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Hungry in Chinese / Japanese...

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line of business; industry; occupation; job; employment; school studies; enterprise; property; (Buddhism) karma; deed; to engage in; already
deed; act; work; performance; (personal name) Hajime
karman, karma, "action, work, deed"; "moral duty"; "product, result, effect." M.W. The doctrine of the act; deeds and their effects on the character, especially in their relation to succeeding forms of transmigration. The 三業 are thought, word, and deed, each as good, bad, or indifferent. Karma from former lives is 宿業, from present conduct 現業. Karma is moral action that causes future retribution, and either good or evil transmigration. It is also that moral kernel in which each being survives death for further rebirth or metempsychosis. There are categories of 2, 3, 4, 6, and 10; the 六業 are rebirth in the hells, or as animals, hungry ghosts, men, devas, or asuras: v. 六趣.

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 oni(p); ki
    おに(P); き

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Ghost Demon
disembodied spirit; ghost; devil; (suffix) person with a certain vice or addiction etc; sly; crafty; resourceful (variant of 詭|诡[gui3]); one of the 28 constellations of ancient Chinese astronomy
(1) ogre; demon; oni; (2) (See 亡魂) spirit of a deceased person; (3) (おに only) ogre-like person (i.e. fierce, relentless, merciless, etc.); (4) (おに only) (See 鬼ごっこ・おにごっこ) it (in a game of tag, hide-and-seek, etc.); (5) (き only) {astron} (See 二十八宿,朱雀・すざく・2) Chinese "ghost" constellation (one of the 28 mansions); (prefix) (6) (おに only) (slang) (See 超・1) very; extremely; super-; (surname) Miniwa
preta 薜荔多, departed, dead; a disembodied spirit, dead person, ghost; a demon, evil being; especially a 餓鬼 hungry ghost. They are of many kinds. The Fan-i ming i classifies them as poor, medium, and rich; each again thrice subdivided: (1) (a) with mouths like burning torches; (b) throats no bigger than needles; (c) vile breath, disgusting to themselves; (2) (a) needle-haired, self-piercing; (b) hair sharp and stinking; (c) having great wens on whose pus they must feed. (3) (a) living on the remains of sacrifices; (b) on leavings in general; (c) powerful ones, yakṣas, rākṣasas, piśācas, etc. All belong to the realm of Yama, whence they are sent everywhere, consequently are ubiquitous in every house, lane, market, mound, stream, tree, etc.


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bù shī
    bu4 shi1
pu shih

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Dana: Almsgiving and Generosity
Dana (Buddhist practice of giving)
(n,vs,vi) (1) {Buddh} alms-giving; charity; (n,vs,vi) (2) {Buddh} offerings (usu. money) to a priest (for reading sutras, etc.); (surname) Fuho
dāna 檀那; the sixth pāramitā, almsgiving, i. e. of goods, or the doctrine, with resultant benefits now and also hereafter in the forms of reincarnation, as neglect or refusal will produce the opposite consequences. The 二種布施 two kinds of dāna are the pure, or unsullied charity, which looks for no reward here but only hereafter; and the sullied almsgiving whose object is personal benefit. The three kinds of dāna are goods, the doctrine, and courage, or fearlessness. The four kinds are pens to write the sutras, ink, the sutras themselves, and preaching. The five kinds are giving to those who have come from a distance, those who are going to a distance, the sick, the hungry, those wise in the doctrine. The seven kinds are giving to visitors, travellers, the sick, their nurses, monasteries, endowments for the sustenance of monks or nuns, and clothing and food according to season. The eight kinds are giving to those who come for aid, giving for fear (of evil), return for kindness received, anticipating gifts in return, continuing the parental example of giving, giving in hope of rebirth in a particular heaven, in hope of an honoured name, for the adornment of the heart and life. 倶舍論 18.

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big; hungry-looking

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(bound form) hungry

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(bound form) hungry; starving; (bound form) dispirited; (literary) (of fish) putrid


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hungry; to starve (sb)
Hungry, famished, starving.


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qī yǒu
    qi1 you3
ch`i yu
    chi yu
七生 The seven stages of existence in a human world, or in any 欲界 desire-world. Also (1) in the hells, (2) as animals, (3) hungry ghosts, (4) gods, (5) men, (6) karma 業, and (7) in the intermediate stage.


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qī qù
    qi1 qu4
ch`i ch`ü
    chi chü
The seven gati or states of sentient beings- nārakagati, in hell; preta, hungry ghost; tiryagyoni, animal; manuṣya, man; ṛṣi, a genius or higher spiritual being; deva, god; asura, demon of the higher order.


