There are 836 total results for your 薩 search. I have created 9 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<123456789>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
菩薩戒經義疏 菩萨戒经义疏 see styles |
pú sà jiè jīng yì shū pu2 sa4 jie4 jing1 yi4 shu1 p`u sa chieh ching i shu pu sa chieh ching i shu Bosatsukaikyō gisho |
Commentary on the Sūtra of the Doctrine of the Bodhisattva Precepts |
菩薩戒經義記 菩萨戒经义记 see styles |
pú sà jiè jīng yì jì pu2 sa4 jie4 jing1 yi4 ji4 p`u sa chieh ching i chi pu sa chieh ching i chi Bosatsukaikyō giki |
Notes on the Sūtra on Doctrine of the Bodhisattva Precepts |
菩薩戒羯磨文 菩萨戒羯磨文 see styles |
pú sà jiè jié mó wén pu2 sa4 jie4 jie2 mo2 wen2 p`u sa chieh chieh mo wen pu sa chieh chieh mo wen Bosatsukai ketsuma bun |
Elaboration of On Conferring Bodhisattva Vinaya |
菩薩本生鬘論 菩萨本生鬘论 see styles |
pú sà běn shēng mán lùn pu2 sa4 ben3 sheng1 man2 lun4 p`u sa pen sheng man lun pu sa pen sheng man lun Bosatsu hon shōman ron |
Pusa ben shengman lun |
菩薩正性離生 菩萨正性离生 see styles |
pú sà zhèng xìng lí shēng pu2 sa4 zheng4 xing4 li2 sheng1 p`u sa cheng hsing li sheng pu sa cheng hsing li sheng bosatsu shōshō rishō |
bodhisattva's correct nature of freedom from affliction |
菩薩藏正法經 菩萨藏正法经 see styles |
pú sà zàng zhèng fǎ jīng pu2 sa4 zang4 zheng4 fa3 jing1 p`u sa tsang cheng fa ching pu sa tsang cheng fa ching Bosatsu zō shōbō kyō |
Sūtra of the True Dharma of the Bodhisattva Canon |
虚空蔵菩薩堂 see styles |
kokuuzoubosatsudou / kokuzobosatsudo こくうぞうぼさつどう |
(place-name) Kokuuzoubosatsudou |
虛空孕菩薩經 虚空孕菩萨经 see styles |
xū kōng yùn pú sà jīng xu1 kong1 yun4 pu2 sa4 jing1 hsü k`ung yün p`u sa ching hsü kung yün pu sa ching Kokū yō bosatsu kyō |
Ākāśagarbha-sūtra |
虛空藏菩薩經 虚空藏菩萨经 see styles |
xū kōng zàng pú sà jīng xu1 kong1 zang4 pu2 sa4 jing1 hsü k`ung tsang p`u sa ching hsü kung tsang pu sa ching Kokū zō bosatsu kyō |
Xukongzang pusa jing |
跋陀婆羅菩薩 跋陀婆罗菩萨 see styles |
bá tuó pó luó pú sà ba2 tuo2 po2 luo2 pu2 sa4 pa t`o p`o lo p`u sa pa to po lo pu sa Baddabara Bosatsu |
Bhadrapāla Bodhisattva |
達累斯薩拉姆 达累斯萨拉姆 see styles |
dá lèi sī sà lā mǔ da2 lei4 si1 sa4 la1 mu3 ta lei ssu sa la mu |
Dar es Salaam (former capital of Tanzania) |
邲輸颰陀菩薩 邲输颰陀菩萨 see styles |
bì shū bá tuó pú sà bi4 shu1 ba2 tuo2 pu2 sa4 pi shu pa t`o p`u sa pi shu pa to pu sa Bishubada bosatsu |
Viśvabhadra-bodhisattva |
鉢里薩囉伐拏 钵里萨囉伐拏 see styles |
bō lǐ sà luó fán á bo1 li3 sa4 luo2 fan2 a2 po li sa lo fan a harisarabana |
parisrāvaṇa, a filtering bag, or cloth, for straining water (to save the lives of insects), part of the equipment of a monk. |
阿毘跋致菩薩 阿毘跋致菩萨 see styles |
ā pí bá zhì pú sà a1 pi2 ba2 zhi4 pu2 sa4 a p`i pa chih p`u sa a pi pa chih pu sa abibachi bosatsu |
non-retrogressing bodhisattvas |
薩達姆·侯賽因 萨达姆·侯赛因 see styles |
sà dá mǔ · hóu sài yīn sa4 da2 mu3 · hou2 sai4 yin1 sa ta mu · hou sai yin |
Saddam Hussein |
