We have many options to create artwork with the Chinese characters / Asian symbols / Japanese Kanji for Shaolin on a wall scroll or portrait.
1. Shaolin
5. Shaolin Chuan / Shao Lin Quan
8. Shaolin Chan
10. Bruce Lee
13. Hung Gar
14. Kung / Gong
16. Kung Fu San Soo / San Shou
19. San Soo Kung Fu
22. Lau Gar Kung Fu
23. Kung Fu Panda
Little Forest
The 少林 or Shaolin monks of China have been practicing the art of Kung Fu for thousands of years. While there are many schools of Kung Fu in China, Shaolin are one of the more religiously devout and disciplined.
The title of Shaolin actually refers to a specific Buddhist monastery. It should be noted that the Shaolin were famous in China long before the Kung Fu TV show. Their fame in China is due to the monks' heroic and swift rescue of an emperor during the Tang Dynasty. Most Chinese people are not keenly aware of the Kung Fu TV show and have no idea who David Carradine is or anything about his character, Kwai Chang Caine.
Note: The literal meaning of 少林 is “little forest.”
The fame of the Shaolin has spread all over Asia, as even though this is a Chinese title, the same characters are used in Japanese with the same meaning.
少林長拳 is a combination of two titles. The first two characters mean little forest, as in the little forest of the Shaolin monks (shao lin = little forest). The second two characters mean “long fist.”
This title is specific to a particular technique - if you are studying Shaolin Chang Chuan, then you are already aware of all the ramifications.
This is a poem, including a title, that celebrates the tactics and virtues of the Shaolin Kung Fu Monks for future generations.
少林拳 is the title of the martial art (style of Kung Fu) that is taught to the monks and students in the Shaolin Buddhist Monastery.
The addition of Chuan or Quan, which means fist is what signifies that you are talking about this school or form of martial arts.
少林寺 is the full title of the Shaolin Temple.
This refers to the Buddhist monastery famous for its kung fu monks.
少林寺 is also known in Japanese, where they use the same characters but romanize them as Shourinji or Shōrinji.
Some believe this monastery and temple represent where Bodhidharma sat with his face to a wall for nine years, leading to his discovery of enlightenment and the establishment of Buddhism in China.
少林禪 translates as “Little Forest Meditation.”
少林禪 is part of a movement to provide spiritual and mental health by integrating the practices of martial arts and meditation.
More information at Shaolin Chan Foundation.
李小龍 is the real full name of Bruce Lee.
Many people have no idea that Bruce Lee had a “real” Chinese name. In Mandarin and Cantonese, he is known as “Lǐ XiǎoLóng” and “Léi SíuLùng” respectively.
He kept his family name pronunciation (Li = Lee). 李 is a common family name that also means “plum.”
His given name 小龍 (Xiao-Long), literally means “little dragon.” 李小龍 is why you often see the character for dragon associated with Bruce Lee on various posters etc.
For a pronunciation lesson, the “X” in Romanized Mandarin is pronounced like a “sh” sound but with your tongue at the bottom of your mouth. The vowel sound in “Long” is like the English “oh,” not like the “ah” sound in the English word “long.”
If you are a big Bruce Lee fan, you should know this information, and you should have this wall scroll hanging in your room or martial arts studio.
Note: Japanese use these same Chinese characters / Kanji to write Bruce Lee's real name (with different pronunciation - which is a bit like how the name “Bruce Lee” sounds in English).
See Also: Kung Fu | Martial Arts
醉猴功夫 is the title for Drunken Monkey Kung Fu (Gong Fu).
The martial arts style was inspired by the novel, “Journey to the West.”
See Also: Monkey Fist
貢 is a Chinese surname that can romanize as Gong from Mandarin or Kung from Cantonese.
In Japan, this can be the surname or given name Mitsugi.
The meaning of this is tribute or gifts.
洪家 is the martial arts title Hung Ga or Hung Gar.
The first character means flood, big, immense, or great but it can also be the surname, Hong or Hung.
The last character means family or home.
This can also be read as “The Hung Family” or “The Hung Household.” This title is mostly associated with a style of Kung Fu.
龔 is a Chinese surname that can be romanized as Gong or Kung.
From most of China, it would be Gong, but from Cantonese, it is often romanized as Kung.
