There are 4935 total results for your 行 search. I have created 50 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678910...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
征行 see styles |
masayuki まさゆき |
(given name) Masayuki |
径行 see styles |
keikou / keko けいこう |
(See 直情径行) going right ahead |
律行 see styles |
lǜ xíng lv4 xing2 lü hsing noriyuki のりゆき |
(personal name) Noriyuki The discipline in practice, to act according to the rules. |
徐行 see styles |
xú xíng xu2 xing2 hsü hsing jokou / joko じょこう |
to walk slowly; to stroll (n,vs,vi) going slowly (of a car, train, etc.) |
徒行 see styles |
tokou / toko とこう |
(noun/participle) walking; going on foot |
得行 see styles |
tokuyuki とくゆき |
(given name) Tokuyuki |
御行 see styles |
miyuki みゆき |
(personal name) Miyuki |
循行 see styles |
junkou / junko じゅんこう |
(n,vs,vi) (1) (See 巡行) patrol; (n,vs,vi) (2) acting in accordance with one's orders; (n,vs,vi) (3) {astron} (See 順行・2) direct motion; prograde motion |
微行 see styles |
wēi xíng wei1 xing2 wei hsing bikou / biko びこう |
(n,vs,vi) traveling incognito; travelling incognito Minute, refined, or subtle action. |
徳行 see styles |
yasuyuki やすゆき |
virtuous act or deeds; goodness; (given name) Yasuyuki |
德行 see styles |
dé xing de2 xing5 te hsing tokugyō |
variant of 德性[de2 xing5] Moral conduct and religious exercises, or discipline; moral conduct. |
徹行 see styles |
tetsuyuki てつゆき |
(given name) Tetsuyuki |
心行 see styles |
xīn xíng xin1 xing2 hsin hsing shingyō |
The activities of the mind, or heart; also working on the mind for its control; also mind and action. |
志行 see styles |
toshiyuki としゆき |
(given name) Toshiyuki |
応行 see styles |
takayuki たかゆき |
(given name) Takayuki |
忠行 see styles |
tadayuki ただゆき |
(given name) Tadayuki |
快行 see styles |
yoshiyuki よしゆき |
(personal name) Yoshiyuki |
急行 see styles |
kyuukou / kyuko きゅうこう |
(n,vs,adj-no) (1) (ant: 緩行) hurrying (to somewhere); rushing; hastening; (2) (abbreviation) (See 急行列車) express (train) |
性行 see styles |
xìng xíng xing4 xing2 hsing hsing seikou / seko せいこう |
sexual activity character and conduct |
恒行 see styles |
tsuneyuki つねゆき |
(surname, given name) Tsuneyuki |
恭行 see styles |
yasuyuki やすゆき |
(given name) Yasuyuki |
恵行 see styles |
keikou / keko けいこう |
(given name) Keikou |
悌行 see styles |
tomoyuki ともゆき |
(personal name) Tomoyuki |
悦行 see styles |
yoshiyuki よしゆき |
(given name) Yoshiyuki |
悪行 see styles |
akkou / akko あっこう akukou / akuko あくこう akugyou / akugyo あくぎょう |
misdeed; wrongdoing; wickedness |
惇行 see styles |
yoshiyuki よしゆき |
(given name) Yoshiyuki |
惟行 see styles |
tadayuki ただゆき |
(male given name) Tadayuki |
惡行 恶行 see styles |
è xíng e4 xing2 o hsing aku gyō |
evil or wicked conduct evil livelihood |
惣行 see styles |
sougyou / sogyo そうぎょう |
(place-name) Sougyou |
惰行 see styles |
dakou / dako だこう |
coasting (moving without using power) |
想行 see styles |
xiǎng xíng xiang3 xing2 hsiang hsing sōgyō |
activity of thought |
意行 see styles |
yì xíng yi4 xing2 i hsing igyō |
mental formations |
愚行 see styles |
gukou / guko ぐこう |
foolish act; folly |
愛行 爱行 see styles |
ài xíng ai4 xing2 ai hsing yoshiyuki よしゆき |
