There are 989 total results for your 軍 search. I have created 10 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678910>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
将軍野青山 see styles |
shougunnoaoyama / shogunnoaoyama しょうぐんのあおやま |
(place-name) Shougunnoaoyama |
岩田大将軍 see styles |
iwatadaishougun / iwatadaishogun いわただいしょうぐん |
(place-name) Iwatadaishougun |
平和維持軍 see styles |
heiwaijigun / hewaijigun へいわいじぐん |
peace-keeping force |
征夷大将軍 see styles |
seiitaishougun / setaishogun せいいたいしょうぐん |
(1) (hist) commander-in-chief of the expeditionary force against the barbarians (beginning in 794 CE); (2) (hist) shogun; great, unifying leader |
征東大将軍 see styles |
seitoutaishougun / setotaishogun せいとうたいしょうぐん |
(hist) (See 征東将軍) commander-in-chief of the expeditionary force against the eastern barbarians (940-1335) |
従軍慰安婦 see styles |
juugunianfu / jugunianfu じゅうぐんいあんふ |
(hist) (euph) comfort woman; prostitute who worked in military brothels, esp. one forced into sexual slavery by the Japanese military during WWII |
復活的軍團 复活的军团 see styles |
fù huó de jun tuán fu4 huo2 de5 jun1 tuan2 fu huo te chün t`uan fu huo te chün tuan |
the Resurrected Army (CCTV documentary series about the Terracotta army) |
朝鮮人民軍 see styles |
chousenjinmingun / chosenjinmingun ちょうせんじんみんぐん |
(org) Korean People's Army; (o) Korean People's Army |
核軍拡競争 see styles |
kakugunkakukyousou / kakugunkakukyoso かくぐんかくきょうそう |
nuclear arms race |
海兵遠征軍 see styles |
kaiheienseigun / kaiheensegun かいへいえんせいぐん |
(org) Marine Expeditionary Force (US); (o) Marine Expeditionary Force (US) |
海空軍基地 海空军基地 see styles |
hǎi kōng jun jī dì hai3 kong1 jun1 ji1 di4 hai k`ung chün chi ti hai kung chün chi ti |
naval and air military base |
海軍兵学校 see styles |
kaigunheigakkou / kaigunhegakko かいぐんへいがっこう |
naval academy |
海軍總司令 海军总司令 see styles |
hǎi jun zǒng sī lìng hai3 jun1 zong3 si1 ling4 hai chün tsung ssu ling |
admiral |
海軍陸戦隊 see styles |
kaigunrikusentai かいぐんりくせんたい |
naval brigade; naval land forces |
海軍陸戰隊 海军陆战队 see styles |
hǎi jun lù zhàn duì hai3 jun1 lu4 zhan4 dui4 hai chün lu chan tui |
More info & calligraphy: Marine Corps |
澳新軍團日 澳新军团日 see styles |
ào xīn jun tuán rì ao4 xin1 jun1 tuan2 ri4 ao hsin chün t`uan jih ao hsin chün tuan jih |
Anzac Day |
甘露軍拏利 甘露军拏利 see styles |
gān lù jun ná lì gan1 lu4 jun1 na2 li4 kan lu chün na li Kanro Gunnari |
Amṛta-kuṇḍalī |
甘露軍荼利 甘露军荼利 see styles |
gān lù jun tú lì gan1 lu4 jun1 tu2 li4 kan lu chün t`u li kan lu chün tu li Kanro Gundari |
Amṛta-kuṇḍalī |
産業予備軍 see styles |
sangyouyobigun / sangyoyobigun さんぎょうよびぐん |
(1) industrial reserve force; (2) the ranks of the unemployed |
産軍複合体 see styles |
sangunfukugoutai / sangunfukugotai さんぐんふくごうたい |
military-industrial complex |
白斑軍艦鳥 白斑军舰鸟 see styles |
bái bān jun jiàn niǎo bai2 ban1 jun1 jian4 niao3 pai pan chün chien niao |
(bird species of China) lesser frigatebird (Fregata ariel) |
白腹軍艦鳥 白腹军舰鸟 see styles |
bái fù jun jiàn niǎo bai2 fu4 jun1 jian4 niao3 pai fu chün chien niao |
(bird species of China) Christmas frigatebird (Fregata andrewsi) |
米国軍政府 see styles |
beikokugunseifu / bekokugunsefu べいこくぐんせいふ |
