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If you want a special phrase, word, title, name, or proverb, feel free to contact me, and I will translate your custom calligraphy idea for you.
1. Fix the roof before the rain; Dig the well before you are thirsty
3. Keep Calm in Face of Adversity
5. Calm / Cool
9. The Night is Darkest Before the Dawn
14. Keep Calm, Be Not Impatient
15. Hoes Before Bros
17. Peaceful Heart / Peace of Mind / Calm Mind
18. Peaceful / Tranquil / Calm / Free From Worry
19. Reach Peace and Calm Through Meditation
20. Stability / Calm and Orderly / Equilibrium
22. Storm
24. Tempest / Storm
补漏趁天晴未渴先掘井 is a Chinese proverb that literally translates as: Mend the roof while the weather is fine, [and when you are] not yet thirsty, dig the well beforehand.
In simple terms, this means: Always being prepared in advance.
See Also: Have a Walking Stick at the Ready Before You Stumble
Better to be broken jade than unbroken pottery
寧為玉碎 is the short version of a longer Chinese proverb which means “rather be shattered piece of jade than an unbroken piece of pottery.”
寧為玉碎 says the “rather be a broken piece of jade” part (the second half is implied - everyone in China knows this idiom).
A little more explanation:
Death is implied with the “broken” meaning. Jade is one of the most precious materials in Chinese history, and in this case, is compared with one's honor and self-worth. Pottery is just something you eat off of; it has no deep value, just as a person who has lost their honor or had none to begin with.
Thus, this means “better to die with honor than to live in shame” or words to that effect.
This is often translated in English as “Death Before Dishonor,” the famous military slogan.
I would also compare this to the English proverb, “Better to die on your feet than to live on your knees.”
Better to be broken jade than unbroken pottery
寧為玉碎不為瓦全 is the long version of a Chinese proverb that means “rather be shattered piece of jade than an unbroken piece of pottery.”
A little more explanation:
Death is implied with the “broken” meaning. Jade is one of the most precious materials in Chinese history, and in this case, is compared with one's honor and self-worth. Pottery is just something you eat off of, it has no deep value, just as a person who has lost their honor, or had none to begin with.
Thus, this means “better to die with honor than to live in shame” or words to that effect.
寧為玉碎不為瓦全 is often translated in English as “Death Before Dishonor,” the famous military slogan.
I would also compare this to the English proverb, “Better to die on your feet than to live on your knees.”
This is an idiom. It therefore doesn’t directly say exactly what it means. If you think about the English idiom, "The grass is always greener," it does not directly say "jealousy" or "envy" but everyone knows that it is implied.
失意泰然 is a very old Japanese proverb that suggests “keeping calm and collected at times of disappointment,” or “maintaining a serene state of mind when faced with adversity.”
It's hard to relate individual character meanings to the overall meaning unless you also understand Japanese grammar. The word order is very different than English. That being said, here's the character meaning breakdown:
失 To miss, lose or fail.
意 Feelings, thoughts, meaning.
泰 Safe, peaceful.
然 Like that, in that way, however, although.
Using these definitions in English, we might say, “Although you may fail or lose, have a feeling of peace and calm.”
鎮靜 represents the idea of being calm, cool, or relaxed in Chinese, Japanese Kanji, and old Korean Hanja.
My Korean dictionary further defines this as quiet, calm, tranquility, and pacification.
From my Japanese dictionary: calm, quiet, tranquility, appeasement, pacification.
Note: This term is also used in Korean Hanja but there is a slight deviation in the way they write the second character in Korean. Still, a Korean person who can read Hanja, will be able to read this word. We can write it in the Korean form if you wish (just let us know when you place your order). In Korean, this is the word you might use to tell someone to "calm down" or "take it easy."
冷靜 means calm and cool-headed in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean.
Other translations: calmness, composure, coolness, serenity, tranquility.
冷靜 is a good wall scroll for someone that wants to remind themselves to stay calm and level-headed.
See Also: Sober Calm
安 is used in a lot of compound words in the CJK world.
Alone, this character has a broad span of possible meanings. These meanings include relaxed, quiet, rested, contented, calm, still, to pacify, peaceful, at peace, soothing, or soothed.
安 and even the pronunciation was borrowed from Chinese and absorbed into both Japanese Kanji and Korean Hanja. In all these languages, this character is pronounced like “an.”
黎明前的黑暗 is the most natural way to write “The night is darkest before the dawn,” in Chinese.
The words break down this way by meaning this way:
1.黎明 dawn or daybreak
2.前 before, in front, ago, former, previous, and/or earlier
3.的 (possessive particle) of
4.黑暗 dark, darkly, or darkness
If you try to understand the Chinese word order and grammar, it's like, “Before dawn is the darkest [time].”
