There are 1342 total results for your 爾 search. I have created 14 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678910...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
昌迪加爾 昌迪加尔 see styles |
chāng dí jiā ěr chang1 di2 jia1 er3 ch`ang ti chia erh chang ti chia erh |
Chandighar, capital of Punjab state of northwest India |
普萊費爾 普莱费尔 see styles |
pǔ lái fèi ěr pu3 lai2 fei4 er3 p`u lai fei erh pu lai fei erh |
Playfair (surname) |
普萘洛爾 普萘洛尔 see styles |
pǔ nài luò ěr pu3 nai4 luo4 er3 p`u nai lo erh pu nai lo erh |
propranolol (beta-blocker used to treat high blood pressure) |
木下夕爾 see styles |
kinoshitayuuji / kinoshitayuji きのしたゆうじ |
(person) Kinoshita Yūji |
木曾亮爾 see styles |
kisoryouji / kisoryoji きそりょうじ |
(person) Kiso Ryōji |
本來法爾 本来法尔 see styles |
běn lái fǎ ěr ben3 lai2 fa3 er3 pen lai fa erh honrai hōni |
So from the beginning, interpreted as 自始自然. |
杜爾伯特 杜尔伯特 see styles |
dù ěr bó tè du4 er3 bo2 te4 tu erh po t`e tu erh po te |
Dorbod Mongol autonomous county in Daqing 大慶|大庆[Da4 qing4], Heilongjiang |
東久爾宮 see styles |
higashikuninomiya ひがしくにのみや |
(surname) Higashikuninomiya |
查爾斯頓 查尔斯顿 see styles |
chá ěr sī dùn cha2 er3 si1 dun4 ch`a erh ssu tun cha erh ssu tun |
More info & calligraphy: Charleston |
柯爾克孜 柯尔克孜 see styles |
kē ěr kè zī ke1 er3 ke4 zi1 k`o erh k`o tzu ko erh ko tzu |
Kyrghiz ethnic group of Xinjiang |
栗岡完爾 see styles |
kuriokakanji くりおかかんじ |
(person) Kurioka Kanji |
格爾木市 格尔木市 see styles |
gé ěr mù shì ge2 er3 mu4 shi4 ko erh mu shih |
Golmud or Ge'ermu city (Tibetan: na gor mo grong khyer) in Haixi Mongol and Tibetan autonomous prefecture 海西蒙古族藏族自治州[Hai3 xi1 Meng3 gu3 zu2 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Qinghai |
桑給巴爾 桑给巴尔 see styles |
sāng jǐ bā ěr sang1 ji3 ba1 er3 sang chi pa erh |
Zanzibar |
梅斯梅爾 梅斯梅尔 see styles |
méi sī méi ěr mei2 si1 mei2 er3 mei ssu mei erh |
Mesmer (name); Franz Anton Mesmer (1734-1815), Austrian doctor who introduced hypnosis |
森海塞爾 森海塞尔 see styles |
sēn hǎi sè ěr sen1 hai3 se4 er3 sen hai se erh |
Sennheiser (brand) |
植田紳爾 see styles |
uedashinji うえだしんじ |
(person) Ueda Shinji (1933.1.1-) |
標準普爾 标准普尔 see styles |
biāo zhǔn pǔ ěr biao1 zhun3 pu3 er3 piao chun p`u erh piao chun pu erh |
Standard and Poor's (S&P), company specializing in financial market ratings; S&P financial index |
比哈爾邦 比哈尔邦 see styles |
bǐ hā ěr bāng bi3 ha1 er3 bang1 pi ha erh pang |
Bihar, state in eastern India |