(hist) (See 琉球列島米国軍政府) United States Military Government of the Ryukyu Islands (1945-1950) |
米軍ハウス see styles |
beigunhausu / begunhausu べいぐんハウス |
(place-name) Beigunhausu |
米軍演習場 see styles |
beigunenshuujou / begunenshujo べいぐんえんしゅうじょう |
(place-name) Beigun'enshuujō |
米軍貯油所 see styles |
beigunchoyusho / begunchoyusho べいぐんちょゆしょ |
(place-name) Beigunchoyusho |
米軍通信所 see styles |
beiguntsushinjo / beguntsushinjo べいぐんつしんじょ |
(place-name) Beiguntsushinjo |
米軍通信隊 see styles |
beiguntsuushintai / beguntsushintai べいぐんつうしんたい |
(place-name) Beiguntsuushintai |
紅色孃子軍 红色娘子军 see styles |
hóng sè niáng zi jun hong2 se4 niang2 zi5 jun1 hung se niang tzu chün |
Red Detachment of Women, revolutionary opera that premiered in 1964 |
苦難の行軍 see styles |
kunannokougun / kunannokogun くなんのこうぐん |
(exp,n) Arduous March; North Korean famine of the late 1990s |
退伍軍人節 退伍军人节 see styles |
tuì wǔ jun rén jié tui4 wu3 jun1 ren2 jie2 t`ui wu chün jen chieh tui wu chün jen chieh |
Veterans' Day |
鐵將軍把門 铁将军把门 see styles |
tiě jiāng jun bǎ mén tie3 jiang1 jun1 ba3 men2 t`ieh chiang chün pa men tieh chiang chün pa men |
lit. General Iron is guarding the door (idiom); fig. the door is padlocked — nobody inside |
陸海空三軍 陆海空三军 see styles |
lù hǎi kōng sān jun lu4 hai3 kong1 san1 jun1 lu hai k`ung san chün lu hai kung san chün |
army, navy, air force |
陸軍大学校 see styles |
rikugundaigakkou / rikugundaigakko りくぐんだいがっこう |
(hist) Army War College |
陸軍航空隊 see styles |
rikugunkoukuutai / rikugunkokutai りくぐんこうくうたい |
army aviation |
預備役軍人 预备役军人 see styles |
yù bèi yì jun rén yu4 bei4 yi4 jun1 ren2 yü pei i chün jen |
reserve troops |
鹿子畑軍沢 see styles |
kanokohatagunzawa かのこはたぐんざわ |
(place-name) Kanokohatagunzawa |
軍事バランス see styles |
gunjibaransu ぐんじバランス |
military balance |
軍事パレード see styles |
gunjipareedo ぐんじパレード |
military parade |
軍事独裁政権 see styles |
gunjidokusaiseiken / gunjidokusaiseken ぐんじどくさいせいけん |
military dictatorship |
軍備管理交渉 see styles |
gunbikanrikoushou / gunbikanrikosho ぐんびかんりこうしょう |
arms control negotiations |
軍配が上がる see styles |
gunbaigaagaru / gunbaigagaru ぐんばいがあがる |
(exp,v5r) (1) {sumo} to be indicated as the winner of a bout by the raising of the referee's fan; (exp,v5r) (2) (idiom) to be declared the winner |
軍配を上げる see styles |
gunbaioageru ぐんばいをあげる |
(exp,v1) (1) {sumo} to signal the winner of a match (by the referee raising his fan towards the winner); (exp,v1) (2) to declare someone the winner (of a competition) |
軍門にくだる see styles |
gunmonnikudaru ぐんもんにくだる |
(exp,v5r) to capitulate; to surrender; to submit to; to concede |
Variations: |
kachiikusa / kachikusa かちいくさ |
(1) (hist) infantry; infantryman; foot soldier; (2) (hist) infantry battle; battle between infantry |
アメリカ海軍 see styles |
amerikakaigun アメリカかいぐん |
(org) United States Navy; (o) United States Navy |
アメリカ空軍 see styles |
amerikakuugun / amerikakugun アメリカくうぐん |
(org) United States Air Force; (o) United States Air Force |
アメリカ陸軍 see styles |
amerikarikugun アメリカりくぐん |
United States Army; US Army; (o) United States Army |
一軍を率いて see styles |
ichigunohikiite / ichigunohikite いちぐんをひきいて |
(expression) at the head of an army |
健軍交番前駅 see styles |
