There are 1026 total results for your 資 search. I have created 11 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678910...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
米塩の資 see styles |
beiennoshi / beennoshi べいえんのし |
(exp,n) living expenses |
経営資源 see styles |
keieishigen / keeshigen けいえいしげん |
management resource; management resources |
統一資源 统一资源 see styles |
tǒng yī zī yuán tong3 yi1 zi1 yuan2 t`ung i tzu yüan tung i tzu yüan |
unified resource |
繋ぎ融資 see styles |
tsunagiyuushi / tsunagiyushi つなぎゆうし |
bridge loan; relief or emergency loan |
繋ぎ資金 see styles |
tsunagishikin つなぎしきん |
emergency fund |
繰延資産 see styles |
kurinobeshisan くりのべしさん |
deferred asset |
老後資金 see styles |
rougoshikin / rogoshikin ろうごしきん |
savings for old age; retirement savings |
考古資料 see styles |
koukoshiryou / kokoshiryo こうこしりょう |
archeological materials; archeological artifacts |
股票投資 股票投资 see styles |
gǔ piào tóu zī gu3 piao4 tou2 zi1 ku p`iao t`ou tzu ku piao tou tzu |
to invest in stock; to buy shares |
育英資金 see styles |
ikueishikin / ikueshikin いくえいしきん |
(1) scholarship; student award; student grant; student loan; (2) educational fund; educational lender |
自己投資 see styles |
jikotoushi / jikotoshi じことうし |
(noun/participle) investing in oneself |
自己資本 see styles |
jikoshihon じこしほん |
net worth; owned capital |
自己資源 see styles |
jikoshigen じこしげん |
{comp} local resource |
自己資金 see styles |
jikoshikin じこしきん |
personal funds; one's own money; self-funding |
自然資本 see styles |
shizenshihon しぜんしほん |
natural capital |
自然資源 自然资源 see styles |
zì rán zī yuán zi4 ran2 zi1 yuan2 tzu jan tzu yüan shizenshigen しぜんしげん |
natural resource natural resources |
菩提資糧 菩提资粮 see styles |
pú tí zī liáng pu2 ti2 zi1 liang2 p`u t`i tzu liang pu ti tzu liang bodai shiryō |
the necessary preparations for attaining enlightenment |
藉資挹注 藉资挹注 see styles |
jiè zī yì zhù jie4 zi1 yi4 zhu4 chieh tzu i chu |
variant of 借資挹注|借资挹注[jie4 zi1 yi4 zhu4] |
観光資源 see styles |
kankoushigen / kankoshigen かんこうしげん |
tourist attractions |
言語資料 see styles |
gengoshiryou / gengoshiryo げんごしりょう |
{ling} corpus; linguistic data; text corpus |
計件工資 计件工资 see styles |
jì jiàn gōng zī ji4 jian4 gong1 zi1 chi chien kung tzu |
piece rate wage; remuneration based on one's output; opposite: time rate wage 計時工資|计时工资[ji4 shi2 gong1 zi1] |
計時工資 计时工资 see styles |
jì shí gōng zī ji4 shi2 gong1 zi1 chi shih kung tzu |
payment by the hour; time-rate wages (opposite: piece-rate wage 計件工資|计件工资[ji4 jian4 gong1 zi1]) |
設備投資 see styles |
setsubitoushi / setsubitoshi せつびとうし |
capital investment; capital expenditure; investment in plant and equipment |
詮釋資料 诠释资料 see styles |
quán shì zī liào quan2 shi4 zi1 liao4 ch`üan shih tzu liao chüan shih tzu liao |
metadata |
認定資格 see styles |
ninteishikaku / ninteshikaku にんていしかく |
professional certification; trade certification |
認繳資本 认缴资本 see styles |
rèn jiǎo zī běn ren4 jiao3 zi1 ben3 jen chiao tzu pen |
subscribed capital (finance) |
講義資料 see styles |
kougishiryou / kogishiryo こうぎしりょう |
lecture materials |
谷脇源資 see styles |
taniwakigenshi たにわきげんし |
(person) Taniwaki Genshi (1925.2.28-) |
貪著資財 贪着资财 see styles |
tān zhāo zī cái tan1 zhao1 zi1 cai2 t`an chao tzu ts`ai tan chao tzu tsai tonjaku shizai |
addiction to material possessions |
越冬資金 see styles |
ettoushikin / ettoshikin えっとうしきん |
winter bonus |
追加融資 see styles |
tsuikayuushi / tsuikayushi ついかゆうし |
additional finance; additional funding |
運営資金 see styles |
uneishikin / uneshikin うんえいしきん |
operating funds |
