There are 991 total results for your 活 search. I have created 10 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678910>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
生活年齢 see styles |
seikatsunenrei / sekatsunenre せいかつねんれい |
(See 暦年齢) chronological age |
生活彩家 see styles |
seikatsusaika / sekatsusaika せいかつさいか |
(company) Seikatsu Saika (convenience store belonging to Poplar Co. Ltd.); (c) Seikatsu Saika (convenience store belonging to Poplar Co. Ltd.) |
生活態度 see styles |
seikatsutaido / sekatsutaido せいかつたいど |
way of living; manner of living; lifestyle |
生活扶助 see styles |
seikatsufujo / sekatsufujo せいかつふじょ |
livelihood assistance |
生活指導 see styles |
seikatsushidou / sekatsushido せいかつしどう |
civic guidance; non-curricular educational guidance; medical guidance |
生活振り see styles |
seikatsuburi / sekatsuburi せいかつぶり |
way of life |
生活排水 see styles |
seikatsuhaisui / sekatsuhaisui せいかつはいすい |
domestic wastewater; household effluent |
生活支援 see styles |
seikatsushien / sekatsushien せいかつしえん |
livelihood support; maintenance |
生活文化 see styles |
seikatsubunka / sekatsubunka せいかつぶんか |
culture of everyday life |
生活方式 see styles |
shēng huó fāng shì sheng1 huo2 fang1 shi4 sheng huo fang shih |
way of life; lifestyle |
生活様式 see styles |
seikatsuyoushiki / sekatsuyoshiki せいかつようしき |
one's lifestyle |
生活残業 see styles |
seikatsuzangyou / sekatsuzangyo せいかつざんぎょう |
(noun/participle) (working) overtime to make ends meet (to support one's lifestyle) |
生活水平 see styles |
shēng huó shuǐ píng sheng1 huo2 shui3 ping2 sheng huo shui p`ing sheng huo shui ping |
living standards |
生活水準 see styles |
seikatsusuijun / sekatsusuijun せいかつすいじゅん |
standard of living |
生活污水 see styles |
shēng huó wū shuǐ sheng1 huo2 wu1 shui3 sheng huo wu shui |
domestic sewage |
生活物資 see styles |
seikatsubusshi / sekatsubusshi せいかつぶっし |
living necessities; everyday commodities; daily commodities; everyday goods; subsistence goods |
生活環境 see styles |
seikatsukankyou / sekatsukankyo せいかつかんきょう |
one's (living) environment |
生活用品 see styles |
seikatsuyouhin / sekatsuyohin せいかつようひん |
daily supplies; daily necessities; household items; housewares |
生活空間 see styles |
seikatsukuukan / sekatsukukan せいかつくうかん |
living space |
生活美學 生活美学 see styles |
shēng huó měi xué sheng1 huo2 mei3 xue2 sheng huo mei hsüeh |
appreciation of the finer things in life |
生活習慣 see styles |
seikatsushuukan / sekatsushukan せいかつしゅうかん |
lifestyle; way of living |
生活設施 生活设施 see styles |
shēng huó shè shī sheng1 huo2 she4 shi1 sheng huo she shih |
living facilities |
生活設計 see styles |
seikatsusekkei / sekatsusekke せいかつせっけい |
plan for one's life; life planning |
生活資料 生活资料 see styles |
shēng huó zī liào sheng1 huo2 zi1 liao4 sheng huo tzu liao |
consumer goods; means of livelihood; means of subsistence; documents relating to sb's life |
生活質料 生活质料 see styles |
shēng huó zhì liào sheng1 huo2 zhi4 liao4 sheng huo chih liao |
consumer goods |
生活道路 see styles |
seikatsudouro / sekatsudoro せいかつどうろ |
residential road; residential street; neighborhood road |
生活闊綽 生活阔绰 see styles |
shēng huó kuò chuò sheng1 huo2 kuo4 chuo4 sheng huo k`uo ch`o sheng huo kuo cho |
a flashy lifestyle; to live it up |
生活雑貨 see styles |
seikatsuzakka / sekatsuzakka せいかつざっか |
daily necessities; goods for everyday life |
