There are 1039 total results for your 興 search. I have created 11 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678910...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
松田興人 see styles |
matsudaokindo まつだおきんど |
(person) Matsuda Okindo |
柳山律興 see styles |
yanagiyamatsuoki やなぎやまつおき |
(place-name) Yanagiyamatsuoki |
柳山津興 see styles |
yanagiyamatsuoki やなぎやまつおき |
(place-name) Yanagiyamatsuoki |
桜林興野 see styles |
sakurabayashikouya / sakurabayashikoya さくらばやしこうや |
(place-name) Sakurabayashikouya |
樋野興夫 see styles |
hinookio ひのおきお |
(person) Hino Okio |
橋本興正 see styles |
hashimotokoushou / hashimotokosho はしもとこうしょう |
(place-name) Hashimotokoushou |
殖産興業 see styles |
shokusankougyou / shokusankogyo しょくさんこうぎょう |
promotion of industry; encouragement of new industry |
池田恒興 see styles |
ikedatsuneoki いけだつねおき |
(person) Ikeda Tsuneoki |
池田親興 see styles |
ikedachikafusa いけだちかふさ |
(person) Ikeda Chikafusa (1959.5.17-) |
池田輝興 see styles |
ikedateruoki いけだてるおき |
(person) Ikeda Teruoki |
治乱興亡 see styles |
chirankoubou / chirankobo ちらんこうぼう |
(yoji) nation's times of peace and war, rise and fall |
浦興禅寺 see styles |
urakouzenji / urakozenji うらこうぜんじ |
(place-name) Urakouzenji |
浦野恷興 see styles |
uranoyasuoki うらのやすおき |
(person) Urano Yasuoki (1941.11.3-) |
浦野烋興 see styles |
uranoyasuoki うらのやすおき |
(person) Urano Yasuoki |
渡辺興亜 see styles |
watanabeokitsugu わたなべおきつぐ |
(person) Watanabe Okitsugu |
湯岳興触 see styles |
yutakekoufure / yutakekofure ゆたけこうふれ |
(place-name) Yutakekoufure |
無銭遊興 see styles |
musenyuukyou / musenyukyo むせんゆうきょう |
merrymaking without paying |
生意興隆 生意兴隆 see styles |
shēng yì xīng lóng sheng1 yi4 xing1 long2 sheng i hsing lung |
thriving and prosperous business or trade |
當得興盛 当得兴盛 see styles |
dāng dé xīng shèng dang1 de2 xing1 sheng4 tang te hsing sheng tōtoku kōjō |
flourishing is imminent |
百廢俱興 百废俱兴 see styles |
bǎi fèi jù xīng bai3 fei4 ju4 xing1 pai fei chü hsing |
all neglected tasks are being undertaken (idiom); work is now underway |
百廢具興 百废具兴 see styles |
bǎi fèi jù xīng bai3 fei4 ju4 xing1 pai fei chü hsing |
variant of 百廢俱興|百废俱兴[bai3 fei4 ju4 xing1] |
百廢待興 百废待兴 see styles |
bǎi fèi dài xīng bai3 fei4 dai4 xing1 pai fei tai hsing |
many things waiting to be done (idiom); a thousand things to do |
盛衰興亡 see styles |
seisuikoubou / sesuikobo せいすいこうぼう |
(yoji) rise and fall; ups and downs; waxing and waning; prosperity and decline; vicissitudes |
石原忠興 see styles |
ishiharatadaoki いしはらただおき |
(person) Ishihara Tadaoki |
祖父興野 see styles |
ojigouya / ojigoya おじごうや |
(place-name) Ojigouya |
科教興國 科教兴国 see styles |
kē jiào xīng guó ke1 jiao4 xing1 guo2 k`o chiao hsing kuo ko chiao hsing kuo |
to invigorate the country through science and education |
稲葉興作 see styles |
inabakousaku / inabakosaku いなばこうさく |
(person) Inaba Kōsaku (1924.1-) |
竜興寺北 see styles |
ryuukoujikita / ryukojikita りゅうこうじきた |
(place-name) Ryūkoujikita |
竜興寺山 see styles |
ryuukoujisan / ryukojisan りゅうこうじさん |
(place-name) Ryūkoujisan |
細川忠興 see styles |
hosokawatadaoki ほそかわただおき |
(person) Hosokawa Tadaoki |
細川興一 see styles |
hosokawakouichi / hosokawakoichi ほそかわこういち |
(person) Hosokawa Kōichi |
細川興元 see styles |
hosokawaokimoto ほそかわおきもと |
(person) Hosokawa Okimoto |
紹興地區 绍兴地区 see styles |
shào xīng dì qū shao4 xing1 di4 qu1 shao hsing ti ch`ü shao hsing ti chü |
Shaoxing prefecture, Zhejiang |
経済復興 see styles |
keizaifukkou / kezaifukko けいざいふっこう |
