There are 968 total results for your 断 search. I have created 10 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678910>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
苦渋の決断 see styles |
kujuunoketsudan / kujunoketsudan くじゅうのけつだん |
(exp,n) agonizing decision |
計算機斷層 计算机断层 see styles |
jì suàn jī duàn céng ji4 suan4 ji1 duan4 ceng2 chi suan chi tuan ts`eng chi suan chi tuan tseng |
CT, computed tomography (medical imaging method) |
詞彙判斷法 词汇判断法 see styles |
cí huì pàn duàn fǎ ci2 hui4 pan4 duan4 fa3 tz`u hui p`an tuan fa tzu hui pan tuan fa |
lexical decision task |
貝殻状断口 see styles |
kaigarajoudankou / kaigarajodanko かいがらじょうだんこう |
conchoidal fracture |
退路を断つ see styles |
tairootatsu たいろをたつ |
(exp,v5t) to cut off the retreat |
選言的判断 see styles |
sengentekihandan せんげんてきはんだん |
(rare) disjunctive judgment (judgement) |
遺伝子診断 see styles |
idenshishindan いでんししんだん |
genetic diagnosis |
龍門山斷層 龙门山断层 see styles |
lóng mén shān duàn céng long2 men2 shan1 duan4 ceng2 lung men shan tuan ts`eng lung men shan tuan tseng |
Longmenshan fault line, a tectonically active thrust fault line at the northwest boundary of the Sichuan basin |
断りを入れる see styles |
kotowarioireru ことわりをいれる |
(exp,v1) to ask for permission (before doing something); to ask first |
断続クラッチ see styles |
danzokukuracchi だんぞくクラッチ |
clutch control |
断面プロット see styles |
danmenpurotto だんめんプロット |
{comp} slice plot |
Variations: |
sendan せんだん |
(noun, transitive verb) shear; shearing |
せん断抵抗角 see styles |
sendanteikoukaku / sendantekokaku せんだんていこうかく |
angle of shearing resistance |
ギロチン破断 see styles |
girochinhadan ギロチンはだん |
{engr} guillotine break (coolant loss in a nuclear power plant); guillotine rupture |
修道所斷煩惱 修道所断烦恼 see styles |
xiū dào suǒ duàn fán nǎo xiu1 dao4 suo3 duan4 fan2 nao3 hsiu tao so tuan fan nao shudō sho dan bonnō |
afflictions removed in the path of cultivation |
剪断弾性係数 see styles |
sendandanseikeisuu / sendandansekesu せんだんだんせいけいすう |
elastic shear modulus |
大陸横断鉄道 see styles |
tairikuoudantetsudou / tairikuodantetsudo たいりくおうだんてつどう |
transcontinental railroad |
心エコー診断 see styles |
shinekooshindan しんエコーしんだん |
{med} echocardiography |
快速診斷測試 快速诊断测试 see styles |
kuài sù zhěn duàn cè shì kuai4 su4 zhen3 duan4 ce4 shi4 k`uai su chen tuan ts`e shih kuai su chen tuan tse shih |
rapid diagnostic test (RDT) |
押し被せ断層 see styles |
oshikabusedansou / oshikabusedanso おしかぶせだんそう |
overthrust fault |
押ヶ垰断層帯 see styles |
oshigataodansoutai / oshigataodansotai おしがたおだんそうたい |
(place-name) Oshigataodansoutai |
斷諸煩惱念處 断诸烦恼念处 see styles |
duàn zhū fán nǎo niàn chù duan4 zhu1 fan2 nao3 nian4 chu4 tuan chu fan nao nien ch`u tuan chu fan nao nien chu dan shobonnō nenjo |
mindfulness of the elimination of afflictions |
業況判断指数 see styles |
gyoukyouhandanshisuu / gyokyohandanshisu ぎょうきょうはんだんしすう |
diffusion index; DI; business sentiment index |
横断的データ see styles |
oudantekideeta / odantekideeta おうだんてきデータ |
(ant: 縦断的データ) cross-sectional data |
永斷一切煩惱 永断一切烦恼 see styles |
yǒng duàn yī qiè fán nǎo yong3 duan4 yi1 qie4 fan2 nao3 yung tuan i ch`ieh fan nao yung tuan i chieh fan nao yōdan issai bonnō |
permanently eliminate all afflictions |
油断ならない see styles |
yudannaranai ゆだんならない |
(exp,adj-i) treacherous; dangerous; untrustworthy; sneaky; cunning |
法案提出断念 see styles |
houanteishutsudannen / hoanteshutsudannen ほうあんていしゅつだんねん |
withdrawal of proposed bill |
砥部衝上断層 see styles |
tobeshoujoudansou / tobeshojodanso とべしょうじょうだんそう |