kengunkoubanmaeeki / kengunkobanmaeeki けんぐんこうばんまええき |
(st) Kengunkoubanmae Station |
健軍派出所前 see styles |
kengunhashutsushomae けんぐんはしゅつしょまえ |
(place-name) Kengunhashutsushomae |
共同軍事演習 see styles |
kyoudougunjienshuu / kyodogunjienshu きょうどうぐんじえんしゅう |
joint military exercise |
凍死軍人の墓 see styles |
toushigunjinnohaka / toshigunjinnohaka とうしぐんじんのはか |
(place-name) Toushigunjinnohaka |
四ノ宮大将軍 see styles |
shinomiyataishougun / shinomiyataishogun しのみやたいしょうぐん |
(place-name) Shinomiyataishougun |
国際軍事裁判 see styles |
kokusaigunjisaiban こくさいぐんじさいばん |
international military tribunal |
国際軍縮機構 see styles |
kokusaigunshukukikou / kokusaigunshukukiko こくさいぐんしゅくきこう |
(o) International Disarmament Organization |
在日米軍基地 see styles |
zainichibeigunkichi / zainichibegunkichi ざいにちべいぐんきち |
US military bases in Japan |
大将軍一条町 see styles |
taishougunichijouchou / taishogunichijocho たいしょうぐんいちじょうちょう |
(place-name) Taishougun'ichijōchō |
大将軍南一条 see styles |
taishougunminamiichijou / taishogunminamichijo たいしょうぐんみなみいちじょう |
(place-name) Taishougunminamiichijō |
大将軍坂田町 see styles |
taishougunsakatachou / taishogunsakatacho たいしょうぐんさかたちょう |
(place-name) Taishougunsakatachō |
大将軍川端町 see styles |
taishougunkawabatachou / taishogunkawabatacho たいしょうぐんかわばたちょう |
(place-name) Taishougunkawabatachō |
大将軍東鷹司 see styles |
taishougunhigashitakatsukasa / taishogunhigashitakatsukasa たいしょうぐんひがしたかつかさ |
(place-name) Taishougunhigashitakatsukasa |
大将軍西鷹司 see styles |
taishougunnishitakatsukasa / taishogunnishitakatsukasa たいしょうぐんにしたかつかさ |
(place-name) Taishougunnishitakatsukasa |
大韓民国国軍 see styles |
daikanminkokukokugun だいかんみんこくこくぐん |
(org) Republic of Korea Armed Forces; (o) Republic of Korea Armed Forces |
将軍野青山町 see styles |
shougunnoaoyamachou / shogunnoaoyamacho しょうぐんのあおやまちょう |
(place-name) Shougunnoaoyamachō |
愛爾蘭共和軍 爱尔兰共和军 see styles |
ài ěr lán gòng hé jun ai4 er3 lan2 gong4 he2 jun1 ai erh lan kung ho chün |
Irish Republican Army |
戦略陸軍部隊 see styles |
senryakurikugunbutai せんりゃくりくぐんぶたい |
(o) Strategic Army Forces |
打擊軍事力量 打击军事力量 see styles |
dǎ jī jun shì lì liang da3 ji1 jun1 shi4 li4 liang5 ta chi chün shih li liang |
counterforce |
森将軍塚古墳 see styles |
morishougunzukakofun / morishogunzukakofun もりしょうぐんづかこふん |
(place-name) Morishougunzuka Tumulus |
民間軍事会社 see styles |
minkangunjigaisha みんかんぐんじがいしゃ |
private military company; mercenary group |
水陸両用軍団 see styles |
suirikuryouyougundan / suirikuryoyogundan すいりくりょうようぐんだん |
(org) Amphibious Corps; (o) Amphibious Corps |
海軍士官学校 see styles |
kaigunshikangakkou / kaigunshikangakko かいぐんしかんがっこう |
(org) Navy War College; (o) Navy War College |
海軍特殊部隊 see styles |
kaiguntokushubutai かいぐんとくしゅぶたい |
(US) Navy SEALs |
矬子裡拔將軍 矬子里拔将军 see styles |
cuó zi lǐ bá jiāng jun cuo2 zi5 li3 ba2 jiang1 jun1 ts`o tzu li pa chiang chün tso tzu li pa chiang chün |
lit. to choose a general among the dwarves (idiom); fig. to pick the best out of a bad group |
矮子裡拔將軍 矮子里拔将军 see styles |
ǎi zi li bá jiāng jun ai3 zi5 li5 ba2 jiang1 jun1 ai tzu li pa chiang chün |
lit. choose a general from among the dwarfs; fig. choose the best person available (out of a mediocre bunch) |
空軍士官学校 see styles |