economic revitalization; economic revitalisation; rebuilding of an economy |
羅興亞人 罗兴亚人 see styles |
luó xìng yǎ rén luo2 xing4 ya3 ren2 lo hsing ya jen |
Rohingya (predominantly Muslim ethnic group primarily residing in Rakhine State, Myanmar) |
若杉一興 see styles |
wakasugikazuoki わかすぎかずおき |
(person) Wakasugi Kazuoki |
藤井一興 see styles |
fujiikazuoki / fujikazuoki ふじいかずおき |
(person) Fujii Kazuoki |
藤原興風 see styles |
fujiwaranookikaze ふじわらのおきかぜ |
(personal name) Fujiwaranookikaze |
藻興部川 see styles |
mookoppegawa もおこっぺがわ |
(personal name) Mookoppegawa |
蘇原興亜 see styles |
soharakoua / soharakoa そはらこうあ |
(place-name) Soharakoua |
蛸井興屋 see styles |
takoikouya / takoikoya たこいこうや |
(place-name) Takoikouya |
蜘手興野 see styles |
kumodekouya / kumodekoya くもでこうや |
(place-name) Kumodekouya |
西伊興町 see styles |
nishiikouchou / nishikocho にしいこうちょう |
(place-name) Nishiikouchō |
西興一朗 see styles |
nishikouichirou / nishikoichiro にしこういちろう |
(person) Nishi Kōichirō (1979.10.17-) |
西興生沢 see styles |
nishikouseizawa / nishikosezawa にしこうせいざわ |
(place-name) Nishikouseizawa |
西興部村 see styles |
nishiokoppemura にしおこっぺむら |
(place-name) Nishiokoppemura |
谷地興屋 see styles |
yachikouya / yachikoya やちこうや |
(place-name) Yachikouya |
賀屋興宣 see styles |
kayaokinori かやおきのり |
(person) Kaya Okinori |
追善興行 see styles |
tsuizenkougyou / tsuizenkogyo ついぜんこうぎょう |
memorial performance; performance in memory of someone |
遊興施設 see styles |
yuukyoushisetsu / yukyoshisetsu ゆうきょうしせつ |
(See 遊戯施設) amusement facility |
野島正興 see styles |
nojimamasaoki のじままさおき |
(person) Nojima Masaoki (1947.6.16-) |
野村興児 see styles |
nomurakouji / nomurakoji のむらこうじ |
(person) Nomura Kōji |
鉄興公園 see styles |
tekkoukouen / tekkokoen てっこうこうえん |
(place-name) Tekkou Park |
長興寺北 see styles |
choukoujikita / chokojikita ちょうこうじきた |
(place-name) Chōkoujikita |
長興寺南 see styles |
choukoujiminami / chokojiminami ちょうこうじみなみ |
(place-name) Chōkoujiminami |
長興寺山 see styles |
choukoujiyama / chokojiyama ちょうこうじやま |
(place-name) Chōkoujiyama |
門葉繁興 门叶繁兴 see styles |
mén shě fán xīng men2 she3 fan2 xing1 men she fan hsing mon'yō hankō |
abundance of successors in the monastery |
須田興輔 see styles |
sudakousuke / sudakosuke すだこうすけ |
(person) Suda Kōsuke (1980.2.4-) |
饒有興趣 饶有兴趣 see styles |
ráo yǒu xìng qù rao2 you3 xing4 qu4 jao yu hsing ch`ü jao yu hsing chü |
engrossing |
高井興野 see styles |
takaikouya / takaikoya たかいこうや |
(place-name) Takaikouya |
高橋和興 see styles |
takahashikazuoki たかはしかずおき |
(person) Takahashi Kazuoki (1960.5.14-) |
高高興興 高高兴兴 see styles |
gāo gāo xìng xìng gao1 gao1 xing4 xing4 kao kao hsing hsing |
cheerful and optimistic; in a good mood; gaily |
黒野興起 see styles |
kuronokouki / kuronokoki くろのこうき |
(person) Kurono Kōki |
齋藤興二 see styles |
saitoukouji / saitokoji さいとうこうじ |
(person) Saitou Kōji (1931.4-) |
Variations: |
kouhai / kohai こうはい |
(noun/participle) rise and fall (of nations); destiny |
興を冷ます see styles |
kyouosamasu / kyoosamasu きょうをさます |
(exp,v5s) to be a wet-blanket; to spoil a person's pleasure |
興凱刺鰟鮍 兴凯刺鳑鲏 see styles |
xīng kǎi cì páng pí xing1 kai3 ci4 pang2 pi2 hsing k`ai tz`u p`ang p`i hsing kai tzu pang pi |
Acanthorhodeus chankaensis (small carp) |
興味が薄い see styles |
kyoumigausui / kyomigausui きょうみがうすい |
(exp,adj-i) (See 興味の薄い) uninteresting |
興味の薄い see styles |
kyouminousui / kyominosui きょうみのうすい |
(adjective) (See 興味が薄い) uninteresting |
興味ぶかい see styles |
kyoumibukai / kyomibukai きょうみぶかい |