生活騒音 see styles |
seikatsusouon / sekatsusoon せいかつそうおん |
daily life noise; (excessive) noise that arises at home from everyday occurrences |
生龍活虎 生龙活虎 see styles |
shēng lóng huó hǔ sheng1 long2 huo2 hu3 sheng lung huo hu |
lit. lively dragon and animated tiger (idiom); fig. vigorous and lively |
界面活性 see styles |
kaimenkassei / kaimenkasse かいめんかっせい |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) surface active |
瞑想生活 see styles |
meisouseikatsu / mesosekatsu めいそうせいかつ |
life of meditation; contemplative life |
研究活動 see styles |
kenkyuukatsudou / kenkyukatsudo けんきゅうかつどう |
research activities |
破壊活動 see styles |
hakaikatsudou / hakaikatsudo はかいかつどう |
subversive activities; sabotage |
破壞活動 破坏活动 see styles |
pò huài huó dòng po4 huai4 huo2 dong4 p`o huai huo tung po huai huo tung |
sabotage; subversive activities |
社会活動 see styles |
shakaikatsudou / shakaikatsudo しゃかいかつどう |
social activity |
社会生活 see styles |
shakaiseikatsu / shakaisekatsu しゃかいせいかつ |
social life |
社會活動 社会活动 see styles |
shè huì huó dòng she4 hui4 huo2 dong4 she hui huo tung |
social activity |
神氣活現 神气活现 see styles |
shén qì huó xiàn shen2 qi4 huo2 xian4 shen ch`i huo hsien shen chi huo hsien |
arrogant appearance; smug appearance; to act condescending; to put on airs |
神経活動 see styles |
shinkeikatsudou / shinkekatsudo しんけいかつどう |
nervous activity; activity of a nerve |
禁欲生活 see styles |
kinyokuseikatsu / kinyokusekatsu きんよくせいかつ |
an ascetic existence; (leading) a continent life; abstinence |
秘密活動 秘密活动 see styles |
mì mì huó dòng mi4 mi4 huo2 dong4 mi mi huo tung |
clandestine activities; covert operation |
競選活動 竞选活动 see styles |
jìng xuǎn huó dòng jing4 xuan3 huo2 dong4 ching hsüan huo tung |
(election) campaign |
等活地獄 等活地狱 see styles |
děng huó dì yù deng3 huo2 di4 yu4 teng huo ti yü toukatsujigoku / tokatsujigoku とうかつじごく |
{Buddh} (See 八大地獄・はちだいじごく) Sañjīva (one of the Eight Greater Hells); hell of being torn to pieces and revived over and over The first of the eight hot hells, in which the denizens are chopped, stabbed, ground, and pounded, but by a cool wind are brought back to life, to undergo renewed torment. Also 更活. |
精神生活 see styles |
jīng shén shēng huó jing1 shen2 sheng1 huo2 ching shen sheng huo seishinseikatsu / seshinsekatsu せいしんせいかつ |
spiritual or moral life spiritual life; inner life; mental life |
累死累活 see styles |
lèi sǐ lèi huó lei4 si3 lei4 huo2 lei ssu lei huo |
to tire oneself out through overwork; to work oneself to death |
経済活動 see styles |
keizaikatsudou / kezaikatsudo けいざいかつどう |
economic activity |
結婚活動 see styles |
kekkonkatsudou / kekkonkatsudo けっこんかつどう |
searching for a marriage partner; marriage hunting; activities leading to marriage (e.g. dating, courtship) |
結婚生活 see styles |
kekkonseikatsu / kekkonsekatsu けっこんせいかつ |
wedded life; married life |
經濟活動 经济活动 see styles |
jīng jì huó dòng jing1 ji4 huo2 dong4 ching chi huo tung |
economic activity |
維持生活 维持生活 see styles |
wéi chí shēng huó wei2 chi2 sheng1 huo2 wei ch`ih sheng huo wei chih sheng huo |
to subsist; to eke out a living; to keep body and soul together |
美的生活 see styles |
bitekiseikatsu / bitekisekatsu びてきせいかつ |
an aesthetic existence |
耐乏生活 see styles |
taibouseikatsu / taibosekatsu たいぼうせいかつ |
(yoji) hard life; life of austerity |