沃爾夫獎 沃尔夫奖 see styles |
wò ěr fū jiǎng wo4 er3 fu1 jiang3 wo erh fu chiang |
the Wolf Prize (for science and arts) |
沃爾芬森 沃尔芬森 see styles |
wò ěr fēn sēn wo4 er3 fen1 sen1 wo erh fen sen |
Wolfson, Wulfsohn etc (name) |
法性自爾 法性自尔 see styles |
fǎ xìng zì ěr fa3 xing4 zi4 er3 fa hsing tzu erh hōshō jini |
the dharma-nature of itself |
法爾卡什 法尔卡什 see styles |
fǎ ěr kǎ shí fa3 er3 ka3 shi2 fa erh k`a shih fa erh ka shih |
Farkas (Hungarian name) |
法爾種子 法尔种子 see styles |
fǎ ěr zhǒng zǐ fa3 er3 zhong3 zi3 fa erh chung tzu hōni shuji |
seeds that exist by the nature of things |
法爾道理 法尔道理 see styles |
fǎ ěr dào lǐ fa3 er3 dao4 li3 fa erh tao li hōni no dōri |
reasoning according to natural law |
波爾多液 波尔多液 see styles |
bō ěr duō yè bo1 er3 duo1 ye4 po erh to yeh |
Bordeaux mixture |
波爾布特 波尔布特 see styles |
bō ěr bù tè bo1 er3 bu4 te4 po erh pu t`e po erh pu te |
Pol Pot (1925-1998), Cambodian communist leader |
泰瑟爾島 泰瑟尔岛 see styles |
tài sè ěr dǎo tai4 se4 er3 dao3 t`ai se erh tao tai se erh tao |
Texel island, Netherlands |
泰米爾語 泰米尔语 see styles |
tài mǐ ěr yǔ tai4 mi3 er3 yu3 t`ai mi erh yü tai mi erh yü |
Tamil language |
海德格爾 海德格尔 see styles |
hǎi dé gé ěr hai3 de2 ge2 er3 hai te ko erh |
Martin Heidegger (1889-1976), German philosopher |
海德爾堡 海德尔堡 see styles |
hǎi dé ěr bǎo hai3 de2 er3 bao3 hai te erh pao |
Heidelberg |
海拉爾區 海拉尔区 see styles |
hǎi lā ěr qū hai3 la1 er3 qu1 hai la erh ch`ü hai la erh chü |
Hailar District of Hulunbuir City 呼倫貝爾市|呼伦贝尔市[Hu1 lun2 bei4 er3 Shi4], Inner Mongolia |
海爾德蘭 海尔德兰 see styles |
hǎi ěr dé lán hai3 er3 de2 lan2 hai erh te lan |
Gelderland, province of the Netherlands |
溫布爾登 温布尔登 see styles |
wēn bù ěr dēng wen1 bu4 er3 deng1 wen pu erh teng |
Wimbledon (district of southwest London); Wimbledon Championships (tennis) |
溫布爾頓 温布尔顿 see styles |
wēn bù ěr dùn wen1 bu4 er3 dun4 wen pu erh tun |
Wimbledon |
溫文爾雅 温文尔雅 see styles |
wēn wén ěr yǎ wen1 wen2 er3 ya3 wen wen erh ya |
cultured and refined (idiom); gentle and cultivated |
溫特圖爾 温特图尔 see styles |
wēn tè tú ěr wen1 te4 tu2 er3 wen t`e t`u erh wen te tu erh |
Winterthur, Switzerland |
漢密爾頓 汉密尔顿 see styles |
hàn mì ěr dùn han4 mi4 er3 dun4 han mi erh tun |
More info & calligraphy: Hamilton |
潘塔納爾 潘塔纳尔 see styles |
pān tǎ nà ěr pan1 ta3 na4 er3 p`an t`a na erh pan ta na erh |
Pantanal (wetland area in Brazil) |
烏拉爾山 乌拉尔山 see styles |
wū lā ěr shān wu1 la1 er3 shan1 wu la erh shan |