(place-name) Tobeshoujōdansou |
禁断の木の実 see styles |
kindannokonomi きんだんのこのみ |
(exp,n) forbidden fruit |
縦断的データ see styles |
juudantekideeta / judantekideeta じゅうだんてきデータ |
longitudinal data |
自相相續不斷 自相相续不断 see styles |
zì xiàng xiāng xù bù duàn zi4 xiang4 xiang1 xu4 bu4 duan4 tzu hsiang hsiang hsü pu tuan jisō sōzoku fudan |
continuation of distinctive marks without break |
自転車横断帯 see styles |
jitenshaoudantai / jitenshaodantai じてんしゃおうだんたい |
bicycle crossing lane |
見苦所斷煩惱 见苦所断烦恼 see styles |
jiàn kǔ suǒ duàn fán nǎo jian4 ku3 suo3 duan4 fan2 nao3 chien k`u so tuan fan nao chien ku so tuan fan nao ken ku sho dan bonnō |
afflictions eliminated by insight into the truth of suffering |
詞彙判斷任務 词汇判断任务 see styles |
cí huì pàn duàn rèn wu ci2 hui4 pan4 duan4 ren4 wu5 tz`u hui p`an tuan jen wu tzu hui pan tuan jen wu |
lexical decision task (psychology) |
詞彙判斷作業 词汇判断作业 see styles |
cí huì pàn duàn zuò yè ci2 hui4 pan4 duan4 zuo4 ye4 tz`u hui p`an tuan tso yeh tzu hui pan tuan tso yeh |
lexical decision task |
走向滑動斷層 走向滑动断层 see styles |
zǒu xiàng huá dòng duàn céng zou3 xiang4 hua2 dong4 duan4 ceng2 tsou hsiang hua tung tuan ts`eng tsou hsiang hua tung tuan tseng |
strike-slip fault (geology); fault line where the two sides slide horizontally past one another |
配線用遮断器 see styles |
haisenyoushadanki / haisenyoshadanki はいせんようしゃだんき |
{elec} molded-case circuit breaker; MCCB |
電源切断状態 see styles |
dengensetsudanjoutai / dengensetsudanjotai でんげんせつだんじょうたい |
{comp} power disconnected (state) |
電腦斷層掃描 电脑断层扫描 see styles |
diàn nǎo duàn céng sǎo miáo dian4 nao3 duan4 ceng2 sao3 miao2 tien nao tuan ts`eng sao miao tien nao tuan tseng sao miao |
CAT scan; CT scan |
Variations: |
dandanko だんだんこ |
(noun or adjectival noun) firm; resolute; absolutely |
Variations: |
dansaiki; dansaiki だんさいき; ダンサイキ |
cutting machine; paper cutter; guillotine |
断るまでもなく see styles |
kotowarumademonaku ことわるまでもなく |
(expression) needless to say |
断るまでも無く see styles |
kotowarumademonaku ことわるまでもなく |
(expression) needless to say |
Variations: |
setsudanki せつだんき |
cutter; cutting machine; guillotine |
せん断弾性係数 see styles |
sendandanseikeisuu / sendandansekesu せんだんだんせいけいすう |
elastic shear modulus |
オンライン診断 see styles |
onrainshindan オンラインしんだん |
{comp} online diagnostics |
ケーブルの切断 see styles |
keeburunosetsudan ケーブルのせつだん |
{comp} cable cut |
一見さんお断り see styles |
ichigensanokotowari いちげんさんおことわり |
(expression) (policy of) no first-time customers; regulars only |
中小企業診断士 see styles |
chuushoukigyoushindanshi / chushokigyoshindanshi ちゅうしょうきぎょうしんだんし |
small and medium enterprise management consultant |
予断を許さない see styles |
yodanoyurusanai よだんをゆるさない |
(exp,adj-i) highly unpredictable; touch and go |
司法判断適合性 see styles |
shihouhandantekigousei / shihohandantekigose しほうはんだんてきごうせい |
(See 司法判断) justiciability |
孟母断機の教え see styles |
moubodankinooshie / mobodankinooshie もうぼだんきのおしえ |
(expression) (proverb) (from a tale about Mencius' mother admonishing him from leaving school early by cutting apart a cloth she was in the middle of weaving) (See 断機) (the lesson that) one should not leave things unfinished |
快刀乱麻を断つ see styles |
kaitouranmaotatsu / kaitoranmaotatsu かいとうらんまをたつ |
(exp,v5t) to cut the Gordian knot |
押しかぶせ断層 see styles |
oshikabusedansou / oshikabusedanso おしかぶせだんそう |
overthrust fault |
教科横断的学習 see styles |
kyoukaoudantekigakushuu / kyokaodantekigakushu きょうかおうだんてきがくしゅう |