In Korean, this could be a surname that romanizes as Gong or Kong and is now written as 공.
The original meaning of the character was something like, “to provide.”
功夫 or Kung Fu is one of the most famous types of martial arts in the world - and not just because of Bruce Lee.
Some translate the meaning as “Accomplishment by Great Effort.” I think this is partially true, but directly translated, it literally means “Merit/Achievement/Accomplishment Man.” The word “fu” can sometimes mean “husband” or “porter,” but in this case, it can only mean “man.” However, few in China will think “man” when they hear the word “Gong Fu” spoken.
This term is also used for things other than martial arts. In fact, it's used to refer to a person with excellent skills in crafts that require a lot of effort to master, such as cooking, tea ceremonies, and calligraphy.
What a lot of people don't know is that the spelling of “Kung Fu” was actually taken from the old Wade Giles form of Romanization. Using this method, the sounds of the English “G” and “K” were both written as “K” and an apostrophe after the “K” told you it was supposed to sound like a “G.” Nobody in the west knew this rule, so most people pronounce it with a “K-sound.” And so, Gong Fu will always be Kung Fu for most westerners.
Also, just to educate you a little more, the “O” in “Gong” has a sound like the English word “oh.”
The popular Chinese dish “Kung Pao Chicken” suffers from the same problem. It should actually be “Gong Bao Chicken.”
Historical note: Many will claim that Kung Fu was invented by the monks of the Shaolin monastery. This fact is argued in both directions by scholars of Chinese history. Perhaps it is more accurate to say that the Shaolin Monks brought the original fame to Kung Fu many generations ago.
Japanese note: While most Japanese martial artists will recognize these characters, Katakana is more often used to approximate the pronunciation of "Kung Fu" with "カンフー." Some will argue as to whether this should be considered a Japanese word at all.
See Also: Bruce Lee
功夫散手 is a martial arts title.
Oddly, there are multiple ways two spell/romanize this in English, but in Chinese, it's written exactly the same.
Technically, the Mandarin romanizes as “gong fu san shou,” for which you'll sometimes see it written “kung fu san shou” (k'ung is an old romanization for a word that sounds like gong with a vowel sound like “oh”).
There is another martial arts style that spells this “Kung Fu San Soo.” I guess this was supposed to approximate Cantonese pronunciation for which the scholarly romanization is generally agreed to be “gung fu saan sau.”
笑龍功夫 is the title for a Martial Arts studio (custom-made at by request of the owner of the studio).
氣功 or Qigong is the title of a technique that is somewhere between medical practice, meditation, and in some cases, religion.
The definition is blurred depending on which school of Qigong you are following. In some cases, it is even incorporated with martial arts.
Some people (even Chinese people) mix this title with Tai Chi (Tai Qi) exercises.
Lately, in China, people will claim to practice Tai Chi rather than Qigong because the Qigong title was recently used as a cover for an illegal pseudo-religious movement in China with the initials F.G. or F.D. (I can not write those names here for fear of our website being banned in China).
You can learn those names and more here: Further info about Qigong
If you are wondering why I wrote “Qi Gong” and “Chi Kung” as the title of this calligraphy entry, I should teach you a little about the various ways in which Chinese can be Romanized. One form writes this as “Chi Kung” or “Chikung” (Taiwan). In the mainland and elsewhere, it is Romanized as “Qi Gong” or “Qigong.” The pronunciation is the same in Taiwan, mainland, and Singapore Mandarin. Neither Romanization is exactly like English. If you want to know how to say this with English rules, it would be something like “Chee Gong” (but the “gong” has a vowel sound like the “O” in “go”).
Romanization is a really confusing topic and has caused many Chinese words to be mispronounced in the west. One example is “Kung Pao Chicken,” which should actually be more like “Gong Bao” with the “O” sounding like “oh” for both characters. Neither the Romanization system in Taiwan nor the Mainland is perfect, in my opinion, and leads to many misunderstandings.
In modern Japan, you may see this written as 気功, but the original 氣功 is still recognized. If you need the Japanese version, please contact me.
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The following table may be helpful for those studying Chinese or Japanese...