the Ural mountains in Russia, dividing Europe from Asia |
烏爾根奇 乌尔根奇 see styles |
wū ěr gēn qí wu1 er3 gen1 qi2 wu erh ken ch`i wu erh ken chi |
Urgench, city in Uzbekistan |
烏爾禾區 乌尔禾区 see styles |
wū ěr hé qū wu1 er3 he2 qu1 wu erh ho ch`ü wu erh ho chü |
Orku District of Karamay City 克拉瑪依市|克拉玛依市[Ke4 la1 ma3 yi1 Shi4], Xinjiang |
烏爾都語 乌尔都语 see styles |
wū ěr dū yǔ wu1 er3 du1 yu3 wu erh tu yü |
Urdu (language) |
特魯埃爾 特鲁埃尔 see styles |
tè lǔ āi ěr te4 lu3 ai1 er3 t`e lu ai erh te lu ai erh |
Tergüel or Teruel, Spain |
率爾操觚 率尔操觚 see styles |
shuài ěr cāo gū shuai4 er3 cao1 gu1 shuai erh ts`ao ku shuai erh tsao ku |
to compose in off-hand way (idiom); to dash off |
率爾敦逼 率尔敦逼 see styles |
shuài ěr dūn bī shuai4 er3 dun1 bi1 shuai erh tun pi shutsuini tonhiki |
hard |
玻爾茲曼 玻尔兹曼 see styles |
bō ěr zī màn bo1 er3 zi1 man4 po erh tzu man |
Ludwig Boltzmann (1844-1906), Austrian physicist and philosopher |
班加羅爾 班加罗尔 see styles |
bān jiā luó ěr ban1 jia1 luo2 er3 pan chia lo erh |
Bangalore, capital of southwest Indian state Karnataka 卡納塔克邦|卡纳塔克邦[Ka3 na4 ta3 ke4 bang1] |
瓜達爾港 瓜达尔港 see styles |
guā dá ěr gǎng gua1 da2 er3 gang3 kua ta erh kang |
Gwadar Port on Arabian Sea in Pakistani province of Baluchistan |
瓦爾基里 瓦尔基里 see styles |
wǎ ěr jī lǐ wa3 er3 ji1 li3 wa erh chi li |
valkyrie |
瓦爾達克 瓦尔达克 see styles |
wǎ ěr dá kè wa3 er3 da2 ke4 wa erh ta k`o wa erh ta ko |
Wardak (Afghan province) |
畢爾巴鄂 毕尔巴鄂 see styles |
bì ěr bā è bi4 er3 ba1 e4 pi erh pa o |
More info & calligraphy: Bilbao |
當知亦爾 当知亦尔 see styles |
dāng zhī yì ěr dang1 zhi1 yi4 er3 tang chih i erh tōchi yakuni |
...should be understood to be the same [as the above] |
盧瓦爾河 卢瓦尔河 see styles |
lú wǎ ěr hé lu2 wa3 er3 he2 lu wa erh ho |
Loire River, France |
直爾示相 直尔示相 see styles |
zhí ěr shì xiàng zhi2 er3 shi4 xiang4 chih erh shih hsiang jikini jisō |
hinting |
石原文爾 see styles |
ishiharafumichika いしはらふみちか |
(person) Ishihara Fumichika |
石原莞爾 see styles |
ishiwarakanji いしわらかんじ |
(person) Ishiwara Kanji (1889.1.18-1949.8.15) |
神爾の滝 see styles |
shinjinotaki しんじのたき |
(place-name) Shinji Falls |
福爾摩斯 福尔摩斯 see styles |
fú ěr mó sī fu2 er3 mo2 si1 fu erh mo ssu |
Sherlock Holmes, 歇洛克·福爾摩斯|歇洛克·福尔摩斯[Xie1 luo4 ke4 · Fu2 er3 mo2 si1] |
福爾摩沙 福尔摩沙 see styles |
fú ěr mó shā fu2 er3 mo2 sha1 fu erh mo sha |
Formosa (Tw) |
福爾馬林 福尔马林 see styles |
fú ěr mǎ lín fu2 er3 ma3 lin2 fu erh ma lin |
(loanword) formalin |
福祿貝爾 福禄贝尔 see styles |
fú lù bèi ěr fu2 lu4 bei4 er3 fu lu pei erh |