(exp,n) cross-curriculum learning |
新型出生前診断 see styles |
shingatashusseizenshindan / shingatashussezenshindan しんがたしゅっせいぜんしんだん |
{med} noninvasive prenatal testing; NIPT |
斷諸法狐疑法經 断诸法狐疑法经 see styles |
duàn zhū fǎ hú yí fǎ jīng duan4 zhu1 fa3 hu2 yi2 fa3 jing1 tuan chu fa hu i fa ching Danshohōkogi hō kyō |
Sūtra of the Dharma of Severing Doubts of the Dharma |
東京湾横断道路 see styles |
toukyouwanoudandouro / tokyowanodandoro とうきょうわんおうだんどうろ |
(place-name) Trans-Tokyo Bay Motorway |
機能診断テスト see styles |
kinoushindantesuto / kinoshindantesuto きのうしんだんテスト |
{comp} Diagnostic Function Test |
死亡時画像診断 see styles |
shiboujigazoushindan / shibojigazoshindan しぼうじがぞうしんだん |
autopsy imaging; postmortem computed tomography; PMCT; virtopsy |
油断のならない see styles |
yudannonaranai ゆだんのならない |
(exp,adj-f) treacherous; dangerous; untrustworthy; sneaky; cunning |
油断も隙もない see styles |
yudanmosukimonai ゆだんもすきもない |
(expression) one must constantly be on one's guard with ...; one cannot be too careful of ... |
油断も隙も無い see styles |
yudanmosukimonai ゆだんもすきもない |
(expression) one must constantly be on one's guard with ...; one cannot be too careful of ... |
清官難斷家務事 清官难断家务事 see styles |
qīng guān nán duàn jiā wù shì qing1 guan1 nan2 duan4 jia1 wu4 shi4 ch`ing kuan nan tuan chia wu shih ching kuan nan tuan chia wu shih |
even an honest and upright official will have difficulty resolving a family dispute (proverb) |
煩惱無數誓願斷 烦恼无数誓愿断 see styles |
fán nǎo wú shǔ shì yuàn duàn fan2 nao3 wu2 shu3 shi4 yuan4 duan4 fan nao wu shu shih yüan tuan bonnō mushu seigan dan |
vowing to eliminate inexhaustible afflictions |
煩惱無盡誓願斷 烦恼无尽誓愿断 see styles |
fán nǎo wú jìn shì yuàn duàn fan2 nao3 wu2 jin4 shi4 yuan4 duan4 fan nao wu chin shih yüan tuan bonnō wa mujin na richi katte danzen koto wo negau |
however inexhaustible afflictions may be, I vow to extinguish them |
白子不断ザクラ see styles |
shirokonofudanzakura しろこのふだんザクラ |
(place-name) Shirokonofudanzakura |
聖安地列斯斷層 圣安地列斯断层 see styles |
shèng ān de liè sī duàn céng sheng4 an1 de5 lie4 si1 duan4 ceng2 sheng an te lieh ssu tuan ts`eng sheng an te lieh ssu tuan tseng |
San Andreas Fault, California; also written 聖安德列斯斷層|圣安德列斯断层 |
聖安德列斯斷層 圣安德列斯断层 see styles |
shèng ān dé liè sī duàn céng sheng4 an1 de2 lie4 si1 duan4 ceng2 sheng an te lieh ssu tuan ts`eng sheng an te lieh ssu tuan tseng |
San Andreas Fault, California |
診断プログラム see styles |
shindanpuroguramu しんだんプログラム |
{comp} diagnostic program |
診断メッセージ see styles |
shindanmesseeji しんだんメッセージ |
{comp} diagnostic message |
長流水,不斷線 长流水,不断线 see styles |
cháng liú shuǐ , bù duàn xiàn chang2 liu2 shui3 , bu4 duan4 xian4 ch`ang liu shui , pu tuan hsien chang liu shui , pu tuan hsien |
continuous and patient effort (idiom) |
Variations: |
danko だんこ |
(adj-t,adv-to) firm; determined; resolute; conclusive |
Variations: |
tachikiri たちきり |
(See 断ち切る・1) cutting apart; something that has been cut apart |
Variations: |
chuudan / chudan ちゅうだん |
(noun/participle) interruption; suspension; break |
Variations: |
sendanbako せんだんばこ |
shear box |
Variations: |
ganshindan がんしんだん |
cancer diagnosis |
Variations: |
shadanpeki しゃだんぺき |
bulkhead; barrier |
デデキントの切断 see styles |
dedekintonosetsudan デデキントのせつだん |
(exp,n) {math} Dedekind cut |
ファイルの断片化 see styles |
fairunodanpenka ファイルのだんぺんか |
{comp} file fragmentation |
ポジトロン断層法 see styles |
pojitorondansouhou / pojitorondansoho ポジトロンだんそうほう |
positron emission tomography; PET |
一切煩惱習氣永斷 一切烦恼习气永断 see styles |