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 sanaku; sannaku; sanmaku
    さんあく; さんなく; さんまく
(1) (abbreviation) {Buddh} (See 三悪道・さんあくどう) the world of hungry spirits and the world of animals; three evil worlds hell; (2) (さんあく only) three evils (prostitution, drugs and venereal diseases)



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sān è
    san1 e4
san o
The three evil gati, or paths of transmigration; also 三惡道, 三惡趣 the hells, hungry ghosts, animals.



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xià chén
    xia4 chen2
hsia ch`en
    hsia chen
The lower gati, the hells, hungry ghosts, animals.


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bù kōng
    bu4 kong1
pu k`ung
    pu kung
 fukuu / fuku
(given name, person) Fukuu
Amogha, Amoghavajra. 不空三藏; 智藏; 阿目佉跋折羅 Not empty (or not in vain) vajra. The famous head of the Yogācāra school in China. A Singhalese of northern brahmanic descent, having lost his father, he came at the age of 15 with his uncle to 東海, the eastern sea, or China, where in 718 he became a disciple of 金剛智 Vajrabodhi. After the latter's death in 732, and at his wish, Eliot says in 741, he went to India and Ceylon in search of esoteric or tantric writings, and returned in 746, when he baptized the emperor Xuan Tsung. He was especially noted for rain-making and stilling storms. In 749 he received permission to return home, but was stopped by imperial orders when in the south of China. In ?756 under Su Tsung he was recalled to the capital. His time until 771 was spent translating and editing tantric books in 120 volumes, and the Yogacara 密教 rose to its peak of prosperity. He died greatly honoured at 70 years of age, in 774, the twelfth year of Tai Tsung, the third emperor under whom he had served. The festival of feeding the hungry spirits 孟蘭勝會 is attributed to him. His titles of 智藏 and 不空三藏 are Thesaurus of Wisdom and Amogha Tripitaka.


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jiǔ dì
    jiu3 di4
chiu ti
 kyuuchi / kyuchi
very low land; (surname) Kuji
The nine lands, i.e. the 欲界 realm of desire or sensuous realm the four 色界 realms of form or material forms; and the four 無色界 formless realms, or realms beyond form; v. 九有, 九有情居, 禪 and 定. The nine realms are:—(1) 欲界五趣地; the desire realm with its five gati, i.e. hells, hungry ghosts, animals, men, and devas. In the four form-realms are:— (2) 離生喜樂地 Paradise after earthly life, this is also the first dhyāna, or subject of meditation, 初禪. (3) 定生喜樂地 Paradise of cessation of rebirth, 二禪. (4) 離喜妙樂地 Land of wondrous joy after the previous joys, 三禪. (5) 捨念淸淨地 The Pure Land of abandonment of thought, or recollection (of past delights), 四禪. The four formless, or infinite realms, catur arūpa dhātu, are:—(6) 空無邊處地 ākāśānantyā-yatanam, the land of infinite space; also the first samādhi, 第一定. (7) 識無邊處地 vijñānānamtyāyatanam, the land of omniscience, or infinite perception, 二定. (8) 無所有處地 ākiñcanyāyatana, the land of nothingness, 三定. (9) 非想非非想處地 naivasaṁjñānā-saṁjñāyatana, the land (of knowledge) without thinking or not thinking, or where there is neither consciousness nor unconsciousness, i.e. above either; this is the 四定. Eitel says that in the last four, "Life lasts 20,000 great kalpas in the 1st, 40,000 in the 2nd, 60,000 in the 3rd, and 80,000 great kalpas in the 4th of these heavens."


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wǔ kǔ
    wu3 ku3
wu k`u
    wu ku
The five forms of suffering: I. (1) Birth, age, sickness, death; (2) parting with those loved; (3) meeting with the hated or disliked; (4) inability to obtain the desired; (5) the five skandha sufferings, mental and physical. II. Birth, age, sickness, death, and the shackles (for criminals). III. The sufferings of the hells, and as hungry ghosts, animals, asuras, and human beings.


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wǔ qù
    wu3 qu4
wu ch`ü
    wu chü
The five gati, i. e. destinations, destinies: the hells, hungry ghosts, animals, human beings, devas; cf. 五惡趣 and 五道.



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bān án
    ban1 an2
pan an
The eight conditions in which it is difficult to see a Buddha or hear his dharma: in the hells: as hungry ghosts; as animals; in Uttarakuru (the northern continent where all is pleasant); in the long-life heavens (where life is long and easy); as deaf, blind, and dumb; as a worldly philosopher; in the intermediate period between a Buddha and his successor. Also 八無暇.


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liù fán
    liu4 fan2
liu fan
The six stages of rebirth for ordinary people, as contrasted with the saints 聖者: in the hells, and as hungry: ghosts, animals, asuras, men, and devas.