surname Fröbel or Froebel; Friedrich Wilhelm August Fröbel (1782-1852), German pedagogue |
科爾多瓦 科尔多瓦 see styles |
kē ěr duō wǎ ke1 er3 duo1 wa3 k`o erh to wa ko erh to wa |
Córdoba, Spain |
科爾沁區 科尔沁区 see styles |
kē ěr qìn qū ke1 er3 qin4 qu1 k`o erh ch`in ch`ü ko erh chin chü |
Horqin district or Xorchin raion of Tongliao city 通遼市|通辽市[Tong1 liao2 shi4], Inner Mongolia |
笠井爾示 see styles |
kasaichikashi かさいちかし |
(person) Kasai Chikashi |
米納爾迪 米纳尔迪 see styles |
mǐ nà ěr dí mi3 na4 er3 di2 mi na erh ti |
Minardi, Formula 1 racing team |
納什維爾 纳什维尔 see styles |
nà shí wéi ěr na4 shi2 wei2 er3 na shih wei erh |
Nashville, capital of Tennessee |
紐卡斯爾 纽卡斯尔 see styles |
niǔ kǎ sī ěr niu3 ka3 si1 er3 niu k`a ssu erh niu ka ssu erh |
Newcastle (place name) |
維吾爾人 维吾尔人 see styles |
wéi wú ěr rén wei2 wu2 er3 ren2 wei wu erh jen |
Uighur person or people |
維吾爾族 维吾尔族 see styles |
wéi wú ěr zú wei2 wu2 er3 zu2 wei wu erh tsu |
Uighur (Uyghur) ethnic group of Xinjiang |
維吾爾語 维吾尔语 see styles |
wéi wú ěr yǔ wei2 wu2 er3 yu3 wei wu erh yü |
Uighur language |
維爾紐斯 维尔纽斯 see styles |
wéi ěr niǔ sī wei2 er3 niu3 si1 wei erh niu ssu |
Vilnius, capital of Lithuania |
羅爾定理 罗尔定理 see styles |
luó ěr dìng lǐ luo2 er3 ding4 li3 lo erh ting li |
Rolle's theorem (in calculus) |
羅納爾多 罗纳尔多 see styles |
luó nà ěr duō luo2 na4 er3 duo1 lo na erh to |
More info & calligraphy: Ronaldo |
美尼爾病 美尼尔病 see styles |
měi ní ěr bìng mei3 ni2 er3 bing4 mei ni erh ping |
Meniere's disease |
艾爾伯塔 艾尔伯塔 see styles |
ài ěr bó tǎ ai4 er3 bo2 ta3 ai erh po t`a ai erh po ta |
Alberta province of Canada, capital Edmonton 埃德蒙頓|埃德蒙顿[Ai1 de2 meng2 dun4]; also written 阿爾伯塔|阿尔伯塔[A1 er3 bo2 ta3] |
花輪莞爾 see styles |
hanawakanji はなわかんじ |
(person) Hanawa Kanji |
若不爾者 若不尔者 see styles |
ruò bù ěr zhě ruo4 bu4 er3 zhe3 jo pu erh che nya funi sha |
if it's not like this... |
若月愼爾 see styles |
wakatsukishinji わかつきしんじ |
(person) Wakatsuki Shinji |
若爾云何 若尔云何 see styles |
ruò ěr yún hé ruo4 er3 yun2 he2 jo erh yün ho nyani unka |
if this is the case, then how is it that... |
若爾何故 若尔何故 see styles |
ruò ěr hé gù ruo4 er3 he2 gu4 jo erh ho ku nyani kako |
if this is the case, then how...? |
若爾蓋縣 若尔盖县 see styles |
ruò ěr gài xiàn ruo4 er3 gai4 xian4 jo erh kai hsien |
Zoigê County (Tibetan: mdzod dge rdzong) in Ngawa Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture 阿壩藏族羌族自治州|阿坝藏族羌族自治州[A1 ba4 Zang4 zu2 Qiang1 zu2 Zi4 zhi4 zhou1], northwest Sichuan |