薩哈羅夫人權獎 萨哈罗夫人权奖 see styles |
sà hǎ luó fū rén quán jiǎng sa4 ha3 luo2 fu1 ren2 quan2 jiang3 sa ha lo fu jen ch`üan chiang sa ha lo fu jen chüan chiang |
the EU Sakharov Human Rights Prize |
薩哈諾夫人權獎 萨哈诺夫人权奖 see styles |
sà hǎ nuò fū rén quán jiǎng sa4 ha3 nuo4 fu1 ren2 quan2 jiang3 sa ha no fu jen ch`üan chiang sa ha no fu jen chüan chiang |
the EU Sakharov prize for human rights |
薩婆曷剌他悉陀 萨婆曷剌他悉陀 see styles |
sà pó hé là tā xī tuó sa4 po2 he2 la4 ta1 xi1 tuo2 sa p`o ho la t`a hsi t`o sa po ho la ta hsi to satsubakaratashitta |
all-attained |
薩婆阿私底婆地 萨婆阿私底婆地 see styles |
sà pó ā sī dǐ pó dì sa4 po2 a1 si1 di3 po2 di4 sa p`o a ssu ti p`o ti sa po a ssu ti po ti satsubaashiteibachi |
Sarvâstivāda |
薩婆阿私底婆拖 萨婆阿私底婆拖 see styles |
sà pó ā sī dǐ pó tuō sa4 po2 a1 si1 di3 po2 tuo1 sa p`o a ssu ti p`o t`o sa po a ssu ti po to Satsubaashiteibata |
sarvāstivāda, v. above. |
薩摩スティック see styles |
satsumasutikku; satsumasutikku さつまスティック; サツマスティック |
(kana only) (See 薩摩芋) sweet potato fries |
薩摩郡宮之城町 see styles |
satsumagunmiyanojouchou / satsumagunmiyanojocho さつまぐんみやのじょうちょう |
(place-name) Satsumagunmiyanojōchō |
薩摩郡祁答院町 see styles |
satsumagunkedouinchou / satsumagunkedoincho さつまぐんけどういんちょう |
(place-name) Satsumagunkedouinchō |
薩達磨芬陀利迦 萨达磨芬陀利迦 see styles |
sà dá mó fēn tuó lì jiā sa4 da2 mo2 fen1 tuo2 li4 jia1 sa ta mo fen t`o li chia sa ta mo fen to li chia Satsudama pundarika |
Saddharma-puṇḍarīka |
一向出生菩薩經 一向出生菩萨经 see styles |
yī xiàng chū shēng pú sà jīng yi1 xiang4 chu1 sheng1 pu2 sa4 jing1 i hsiang ch`u sheng p`u sa ching i hsiang chu sheng pu sa ching Ikkō shusshō bosatsu kyō |
Yixiang chusheng pusa jing |
一生補處菩薩像 一生补处菩萨像 see styles |
yī shēng bǔ chù pú sà xiàng yi1 sheng1 bu3 chu4 pu2 sa4 xiang4 i sheng pu ch`u p`u sa hsiang i sheng pu chu pu sa hsiang Isshō hosho bosatsu zō |
A 30-armed image of Maitreya. |
一髻羅刹王菩薩 一髻罗刹王菩萨 see styles |
yī jì luó chà wáng pú sà yi1 ji4 luo2 cha4 wang2 pu2 sa4 i chi lo ch`a wang p`u sa i chi lo cha wang pu sa ikkeirasetsu ō bosatsu |
The four-handed, dark-blue rakṣaḥ with the flame of fire coming out of his head, a bodhisattva in the Garbhadhātu maṇḍala. |
三曼陀颰陀菩薩 三曼陀颰陀菩萨 see styles |
sān màn tuó bá tuó pú sà san1 man4 tuo2 ba2 tuo2 pu2 sa4 san man t`o pa t`o p`u sa san man to pa to pu sa Sanmandabada bosatsu |
Samantabhadra-bodhisattva |
佛說菩薩本業經 佛说菩萨本业经 see styles |
fó shuō pú sà běn yè jīng fo2 shuo1 pu2 sa4 ben3 ye4 jing1 fo shuo p`u sa pen yeh ching fo shuo pu sa pen yeh ching Bussetsu bosatsu hongyō kyō |
Foshuo pusa ben ye jing |
南無八幡大菩薩 see styles |
namuhachimandaibosatsu なむはちまんだいぼさつ |
(exp,int) O Great God of Arms, I beseech your aid against my enemy! |
南無觀世音菩薩 南无观世音菩萨 see styles |
nán wú guān shì yīn pú sà nan2 wu2 guan1 shi4 yin1 pu2 sa4 nan wu kuan shih yin p`u sa nan wu kuan shih yin pu sa namu Kanzeon bosatsu |
More info & calligraphy: Namo Guanshiyin Pusa |