(given name) Yoshiyuki Emotional behavior, or the emotions of desire, as contrasted with 見行 rational behavior. |
慈行 see styles |
shigeyuki しげゆき |
(personal name) Shigeyuki |
慢行 see styles |
màn xíng man4 xing2 man hsing mangyō |
to walk slowly proud temperament |
慣行 see styles |
kankou / kanko かんこう |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) customary practice; habit; traditional event |
慧行 see styles |
huì xíng hui4 xing2 hui hsing keikou / keko けいこう |
(personal name) Keikou practices based on wisdom ; practice of wisdom |
慶行 see styles |
yoshiyuki よしゆき |
(given name) Yoshiyuki |
憲行 see styles |
noriyuki のりゆき |
(given name) Noriyuki |
懂行 see styles |
dǒng háng dong3 hang2 tung hang |
to know the ropes |
應行 应行 see styles |
yìng xíng ying4 xing2 ying hsing ō gyō |
to be practiced or performed |
戎行 see styles |
róng háng rong2 hang2 jung hang |
troops; military affairs |
成行 see styles |
chéng xíng cheng2 xing2 ch`eng hsing cheng hsing naruyuki なるゆき |
to embark on a journey (irregular okurigana usage) (1) outcome; development; course of events; progress; result; (2) (abbreviation) market order; order without limit; (given name) Naruyuki |
我行 see styles |
wǒ xíng wo3 xing2 wo hsing gagyō |
I |
戒行 see styles |
jiè xíng jie4 xing2 chieh hsing kaigyou / kaigyo かいぎょう |
(Buddhism) to adhere strictly to the ethical precepts; asceticism {Buddh} observing the precepts (of Buddhism) to observe the precepts |
戲行 戏行 see styles |
xì xíng xi4 xing2 hsi hsing kigyō |
merrymaking |
房行 see styles |
fusayuki ふさゆき |
(given name) Fusayuki |
所行 see styles |
suǒ xíng suo3 xing2 so hsing shogyō しょぎょう |
deed; act that which is practiced |
才行 see styles |
saigyou / saigyo さいぎょう |
(personal name) Saigyou |
拓行 see styles |
hiroyuki ひろゆき |
(given name) Hiroyuki |
拖行 see styles |
tuō xíng tuo1 xing2 t`o hsing to hsing |
to drag; to tow |
拡行 see styles |
hiroyuki ひろゆき |
(male given name) Hiroyuki |
持行 see styles |
jigyou / jigyo じぎょう |
(place-name) Jigyou |
挙行 see styles |
kyokou / kyoko きょこう |
(noun, transitive verb) celebration (of ceremony); solemnization (e.g. of a marriage); solemnisation |
捷行 see styles |
toshiyuki としゆき |
(given name) Toshiyuki |
排行 see styles |
pái háng pai2 hang2 p`ai hang pai hang |
to rank; ranking; seniority (among siblings) |
採行 采行 see styles |
cǎi xíng cai3 xing2 ts`ai hsing tsai hsing |
to adopt (a system, policy, strategy etc) See: 采行 |
推行 see styles |
tuī xíng tui1 xing2 t`ui hsing tui hsing |
to put into effect; to carry out |
換行 换行 see styles |
huàn háng huan4 hang2 huan hang |
to wrap (text); line feed (computing) |
携行 see styles |
keikou / keko けいこう |
(noun, transitive verb) carrying (on one's person); taking with one |
操行 see styles |
cāo xíng cao1 xing2 ts`ao hsing tsao hsing soukou / soko そうこう |
(student's) behavior conduct; deportment |
支行 see styles |
zhī háng zhi1 hang2 chih hang |
subbranch of a bank |
改行 see styles |
gǎi háng gai3 hang2 kai hang kaigyou / kaigyo かいぎょう |
to change profession (n,vs,vt,vi) (1) new line; new paragraph; (n,vs,vt,vi) (2) {comp} newline; line break; line feed |
放行 see styles |
fàng xíng fang4 xing2 fang hsing hōgyō |
to let pass to allow a student free reign |
政行 see styles |
masuyuki ますゆき |