莞爾一笑 莞尔一笑 see styles |
wǎn ěr yī xiào wan3 er3 yi1 xiao4 wan erh i hsiao |
(literary) to smile |
菲爾普斯 菲尔普斯 see styles |
fēi ěr pǔ sī fei1 er3 pu3 si1 fei erh p`u ssu fei erh pu ssu |
Phelps (name); Michael Phelps (1985-), US swimmer and multiple Olympic gold medallist |
菲爾茲獎 菲尔兹奖 see styles |
fēi ěr zī jiǎng fei1 er3 zi1 jiang3 fei erh tzu chiang |
Fields Medal (prestigious international award in mathematics) |
萊旺厄爾 莱旺厄尔 see styles |
lái wàng è ěr lai2 wang4 e4 er3 lai wang o erh |
Levanger (city in Trøndelag, Norway) |
葉爾羌河 叶尔羌河 see styles |
yè ěr qiāng hé ye4 er3 qiang1 he2 yeh erh ch`iang ho yeh erh chiang ho |
Yarkant River in Xinjiang |
葛瑞格爾 葛瑞格尔 see styles |
gě ruì gé ěr ge3 rui4 ge2 er3 ko jui ko erh |
Gregoire (name) |
蒙特利爾 蒙特利尔 see styles |
méng tè lì ěr meng2 te4 li4 er3 meng t`e li erh meng te li erh |
More info & calligraphy: Montreal |
薩德爾市 萨德尔市 see styles |
sà dé ěr shì sa4 de2 er3 shi4 sa te erh shih |
Sadr city (Shia township in East Bagdad) |
薩爾圖區 萨尔图区 see styles |
sà ěr tú qū sa4 er3 tu2 qu1 sa erh t`u ch`ü sa erh tu chü |
Sa'ertu district of Daqing city 大慶|大庆[Da4 qing4], Heilongjiang |
薩爾溫江 萨尔温江 see styles |
sà ěr wēn jiāng sa4 er3 wen1 jiang1 sa erh wen chiang |
Salween river, flowing from Tibet into Myanmar |
薩爾瓦多 萨尔瓦多 see styles |
sà ěr wǎ duō sa4 er3 wa3 duo1 sa erh wa to |
More info & calligraphy: Salvatore |
薩爾科奇 萨尔科奇 see styles |
sà ěr kē qí sa4 er3 ke1 qi2 sa erh k`o ch`i sa erh ko chi |
Sarkozy (name); Nicolas Sarkozy (1955-), president of France 2007-2012 |
薩爾科齊 萨尔科齐 see styles |
sà ěr kē qí sa4 er3 ke1 qi2 sa erh k`o ch`i sa erh ko chi |
Nicolas Sarkozy (1955-), French UMP politician, President 2007-2012; also written 薩科齊|萨科齐[Sa4 ke1 qi2] |
薩爾茨堡 萨尔茨堡 see styles |
sà ěr cí bǎo sa4 er3 ci2 bao3 sa erh tz`u pao sa erh tzu pao |
Salzburg |
藤原審爾 see styles |
fujiwarashinji ふじわらしんじ |
(person) Fujiwara Shinji (1921.3.7-1984.12.20) |
藤波辰爾 see styles |
fujinamitatsumi ふじなみたつみ |
(person) Fujinami Tatsumi (1953.12.28-) |
藤縄祐爾 see styles |
fujinawayuuji / fujinawayuji ふじなわゆうじ |
(person) Fujinawa Yūji (1941.9.22-) |
西川恭爾 see styles |
nishikawakyouji / nishikawakyoji にしかわきょうじ |
(person) Nishikawa Kyōji (1939.7.12-) |
詹江布爾 詹江布尔 see styles |
zhān jiāng bù ěr zhan1 jiang1 bu4 er3 chan chiang pu erh |
Janjanbureh river and city in Gambia |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "爾" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.