地蔵菩薩本願経 see styles |
jizoubosatsuhongankyou / jizobosatsuhongankyo じぞうぼさつほんがんきょう |
(work) Sutra of the Original Vows of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva; (wk) Sutra of the Original Vows of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva |
地藏菩薩十齋日 地藏菩萨十斋日 see styles |
dì zàng pú sà shí zhāi rì di4 zang4 pu2 sa4 shi2 zhai1 ri4 ti tsang p`u sa shih chai jih ti tsang pu sa shih chai jih Jizō bosatsu jissainichi |
Ten Purifying Days of Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva |
地藏菩薩本願經 地藏菩萨本愿经 see styles |
dì zàng pú sà běn yuàn jīng di4 zang4 pu2 sa4 ben3 yuan4 jing1 ti tsang p`u sa pen yüan ching ti tsang pu sa pen yüan ching Jizō bosatsu hongan kyō |
Sūtra on the Past Vows of Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva |
大乘集菩薩學論 大乘集菩萨学论 see styles |
dà shéng jí pú sà xué lùn da4 sheng2 ji2 pu2 sa4 xue2 lun4 ta sheng chi p`u sa hsüeh lun ta sheng chi pu sa hsüeh lun Daijō shū bosatsu gaku ron |
Śikṣā-samuccaya |
大悲觀世音菩薩 大悲观世音菩萨 see styles |
dà bēi guān shì yīn pú sà da4 bei1 guan1 shi4 yin1 pu2 sa4 ta pei kuan shih yin p`u sa ta pei kuan shih yin pu sa Daihi Kanzeon Bosatsu |
Avalokitêśvara Bodhisattva, of great compassion |
大摩里支菩薩經 大摩里支菩萨经 see styles |
dà mó lǐ zhī pú sà jīng da4 mo2 li3 zhi1 pu2 sa4 jing1 ta mo li chih p`u sa ching ta mo li chih pu sa ching Dai marishibosatsu kyō |
Sūtra of Great Mārīcī, the Bodhisattva |
尼薩耆波逸提法 尼萨耆波逸提法 see styles |
ní sà qí bō yì tí fǎ ni2 sa4 qi2 bo1 yi4 ti2 fa3 ni sa ch`i po i t`i fa ni sa chi po i ti fa nisatsugi haitsudai hō |
rules of forfeiture of the things that a monk or nun possesses superfluously |
文萊達魯薩蘭國 文莱达鲁萨兰国 see styles |
wén lái dá lǔ sà lán guó wen2 lai2 da2 lu3 sa4 lan2 guo2 wen lai ta lu sa lan kuo |
Brunei Darussalam |
方便波羅蜜菩薩 方便波罗蜜菩萨 see styles |
fāng biàn bō luó mì pú sà fang1 bian4 bo1 luo2 mi4 pu2 sa4 fang pien po lo mi p`u sa fang pien po lo mi pu sa Hōben haramitsu bosatsu |
A bodhisattva in the Garbhadhātu group, the second on the right in the hall of Space. |
普賢菩薩行願讚 普贤菩萨行愿讚 see styles |
pǔ xián pú sà xíng yuàn zàn pu3 xian2 pu2 sa4 xing2 yuan4 zan4 p`u hsien p`u sa hsing yüan tsan pu hsien pu sa hsing yüan tsan Fugen bosatsu gyōgan san |
King of Aspirations to Good Conduct |
最上成滿菩薩住 最上成满菩萨住 see styles |
zuì shàng chéng mǎn pú sà zhù zui4 shang4 cheng2 man3 pu2 sa4 zhu4 tsui shang ch`eng man p`u sa chu tsui shang cheng man pu sa chu saijō jōman bosatsu jū |
the abode of ultimate consummation of bodhisattvahood |
泥薩祇波逸底迦 泥萨祇波逸底迦 see styles |
ní sà qí bō yì dǐ jiā ni2 sa4 qi2 bo1 yi4 di3 jia1 ni sa ch`i po i ti chia ni sa chi po i ti chia nisatsugi haitsuteika |
rules of forfeiture of the things that a monk or nun possesses superfluously |
菩薩本業瓔珞經 菩萨本业璎珞经 see styles |
pú sà běn yè yīng luò jīng pu2 sa4 ben3 ye4 ying1 luo4 jing1 p`u sa pen yeh ying lo ching pu sa pen yeh ying lo ching Bosatsu hongō yōraku kyō |