Title | Characters | Romaji (Romanized Japanese) | Various forms of Romanized Chinese | |
Shaolin | 少林 | sho rin / shorin | shǎo lín / shao3 lin2 / shao lin / shaolin | |
Shaolin Chang Chuan | 少林長拳 少林长拳 | shào lín cháng quán shao4 lin2 chang2 quan2 shao lin chang quan shaolinchangquan | shao lin ch`ang ch`üan shaolinchangchüan shao lin chang chüan |
Shaolin Generational Poem | 嵩山少林寺曹洞正宗傳續七十字輩訣福慧智子覺了本圓可悟周洪普廣宗道慶同玄祖清靜真如海湛寂淳貞素德行永延恆妙體常堅固心朗照幽深性明鑒崇祚忠正善禧祥謹志原濟度雪庭為導師引汝歸鉉路 嵩山少林寺曹洞正宗传续七十字辈诀福慧智子觉了本圆可悟周洪普广宗道庆同玄祖清静真如海湛寂淳贞素德行永延恒妙体常坚固心朗照幽深性明鉴崇祚忠正善禧祥谨志原济度雪庭为导师引汝归铉路 | sōng shān shào lín sì cáo dòng zhèng zōng chuán xù qī shí zì bèi jué fú huì zhì zǐ jiào le běn yuán kě wù zhōu hóng pǔ guǎng zōng dào qìng tóng xuán zǔ qīng jìng zhēn rú hǎi zhàn jì chún zhēn sù dé xíng yong song1 shan1 shao4 lin2 si4 cao2 dong4 zheng4 zong1 chuan2 xu4 qi1 shi2 zi4 bei4 jue2 fu2 hui4 zhi4 zi3 jiao4 le5 ben3 yuan2 ke3 wu4 zhou1 hong2 pu3 guang3 zong1 dao4 qing4 tong2 xuan2 zu3 qing1 jing4 zhen1 ru2 hai3 zhan4 ji4 chun2 zhen1 su4 de2 xing2 yong song shan shao lin si cao dong zheng zong chuan xu qi shi zi bei jue fu hui zhi zi jiao le ben yuan ke wu zhou hong pu guang zong dao qing tong xuan zu qing jing zhen ru hai zhan ji chun zhen su de xing yong | sung shan shao lin ssu ts`ao tung cheng tsung ch`uan hsü ch`i shih tzu pei chüeh fu hui chih tzu chiao le pen yüan k`o wu chou hung p`u kuang tsung tao ch`ing t`ung hsüan tsu ch`ing ching chen ju hai chan chi ch`un chen su te hsing yung sung shan shao lin ssu tsao tung cheng tsung chuan hsü chi shih tzu pei chüeh fu hui chih tzu chiao le pen yüan ko wu chou hung pu kuang tsung tao ching tung hsüan tsu ching ching chen ju hai chan chi chun chen su te hsing yung |
Shaolin Kung Fu | 少林功夫 | sho rin kan fu shorinkanfu | shǎo lín gōng fu shao3 lin2 gong1 fu shao lin gong fu shaolingongfu | shao lin kung fu shaolinkungfu |
Shaolin Chuan Shao Lin Quan | 少林拳 | shǎo lín quán shao3 lin2 quan2 shao lin quan shaolinquan | shao lin ch`üan shaolinchüan shao lin chüan |
Shaolin Temple | 少林寺 | shou rin ji shourinji sho rin ji | shào lín sì shao4 lin2 si4 shao lin si shaolinsi | shao lin ssu shaolinssu |
Shaolin Martial Arts | 少林武功 | shǎo lín wǔ gōng shao3 lin2 wu3 gong1 shao lin wu gong shaolinwugong | shao lin wu kung shaolinwukung |
Shaolin Chan | 少林禪 少林禅 | sho rin zen shorinzen | shǎo lín chán shao3 lin2 chan2 shao lin chan shaolinchan | shao lin ch`an shaolinchan shao lin chan |
Shaolin Disciple | 少林弟子 | shǎo lín dì zǐ shao3 lin2 di4 zi3 shao lin di zi shaolindizi | shao lin ti tzu shaolintitzu |
Bruce Lee | 李小龍 李小龙 | bu ruu su ri buruusuri bu ru su ri | lǐ xiǎo lóng li3 xiao3 long2 li xiao long lixiaolong | li hsiao lung lihsiaolung |
Drunken Monkey Kung Fu | 醉猴功夫 / 醉猴功伕 醉猴功夫 | zuì hóu gōng fu zui4 hou2 gong1 fu zui hou gong fu zuihougongfu | tsui hou kung fu tsuihoukungfu |
Kung Gong Mitsugi | 貢 贡 | mitsugi | gòng / gong4 / gong | kung |
Hung Gar | 洪家 | hóng jiā / hong2 jia1 / hong jia / hongjia | hung chia / hungchia | |
Kung Gong | 龔 龚 | gōng / gong1 / gong | kung | |
Kung Fu Gong Fu | 功夫 | kan fu / ku fu kanfu / kufu | gōng fu / gong1 fu / gong fu / gongfu | kung fu / kungfu |
