There are 865 total results for your 校 search. I have created 9 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<123456789Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
日本高等学校野球連盟 see styles |
nihonkoutougakkouyakyuurenmei / nihonkotogakkoyakyurenme にほんこうとうがっこうやきゅうれんめい |
(org) Japan High School Baseball Federation; (o) Japan High School Baseball Federation |
日立養護学校助川分校 see styles |
hitachiyougogakkousukekawabunkou / hitachiyogogakkosukekawabunko ひたちようごがっこうすけかわぶんこう |
(place-name) Hitachi Special Needs School (older name style)sukekawabunkou |
東京歯科衛生専門学校 see styles |
toukyoushikaeiseisenmongakkou / tokyoshikaesesenmongakko とうきょうしかえいせいせんもんがっこう |
(org) Tokyo Dental Hygiene; (o) Tokyo Dental Hygiene |
東京都立農芸高等学校 see styles |
toukyoutoritsunougeikoutougakkou / tokyotoritsunogekotogakko とうきょうとりつのうげいこうとうがっこう |
(org) Tokyo Nohgei Agricultural High School; (o) Tokyo Nohgei Agricultural High School |
東邦歯科医療専門学校 see styles |
touhoushikairyousenmongakkou / tohoshikairyosenmongakko とうほうしかいりょうせんもんがっこう |
(org) Toho Dental College; (o) Toho Dental College |
沖縄県立浦添看護学校 see styles |
okinawakenritsuurazoekangogakkou / okinawakenritsurazoekangogakko おきなわけんりつうらぞえかんごがっこう |
(org) Okinawa Prefectural Urasoe School of Nursing; (o) Okinawa Prefectural Urasoe School of Nursing |
津山工業高等専門学校 see styles |
tsuyamakougyoukoutousenmongakkou / tsuyamakogyokotosenmongakko つやまこうぎょうこうとうせんもんがっこう |
(org) National Institute of Technology, Tsuyama College; (o) National Institute of Technology, Tsuyama College |
県南高等産業技術学校 see styles |
kennankoutousangyougijutsugakkou / kennankotosangyogijutsugakko けんなんこうとうさんぎょうぎじゅつがっこう |
(place-name) Kennankoutousangyougijutsugakkou |
真岡高等産業技術学校 see styles |
moukakoutousangyougijutsugakkou / mokakotosangyogijutsugakko もうかこうとうさんぎょうぎじゅつがっこう |
(place-name) Moukakoutousangyougijutsugakkou |
福井工業高等専門学校 see styles |
fukuikougyoukoutousenmongakkou / fukuikogyokotosenmongakko ふくいこうぎょうこうとうせんもんがっこう |
(org) Fukui National College of Technology; (o) Fukui National College of Technology |
米子工業高等専門学校 see styles |
yonagokougyoukoutousenmongakkou / yonagokogyokotosenmongakko よなごこうぎょうこうとうせんもんがっこう |
(org) Yonago National College of Technology; (o) Yonago National College of Technology |
育英工業高等専門学校 see styles |
ikueikougyoukoutousenmongakkou / ikuekogyokotosenmongakko いくえいこうぎょうこうとうせんもんがっこう |
(org) Salesian Polytechnic; (o) Salesian Polytechnic |
自衛隊幹部候補生学校 see styles |
jieitaikanbukouhoseigakkou / jietaikanbukohosegakko じえいたいかんぶこうほせいがっこう |
(place-name) Jieitaikanbukouhoseigakkou |
読売東京理工専門学校 see styles |
yomiuritoukyourikousenmongakkou / yomiuritokyorikosenmongakko よみうりとうきょうりこうせんもんがっこう |
(org) Yomiuri Institute of Technology; (o) Yomiuri Institute of Technology |
選抜高等学校野球大会 see styles |
senbatsukoutougakkouyakyuutaikai / senbatsukotogakkoyakyutaikai せんばつこうとうがっこうやきゅうたいかい |
National High School Baseball Invitational Tournament (held annually in March at Koshien Stadium); Spring Koshien |
阿南工業高等専門学校 see styles |
anankougyoukoutousenmongakkou / anankogyokotosenmongakko あなんこうぎょうこうとうせんもんがっこう |
(org) Anan National College of Technology; ACT; (o) Anan National College of Technology; ACT |
障害者職業能力開発校 see styles |
shougaishashokugyounouryokukaihatsukou / shogaishashokugyonoryokukaihatsuko しょうがいしゃしょくぎょうのうりょくかいはつこう |