Pusa benye yingluojing |
菩薩瓔珞本業經 菩萨璎珞本业经 see styles |
pú sà yīng luò běn yè jīng pu2 sa4 ying1 luo4 ben3 ye4 jing1 p`u sa ying lo pen yeh ching pu sa ying lo pen yeh ching Bosatsu yōraku hongō kyō |
Pusa yingluo benye jing |
菩薩藏摩怛理迦 菩萨藏摩怛理迦 see styles |
pú sà zàng mó dá lǐ jiā pu2 sa4 zang4 mo2 da2 li3 jia1 p`u sa tsang mo ta li chia pu sa tsang mo ta li chia bosatsu zō matarika |
bodhisattva collection discourse |
諸尊菩薩摩訶薩 诸尊菩萨摩诃萨 see styles |
zhū zūn pú sà mó hē sà zhu1 zun1 pu2 sa4 mo2 he1 sa4 chu tsun p`u sa mo ho sa chu tsun pu sa mo ho sa shoson bosatsu makasatsu |
all honored bodhisattvas, those great beings |
薩婆多毘尼毘婆沙 萨婆多毘尼毘婆沙 see styles |
sà pó duō pí ní pí pó shā sa4 po2 duo1 pi2 ni2 pi2 po2 sha1 sa p`o to p`i ni p`i p`o sha sa po to pi ni pi po sha Satsubata bini bibasha |
*Sarvâstivāda-vinaya-vibhāṣā |
薩迦耶見以爲根本 萨迦耶见以为根本 see styles |
sà jiā yé jiàn yǐ wéi gēn běn sa4 jia1 ye2 jian4 yi3 wei2 gen1 ben3 sa chia yeh chien i wei ken pen sakkayaken i-i konpon |
taking the view of the reality of the individual as one's basis |
菩提薩埵(oK) see styles |
bodaisatta ぼだいさった |
{Buddh} (See 菩薩・1) bodhisattva |
Variations: |
satsumajiru さつまじる |
{food} miso soup with pork or chicken (originally boned chicken chunks) with daikon, carrots, great burdock or sweet potatoes; meat chowder |
三曼多跋陀羅菩薩 三曼多跋陀罗菩萨 see styles |
sān màn duō bá tuó luó pú sà san1 man4 duo1 ba2 tuo2 luo2 pu2 sa4 san man to pa t`o lo p`u sa san man to pa to lo pu sa Sanmantabadara bosatsu |
Samantabhadra-bodhisattva |
伊犁哈薩克自治州 伊犁哈萨克自治州 see styles |
yī lí hā sà kè zì zhì zhōu yi1 li2 ha1 sa4 ke4 zi4 zhi4 zhou1 i li ha sa k`o tzu chih chou i li ha sa ko tzu chih chou |
Ili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture, in Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region 新疆維吾爾自治區|新疆维吾尔自治区[Xin1jiang1 Wei2wu2er3 Zi4zhi4qu1] |
八大菩薩曼荼羅經 八大菩萨曼荼罗经 see styles |
bā dà pú sà màn tú luó jīng ba1 da4 pu2 sa4 man4 tu2 luo2 jing1 pa ta p`u sa man t`u lo ching pa ta pu sa man tu lo ching Hachi daibosatsu mandara kyō |
Maṇḍala of the Eight Great Bodhisattvas |
大乘菩薩藏正法經 大乘菩萨藏正法经 see styles |
dà shèng pú sà zàng zhèng fǎ jīng da4 sheng4 pu2 sa4 zang4 zheng4 fa3 jing1 ta sheng p`u sa tsang cheng fa ching ta sheng pu sa tsang cheng fa ching Daijō bosatsu zō shōbō kyō |
Sūtra of the True Dharma of the Mahāyāna Bodhisattva Canon |
大聖文殊師利菩薩 大圣文殊师利菩萨 see styles |
dà shèng wén shū shī lì pú sà da4 sheng4 wen2 shu1 shi1 li4 pu2 sa4 ta sheng wen shu shih li p`u sa ta sheng wen shu shih li pu sa Daishō Monjushiri bosatsu |
Mañjuśrī Bodhisattva, of great sagacity |
天台菩薩戒明曠疏 天台菩萨戒明旷疏 see styles |
tiān tái pú sà jiè míng kuàng shū tian1 tai2 pu2 sa4 jie4 ming2 kuang4 shu1 t`ien t`ai p`u sa chieh ming k`uang shu tien tai pu sa chieh ming kuang shu Tentai bosatsukai myōkō sho |
