3 lin2 quan2
shao lin quan
shao lin ch`üan
shao lin chüan
Shaolin Martial Arts少林武功shǎo lín wǔ gōng
shao3 lin2 wu3 gong1
shao lin wu gong
shao lin wu kung
Shaolin Chan少林禪
sho rin zen
shǎo lín chán
shao3 lin2 chan2
shao lin chan
shao lin ch`an
shao lin chan
Shorinji Kempo
少林寺拳法shourinji kenpou
shorinji kenpo
shào lín sì quán fǎ
shao4 lin2 si4 quan2 fa3
shao lin si quan fa
shao lin ssu ch`üan fa
shao lin ssu chüan fa
Shorin Ji Ryu少林寺流shou rin ji ryuu
sho rin ji ryu
Shorin-Ryu少林流shou rin ryuu
sho rin ryu
Wudang Fist武當拳
wǔ dāng quán
wu3 dang1 quan2
wu dang quan
wu tang ch`üan
wu tang chüan
Matsumura Shorin-Ryu鬆村少林流
matsu mura shou rin ryuu
matsu mura sho rin ryu
In some entries above you will see that characters have different versions above and below a line.
In these cases, the characters above the line are Traditional Chinese, while the ones below are Simplified Chinese.


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A professional Chinese Calligrapher

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