運転資本 see styles |
untenshihon うんてんしほん |
working capital |
運転資金 see styles |
untenshikin うんてんしきん |
working capital |
過剰投資 see styles |
kajoutoushi / kajotoshi かじょうとうし |
overinvestment |
過剰融資 see styles |
kajouyuushi / kajoyushi かじょうゆうし |
excessive lending; excessive loan; over-financing |
過少資本 see styles |
kashoushihon / kashoshihon かしょうしほん |
inadequate capital; undercapitalization |
遠隔資源 see styles |
enkakushigen えんかくしげん |
{comp} remote resource |
選挙資金 see styles |
senkyoshikin せんきょしきん |
election campaign fund; electoral funds |
郷土資料 see styles |
kyoudoshiryou / kyodoshiryo きょうどしりょう |
local collection (of a library); local materials; local artefacts |
配付資料 see styles |
haifushiryou / haifushiryo はいふしりょう |
handout (i.e. document distributed to a group) |
金子昌資 see styles |
kanekomasashi かねこまさし |
(person) Kaneko Masashi (1939.3-) |
金融資本 see styles |
kinyuushihon / kinyushihon きんゆうしほん |
financial capital |
金融資産 see styles |
kinyuushisan / kinyushisan きんゆうしさん |
financial asset |
鉱物資源 see styles |
koubutsushigen / kobutsushigen こうぶつしげん |
mineral resources |
銀行融資 see styles |
ginkouyuushi / ginkoyushi ぎんこうゆうし |
bank loan |
長崎高資 see styles |
nagasakitakasuke ながさきたかすけ |
(person) Nagasaki Takasuke |
隠匿物資 see styles |
intokubusshi いんとくぶっし |
concealed materials |
集約投資 see styles |
shuuyakutoushi / shuyakutoshi しゅうやくとうし |
intensive investment |
風險投資 风险投资 see styles |
fēng xiǎn tóu zī feng1 xian3 tou2 zi1 feng hsien t`ou tzu feng hsien tou tzu |
venture capital investment |
高橋資祐 see styles |
takahashimotosuke たかはしもとすけ |
(person) Takahashi Motosuke (1941.1.11-) |
龍岡資晃 see styles |
tatsuokasukeaki たつおかすけあき |
(person) Tatsuoka Sukeaki |
資を投ずる see styles |
shiotouzuru / shiotozuru しをとうずる |
(exp,vz) to lay out (one's money) in; to invest in |
資料鏈結層 资料链结层 see styles |
zī liào liàn jié céng zi1 liao4 lian4 jie2 ceng2 tzu liao lien chieh ts`eng tzu liao lien chieh tseng |
data link layer |
資本コスト see styles |
shihonkosuto しほんコスト |
{finc} cost of capital |
資本主勘定 see styles |
shihonnushikanjou / shihonnushikanjo しほんぬしかんじょう |
capital personal account; investor account; investor's account; stockholders equity |
資本主義者 see styles |
shihonshugisha しほんしゅぎしゃ |
a capitalist |
資本再構成 see styles |
shihonsaikousei / shihonsaikose しほんさいこうせい |
recapitalization; recapitalisation |
資本利得税 see styles |
shihonritokuzei / shihonritokuze しほんりとくぜい |
capital gains tax; CGT |
資本利益率 see styles |
shihonriekiritsu しほんりえきりつ |
return-on-investment ratio |
資本家階級 see styles |
shihonkakaikyuu / shihonkakaikyu しほんかかいきゅう |
(See 労働者階級) capitalist class |
資本自由化 see styles |
shihonjiyuuka / shihonjiyuka しほんじゆうか |
liberalization of capital transactions |
資格がない see styles |
shikakuganai しかくがない |
(exp,adj-i) (See 資格のない) unqualified; without qualifications |
資格のない see styles |
shikakunonai しかくのない |
(exp,adj-i) (See 資格がない) unqualified |
資源の呪い see styles |
shigennonoroi しげんののろい |
(exp,n) resource curse; paradox of plenty |
資源割振り see styles |
shigenwarifuri しげんわりふり |
{comp} resource allocation |
資產負債表 资产负债表 see styles |
zī chǎn fù zhài biǎo zi1 chan3 fu4 zhai4 biao3 tzu ch`an fu chai piao tzu chan fu chai piao |
balance sheet |
資産公開法 see styles |
shisankoukaihou / shisankokaiho しさんこうかいほう |
1992 Property Disclosure Act; law requiring members of parliament to disclose their assets |
資産再評価 see styles |
shisansaihyouka / shisansaihyoka しさんさいひょうか |
revaluation of assets |
資産売却益 see styles |
shisanbaikyakueki しさんばいきゃくえき |
capital gain |
資産負債表 see styles |
shisanfusaihyou / shisanfusaihyo しさんふさいひょう |