Mingkuang's Commentary to the Tiantai Bodhisattva Precepts |
彌勒菩薩所問經論 弥勒菩萨所问经论 see styles |
mí lè pú sà suǒ wèn jīng lùn mi2 le4 pu2 sa4 suo3 wen4 jing1 lun4 mi le p`u sa so wen ching lun mi le pu sa so wen ching lun Miroku bosatsu shomonkyō ron |
Treatise on the Sūtra of the Questions Asked by Maitreya |
彌勒菩薩發願王偈 弥勒菩萨发愿王偈 see styles |
mí lè pú sà fā yuàn wáng jì mi2 le4 pu2 sa4 fa1 yuan4 wang2 ji4 mi le p`u sa fa yüan wang chi mi le pu sa fa yüan wang chi Miroku bosatsu hotsugannō ge |
Verses on Bodhisattva Maitreya's Vow |
普賢菩薩陀羅尼經 普贤菩萨陀罗尼经 see styles |
pǔ xián pú sà tuó luó ní jīng pu3 xian2 pu2 sa4 tuo2 luo2 ni2 jing1 p`u hsien p`u sa t`o lo ni ching pu hsien pu sa to lo ni ching Fugen bosatsu daranikyō |
Dhāraṇī of Samantabhadra |
木壘哈薩克自治縣 木垒哈萨克自治县 see styles |
mù lěi hā sà kè zì zhì xiàn mu4 lei3 ha1 sa4 ke4 zi4 zhi4 xian4 mu lei ha sa k`o tzu chih hsien mu lei ha sa ko tzu chih hsien |
Mori Kazakh autonomous county or Mori Qazaq aptonom nahiyisi in Changji Hui autonomous prefecture 昌吉回族自治州[Chang1 ji2 Hui2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Xinjiang |
梵網經菩薩心地品 梵网经菩萨心地品 see styles |
fàn wǎng jīng pú sà xīn dì pǐn fan4 wang3 jing1 pu2 sa4 xin1 di4 pin3 fan wang ching p`u sa hsin ti p`in fan wang ching pu sa hsin ti pin Bonmō kyō bosatsu shinji hon |
Sūtra of Brahma's Net |
梵網經菩薩戒本疏 梵网经菩萨戒本疏 see styles |
fàn wǎng jīng pú sà jiè běn shū fan4 wang3 jing1 pu2 sa4 jie4 ben3 shu1 fan wang ching p`u sa chieh pen shu fan wang ching pu sa chieh pen shu Bonmōkyō bosatsu kaihon sho |
Commentary to the Chapter on the Bodhisattva Precepts in the Sūtra of Brahma's Net |
梵網菩薩戒經義疏 梵网菩萨戒经义疏 see styles |
fàn wǎng pú sà jiè jīng yì shū fan4 wang3 pu2 sa4 jie4 jing1 yi4 shu1 fan wang p`u sa chieh ching i shu fan wang pu sa chieh ching i shu Bonmō bosatsukai kyō gisho |
Commentary on the Doctrine of the Sūtra of the Bodhisattva Precepts of Brahma's Net |
聖觀自在菩薩梵讚 圣观自在菩萨梵讚 see styles |
shèng guān zì zài pú sà fàn zàn sheng4 guan1 zi4 zai4 pu2 sa4 fan4 zan4 sheng kuan tzu tsai p`u sa fan tsan sheng kuan tzu tsai pu sa fan tsan Shō kanjizai bosatsu bonsan |
Sanskrit Eulogy to the Sacred Bodhisattva of Spontaneous Contemplation |
菩薩戒本持犯要記 菩萨戒本持犯要记 see styles |
pú sà jiè běn chí fàn yào jì pu2 sa4 jie4 ben3 chi2 fan4 yao4 ji4 p`u sa chieh pen ch`ih fan yao chi pu sa chieh pen chih fan yao chi Bosatsu kaihon jibon yōki |
Essentials of Observing and Violating the Fundamentals of Bodhisattva Precepts |
菩薩瓔珞本業經疏 菩萨璎珞本业经疏 see styles |
pú sà yīng luò běn yè jīng shū pu2 sa4 ying1 luo4 ben3 ye4 jing1 shu1 p`u sa ying lo pen yeh ching shu pu sa ying lo pen yeh ching shu Bosatsu yōraku hongō kyō sho |
Commentary to Sūtra of the Diadem of Past Activities |
葉衣觀自在菩薩經 叶衣观自在菩萨经 see styles |
yè yī guān zì zài pú sà jīng ye4 yi1 guan1 zi4 zai4 pu2 sa4 jing1 yeh i kuan tzu tsai p`u sa ching yeh i kuan tzu tsai pu sa ching Yōe kanjizai bosatsu kyō |
