Many custom options...

Tan Paper and Copper Silk Love Wall Scroll
Red Paper and Ivory Silk Love Wall Scroll
Orange Paper Love Scroll
Crazy Blue and Gold Silk Love Scroll

And formats...

Love Vertical Portrait
Love Horizontal Wall Scroll
Love Vertical Portrait

Whore in Chinese / Japanese...

Buy a Whore calligraphy wall scroll here!

Personalize your custom “Whore” project by clicking the button next to your favorite “Whore” title below...

Whore / Mysterious Woman

Danger: Means prostitute in Japanese!

 xuán rén
Whore / Mysterious Woman Scroll

玄人 literally means “Mysterious Person/Woman.”

In Japanese, this is associated with a “geisha,” which matches this definition of a “mysterious woman.” However, this is the colloquial way to say “professional geisha” or “expert prostitute” in Japanese. It, therefore, might not be what you want on your wall.

Notes: This is a "Japanese only" term, though a Chinese person who sees these characters will think of a geisha or an alluring Japanese female musician.
While not often seen in Korean Hanja, this would mean a "dark woman," as in a woman that you cannot easily see through.

Geisha / Geigi

(Danger: Means prostitute in Japanese and Chinese!)


 yún jì
Geisha / Geigi Scroll

芸妓 is how to refer to a geisha that offers “special services.”

Please don't order this, it's only here for reference. 芸妓 is not appropriate for custom calligraphy!

Geisha of Unequaled Talent

(Danger: Can mean prostitute!)

 míng jì
 mei gi
Geisha of Unequaled Talent Scroll

In Japanese, 名妓 means “distinguished/talented/beautiful geisha.”

The meaning in Chinese (and the deeper meaning in Japanese) would be “distinguished/talented/beautiful prostitute.”

I am not sure that our master calligrapher will even write this, so please note that fact if you decide to place the order. Of course, we'll refund your money if he refuses.

Not the results for whore that you were looking for?

Below are some entries from our dictionary that may match your whore search...


If shown, 2nd row is Simp. Chinese

Simple Dictionary Definition


see styles
(1) (derogatory term) prostitute; whore; (2) (derogatory term) tramp; floozy; slut; bitch


see styles
biǎo zi
    biao3 zi5
piao tzu
prostitute; whore


see styles
(1) woman of loose morals; lewd woman; (2) prostitute; whore; harlot



see styles
yín fù
    yin2 fu4
yin fu
loose woman; prostitute; Jezebel
(1) woman of loose morals; lewd woman; (2) prostitute; whore; harlot


see styles
 gaishou / gaisho
prostitute; whore; streetwalker


see styles
(slang) (vulgar) slut; whore; (place-name) El Banko (Colombia)


see styles
(obscure) whore; (personal name) Bohr


see styles
 hoaa / hoa
(obscure) whore; (personal name) Hoar


see styles


see styles
 koushuubenjo / koshubenjo
(1) (See 公衆トイレ) public lavatory; public toilet; public restroom; (2) (slang) (vulgar) (derogatory term) slut; whore; floozy; tramp; trollop


see styles
(1) woman of loose morals; lewd woman; (2) (See 淫売婦) prostitute; whore; harlot


see styles
 hooa; hoaa / hooa; hoa
    ホーア; ホアー
(rare) whore



see styles
yòu xiǎng dāng biǎo zi yòu xiǎng lì pái fāng
    you4 xiang3 dang1 biao3 zi5 you4 xiang3 li4 pai2 fang1
yu hsiang tang piao tzu yu hsiang li p`ai fang
    yu hsiang tang piao tzu yu hsiang li pai fang
lit. to lead the life of a whore but still want a monument put up to one's chastity (idiom); fig. to have bad intentions but still want a good reputation; to want to have one's cake and eat it too


see styles
 yariman; yariman; yariman
    ヤリマン; やりまん; やりマン
(vulgar) (See ヤリチン) slut; slag; whore


see styles
 鐃循¥申鐃緒申; 鐃循wa申鐃緒申
    鐃循¥申鐃緒申; 鐃循ワ申鐃緒申
(rare) whore

The following table may be helpful for those studying Chinese or Japanese...

Title CharactersRomaji (Romanized Japanese)Various forms of Romanized Chinese
Mysterious Woman
玄人kurouto / kurotoxuán rén / xuan2 ren2 / xuan ren / xuanrenhsüan jen / hsüanjen
芸妓geigiyún jì / yun2 ji4 / yun ji / yunjiyün chi / yünchi
Geisha of Unequaled Talent名妓mei gi / meigimíng jì / ming2 ji4 / ming ji / mingjiming chi / mingchi


Lookup Whore in my Japanese & Chinese Dictionary

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All of our calligraphy wall scrolls are handmade.

When the calligrapher finishes creating your artwork, it is taken to my art mounting workshop in Beijing where a wall scroll is made by hand from a combination of silk, rice paper, and wood.
After we create your wall scroll, it takes at least two weeks for air mail delivery from Beijing to you.

Allow a few weeks for delivery. Rush service speeds it up by a week or two for $10!

When you select your calligraphy, you'll be taken to another page where you can choose various custom options.

A nice Chinese calligraphy wall scroll

The wall scroll that Sandy is holding in this picture is a "large size"
single-character wall scroll.
We also offer custom wall scrolls in small, medium, and an even-larger jumbo size.

A professional Chinese Calligrapher

Professional calligraphers are getting to be hard to find these days.
Instead of drawing characters by hand, the new generation in China merely type roman letters into their computer keyboards and pick the character that they want from a list that pops up.

There is some fear that true Chinese calligraphy may become a lost art in the coming years. Many art institutes in China are now promoting calligraphy programs in hopes of keeping this unique form of art alive.

Trying to learn Chinese calligrapher - a futile effort

Even with the teachings of a top-ranked calligrapher in China, my calligraphy will never be good enough to sell. I will leave that to the experts.

A high-ranked Chinese master calligrapher that I met in Zhongwei

The same calligrapher who gave me those lessons also attracted a crowd of thousands and a TV crew as he created characters over 6-feet high. He happens to be ranked as one of the top 100 calligraphers in all of China. He is also one of very few that would actually attempt such a feat.

Check out my lists of Japanese Kanji Calligraphy Wall Scrolls and Old Korean Hanja Calligraphy Wall Scrolls.

Some people may refer to this entry as Whore Kanji, Whore Characters, Whore in Mandarin Chinese, Whore Characters, Whore in Chinese Writing, Whore in Japanese Writing, Whore in Asian Writing, Whore Ideograms, Chinese Whore symbols, Whore Hieroglyphics, Whore Glyphs, Whore in Chinese Letters, Whore Hanzi, Whore in Japanese Kanji, Whore Pictograms, Whore in the Chinese Written-Language, or Whore in the Japanese Written-Language.

70 people have searched for Whore in Chinese or Japanese in the past year.
Whore was last searched for by someone else on Mar 22nd, 2025