kuugunshikangakkou / kugunshikangakko くうぐんしかんがっこう |
(org) (United States) Air Force Academy; (o) (United States) Air Force Academy |
空軍婦人部隊 see styles |
kuugunfujinbutai / kugunfujinbutai くうぐんふじんぶたい |
(o) Women's Air Force |
空軍産業協会 see styles |
kuugunsangyoukyoukai / kugunsangyokyokai くうぐんさんぎょうきょうかい |
(o) Armed Forces Industrial Association |
空軍管理協会 see styles |
kuugunkanrikyoukai / kugunkanrikyokai くうぐんかんりきょうかい |
(o) Armed Forces Management Association |
空軍連絡将校 see styles |
kuugunrenrakushoukou / kugunrenrakushoko くうぐんれんらくしょうこう |
air liaison officer |
米軍三沢基地 see styles |
beigunmisawakichi / begunmisawakichi べいぐんみさわきち |
(place-name) Beigunmisawakichi |
米軍器材置場 see styles |
beigunkizaiokiba / begunkizaiokiba べいぐんきざいおきば |
(place-name) Beigunkizaiokiba |
米軍広弾薬庫 see styles |
beigunhirodanyakuko / begunhirodanyakuko べいぐんひろだんやくこ |
(place-name) Beigunhirodanyakuko |
義勇軍行進曲 see styles |
giyuugunkoushinkyoku / giyugunkoshinkyoku ぎゆうぐんこうしんきょく |
(work) March of the Volunteers (national anthem of China); (wk) March of the Volunteers (national anthem of China) |
義勇軍進行曲 义勇军进行曲 see styles |
yì yǒng jun jìn xíng qǔ yi4 yong3 jun1 jin4 xing2 qu3 i yung chün chin hsing ch`ü i yung chün chin hsing chü giyuugunshinkoukyoku / giyugunshinkokyoku ぎゆうぐんしんこうきょく |
March of the Volunteer Army (PRC National Anthem) (work) March of the Volunteers (national anthem of China); (wk) March of the Volunteers (national anthem of China) |
英軍医療部隊 see styles |
eiguniryoubutai / eguniryobutai えいぐんいりょうぶたい |
(o) Royal Army Medical Corps |
陸軍士官学校 see styles |
rikugunshikangakkou / rikugunshikangakko りくぐんしかんがっこう |
(1) (army) military academy; (2) (hist) Imperial Japanese Army Academy |
陸軍婦人部隊 see styles |
rikugunfujinbutai りくぐんふじんぶたい |
(org) Women's Army Corps; (o) Women's Army Corps |
陸軍幼年学校 see styles |
rikugunyounengakkou / rikugunyonengakko りくぐんようねんがっこう |
(hist) military preparatory school (for the Imperial Japanese Army); (o) Army Cadet School |
陸軍特殊部隊 see styles |
rikuguntokushubutai りくぐんとくしゅぶたい |
Delta Force (US) |
陸軍看護師団 see styles |
rikugunkangoshidan りくぐんかんごしだん |
(o) Army Nurse Corps |
陸軍調達本部 see styles |
rikugunchoutatsuhonbu / rikugunchotatsuhonbu りくぐんちょうたつほんぶ |
(o) Army Procurement Agency |
陸軍貯油施設 see styles |
rikugunchoyushisetsu りくぐんちょゆしせつ |
(place-name) Rikugunchoyushisetsu |
陸軍飛行学校 see styles |
rikugunhikougakkou / rikugunhikogakko りくぐんひこうがっこう |
(org) Army Flight School; (o) Army Flight School |
隔軍事分界線 隔军事分界线 see styles |
gé jun shì fēn jiè xiàn ge2 jun1 shi4 fen1 jie4 xian4 ko chün shih fen chieh hsien |
military demarcation line MDL; refers to Korean demilitarized zone DMZ |
軍事アナリスト see styles |
gunjianarisuto ぐんじアナリスト |
military analyst |
軍事プレゼンス see styles |
gunjipurezensu ぐんじプレゼンス |
military presence |
軍人予備裁判所 see styles |
gunjinyobisaibansho ぐんじんよびさいばんしょ |
court of inquiry; court of enquiry |
Variations: |
hanrangun はんらんぐん |
rebel army |
Variations: |
makeikusa / makekusa まけいくさ |
(1) losing a battle; lost battle; (2) battle one cannot win; battle one is doomed to lose |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "軍" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.