Dhāraṇī of Leaf-Clad Avalokitêśvara |
虛空藏菩薩神呪經 虚空藏菩萨神呪经 see styles |
xū kōng zàng pú sà shén zhòu jīng xu1 kong1 zang4 pu2 sa4 shen2 zhou4 jing1 hsü k`ung tsang p`u sa shen chou ching hsü kung tsang pu sa shen chou ching Kokū zō bosatsu jinju kyō |
Ākāśagarbha-sūtra |
西薩中核工業団地 see styles |
seisatsuchuukakukougyoudanchi / sesatsuchukakukogyodanchi せいさつちゅうかくこうぎょうだんち |
(place-name) Seisatsuchuukaku Industrial Park |
觀世音菩薩普門品 观世音菩萨普门品 see styles |
guān shì yīn pú sà pǔ mén pǐn guan1 shi4 yin1 pu2 sa4 pu3 men2 pin3 kuan shih yin p`u sa p`u men p`in kuan shih yin pu sa pu men pin Kanzeon Bosatsu fumon bon |
Guanshiyin pusa pumen pin |
觀普賢菩薩行法經 观普贤菩萨行法经 see styles |
guān pǔ xián pú sà xíng fǎ jīng guan1 pu3 xian2 pu2 sa4 xing2 fa3 jing1 kuan p`u hsien p`u sa hsing fa ching kuan pu hsien pu sa hsing fa ching Kan Fugen bosatsu gyōbō kyō |
Sūtra of Meditating on Samantabhadra Bodhisattva |
說在家出家菩薩戒 说在家出家菩萨戒 see styles |
shuō zài jiā chū jiā pú sà jiè shuo1 zai4 jia1 chu1 jia1 pu2 sa4 jie4 shuo tsai chia ch`u chia p`u sa chieh shuo tsai chia chu chia pu sa chieh setsu zaike shukke bosatsu kai |
precept forbidding speaking of the faults of the four groups of renunciant practitioners |
薩簸恕魂直迦鉢婆羅 萨簸恕魂直迦钵婆罗 see styles |
sà bǒ shù hún zhí jiā bō pó luó sa4 bo3 shu4 hun2 zhi2 jia1 bo1 po2 luo2 sa po shu hun chih chia po p`o lo sa po shu hun chih chia po po lo Satsuhajokonchokukahabara |
Sarpiṣkuṇḍikā-prāgbhāra |
薩達摩分陀利修多羅 萨达摩分陀利修多罗 see styles |
sà dá mó fēn tuó lì xiū duō luó sa4 da2 mo2 fen1 tuo2 li4 xiu1 duo1 luo2 sa ta mo fen t`o li hsiu to lo sa ta mo fen to li hsiu to lo Satsudatsuma fundari shutara |
Saddharma-puṇḍarīka-sūtra |
三十尼薩耆波逸提法 三十尼萨耆波逸提法 see styles |
sān shí ní sà qí bō yì tí fǎ san1 shi2 ni2 sa4 qi2 bo1 yi4 ti2 fa3 san shih ni sa ch`i po i t`i fa san shih ni sa chi po i ti fa sanjū nisatsugi haitsudai hō |
rules of forfeiture of the things that a monk or nun possesses superfluously |
九方便十波羅蜜菩薩 九方便十波罗蜜菩萨 see styles |
jiǔ fāng biàn shí bō luó mì pú sà jiu3 fang1 bian4 shi2 bo1 luo2 mi4 pu2 sa4 chiu fang pien shih po lo mi p`u sa chiu fang pien shih po lo mi pu sa ku hōben jipparamitsu bosatsu |
Of the ten pāramitā bodhisattvas, q.v., in the tenth or empyrean court of the Garbhadhātu, the first nine are associated with the above nine progressive steps, the tenth is associated with the last four of the nine. |
大薩遮尼乾子所說經 大萨遮尼干子所说经 see styles |
dà sà zhē ní gān zí suǒ shuō jīng da4 sa4 zhe1 ni2 gan1 zi2 suo3 shuo1 jing1 ta sa che ni kan tzu so shuo ching Dai satsusha nikanji sho setsu kyō |
Mahāsatya-nirgrantha-sūtra |
巴里坤哈薩克自治縣 巴里坤哈萨克自治县 see styles |
bā lǐ kūn hā sà kè zì zhì xiàn ba1 li3 kun1 ha1 sa4 ke4 zi4 zhi4 xian4 pa li k`un ha sa k`o tzu chih hsien pa li kun ha sa ko tzu chih hsien |
Barkol Kazakh Autonomous County in Hami 哈密市[Ha1 mi4 Shi4], Xinjiang |
師子奮迅菩薩所問經 师子奋迅菩萨所问经 see styles |
