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森林浴 is the title for forest bathing or Shinrinyoku in Japanese and Senlinyu in Chinese.
This is simply the practice of spending time in a forest, often including walking or deep breathing as a form of therapy.
Also defined as forest therapy or a peaceful walk through the woods for health benefits.
游泳 is the Chinese and Japanese Kanji for swimming, or swim. This can be the act of or the sport of swimming.
In a certain context, this could mean bathing. Further, like the old phrase, “it's going swimmingly.” this word can refer to the “conduct of life.”
Clean and Pure
淨 is the most simple way to express purity or cleanliness in Chinese, Japanese Kanji, and old Korean Hanja.
As a single character, the concept is broad: This can be a verb (the act of cleaning, purifying, or cleansing) but it can also be the state of being clean, pure, and chaste. In some contexts, it can be a place to clean (like a bathing room for the soul in a Buddhist context). In Japanese, this can be a female given name “Jou” or “jō” (the Japanese equivalent of the English girl's name “Chastity”).
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These search terms might be related to Bathing:
Below are some entries from our dictionary that may match your bathing search...
Characters If shown, 2nd row is Simp. Chinese |
Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
游泳 see styles |
yóu yǒng you2 yong3 yu yung yuuei / yue ゆうえい |
More info & calligraphy: Swim / Swimming(n,vs,adj-no) (1) swimming; bathing; (2) conduct of life |
森林浴 see styles |
sēn lín yù sen1 lin2 yu4 sen lin yü shinrinyoku しんりんよく |
More info & calligraphy: Forest Bathingforest bathing; forest therapy; peaceful walk through the woods for health benefits |
塘 see styles |
táng tang2 t`ang tang tomo とも |
dyke; embankment; pool or pond; hot-water bathing pool (surname, given name) Tomo |
寺 see styles |
sì si4 ssu teraji てらじ |
Buddhist temple; mosque; government office (old) temple (Buddhist); (personal name) Teraji vihāra, 毘訶羅 or 鼻訶羅; saṅghārāma 僧伽藍; an official hall, a temple, adopted by Buddhists for a monastery, many other names are given to it, e. g. 淨住; 法同舍; 出世舍; 精舍; 淸淨園; 金剛刹; 寂滅道場; 遠離處; 親近處 'A model vihāra ought to be built of red sandalwood, with 32 chambers, 8 tāla trees in height, with a garden, park and bathing tank attached; it ought to have promenades for peripatetic meditation and to be richly furnished with stores of clothes, food, bedsteads, mattresses, medicines and all creature comforts.' Eitel. |
入浴 see styles |
rù yù ru4 yu4 ju yü nyuuyoku / nyuyoku にゅうよく |
(n,vs,vi) bathing; going in the bath to take a bath |
入湯 see styles |
nyuutou / nyuto にゅうとう |
(n,vs,vi) taking a hot bath; bathing at hot springs |
水浴 see styles |
suiyoku すいよく |
(n,vs,vi) a bath; bathing |
水着 see styles |
mizugi みずぎ |
bathing suit; swimsuit; swimmers |
沐浴 see styles |
mù yù mu4 yu4 mu yü mokuyoku もくよく |
to take a bath; to bathe; to immerse (n,vs,vi) (1) bathing (of an infant); (n,vs,vi) (2) ablution; (n,vs,vi) (3) (archaism) receiving a blessing to bathe |
泳衣 see styles |
yǒng yī yong3 yi1 yung i |
swimsuit; bathing suit |
浴場 浴场 see styles |
yù chǎng yu4 chang3 yü ch`ang yü chang yokujou / yokujo よくじょう |
bathing spot (1) bathhouse; (public) bath; (2) bathroom |
浴後 see styles |
yokugo よくご |
(n,adv) after bathing |
浴鼓 see styles |
yù gǔ yu4 gu3 yü ku yokuko |
The bathing-drum, announcing the time for washing in the Chan monasteries. |
混浴 see styles |
konyoku こんよく |
(n,vs,vi) mixed bathing |
湯具 see styles |
yugu ゆぐ |
(1) accessories used for bathing; (2) (See 湯帷子,ゆまき・2,腰巻き,ゆもじ・2) garment used while bathing |
湯取 see styles |
yutori ゆとり |
(irregular okurigana usage) (1) clothing to absorb dampness after bathing; yukata; (2) (abbreviation) twice-boiled rice (for sick persons); (3) (archaism) scoop for removing bilge water |
湯殿 see styles |
yudono ゆどの |
(1) (dated) (See 風呂場) bathroom; (2) (archaism) bathing; (3) (archaism) bathing attendant (for a noble); (place-name, surname) Yudono |
溶佛 see styles |
róng fó rong2 fo2 jung fo yōbutsu |
bathing the buddha |
糠袋 see styles |
nukabukuro ぬかぶくろ |