Rather die than compromise
寧死不屈 is often translated as “Death Before Dishonor.”
The literal translation is more like, “Better die than compromise.” The last two characters mean “not to bend” or “not to bow down.” Some might even say that it means “not to surrender.” Thus, you could say this proverb means “Better to die than live on my knees” or simply “no surrender” (with the real idea being that you would rather die than surrender).
You can die or kill, but never dishonor or disgrace yourself
可殺不可辱 almost directly matches the idea of “Death Before Dishonor” while also being an ancient Chinese proverb.
The direct meaning is, “[you] can die/kill [but you] cannot [allow] dishonor/disgrace [upon yourself].” Chinese grammar, and especially ancient grammar, is a little different than English. Not nearly as many articles are needed, and a lot is implied.
There are many ways to express ideas similar to “Death Before Dishonor” in Chinese, and I would rate this one in the top two.
A soldier can die or kill, but never dishonor or disgrace himself
士可殺不可辱 almost directly matches the military idea of “Death Before Dishonor,” while also being an ancient Chinese proverb.
The direct meaning is, “[A] soldier/warrior can die/kill [but he/she] cannot [allow] dishonor/disgrace [upon himself/herself].” Chinese grammar, and especially ancient grammar, is a little different than English. Not nearly as many articles are needed, and a lot is implied.
There are a lot of ways to express ideas similar to “Death Before Dishonor” in Chinese, and I would rate this one in the top two.
This is the original form of this proverb with the character for “soldier/warrior” at the beginning. Most of the time, this character is dropped, becoming a five-character proverb (the soldier/warrior part is implied, even without the character being present in the proverb). We also offer a shorter version.
不名誉より死 is the Japanese version of “Death Before Dishonor.”
Japanese grammar is a bit different than English, so this really means something like “Rather die than to be dishonored.” However, “dishonor” is the first three Kanji, and death is the last Kanji. There are two Hiragana (より) which indicate the preference is death when comparing dishonor to death.
Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.
寧死不降 is an ancient Chinese proverb that can be translated as “Rather die than surrender,” “Prefer death over surrender,” “To prefer death to surrender,” or simply “No surrender.”
This is probably the closest proverb to the English proverb “Better to die on your feet than to live on your knees.”
This literally means an arrogant army is bound to lose.
The meaning is similar to “pride goes before a fall.”
Others may translate this as “defeat is inevitable for an overconfident army,” “being arrogant and overconfident inevitably leads to defeat,” or “pride comes before a fall.”
虛心坦懐 is a Japanese proverb that means “with an open and calm mind,” “with no preconceived notions,” or “without reservations.”
In some contexts, it can mean frank or candid.
If you want to remind yourself to approach each situation with no preconceptions, this is a good title for you. This can also refer to the ideas of being candid, frank, and straightforward.
安心 can be defined as relief, peace of mind, feeling at ease, to be relieved, to set one's mind at rest, and easiness.
安心 is a nice word that encompasses great meanings within just two characters. Some of the other meanings include pacifying, settling the mind, and peace of mind. It's also the idea of feeling a sense of security, safety, and confidence in your state of well-being.
This can be used by everyone, but some consider it to be a Buddhist concept (You'll find it in your Zen dictionary).
Note: Can be romanized as Anshin or Anjin in Japanese.
This is a nice word that means peaceful, tranquil, calm, composed, “free from worry,” “public peace,” tranquility, good health, well-being, or welfare in Chinese and Korean.
Note: The definition in Japanese is not so broad but still means peaceful or “public peace.”
安禪 creates a title that means to reach peace and calm through meditation.
安禪 is an excellent wall scroll for your relaxation or meditation room.
This is also a Buddhist-related term that encompasses the idea of entering into dhyana meditation.
This is also used in Japanese, but in modern times, the second character has changed, so it's 安禅 now. If you want the modern Japanese version, just choose a Japanese calligrapher, and let me know when you place your order.
安定 is a word that means: quiet; settled; maintain; calm and orderly; stability; equilibrium.
寂靜 is the Chinese and old Japanese word for calmness, stillness, and tranquility.
In the Buddhist context, this can refer to the calmness of the heart, enlightenment, or the state of being calm and quiet - free from temptation and distress. This can be thought of as being in a state of earthly nirvāṇa.
Note: The second character is written just slightly differently in modern Japanese (静 instead of 靜). Expect a slight variation if you order this from the Japanese master calligrapher. The version shown here is considered the ancient Japanese and original Chinese form.
風暴 is the Chinese word for storm.
If the meaning of storm is somehow important or significant to you, these are the characters you want.
The first character means wind, and the second means violent or sudden.