shī zǐ fèn xùn pú sà suǒ wèn jīng shi1 zi3 fen4 xun4 pu2 sa4 suo3 wen4 jing1 shih tzu fen hsün p`u sa so wen ching shih tzu fen hsün pu sa so wen ching Shishi funshin bosatsu shomon kyō |
Shizi fenxun pusa suowen jing |
彌勒菩薩所問本願經 弥勒菩萨所问本愿经 see styles |
mí lè pú sà suǒ wèn běn yuàn jīng mi2 le4 pu2 sa4 suo3 wen4 ben3 yuan4 jing1 mi le p`u sa so wen pen yüan ching mi le pu sa so wen pen yüan ching Miroku bosatsu shomon hongan kyō |
Mi-le p'u-sa so-wen pen-yvan ching |
慧上菩薩問大善權經 慧上菩萨问大善权经 see styles |
huì shàng pú sà wèn dà shàn quán jīng hui4 shang4 pu2 sa4 wen4 da4 shan4 quan2 jing1 hui shang p`u sa wen ta shan ch`üan ching hui shang pu sa wen ta shan chüan ching Ejō bosatsu mon daizengon kyō |
Huishang pusa wen dashanquan jing |
慧上菩薩問大權善經 慧上菩萨问大权善经 see styles |
huì shàng pú sà wèn dà quán shàn jīng hui4 shang4 pu2 sa4 wen4 da4 quan2 shan4 jing1 hui shang p`u sa wen ta ch`üan shan ching hui shang pu sa wen ta chüan shan ching Ejō bosatsu mon daigonzen kyō |
Huishang pusa wendaquanshan jing |
梵網經菩薩戒本私記 梵网经菩萨戒本私记 see styles |
fàn wǎng jīng pú sà jiè běn sī jì fan4 wang3 jing1 pu2 sa4 jie4 ben3 si1 ji4 fan wang ching p`u sa chieh pen ssu chi fan wang ching pu sa chieh pen ssu chi Bonmōkyō bosatsu kaihon shiki |
Commentary on the Chapter of the Bodhisattva Precepts in the Sūtra of Brahma's Net |
觀藥王藥上二菩薩經 观药王药上二菩萨经 see styles |
guān yào wáng yào shàng èr pú sà jīng guan1 yao4 wang2 yao4 shang4 er4 pu2 sa4 jing1 kuan yao wang yao shang erh p`u sa ching kuan yao wang yao shang erh pu sa ching Kan yakuō yakujō nibosatsu kyō |
Visualisation of the Two Bodhisattvas, the King of Medicine and the Superior Physician |
阿彌陀佛五十菩薩像 阿弥陀佛五十菩萨像 see styles |
ā mí tuó fó wǔ shí pú sà xiàng a1 mi2 tuo2 fo2 wu3 shi2 pu2 sa4 xiang4 a mi t`o fo wu shih p`u sa hsiang a mi to fo wu shih pu sa hsiang Amidabutsu gojū bosatsu zō |
images of the fifty-two bodhisattva attendants of Amitâbha |
薩婆多部毘尼摩得勒伽 萨婆多部毘尼摩得勒伽 see styles |
sà pó duō bù pí ní mó dé lè qié sa4 po2 duo1 bu4 pi2 ni2 mo2 de2 le4 qie2 sa p`o to pu p`i ni mo te le ch`ieh sa po to pu pi ni mo te le chieh Sappatabu bini matokurokka |
Mother of the Sarvâstivāda Vinaya |
Variations: |
satsumaage / satsumage さつまあげ |
{food} satsuma-age; deep-fried ball of fish paste |
佛爲心王菩薩說投陀經 佛为心王菩萨说投陀经 see styles |
fó wéi xīn wáng pú sà shuō tóu tuó jīng fo2 wei2 xin1 wang2 pu2 sa4 shuo1 tou2 tuo2 jing1 fo wei hsin wang p`u sa shuo t`ou t`o ching fo wei hsin wang pu sa shuo tou to ching Butsui shin'ō bosatsu setsu tōta kyō |
Fo wei xinwang pusa shuotoutuo jing |
慈氏菩薩誓願陀羅尼經 慈氏菩萨誓愿陀罗尼经 see styles |
cí shì pú sà shì yuàn tuó luó ní jīng ci2 shi4 pu2 sa4 shi4 yuan4 tuo2 luo2 ni2 jing1 tz`u shih p`u sa shih yüan t`o lo ni ching tzu shih pu sa shih yüan to lo ni ching Jishi bosatsu seigan daranikyō |
Dhāraṇī of the Merciful one's Promise |
招寶七郞大權修理菩薩 招宝七郞大权修理菩萨 see styles |
