There are 1286 total results for your 病 search. I have created 13 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678910...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
鶴舞病院 see styles |
tsurumaibyouin / tsurumaibyoin つるまいびょういん |
(place-name) Tsurumai Hospital |
鹿島病院 see styles |
kashimabyouin / kashimabyoin かしまびょういん |
(place-name) Kashima Hospital |
黃熱病毒 黄热病毒 see styles |
huáng rè bìng dú huang2 re4 bing4 du2 huang je ping tu |
yellow fever virus |
黒川病院 see styles |
kurokawabyouin / kurokawabyoin くろかわびょういん |
(place-name) Kurokawa Hospital |
Variations: |
byougen / byogen びょうげん |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) origin of an illness; cause of a disease; pathogenesis; etiology |
Variations: |
byoubotsu / byobotsu びょうぼつ |
(n,vs,vi) dying of illness; dying of natural causes |
Variations: |
byoujoku / byojoku びょうじょく |
(rare) (See 病床) sickbed |
病と称する see styles |
yamaitoshousuru / yamaitoshosuru やまいとしょうする |
(exp,vs-s) (rare) to feign illness; to pretend to be ill |
病は気から see styles |
yamaihakikara やまいはきから |
(expression) (proverb) sickness and health start with the mind |
病み上がり see styles |
yamiagari やみあがり |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) convalescence |
病み耄ける see styles |
yamihookeru; yamihoukeru / yamihookeru; yamihokeru やみほおける; やみほうける |
(v1,vi) to become wasted by illness |
病原微生物 see styles |
byougenbiseibutsu / byogenbisebutsu びょうげんびせいぶつ |
pathogenic microbe |
病床使用率 see styles |
byoushoushiyouritsu / byoshoshiyoritsu びょうしょうしようりつ |
hospital bed occupancy rate |
病急亂投醫 病急乱投医 see styles |
bìng jí luàn tóu yī bing4 ji2 luan4 tou2 yi1 ping chi luan t`ou i ping chi luan tou i |
lit. to turn to any doctor one can find when critically ill (idiom); fig. to try anyone or anything in a crisis |
病態生理学 see styles |
byoutaiseirigaku / byotaiserigaku びょうたいせいりがく |
(See 病理生理学) pathophysiology |
病毒式營銷 病毒式营销 see styles |
bìng dú shì yíng xiāo bing4 du2 shi4 ying2 xiao1 ping tu shih ying hsiao |
viral marketing; see also 病毒營銷|病毒营销[bing4 du2 ying2 xiao1] |
病毒性營銷 病毒性营销 see styles |
bìng dú xìng yíng xiāo bing4 du2 xing4 ying2 xiao1 ping tu hsing ying hsiao |
viral marketing; see also 病毒營銷|病毒营销[bing4 du2 ying2 xiao1] |
病毒性肝炎 see styles |
bìng dú xìng gān yán bing4 du2 xing4 gan1 yan2 ping tu hsing kan yen |
viral hepatitis |
病気になる see styles |
byoukininaru / byokininaru びょうきになる |
(exp,v5r) to fall ill; to be taken ill |
病気に為る see styles |
byoukininaru / byokininaru びょうきになる |
(exp,v5r) to fall ill; to be taken ill |
病気に罹る see styles |
byoukinikakaru / byokinikakaru びょうきにかかる |
(exp,v5r) to contract a disease |
病気のふり see styles |
byoukinofuri / byokinofuri びょうきのふり |
(exp,n) feigning illness; pretending to be ill |
病気の振り see styles |
byoukinofuri / byokinofuri びょうきのふり |
(exp,n) feigning illness; pretending to be ill |
病気の流行 see styles |
byoukinoryuukou / byokinoryuko びょうきのりゅうこう |