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liù dì
    liu4 di4
liu ti
Six bodhisattvas in the Dizang group of the garbhadhātu, each controlling one of the 六道 or ways of sentient existence. They deal with rebirth in the hells, as hungry ghosts, animals, asuras, men, and devas.


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liù qù
    liu4 qu4
liu ch`ü
    liu chü
The six directions of reincarnation, also 六道: (1) 地獄趣 naraka-gati, or that of the hells; (2) 餓鬼趣 preta-gati, of hungry ghosts; (3) 畜生趣 tiryagyoni-gati, of animals; (4) 阿修羅趣 asura-gati, of malevolent nature spirits; (5 ) 人趣 manuṣya-gati, of human existence; (6) 天趣 deva-gati, of deva existence. The 六趣輪廻經 is attributed to Aśvaghoṣa.


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liù dào
    liu4 dao4
liu tao
 rokudou; rikudou / rokudo; rikudo
    ろくどう; りくどう
{Buddh} the six realms (Deva realm, Asura realm, Human realm, Animal realm, Hungry Ghost realm, Naraka realm); (place-name) Rokudō
The six ways or conditions of sentient existence; v. 六趣; the three higher are the 上三途, the three lower 下三途.


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dāo tú
    dao1 tu2
tao t`u
    tao tu
The gati or path of rebirth as an animal, so called because animals are subjects of the butcher's knife.



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ái è
    ai2 e4
ai o
to go hungry; to endure starvation; famished


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shī shí
    shi1 shi2
shih shih
to give food (as a charity); "feeding the hungry ghosts" (Buddhist ceremony)
To bestow food (on monks), and on hungry ghosts.


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yù jiè
    yu4 jie4
yü chieh
 yokukai; yokkai
    よくかい; よっかい
{Buddh} (See 三界・1) desire realm
kāmadhātu. The realm, or realms, of in purgatory, hungry spirits, animals, asuras, men, and the six heavens of desire. so called because the beings in these states are dominated by desire. The kāmadhātu realms are given as: 地居 Bhauma. 虛曇天 Antarikṣa. 四天王天 Caturmaharājakayika [i.e. the realms of 持國天 Dhṛtarāṣtra, east; 增長天 Virūḍhaka, south; 廣目天 Virūpakṣa, west; 多聞天 Vai śramaṇa (Dhanada), north]. 忉利天 Trayastriṃśa. 兜率天 Tuṣita. 化樂天 Nirmāṇarati. 他化自在天 Paranirmitavaśavarin.


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qiú shí
    qiu2 shi2
ch`iu shih
    chiu shih
 gu jiki


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huǒ kēng
    huo3 keng1
huo k`eng
    huo keng
 ka kō
pit of fire; fig. living hell
The fiery pit (of the five desires 五欲); also that of the three ill destinies— the hells, animals, hungry ghosts.



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yàn kǒu
    yan4 kou3
yen k`ou
    yen kou
UIkā-mukha. Flaming mouth, a hungry ghost or preta, that is represented as appearing to Ānanda in the 救拔燄ロ餓鬼陀羅尼經 (B.N. 984).


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wáng shàn
    wang2 shan4
wang shan
A royal feast referred to in the Lotus Sutra, where the hungry people feared to accept the King's feast till he came himself and called them; i. e. the feast of Buddhahood and the Buddha's call.


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shēng sǐ
    sheng1 si3
sheng ssu
 seishi(p); shouji; shoushi / seshi(p); shoji; shoshi
    せいし(P); しょうじ; しょうし
life or death
(1) life and death; life or death; (2) (しょうじ, しょうし only) {Buddh} samsara (cycle of death and rebirth); (3) (しょうじ, しょうし only) death
saṃsāra: birth and death: rebirth and redeath; life and death; 生死, 死生; 生生死死 ever-recurring saṃsāra or transmigrations; the round of mortality. There are two, three, four, seven, and twelve kinds of 生死; the two are 分斷生死 the various karmaic transmigrations, and 不思義變易生死 (or simply 變易生死) the inconceivable transformation life in the Pure Land. Among the twelve are final separation from mortality of the arhat, with 無餘 no remains of it causing return; one final death and no rebirth of the anāgāmin; the seven advancing rebirths of the srota-āpanna; down to the births-cum-deaths of hungry ghosts.

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A professional Chinese Calligrapher

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There is some fear that true Chinese calligraphy may become a lost art in the coming years. Many art institutes in China are now promoting calligraphy programs in hopes of keeping this unique form of art alive.

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A high-ranked Chinese master calligrapher that I met in Zhongwei

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