(given name) Masuyuki |
敏行 see styles |
binkou / binko びんこう |
(given name) Binkou |
教行 see styles |
jiào xíng jiao4 xing2 chiao hsing michiyuki みちゆき |
(personal name) Michiyuki Instruction and conduct; teaching and practice; also the progress of the teaching, or doctrine. |
敢行 see styles |
isayuki いさゆき |
(noun, transitive verb) decisive action; going through with; daring to do; carrying out; (personal name) Isayuki |
敦行 see styles |
nobuyuki のぶゆき |
(given name) Nobuyuki |
敬行 see styles |
hiroyuki ひろゆき |
(personal name) Hiroyuki |
数行 see styles |
kazuyuki かずゆき |
several lines (e.g. of flying birds); several streaks (e.g. of tears); (personal name) Kazuyuki |
整行 see styles |
seikou / seko せいこう |
(personal name) Seikou |
數行 数行 see styles |
shuò xíng shuo4 xing2 shuo hsing sakugyō |
active |
文行 see styles |
fumiyuki ふみゆき |
(given name) Fumiyuki |
斉行 see styles |
saigyou / saigyo さいぎょう |
(noun/participle) carrying out (a religious festival or ceremony); (personal name) Saigyou |
斎行 see styles |
saigyou / saigyo さいぎょう |
(noun/participle) carrying out (a religious festival or ceremony); (personal name) Saigyou |
斜行 see styles |
shakou / shako しゃこう |
(n,vs,vi) diagonal movement; oblique motion |
断行 see styles |
dankou / danko だんこう |
(noun, transitive verb) decisive action; carrying out; resolute enforcement; execution |
新行 see styles |
shingyou / shingyo しんぎょう |
(surname) Shingyou |
斷行 断行 see styles |
duàn xíng duan4 xing2 tuan hsing dangyō |
to carry out resolutely practices that eliminate (afflictions) |
方行 see styles |
fāng xíng fang1 xing2 fang hsing masayuki まさゆき |
(personal name) Masayuki assistant |
施行 see styles |
shī xíng shi1 xing2 shih hsing segyou / segyo せぎょう |
to put in place; to put into practice; to take effect (noun, transitive verb) {Buddh} giving alms (to monks or the poor); almsgiving The practice of charity. |
旅行 see styles |
lǚ xíng lu:3 xing2 lü hsing ryokou / ryoko りょこう |
More info & calligraphy: Journey / Travel(n,vs,vi) travel; trip; journey; excursion; tour |
旨行 see styles |
muneyuki むねゆき |
(surname) Muneyuki |
早行 see styles |
saan / san さあん |
(female given name) Saan |
昂行 see styles |
akiyuki あきゆき |
(personal name) Akiyuki |
昌行 see styles |
yoshiyuki よしゆき |
(given name) Yoshiyuki |
明行 see styles |
míng xíng ming2 xing2 ming hsing akiyuki あきゆき |
(personal name) Akiyuki wisdom and action |
易行 see styles |
yì xíng yi4 xing2 i hsing igyō |
Easy progress, easy to do. |
星行 see styles |
hoshiyuki ほしゆき |
(personal name) Hoshiyuki |
春行 see styles |
haruyuki はるゆき |
(given name) Haruyuki |
昭行 see styles |
teruyuki てるゆき |
(personal name) Teruyuki |
是行 see styles |
koreyuki これゆき |
(surname) Koreyuki |
時行 see styles |
tokiyuki ときゆき |
(given name) Tokiyuki |
晃行 see styles |
teruyuki てるゆき |
(given name) Teruyuki |
晏行 see styles |
yasuyuki やすゆき |
(personal name) Yasuyuki |
晝行 昼行 see styles |
zhòu xíng zhou4 xing2 chou hsing chūgyō |
the day's abiding |
普行 see styles |
pǔ xíng pu3 xing2 p`u hsing pu hsing fugyō |
to practice everywhere |
景行 see styles |
keikou / keko けいこう |
(given name) Keikou |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "行" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.