(adjective) very interesting; of great interest |
興味をひく see styles |
kyoumiohiku / kyomiohiku きょうみをひく |
(exp,v5k) to attract interest; to arouse someone's interest |
興味をもつ see styles |
kyoumiomotsu / kyomiomotsu きょうみをもつ |
(exp,v5t) to have an interest |
興味を引く see styles |
kyoumiohiku / kyomiohiku きょうみをひく |
(exp,v5k) to attract interest; to arouse someone's interest |
興味を持つ see styles |
kyoumiomotsu / kyomiomotsu きょうみをもつ |
(exp,v5t) to have an interest |
興奮性細胞 see styles |
koufunseisaibou / kofunsesaibo こうふんせいさいぼう |
excitable cell |
興梠さとみ see styles |
koorogisatomi こおろぎさとみ |
(f,h) Koorogi Satomi |
興津井上町 see styles |
okitsuinouechou / okitsuinoecho おきついのうえちょう |
(place-name) Okitsuinouechō |
興津清見寺 see styles |
okitsuseikenji / okitsusekenji おきつせいけんじ |
(place-name) Okitsuseikenji |
興禪護國論 兴禅护国论 see styles |
xīng chán hù guó lùn xing1 chan2 hu4 guo2 lun4 hsing ch`an hu kuo lun hsing chan hu kuo lun Kōzen gokoku ron |
Introducing Zen to Protect the Nation |
興顯如幻經 兴显如幻经 see styles |
xīng xiǎn rú huàn jīng xing1 xian3 ru2 huan4 jing1 hsing hsien ju huan ching Kōken nyogen kyō |
Tathāgatôtpatti-saṃbhava-nirdeśa(sūtra) |
三興製作所 see styles |
sankouseisakusho / sankosesakusho さんこうせいさくしょ |
(org) Sanko Engineering Corporation; (o) Sanko Engineering Corporation |
三重町津興 see styles |
miechoutsuoki / miechotsuoki みえちょうつおき |
(place-name) Miechōtsuoki |
上総興津駅 see styles |
kazusaokitsueki かずさおきつえき |
(st) Kazusaokitsu Station |
不興を買う see styles |
fukyouokau / fukyookau ふきょうをかう |
(exp,v5u) to fall into disgrace with; to incur someone's displeasure |
伊興町五庵 see styles |
ikoumachigoan / ikomachigoan いこうまちごあん |
(place-name) Ikoumachigoan |
伊興町前沼 see styles |
ikoumachimaenuma / ikomachimaenuma いこうまちまえぬま |
(place-name) Ikoumachimaenuma |
伊興町大境 see styles |
ikoumachioozakai / ikomachioozakai いこうまちおおざかい |
(place-name) Ikoumachioozakai |
伊興町狭間 see styles |
ikoumachihazama / ikomachihazama いこうまちはざま |
(place-name) Ikoumachihazama |
伊興町白幡 see styles |
ikoumachishirahata / ikomachishirahata いこうまちしらはた |
(place-name) Ikoumachishirahata |
伊興町見通 see styles |
ikoumachimitoori / ikomachimitoori いこうまちみとおり |
(place-name) Ikoumachimitoori |
伊興町谷下 see styles |
ikoumachitanishita / ikomachitanishita いこうまちたにした |
(place-name) Ikoumachitanishita |
佐々木隆興 see styles |
sasakitakaoki ささきたかおき |
(person) Sasaki Takaoki (1878.5.5-1966.10.31) |
元興寺塔跡 see styles |
gankoujitouato / gankojitoato がんこうじとうあと |
(place-name) Gankoujitouato |
再興感染症 see styles |
saikoukansenshou / saikokansensho さいこうかんせんしょう |
re-emerging infectious disease |
別所町興治 see styles |
besshochouokiharu / besshochookiharu べっしょちょうおきはる |
(place-name) Besshochōokiharu |
加納龍興町 see styles |
kanouryuukouchou / kanoryukocho かのうりゅうこうちょう |
(place-name) Kanouryūkouchō |
地域振興券 see styles |
chiikishinkouken / chikishinkoken ちいきしんこうけん |
(See 地域振興) regional promotion coupons; merchandise coupons for the promotion of the local economy |
大内義興墓 see styles |
oouchiyoshiokihaka / oochiyoshiokihaka おおうちよしおきはか |
(place-name) Oouchi Yoshioki (grave) |
如來興顯經 如来兴显经 see styles |
rú lái xīng xiǎn jīng ru2 lai2 xing1 xian3 jing1 ju lai hsing hsien ching Nyorai kōken kyō |
Tathāgatôtpatti-saṃbhava-nirdeśa(sūtra) |
家和萬事興 家和万事兴 see styles |
jiā hé wàn shì xīng jia1 he2 wan4 shi4 xing1 chia ho wan shih hsing |
if the family lives in harmony all affairs will prosper (idiom) |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "興" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.