polytechnic school for persons with disabilities |
電波工業高等専門学校 see styles |
denpakougyoukoutousenmongakkou / denpakogyokotosenmongakko でんぱこうぎょうこうとうせんもんがっこう |
(org) Denpa National College of Technology; (o) Denpa National College of Technology |
駿台法律経済専門学校 see styles |
sundaihouritsukeizaisenmongakkou / sundaihoritsukezaisenmongakko すんだいほうりつけいざいせんもんがっこう |
(org) Sundai Law & Economic College; (o) Sundai Law & Economic College |
駿台電子情報専門学校 see styles |
sundaidenshijouhousenmongakkou / sundaidenshijohosenmongakko すんだいでんしじょうほうせんもんがっこう |
(org) Sundai Computer College; (o) Sundai Computer College |
高校卒業程度認定試験 see styles |
koukousotsugyouteidoninteishiken / kokosotsugyotedoninteshiken こうこうそつぎょうていどにんていしけん |
(abbreviation) (See 高等学校卒業程度認定試験) Certificate for Students Achieving the Proficiency Level of Upper Secondary School Graduates; Japanese high-school equivalency examination |
鶴岡工業高等専門学校 see styles |
tsuruokakougyoukoutousenmongakkou / tsuruokakogyokotosenmongakko つるおかこうぎょうこうとうせんもんがっこう |
(org) Tsuruoka National College of Technology; (o) Tsuruoka National College of Technology |
創意工夫育成功労学校賞 see styles |
souikufuuikuseikourougakkoushou / soikufuikusekorogakkosho そういくふういくせいこうろうがっこうしょう |
Prize to Schools for Nurturing Creativity |
新居浜工業高等専門学校 see styles |
niihamakougyoukoutousenmongakkou / nihamakogyokotosenmongakko にいはまこうぎょうこうとうせんもんがっこう |
(org) Niihama National College of Technology; (o) Niihama National College of Technology |
早稲田大学川口芸術学校 see styles |
wasedadaigakukawaguchigeijutsugakkou / wasedadaigakukawaguchigejutsugakko わせだだいがくかわぐちげいじゅつがっこう |
(org) Kawaguchi Art School of Waseda University; (o) Kawaguchi Art School of Waseda University |
東京都立小石川高等学校 see styles |
toukyoutoritsukoishikawakoutougakkou / tokyotoritsukoishikawakotogakko とうきょうとりつこいしかわこうとうがっこう |
(org) Tokyo Metropolitan Koishikawa High School; (o) Tokyo Metropolitan Koishikawa High School |
私立学校教職員共済組合 see styles |
shiritsugakkoukyoushokuinkyousaikumiai / shiritsugakkokyoshokuinkyosaikumiai しりつがっこうきょうしょくいんきょうさいくみあい |
(org) Mutual Aid Association of Private School Personnel; (o) Mutual Aid Association of Private School Personnel |
糸島高等学校郷土博物館 see styles |
itoshimakoutougakkoukyoudohakubutsukan / itoshimakotogakkokyodohakubutsukan いとしまこうとうがっこうきょうどはくぶつかん |
(o) Itoshima high school Local Museum |
職業能力開発短期大学校 see styles |
shokugyounouryokukaihatsutankidaigakkou / shokugyonoryokukaihatsutankidaigakko しょくぎょうのうりょくかいはつたんきだいがっこう |
(two-year) polytechnic college |
職業能力開発総合大学校 see styles |
shokugyounouryokukaihatsusougoudaigakkou / shokugyonoryokukaihatsusogodaigakko しょくぎょうのうりょくかいはつそうごうだいがっこう |
(org) Polytechnic University; (o) Polytechnic University |
航空保安大学校岩沼分校 see styles |
koukuuhoandaigakukouiwanumabunkou / kokuhoandaigakukoiwanumabunko こうくうほあんだいがくこういわぬまぶんこう |
(place-name) Kōkuuhoandaigakukouiwanumabunkou |
花壇自動車整備専門学校 see styles |
kadanjidoushaseibisenmongakkou / kadanjidoshasebisenmongakko かだんじどうしゃせいびせんもんがっこう |
(o) Kadan Automotive Technical College Sendai |
近畿職業能力開発大学校 see styles |
kinkishokugyounouryokukaihatsudaigakkou / kinkishokugyonoryokukaihatsudaigakko きんきしょくぎょうのうりょくかいはつだいがっこう |
(org) Kinki Polytechnical College; (o) Kinki Polytechnical College |
陸上自衛隊明野航空学校 see styles |
rikujoujieitaiakenokoukuugakkou / rikujojietaiakenokokugakko りくじょうじえいたいあけのこうくうがっこう |