zhāo bǎo qī láng dà quán xiū lǐ pú sà zhao1 bao3 qi1 lang2 da4 quan2 xiu1 li3 pu2 sa4 chao pao ch`i lang ta ch`üan hsiu li p`u sa chao pao chi lang ta chüan hsiu li pu sa Jōhō Shichirō Daigen Shuri Bosatsu |
Jōhō Shichirō Daigen Shuri Bodhisattva |
文殊師利菩薩十事行經 文殊师利菩萨十事行经 see styles |
wén shū shī lì pú sà shí shì xíng jīng wen2 shu1 shi1 li4 pu2 sa4 shi2 shi4 xing2 jing1 wen shu shih li p`u sa shih shih hsing ching wen shu shih li pu sa shih shih hsing ching Monjushiribosatsu jūjigyō kyō |
Wenshushilipusa shishixing jing |
泥菩薩過江,自身難保 泥菩萨过江,自身难保 see styles |
ní pú sà guò jiāng , zì shēn nán bǎo ni2 pu2 sa4 guo4 jiang1 , zi4 shen1 nan2 bao3 ni p`u sa kuo chiang , tzu shen nan pao ni pu sa kuo chiang , tzu shen nan pao |
like a clay Bodhisattva fording a river, can't guarantee his own safety; unable to save oneself, let alone others |
聖虛空藏菩薩陀羅尼經 圣虚空藏菩萨陀罗尼经 see styles |
shèng xū kōng zàng pú sà tuó luó ní jīng sheng4 xu1 kong1 zang4 pu2 sa4 tuo2 luo2 ni2 jing1 sheng hsü k`ung tsang p`u sa t`o lo ni ching sheng hsü kung tsang pu sa to lo ni ching Shō kokūzō bosatsu darani kyō |
Sheng xukongzang pusa tuoluoni jing |
觀自在菩薩母陀羅尼經 观自在菩萨母陀罗尼经 see styles |
guān zì zài pú sà mǔ tuó luó ní jīng guan1 zi4 zai4 pu2 sa4 mu3 tuo2 luo2 ni2 jing1 kuan tzu tsai p`u sa mu t`o lo ni ching kuan tzu tsai pu sa mu to lo ni ching Kanjizai bosatsu mo daranikyō |
Dhāraṇī of the Bodhisattva Mother who Heeds the Worlds Sounds |
阿克塞哈薩克族自治縣 阿克塞哈萨克族自治县 see styles |
ā kè sài hā sà kè zú zì zhì xiàn a1 ke4 sai4 ha1 sa4 ke4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4 a k`o sai ha sa k`o tsu tzu chih hsien a ko sai ha sa ko tsu tzu chih hsien |
Aksai Kazakh autonomous county in Jiuquan 酒泉, Gansu |
Variations: |
sowaka; sobaka そわか; そばか |
{Buddh} (marks the end of a mantra) svāhā; well said; so be it |
佛說菩薩內習六波羅蜜經 佛说菩萨内习六波罗蜜经 see styles |
fó shuō pú sà nèi xí liù bō luó mì jīng fo2 shuo1 pu2 sa4 nei4 xi2 liu4 bo1 luo2 mi4 jing1 fo shuo p`u sa nei hsi liu po lo mi ching fo shuo pu sa nei hsi liu po lo mi ching Bussetsu bosatsu naishū rokuharamitsukyō |
Foshuo pusa neixi liuboluomi jing |
千轉陀羅尼觀世音菩薩呪 千转陀罗尼观世音菩萨呪 see styles |
qiān zhuàn tuó luó ní guān shì yīn pú sà zhòu qian1 zhuan4 tuo2 luo2 ni2 guan1 shi4 yin1 pu2 sa4 zhou4 ch`ien chuan t`o lo ni kuan shih yin p`u sa chou chien chuan to lo ni kuan shih yin pu sa chou Senten darani kanzeon bosatsu ju |
Dhāraṇī of a Thousand Turns [A Spell of the Bodhisattva who Heeds the Sounds of the World] |
文殊室利菩薩祕密心眞言 文殊室利菩萨祕密心眞言 see styles |
wén shū shì lì pú sà mì mì xīn zhēn yán wen2 shu1 shi4 li4 pu2 sa4 mi4 mi4 xin1 zhen1 yan2 wen shu shih li p`u sa mi mi hsin chen yen wen shu shih li pu sa mi mi hsin chen yen Monjushiri bosatsu himitsushin shingon |
Wenshushili pusa mimixin zhenyan |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "薩" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.