(exp,n) epidemic |
病気見舞い see styles |
byoukimimai / byokimimai びょうきみまい |
(1) (yoji) get-well card (gift, letter); (2) visit to (inquiry after) a sick person |
病理生理学 see styles |
byouriseirigaku / byoriserigaku びょうりせいりがく |
pathophysiology |
病理解剖学 see styles |
byourikaibougaku / byorikaibogaku びょうりかいぼうがく |
morbid anatomy |
病者の塗油 see styles |
byoushanotoyu / byoshanotoyu びょうしゃのとゆ |
(exp,n) Anointing of the Sick |
Variations: |
rinbyou / rinbyo りんびょう |
gonorrhea; gonorrhoea |
Variations: |
eyami えやみ |
(1) (archaism) (esp. 疫病み) infectious disease; plague; epidemic; (2) (archaism) (esp. 瘧) ague; intermittent fever; the shakes; malarial fever |
うどんこ病 see styles |
udonkobyou / udonkobyo うどんこびょう |
powdery mildew |
こども病院 see styles |
kodomobyouin / kodomobyoin こどもびょういん |
(place-name) Kodomo Hospital |
そううつ病 see styles |
souutsuyamai / soutsuyamai そううつやまい souutsubyou / soutsubyo そううつびょう |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) manic depression; manic-depressive psychosis; bipolar disorder |
つくば病院 see styles |
tsukubabyouin / tsukubabyoin つくばびょういん |
(place-name) Tsukuba Hospital |
てんぐす病 see styles |
tengusubyou / tengusubyo てんぐすびょう |
witches' broom (plant disease); hexenbesen |
てんぐ巣病 see styles |
tengusubyou / tengusubyo てんぐすびょう |
witches' broom (plant disease); hexenbesen |
もやもや病 see styles |
moyamoyabyou / moyamoyabyo もやもやびょう |
moyamoya disease (rare, progressive cerebrovascular disorder caused by blocked arteries in the basal ganglia) |
アジソン病 see styles |
ajisonbyou / ajisonbyo アジソンびょう |
{med} Addison's disease |
ウイルス病 see styles |
uirusubyou / uirusubyo ウイルスびょう |
virus disease; viral disease |
オランダ病 see styles |
orandabyou / orandabyo オランダびょう |
{bus} Dutch disease; decline in a country's manufacturing sector owing to increased exploitation of natural resources |
クリ胴枯病 see styles |
kuridougarebyou / kuridogarebyo クリどうがれびょう |
chestnut blight; chestnut canker |
クレチン病 see styles |
kurechinbyou / kurechinbyo クレチンびょう |
cretinism |
クローン病 see styles |
kuroonbyou / kuroonbyo クローンびょう |
{med} Crohn's disease |
ケーソン病 see styles |
keesonbyou / keesonbyo ケーソンびょう |
caisson disease |
ストレス病 see styles |
sutoresubyou / sutoresubyo ストレスびょう |
stress-related disease |
ゾンビ鹿病 see styles |
zonbishikabyou / zonbishikabyo ゾンビしかびょう |
{vet} (See 慢性消耗病) zombie deer disease; chronic wasting disease |
ハンセン病 see styles |
hansenbyou / hansenbyo ハンセンびょう |
{med} leprosy; Hansen's disease |
バイラス病 see styles |
bairasubyou / bairasubyo バイラスびょう |
virus disease; viral disease |
バセドー病 see styles |
basedoobyou / basedoobyo バセドーびょう |
Basedow's disease |
ブライト病 see styles |
buraitobyou / buraitobyo ブライトびょう |
(obsolete) {med} (See 腎炎) Bright's disease; nephritis |
ブルセラ病 see styles |
buruserabyou / buruserabyo ブルセラびょう |
{med} brucellosis |
プリオン病 see styles |
purionbyou / purionbyo プリオンびょう |
{med} (See 伝達性海綿状脳症) prion disease |