(place-name) Rikujōjieitaiakenokoukuugakkou |
Variations: |
gakkou / gakko がっこう |
school |
Variations: |
gakkou / gakko がっこう |
school |
Variations: |
shoukou / shoko しょうこう |
commissioned officer |
Variations: |
shoukou / shoko しょうこう |
commissioned officer |
Variations: |
koubai / kobai こうばい |
(noun/participle) (1) (購買 only) procurement; purchase; buying; (2) (abbreviation) (See 購買部・こうばいぶ) school store; co-op; school canteen; tuck shop |
Variations: |
koubai / kobai こうばい |
(noun, transitive verb) (1) (購買 only) procurement; purchase; buying; (2) (abbreviation) (See 購買部・こうばいぶ) school store; co-op; school canteen; tuck shop |
全国高等学校総合体育大会 see styles |
zenkokukoutougakkousougoutaiikutaikai / zenkokukotogakkosogotaikutaikai ぜんこくこうとうがっこうそうごうたいいくたいかい |
(See インターハイ) Interscholastic Athletic Meet; inter-school athletics competition |
八ヶ岳中央農業実践大学校 see styles |
yatsugatakechuuounougyoujissendaigakukou / yatsugatakechuonogyojissendaigakuko やつがたけちゅうおうのうぎょうじっせんだいがくこう |
(place-name) Yatsugatakechūōnougyoujissendaigakukou |
加利福尼亞大學洛杉磯分校 加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校 see styles |
jiā lì fú ní yà dà xué luò shān jī fēn xiào jia1 li4 fu2 ni2 ya4 da4 xue2 luo4 shan1 ji1 fen1 xiao4 chia li fu ni ya ta hsüeh lo shan chi fen hsiao |
大阪教育大付属池田小学校 see styles |
oosakakyouikudaifuzokuikedashougakkou / oosakakyoikudaifuzokuikedashogakko おおさかきょういくだいふぞくいけだしょうがっこう |
(org) Ikeda Elementary School attached to Osaka Kyoiku University; (o) Ikeda Elementary School attached to Osaka Kyoiku University |
東京田中千代服飾専門学校 see styles |
higashikyoudennakachiyofukushokusenmongakkou / higashikyodennakachiyofukushokusenmongakko ひがしきょうでんなかちよふくしょくせんもんがっこう |
(org) Chiyo Tanaka College of Fashion Arts, Tokyo; (o) Chiyo Tanaka College of Fashion Arts, Tokyo |
東京都立杉並工業高等学校 see styles |
toukyoutoritsusuginamikougyoukoutougakkou / tokyotoritsusuginamikogyokotogakko とうきょうとりつすぎなみこうぎょうこうとうがっこう |
(org) Tokyo Metropolitan Suginami Technical High School; (o) Tokyo Metropolitan Suginami Technical High School |
東京都立葛飾商業高等学校 see styles |
toukyoutoritsukatsushikashougyoukoutougakkou / tokyotoritsukatsushikashogyokotogakko とうきょうとりつかつしかしょうぎょうこうとうがっこう |
(org) Tokyo Metropolitan Katsushika Commercial senior High School; (o) Tokyo Metropolitan Katsushika Commercial senior High School |
航空自衛隊幹部候補生学校 see styles |
koukuujieitaikanbukouhoseigakkou / kokujietaikanbukohosegakko こうくうじえいたいかんぶこうほせいがっこう |
(org) Air Officer Candidate School; (o) Air Officer Candidate School |
高等学校卒業程度認定試験 see styles |
koutougakkousotsugyouteidoninteishiken / kotogakkosotsugyotedoninteshiken こうとうがっこうそつぎょうていどにんていしけん |
Certificate for Students Achieving the Proficiency Level of Upper Secondary School Graduates; Japanese high-school equivalency examination |
Variations: |
kousha / kosha こうしゃ |
school building; schoolhouse |
Variations: |
mouagakkou / moagakko もうあがっこう |
school for the blind and dumb |
コロンバイン高校銃乱射事件 see styles |
koronbainkoukoujuuranshajiken / koronbainkokojuranshajiken コロンバインこうこうじゅうらんしゃじけん |
the Columbine High School massacre (April 20, 1999) |
全国高等学校野球選手権大会 see styles |
zenkokukoutougakkouyakyuusenshukentaikai / zenkokukotogakkoyakyusenshukentaikai ぜんこくこうとうがっこうやきゅうせんしゅけんたいかい |
National High School Baseball Tournament (held annually in August at Koshien Stadium); Summer Koshien |