Kung Fu San Soo San Shou | 功夫散手 | gōng fu sǎn shǒu gong1 fu san3 shou3 gong fu san shou gongfusanshou | kung fu san shou kungfusanshou |
Laughing Dragon Kung Fu | 笑龍功夫 笑龙功夫 | xiào lóng gōng fu xiao4 long2 gong1 fu xiao long gong fu xiaolonggongfu | hsiao lung kung fu hsiaolungkungfu |
Qi Gong Chi Kung | 氣功 气功 | ki kou / kikou / ki ko | qì gōng / qi4 gong1 / qi gong / qigong | ch`i kung / chikung / chi kung |
San Soo Kung Fu | 散手功夫 | sǎn shǒu gōng fu san3 shou3 gong1 fu san shou gong fu sanshougongfu | san shou kung fu sanshoukungfu |
Tai Chi Wing Chun Kung Fu | 太極詠春功夫 太极咏春功夫 | tài jí yǒng chūn gōng fu tai4 ji2 yong3 chun1 gong1 fu tai ji yong chun gong fu taijiyongchungongfu | t`ai chi yung ch`un kung fu taichiyungchunkungfu tai chi yung chun kung fu |
Wing Chun Kung Fu | 詠春功夫 咏春功夫 | yǒng chūn gōng fu yong3 chun1 gong1 fu yong chun gong fu yongchungongfu | yung ch`un kung fu yungchunkungfu yung chun kung fu |
Lau Gar Kung Fu | 劉家功夫 刘家功夫 | liú jiā gōng fu liu2 jia1 gong1 fu liu jia gong fu liujiagongfu | liu chia kung fu liuchiakungfu |
Kung Fu Panda | 功夫熊貓 功夫熊猫 | gōng fú xióng māo gong1 fu2 xiong2 mao1 gong fu xiong mao gongfuxiongmao | kung fu hsiung mao kungfuhsiungmao |
In some entries above you will see that characters have different versions above and below a line. In these cases, the characters above the line are Traditional Chinese, while the ones below are Simplified Chinese. |
All of our calligraphy wall scrolls are handmade.
When the calligrapher finishes creating your artwork, it is taken to my art mounting workshop in Beijing where a wall scroll is made by hand from a combination of silk, rice paper, and wood.
After we create your wall scroll, it takes at least two weeks for air mail delivery from Beijing to you.
Allow a few weeks for delivery. Rush service speeds it up by a week or two for $10!
When you select your calligraphy, you'll be taken to another page where you can choose various custom options.
The wall scroll that Sandy is holding in this picture is a "large size"
single-character wall scroll.
We also offer custom wall scrolls in small, medium, and an even-larger jumbo size.
Professional calligraphers are getting to be hard to find these days.
Instead of drawing characters by hand, the new generation in China merely type roman letters into their computer keyboards and pick the character that they want from a list that pops up.
There is some fear that true Chinese calligraphy may become a lost art in the coming years. Many art institutes in China are now promoting calligraphy programs in hopes of keeping this unique form
of art alive.
Even with the teachings of a top-ranked calligrapher in China, my calligraphy will never be good enough to sell. I will leave that to the experts.
The same calligrapher who gave me those lessons also attracted a crowd of thousands and a TV crew as he created characters over 6-feet high. He happens to be ranked as one of the top 100 calligraphers in all of China. He is also one of very few that would actually attempt such a feat.