ペロニー病 see styles |
peroniibyou / peronibyo ペロニーびょう |
Peyronie's disease |
ホジキン病 see styles |
hojikinbyou / hojikinbyo ホジキンびょう |
Hodgkin's lymphoma; Hodgkin's disease |
マレック病 see styles |
marekkubyou / marekkubyo マレックびょう |
{med} Marek's disease |
モザイク病 see styles |
mozaikubyou / mozaikubyo モザイクびょう |
tobacco mosaic virus infection; mosaic disease; mosaic |
モルキオ病 see styles |
morukiobyou / morukiobyo モルキオびょう |
Morquio's disease; Morquio's syndrome |
リットル病 see styles |
rittorubyou / rittorubyo リットルびょう |
Little's disease (i.e. spastic diplegia, a form of cerebral palsy) |
万病のもと see styles |
manbyounomoto / manbyonomoto まんびょうのもと |
(expression) the source of all kinds of diseases |
上天草病院 see styles |
kamiamakusabyouin / kamiamakusabyoin かみあまくさびょういん |
(place-name) Kamiamakusa Hospital |
中央病院前 see styles |
chuuoubyouinmae / chuobyoinmae ちゅうおうびょういんまえ |
(personal name) Chūōbyōinmae |
久病成良醫 久病成良医 see styles |
jiǔ bìng chéng liáng yī jiu3 bing4 cheng2 liang2 yi1 chiu ping ch`eng liang i chiu ping cheng liang i |
long illness makes the patient into a good doctor (idiom) |
五条山病院 see styles |
gojousanbyouin / gojosanbyoin ごじょうさんびょういん |
(place-name) Gojōsan Hospital |
京都桂病院 see styles |
kyoutokatsurabyouin / kyotokatsurabyoin きょうとかつらびょういん |
(place-name) Kyōtokatsura Hospital |
京阪奈病院 see styles |
keihannabyouin / kehannabyoin けいはんなびょういん |
(place-name) Keihanna Hospital |
仮病を使う see styles |
kebyouotsukau / kebyootsukau けびょうをつかう |
(exp,v5u) to feign illness |
伝染病本部 see styles |
densenbyouhonbu / densenbyohonbu でんせんびょうほんぶ |
(o) Communicable Disease Center |
体液病理学 see styles |
taiekibyourigaku / taiekibyorigaku たいえきびょうりがく |
(hist) humoral pathology |
克沙奇病毒 see styles |
kè shā qí bìng dú ke4 sha1 qi2 bing4 du2 k`o sha ch`i ping tu ko sha chi ping tu |
Coxsackievirus |
公害病患者 see styles |
kougaibyoukanja / kogaibyokanja こうがいびょうかんじゃ |
victim of a pollution-caused illness |
六日町病院 see styles |
muikamachibyouin / muikamachibyoin むいかまちびょういん |
(place-name) Muikamachi Hospital |
前がん病変 see styles |
zenganbyouhen / zenganbyohen ぜんがんびょうへん |
precancerous lesion |
前橋病院前 see styles |
maebashibyouinmae / maebashibyoinmae まえばしびょういんまえ |
(personal name) Maebashibyōinmae |
副黏液病毒 see styles |
fù nián yè bìng dú fu4 nian2 ye4 bing4 du2 fu nien yeh ping tu |
paramyxovirus |
北宇和病院 see styles |
kitauwabyouin / kitauwabyoin きたうわびょういん |
(place-name) Kitauwa Hospital |
千葉東病院 see styles |
chibahigashibyouin / chibahigashibyoin ちばひがしびょういん |
(place-name) Chibahigashi Hospital |
南岡山病院 see styles |
minamiokayamabyouin / minamiokayamabyoin みなみおかやまびょういん |
(place-name) Minamiokayama Hospital |
南福岡病院 see styles |
minamifukuokabyouin / minamifukuokabyoin みなみふくおかびょういん |
(place-name) Minamifukuoka Hospital |
博愛会病院 see styles |
hakuaikaibyouin / hakuaikaibyoin はくあいかいびょういん |
(place-name) Hakuaikai Hospital |
反轉錄病毒 反转录病毒 see styles |