大阪職業能力開発短期大学校 see styles |
oosakashokugyounouryokukaihatsutankidaigakkou / oosakashokugyonoryokukaihatsutankidaigakko おおさかしょくぎょうのうりょくかいはつたんきだいがっこう |
(o) Osaka Polytechnical College (former name of Kinki Polytechnical College) |
普通高等學校招生全國統一考試 普通高等学校招生全国统一考试 see styles |
pǔ tōng gāo děng xué xiào zhāo shēng quán guó tǒng yī kǎo shì pu3 tong1 gao1 deng3 xue2 xiao4 zhao1 sheng1 quan2 guo2 tong3 yi1 kao3 shi4 p`u t`ung kao teng hsüeh hsiao chao sheng ch`üan kuo t`ung i k`ao shih pu tung kao teng hsüeh hsiao chao sheng chüan kuo tung i kao shih |
NCEE, National College Entrance Examination (college entrance exam in PRC); usually abbr. to 高考[gao1 kao3] |
東京都立航空工業高等専門学校 see styles |
toukyoutoritsukoukuukougyoukoutousenmongakkou / tokyotoritsukokukogyokotosenmongakko とうきょうとりつこうくうこうぎょうこうとうせんもんがっこう |
(o) Tokyo Metropolitan College of Aeronautical Engineering |
筑波大学附属中学校・高等学校 see styles |
tsukubadaigakufuzokuchuugakkou koutougakkou / tsukubadaigakufuzokuchugakko kotogakko つくばだいがくふぞくちゅうがっこう・こうとうがっこう |
(o) Junior and Senior High School at Otsuka, University of Tsukuba |
十二佛名神呪校量功德除障滅罪經 十二佛名神呪校量功德除障灭罪经 see styles |
shí èr fó míng shén zhòu jiào liáng gōng dé chú zhàng miè zuì jīng shi2 er4 fo2 ming2 shen2 zhou4 jiao4 liang2 gong1 de2 chu2 zhang4 mie4 zui4 jing1 shih erh fo ming shen chou chiao liang kung te ch`u chang mieh tsui ching shih erh fo ming shen chou chiao liang kung te chu chang mieh tsui ching Jūni butsumyō shinju kyōryō kudoku joshō metsuzai kyō |
Sūtra of the Twelve Buddha Names |
Variations: |
esukareetaakou(esukareetaa校); esukareetakou(esukareeta校) / esukareetako(esukareeta校); esukareetako(esukareeta校) エスカレーターこう(エスカレーター校); エスカレータこう(エスカレータ校) |
(colloquialism) (See エスカレーター学校・エスカレーターがっこう) private school that allows students to advance from one stage of education to the next, often kindergarten to university, without taking entrance exams en route |
Variations: |
esukareetaagakkou(esukareetaa学校); esukareetagakkou(esukareeta学校) / esukareetagakko(esukareeta学校); esukareetagakko(esukareeta学校) エスカレーターがっこう(エスカレーター学校); エスカレータがっこう(エスカレータ学校) |
(colloquialism) (See エスカレーター校) private school that allows students to advance from one stage of education to the next, often kindergarten to university, without taking entrance exams en route; escalator school |
Variations: |
rouagakkou / roagakko ろうあがっこう |
school for the deaf and dumb |
Variations: |
rouagakkou / roagakko ろうあがっこう |
(dated) (See ろう学校) school for people unable to hear and speak |
Variations: |
senmongakkou(専門学校)(p); senmongakkou(専門gakkou); senmongakko(専門gakko) / senmongakko(専門学校)(p); senmongakko(専門gakko); senmongakko(専門gakko) せんもんがっこう(専門学校)(P); せんもんガッコウ(専門ガッコウ); せんもんガッコ(専門ガッコ) |
vocational school; technical school |
Variations: |
ojousamagakkou / ojosamagakko おじょうさまがっこう |
school for girls from wealthy and famous families |
独立行政法人国立高等専門学校機構福井工業高等専門学校 see styles |
dokuritsugyouseihoujinkokuritsukoutousenmongakkoukikoufukuikougyoukoutousenmongakkou / dokuritsugyosehojinkokuritsukotosenmongakkokikofukuikogyokotosenmongakko どくりつぎょうせいほうじんこくりつこうとうせんもんがっこうきこうふくいこうぎょうこうとうせんもんがっこう |
(place-name) Fukui National College of Technology |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 65 results for "校" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.