Note: This would be understood in Korean Hanja, however, Koreans would generally use these characters in reverse order.
Best for Japanese audience
暴風 is the Japanese Kanji and old Korean Hanja word for storm (can also mean gale, tempest, typhoon, hurricane, gale, violent wind, or windstorm - especially in Korean and Chinese).
If the meaning of storm is somehow significant to you, these are the Kanji you want.
The first Kanji means violent or sudden. The second Kanji means wind.
This also means storm in Chinese but more in regards to a wind storm than a general storm. It's about the same for this word in Korean.
暴風雨 is a Chinese, Japanese Kanji, and old Korean Hanja word meaning rainstorm, storm, or tempest.
転ばぬ先の杖 is a Japanese proverb that literally translates as: Have a walking stick ready before stumbling.
This is similar to the English idiom, “A stitch in time saves nine.”
In simple terms, this means: Always being prepared in advance.
Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.
See Also: Fix Roof Before the Rain; Dig the Well Before You Are Thirsty
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The following table may be helpful for those studying Chinese or Japanese...
Title | Characters | Romaji (Romanized Japanese) | Various forms of Romanized Chinese | |
Fix the roof before the rain; Dig the well before you are thirsty | 補漏趁天晴未渴先掘井 补漏趁天晴未渴先掘井 | bǔ lòu chèn tiān qíng wèi kě xiān jué jǐng bu3 lou4 chen4 tian1 qing2 wei4 ke3 xian1 jue2 jing3 bu lou chen tian qing wei ke xian jue jing | pu lou ch`en t`ien ch`ing wei k`o hsien chüeh ching pu lou chen tien ching wei ko hsien chüeh ching |
Death Before Dishonor | 寧為玉碎 宁为玉碎 | níng wéi yù suì ning2 wei2 yu4 sui4 ning wei yu sui ningweiyusui | ning wei yü sui ningweiyüsui |
Death Before Dishonor | 寧為玉碎不為瓦全 宁为玉碎不为瓦全 | níng wéi yù suì bù wéi wǎ quán ning2 wei2 yu4 sui4 bu4 wei2 wa3 quan2 ning wei yu sui bu wei wa quan ningweiyusuibuweiwaquan | ning wei yü sui pu wei wa ch`üan ning wei yü sui pu wei wa chüan |
Keep Calm in Face of Adversity | 失意泰然 | shitsuitaizen | ||
Calm and Collected | 沉著 沉着 | chén zhuó chen2 zhuo2 chen zhuo chenzhuo | ch`en cho chencho chen cho |
Calm Cool | 鎮靜 镇静 | chin sei / chinsei | zhèn jìng zhen4 jing4 zhen jing zhenjing | chen ching chenching |
Calm Cool-Headed | 冷靜 冷静 | rei sei / reisei | lěng jìng leng3 jing4 leng jing lengjing | leng ching lengching |
Calm Tranquility | 安 | an | ān / an1 / an | |
Calm and Open Mind | 虛心 虚心 | ko shin / koshin | xū xīn / xu1 xin1 / xu xin / xuxin | hsü hsin / hsühsin |
The Night is Darkest Before the Dawn | 黎明前的黑暗 | lí míng qián de hēi àn li2 ming2 qian2 de hei1 an4 li ming qian de hei an limingqiandeheian | li ming ch`ien te hei an limingchienteheian li ming chien te hei an |
Death Before Surrender | 寧死不屈 宁死不屈 | níng sǐ bù qū ning2 si3 bu4 qu1 ning si bu qu ningsibuqu | ning ssu pu ch`ü ningssupuchü ning ssu pu chü |
Death Before Dishonor | 可殺不可辱 可杀不可辱 | kě shā bù kě rǔ ke3 sha1 bu4 ke3 ru3 ke sha bu ke ru keshabukeru | k`o sha pu k`o ju koshapukoju ko sha pu ko ju |
Death Before Dishonor | 士可殺不可辱 士可杀不可辱 | shì kě shā bù kě rǔ shi4 ke3 sha1 bu4 ke3 ru3 shi ke sha bu ke ru shikeshabukeru | shih k`o sha pu k`o ju shihkoshapukoju shih ko sha pu ko ju |
Death Before Dishonor | 不名譽より死 不名誉より死 | fu mei yo yo ri shi fumeiyoyorishi | ||
Death Before Surrender | 寧死不降 宁死不降 | nìng sǐ bù xiáng ning4 si3 bu4 xiang2 ning si bu xiang ningsibuxiang | ning ssu pu hsiang ningssupuhsiang |
Pride Goes Before a Fall | 驕兵必敗 骄兵必败 | kyouheihippai / kyohehippai kyoheihipai / kyohehipai | jiāo bīng bì bài jiao1 bing1 bi4 bai4 jiao bing bi bai jiaobingbibai | chiao ping pi pai chiaopingpipai |
Keep Calm, Be Not Impatient | 少安毋躁 | shǎo ān wú zào shao3 an1 wu2 zao4 shao an wu zao shaoanwuzao | shao an wu tsao shaoanwutsao |
Hoes Before Bros | 見色忘義 见色忘义 | jiàn sè wàng yì jian4 se4 wang4 yi4 jian se wang yi jiansewangyi | chien se wang i chiensewangi |