fǎn zhuǎn lù bìng dú fan3 zhuan3 lu4 bing4 du2 fan chuan lu ping tu |
retrovirus |
四大公害病 see styles |
yondaikougaibyou / yondaikogaibyo よんだいこうがいびょう |
(See 水俣病,第二水俣病,四日市ぜんそく,イタイイタイ病) the four major pollution-caused illnesses (Minamata disease, Niigata Minamata disease, Yokkaichi asthma, Itai-itai disease); four big pollution diseases of Japan |
在郷軍人病 see styles |
zaigougunjinbyou / zaigogunjinbyo ざいごうぐんじんびょう |
Legionnaires' disease |
埃博拉病毒 see styles |
āi bó lā bìng dú ai1 bo2 la1 bing4 du2 ai po la ping tu |
Ebola virus |
大学病院前 see styles |
daigakubyouinmae / daigakubyoinmae だいがくびょういんまえ |
(personal name) Daigakubyōinmae |
妊娠糖尿病 see styles |
ninshintounyoubyou / ninshintonyobyo にんしんとうにょうびょう |
{med} gestational diabetes; gestational diabetes mellitus; pregnancy diabetes |
宮内庁病院 see styles |
kunaichoubyouin / kunaichobyoin くないちょうびょういん |
(org) Imperial Household Agency hospital; Imperial Household Hospital; royal hospital; Hospital of the Imperial Household; (o) Imperial Household Agency hospital; Imperial Household Hospital; royal hospital; Hospital of the Imperial Household |
小兒軟骨病 小儿软骨病 see styles |
xiǎo ér ruǎn gǔ bìng xiao3 er2 ruan3 gu3 bing4 hsiao erh juan ku ping |
rickets (medicine) |
岡本台病院 see styles |
okamotodaibyouin / okamotodaibyoin おかもとだいびょういん |
(place-name) Okamotodai Hospital |
巨細胞病毒 巨细胞病毒 see styles |
jù xì bāo bìng dú ju4 xi4 bao1 bing4 du2 chü hsi pao ping tu |
cytomegalovirus (CMV) |
布尼亞病毒 布尼亚病毒 see styles |
bù ní yà bìng dú bu4 ni2 ya4 bing4 du2 pu ni ya ping tu |
Bunyavirus; virus of the family Bunyaviridae |
布氏桿菌病 布氏杆菌病 see styles |
bù shì gǎn jun bìng bu4 shi4 gan3 jun1 bing4 pu shih kan chün ping |
brucellosis (undulant fever or Mediterranean fever) |
布魯氏菌病 布鲁氏菌病 see styles |
bù lǔ shì jun bìng bu4 lu3 shi4 jun1 bing4 pu lu shih chün ping |
Brucella (infectious disease) |
微小病毒科 see styles |
wēi xiǎo bìng dú kē wei1 xiao3 bing4 du2 ke1 wei hsiao ping tu k`o wei hsiao ping tu ko |
Picornaviridae (virus family including many human pathogens); small RNA virus |
心臟病發作 心脏病发作 see styles |
xīn zàng bìng fā zuò xin1 zang4 bing4 fa1 zuo4 hsin tsang ping fa tso |
heart attack; to have a heart attack |
心血管疾病 see styles |
xīn xuè guǎn jí bìng xin1 xue4 guan3 ji2 bing4 hsin hsüeh kuan chi ping |
cardiovascular disease |
志賀氏菌病 志贺氏菌病 see styles |
zhì hè shì jun bìng zhi4 he4 shi4 jun1 bing4 chih ho shih chün ping |
shigellosis; bacillary dysentery |
急性期病院 see styles |
kyuuseikibyouin / kyusekibyoin きゅうせいきびょういん |
acute hospital; acute care hospital |
感応精神病 see styles |
kannouseishinbyou / kannoseshinbyo かんのうせいしんびょう |
{med} folie à deux |
慈啓会病院 see styles |
jikeikaibyouin / jikekaibyoin じけいかいびょういん |
(place-name) Jikeikai Hospital |
慈雲堂病院 see styles |
jiundoubyouin / jiundobyoin じうんどうびょういん |
(place-name) Jiundou Hospital |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "病" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.