yī qiè fán nǎo xí qì yǒng duàn yi1 qie4 fan2 nao3 xi2 qi4 yong3 duan4 i ch`ieh fan nao hsi ch`i yung tuan i chieh fan nao hsi chi yung tuan issai bonnō jikke yōdan |
all habituated tendencies of affliction are permanently eliminated |
如多羅樹斷截根頂 如多罗树断截根顶 see styles |
rú duō luó shù duàn jié gēn dǐng ru2 duo1 luo2 shu4 duan4 jie2 gen1 ding3 ju to lo shu tuan chieh ken ting nyo taraju dansetsukon chō |
like the top of a palm tree that has had its roots severed |
引っ張り剪断強度 see styles |
hipparisendankyoudo / hipparisendankyodo ひっぱりせんだんきょうど |
peel strength (e.g. conductor from substrate) |
心行處滅言語道斷 心行处灭言语道断 see styles |
xīn xíng chù miè yán yǔ dào duàn xin1 xing2 chu4 mie4 yan2 yu3 dao4 duan4 hsin hsing ch`u mieh yen yü tao tuan hsin hsing chu mieh yen yü tao tuan shingyō sho metsu gongo dō dan |
annihilating the locus of mental functioning, cutting off the path of language |
横山楡原衝上断層 see styles |
yokoyamanireharashoujoudansou / yokoyamanireharashojodanso よこやまにれはらしょうじょうだんそう |
(place-name) Yokoyamanireharashoujōdansou |
生滅去來一異斷常 生灭去来一异断常 see styles |
shēng miè qù lái yī yì duàn cháng sheng1 mie4 qu4 lai2 yi1 yi4 duan4 chang2 sheng mieh ch`ü lai i i tuan ch`ang sheng mieh chü lai i i tuan chang shōmetsu korai ichii danjō |
birth, extinction, going, coming, uniformity, diversity, cessation, and permanence |
知多半島横断道路 see styles |
chitahantououdandouro / chitahantoodandoro ちたはんとうおうだんどうろ |
(place-name) Chitahantououdandōro |
磁気共鳴断層撮影 see styles |
jikikyoumeidansousatsuei / jikikyomedansosatsue じききょうめいだんそうさつえい |
magnetic resonance tomography |
磁気共鳴診断装置 see styles |
jikikyoumeishindansouchi / jikikyomeshindansochi じききょうめいしんだんそうち |
magnetic resonance imaging scanner; MRI scanner |
神戸丸山衝上断層 see styles |
koubemaruyamashoujoudansou / kobemaruyamashojodanso こうべまるやましょうじょうだんそう |
(place-name) Kōbemaruyamashoujōdansou |
章を断ち義を取る see styles |
shouotachigiotoru / shootachigiotoru しょうをたちぎをとる |
(exp,v5r) (See 断章取義・だんしょうしゅぎ) to interpret (and use) a passage without regard to its context |
自己診断システム see styles |
jikoshindanshisutemu じこしんだんシステム |
self-checking system; self-diagnosis system |
船佐山内逆断層帯 see styles |
funasayamanouchigyakudansoutai / funasayamanochigyakudansotai ふなさやまのうちぎゃくだんそうたい |
(place-name) Funasayamanouchigyakudansoutai |
言語道斷心行處滅 言语道断心行处灭 see styles |
yán yǔ dào duàn xīn xíng chù miè yan2 yu3 dao4 duan4 xin1 xing2 chu4 mie4 yen yü tao tuan hsin hsing ch`u mieh yen yü tao tuan hsin hsing chu mieh gongodō dan shingyō sho metsu |
cutting off the path of language, annihilating the locus of mental functioning |
Variations: |
dankan だんかん |
(form) fragment of a historical document; scrap of an old manuscript; piece of an antique record |
Variations: |
kotowari ことわり |
(1) notice; notification; warning; (2) permission; consent; (3) rejection; refusal; nonacceptance; declination; declining; (4) excuse; plea |
Variations: |
kotowaru ことわる |
(transitive verb) (1) to refuse; to reject; to dismiss; to turn down; to decline; (transitive verb) (2) to inform; to give notice; to tell in advance; (transitive verb) (3) to ask leave; to excuse oneself (from) |
Variations: |
dankoukyousou / dankokyoso だんこうきょうそう |
cross-country race |
Variations: |
sendan せんだん |
(n,vs,vt,adj-na,adj-no) arbitrary decision; using one's own discretion; acting on one's own authority |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "断" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.