rice-bran bag (used for scrubbing the skin when bathing) |
遊泳 see styles |
yuuei / yue ゆうえい |
(n,vs,adj-no) (1) swimming; bathing; (2) conduct of life |
開浴 see styles |
kaiyoku かいよく |
{Buddh} bathing (in a Zen Temple) |
風呂 see styles |
furo ふろ |
(1) (See お風呂) bath; bathing; bathtub; bathroom; (2) bathhouse; public bath; (3) room for drying lacquerware; (4) base (wooden joint connecting the blade of a hoe, spade, etc., to the handle); (surname) Furo |
黙浴 see styles |
mokuyoku もくよく |
(n,vs,vi) bathing communally without talking (to reduce transmission of disease) |
ぬか袋 see styles |
nukabukuro ぬかぶくろ |
rice-bran bag (used for scrubbing the skin when bathing) |
入浴券 see styles |
nyuuyokuken / nyuyokuken にゅうよくけん |
bathhouse entry ticket; bathing ticket |
入浴剤 see styles |
nyuuyokuzai / nyuyokuzai にゅうよくざい |
bathing powder; bathwater additive; bath salt |
入湯客 see styles |
nyuutoukyaku / nyutokyaku にゅうとうきゃく |
bathing guest at a hot spring |
入込湯 see styles |
irikomiyu いりこみゆ |
public bath with mixed bathing |
全身浴 see styles |
zenshinyoku ぜんしんよく |
full-body bath; full-body bathing |
六方禮 六方礼 see styles |
liù fāng lǐ liu4 fang1 li3 liu fang li roppōrai |
The brahman morning act of bathing and paying homage in the six directions; observing the 'well-born' do this; the Buddha is said to have given the discourse in the 善生經. |
The following table may be helpful for those studying Chinese or Japanese...
Title | Characters | Romaji (Romanized Japanese) | Various forms of Romanized Chinese | |
Forest Bathing | 森林浴 | shin rin yoku shinrinyoku | sēn lín yù sen1 lin2 yu4 sen lin yu senlinyu | sen lin yü senlinyü |
Swim Swimming | 游泳 | yuuei / yue yuei / yue | yóu yǒng / you2 yong3 / you yong / youyong | yu yung / yuyung |
Purity | 淨 | jou / jo | jìng / jing4 / jing | ching |
Successful Chinese Character and Japanese Kanji calligraphy searches within the last few hours...
All of our calligraphy wall scrolls are handmade.
When the calligrapher finishes creating your artwork, it is taken to my art mounting workshop in Beijing where a wall scroll is made by hand from a combination of silk, rice paper, and wood.
After we create your wall scroll, it takes at least two weeks for air mail delivery from Beijing to you.
Allow a few weeks for delivery. Rush service speeds it up by a week or two for $10!
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The wall scroll that Sandy is holding in this picture is a "large size"
single-character wall scroll.
We also offer custom wall scrolls in small, medium, and an even-larger jumbo size.
Professional calligraphers are getting to be hard to find these days.
Instead of drawing characters by hand, the new generation in China merely type roman letters into their computer keyboards and pick the character that they want from a list that pops up.
There is some fear that true Chinese calligraphy may become a lost art in the coming years. Many art institutes in China are now promoting calligraphy programs in hopes of keeping this unique form
of art alive.
Even with the teachings of a top-ranked calligrapher in China, my calligraphy will never be good enough to sell. I will leave that to the experts.
The same calligrapher who gave me those lessons also attracted a crowd of thousands and a TV crew as he created characters over 6-feet high. He happens to be ranked as one of the top 100 calligraphers in all of China. He is also one of very few that would actually attempt such a feat.
Check out my lists of Japanese Kanji Calligraphy Wall Scrolls and Old Korean Hanja Calligraphy Wall Scrolls.
Some people may refer to this entry as Bathing Kanji, Bathing Characters, Bathing in Mandarin Chinese, Bathing Characters, Bathing in Chinese Writing, Bathing in Japanese Writing, Bathing in Asian Writing, Bathing Ideograms, Chinese Bathing symbols, Bathing Hieroglyphics, Bathing Glyphs, Bathing in Chinese Letters, Bathing Hanzi, Bathing in Japanese Kanji, Bathing Pictograms, Bathing in the Chinese Written-Language, or Bathing in the Japanese Written-Language.
89 people have searched for Bathing in Chinese or Japanese in the past year.
Bathing was last searched for by someone else on Mar 6th, 2025