Open and Calm Mind | 虛心坦懐 虚心坦懐 | kyo shin tan kai kyoshintankai | ||
Peaceful Heart Peace of Mind Calm Mind | 安心 | an shin / anshin | ān xīn / an1 xin1 / an xin / anxin | an hsin / anhsin |
Peaceful Tranquil Calm Free From Worry | 安寧 安宁 | an nei / annei | ān níng / an1 ning2 / an ning / anning | |
Reach Peace and Calm Through Meditation | 安禪 安禅 | an zen / anzen | ān chán / an1 chan2 / an chan / anchan | an ch`an / anchan / an chan |
Stability Calm and Orderly Equilibrium | 安定 | an tei / antei | ān dìng / an1 ding4 / an ding / anding | an ting / anting |
Stillness Quiet Calm | 寂靜 寂静 | sekisei / jakujou sekisei / jakujo | jì jìng / ji4 jing4 / ji jing / jijing | chi ching / chiching |
Storm | 風暴 风暴 | fēng bào / feng1 bao4 / feng bao / fengbao | feng pao / fengpao | |
Storm Windstorm | 暴風 暴风 | baku fuu / bou fuu / arashi baku fu / bo fu / arashi | bào fēng / bao4 feng1 / bao feng / baofeng | pao feng / paofeng |
Tempest Storm | 暴風雨 暴风雨 | bofuu / arashi bofu / arashi | bào fēng yǔ bao4 feng1 yu3 bao feng yu baofengyu | pao feng yü paofengyü |
Have a Walking Stick at the Ready Before You Stumble | 転ばぬ先の杖 | koro ba nu saki no tsue korobanusakinotsue | ||
In some entries above you will see that characters have different versions above and below a line. In these cases, the characters above the line are Traditional Chinese, while the ones below are Simplified Chinese. |
Successful Chinese Character and Japanese Kanji calligraphy searches within the last few hours...
All of our calligraphy wall scrolls are handmade.
When the calligrapher finishes creating your artwork, it is taken to my art mounting workshop in Beijing where a wall scroll is made by hand from a combination of silk, rice paper, and wood.
After we create your wall scroll, it takes at least two weeks for air mail delivery from Beijing to you.
Allow a few weeks for delivery. Rush service speeds it up by a week or two for $10!
When you select your calligraphy, you'll be taken to another page where you can choose various custom options.
The wall scroll that Sandy is holding in this picture is a "large size"
single-character wall scroll.
We also offer custom wall scrolls in small, medium, and an even-larger jumbo size.
Professional calligraphers are getting to be hard to find these days.
Instead of drawing characters by hand, the new generation in China merely type roman letters into their computer keyboards and pick the character that they want from a list that pops up.
There is some fear that true Chinese calligraphy may become a lost art in the coming years. Many art institutes in China are now promoting calligraphy programs in hopes of keeping this unique form
of art alive.
Even with the teachings of a top-ranked calligrapher in China, my calligraphy will never be good enough to sell. I will leave that to the experts.
The same calligrapher who gave me those lessons also attracted a crowd of thousands and a TV crew as he created characters over 6-feet high. He happens to be ranked as one of the top 100 calligraphers in all of China. He is also one of very few that would actually attempt such a feat.
Check out my lists of Japanese Kanji Calligraphy Wall Scrolls and Old Korean Hanja Calligraphy Wall Scrolls.
Some people may refer to this entry as Calm Before the Storm Kanji, Calm Before the Storm Characters, Calm Before the Storm in Mandarin Chinese, Calm Before the Storm Characters, Calm Before the Storm in Chinese Writing, Calm Before the Storm in Japanese Writing, Calm Before the Storm in Asian Writing, Calm Before the Storm Ideograms, Chinese Calm Before the Storm symbols, Calm Before the Storm Hieroglyphics, Calm Before the Storm Glyphs, Calm Before the Storm in Chinese Letters, Calm Before the Storm Hanzi, Calm Before the Storm in Japanese Kanji, Calm Before the Storm Pictograms, Calm Before the Storm in the Chinese Written-Language, or Calm Before the Storm in the Japanese Written-Language.
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