financial statement; statement of assets |
資糧未圓滿 资粮未圆满 see styles |
zī liáng wèi yuán mǎn zi1 liang2 wei4 yuan2 man3 tzu liang wei yüan man shiryō mi enman |
not being fully prepared |
資金を出す see styles |
shikinodasu しきんをだす |
(exp,v5s) to provide with funds; to fund; to advance some capital; to furnish with funds |
資金カンパ see styles |
shikinkanpa しきんカンパ |
fundraising campaign; fundraising drive |
資金提供者 see styles |
shikinteikyousha / shikintekyosha しきんていきょうしゃ |
investor; funder; financial contributor |
資金決済法 see styles |
shikinkessaihou / shikinkessaiho しきんけっさいほう |
{law} (See 資金決済に関する法律) Payment Services Act |
つなぎ融資 see styles |
tsunagiyuushi / tsunagiyushi つなぎゆうし |
bridge loan; relief or emergency loan |
ダム資料館 see styles |
damushiryoukan / damushiryokan ダムしりょうかん |
(place-name) Damushiryōkan |
リスク資産 see styles |
risukushisan リスクしさん |
risk asset; risk assets |
不動産融資 see styles |
fudousanyuushi / fudosanyushi ふどうさんゆうし |
real-estate financing; real-estate loan |
不在投資家 see styles |
fuzaitoushika / fuzaitoshika ふざいとうしか |
absentee investor (e.g. in real estate) |
個人投資家 see styles |
kojintoushika / kojintoshika こじんとうしか |
individual investor |
倫理的投資 see styles |
rinritekitoushi / rinritekitoshi りんりてきとうし |
ethical investment |
全球資訊網 全球资讯网 see styles |
quán qiú zī xùn wǎng quan2 qiu2 zi1 xun4 wang3 ch`üan ch`iu tzu hsün wang chüan chiu tzu hsün wang |
world wide web; WWW |
八級工資制 八级工资制 see styles |
bā jí gōng zī zhì ba1 ji2 gong1 zi1 zhi4 pa chi kung tzu chih |
eight grade wage scale (system) |
公称資本金 see styles |
koushoushihonkin / koshoshihonkin こうしょうしほんきん |
nominal capital |
博物館資料 see styles |
hakubutsukanshiryou / hakubutsukanshiryo はくぶつかんしりょう |
museum material; museum piece |
可再生資源 可再生资源 see styles |
kě zài shēng zī yuán ke3 zai4 sheng1 zi1 yuan2 k`o tsai sheng tzu yüan ko tsai sheng tzu yüan |
renewable resource |
図書館資料 see styles |
toshokanshiryou / toshokanshiryo としょかんしりょう |
library materials |
固定資産税 see styles |
koteishisanzei / koteshisanze こていしさんぜい |
real estate tax; fixed assets tax; property tax |
國土資源部 国土资源部 see styles |
guó tǔ zī yuán bù guo2 tu3 zi1 yuan2 bu4 kuo t`u tzu yüan pu kuo tu tzu yüan pu |
Ministry of Land and Resources (MLR), formed in 1998 |
外国投資家 see styles |
gaikokutoushika / gaikokutoshika がいこくとうしか |
foreign investor |
外國投資者 外国投资者 see styles |
wài guó tóu zī zhě wai4 guo2 tou2 zi1 zhe3 wai kuo t`ou tzu che wai kuo tou tzu che |
foreign investor |
外資系企業 see styles |
gaishikeikigyou / gaishikekigyo がいしけいきぎょう |
foreign-owned enterprise; company with capital participation by a foreign company; foreign-affiliated firm; alien corporation; foreign company |
大谷資料館 see styles |
ooyashiryoukan / ooyashiryokan おおやしりょうかん |
(place-name) Ooyashiryōkan |
対外純資産 see styles |
taigaijunshisan たいがいじゅんしさん |
net external assets |
小資產階級 小资产阶级 see styles |
xiǎo zī chǎn jiē jí xiao3 zi1 chan3 jie1 ji2 hsiao tzu ch`an chieh chi hsiao tzu chan chieh chi |
petty bourgeois |
少貳資時墓 see styles |
shounisuketokihaka / shonisuketokihaka しょうにすけときはか |
(place-name) Shouni Suketoki (grave) |
常委分資糧 常委分资粮 see styles |
cháng wěi fēn zī liáng chang2 wei3 fen1 zi1 liang2 ch`ang wei fen tzu liang chang wei fen tzu liang jōifun shiryō |
an assembly of the elements of constant prudence |
平和資料館 see styles |
heiwashiryoukan / hewashiryokan へいわしりょうかん |
(place-name) Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum (abbreviation) |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "資" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.