耽溺生活 see styles |
tandekiseikatsu / tandekisekatsu たんできせいかつ |
a fast (dissolute) life; a life of follies; a life given to dissolute pleasures |
自活の道 see styles |
jikatsunomichi じかつのみち |
(exp,n) independent living; means of earning one's living |
自由活動 自由活动 see styles |
zì yóu huó dòng zi4 you2 huo2 dong4 tzu yu huo tung |
free time (between organized activities) |
舞台生活 see styles |
butaiseikatsu / butaisekatsu ぶたいせいかつ |
stage career |
船外活動 see styles |
sengaikatsudou / sengaikatsudo せんがいかつどう |
extravehicular activity; EVA |
艙外活動 舱外活动 see styles |
cāng wài huó dòng cang1 wai4 huo2 dong4 ts`ang wai huo tung tsang wai huo tung |
extravehicular activity (outside space vehicle); EVA |
芸術活動 see styles |
geijutsukatsudou / gejutsukatsudo げいじゅつかつどう |
artistic activities |
莊稼活兒 庄稼活儿 see styles |
zhuāng jia huó r zhuang1 jia5 huo2 r5 chuang chia huo r |
farm work |
薬理活性 see styles |
yakurikassei / yakurikasse やくりかっせい |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) pharmacological activity |
補助活用 see styles |
hojokatsuyou / hojokatsuyo ほじょかつよう |
(See カリ活用) classical form of i-adjective inflection formed by contraction of the "ku" adverbial form with the classical verb "ari" ("aru") |
要死不活 see styles |
yào sǐ bù huó yao4 si3 bu4 huo2 yao ssu pu huo |
half dead; more dead than alive |
要死要活 see styles |
yào sǐ yào huó yao4 si3 yao4 huo2 yao ssu yao huo |
terribly; awfully; desperately |
規則活用 see styles |
kisokukatsuyou / kisokukatsuyo きそくかつよう |
{gramm} regular conjugation; weak conjugation |
言語活動 see styles |
gengokatsudou / gengokatsudo げんごかつどう |
(1) linguistic activity; (2) (See ランガージュ) language (as defined by Saussure; langue and parole) |
言語生活 see styles |
gengoseikatsu / gengosekatsu げんごせいかつ |
linguistic aspects of life; linguistic behaviour |
課外活動 see styles |
kagaikatsudou / kagaikatsudo かがいかつどう |
extracurricular activities |
譯經活動 译经活动 see styles |
yì jīng huó dòng yi4 jing1 huo2 dong4 i ching huo tung yaku kyō katsudō |
translation activities |
路上活動 see styles |
rojoukatsudou / rojokatsudo ろじょうかつどう |
on-street activities (performing, collecting, etc.) |
路上生活 see styles |
rojouseikatsu / rojosekatsu ろじょうせいかつ |
(noun/participle) living on the street; life on the streets; homelessness |
軍人生活 see styles |
gunjinseikatsu / gunjinsekatsu ぐんじんせいかつ |
military life |
軍隊生活 see styles |
guntaiseikatsu / guntaisekatsu ぐんたいせいかつ |
army life |
転職活動 see styles |
tenshokukatsudou / tenshokukatsudo てんしょくかつどう |
(noun/participle) looking for a change of occupation; looking for a new job |
農事活動 农事活动 see styles |
nóng shì huó dòng nong2 shi4 huo2 dong4 nung shih huo tung |
agricultural activities |
逃亡生活 see styles |
toubouseikatsu / tobosekatsu とうぼうせいかつ |
life on the run |
通販生活 see styles |
tsuuhanseikatsu / tsuhansekatsu つうはんせいかつ |
(personal name) Tsuuhanseikatsu |
逸楽生活 see styles |
itsurakuseikatsu / itsurakusekatsu いつらくせいかつ |
a life given up to pleasure; pleasure-seeking lifestyle |
遁世生活 see styles |
tonseiseikatsu / tonsesekatsu とんせいせいかつ |
living in seclusion; retired from the world |
避難生活 see styles |
hinanseikatsu / hinansekatsu ひなんせいかつ |
living in evacuation shelters |
郊外生活 see styles |
kougaiseikatsu / kogaisekatsu こうがいせいかつ |
suburban life; life in the suburbs |
都会生活 see styles |
tokaiseikatsu / tokaisekatsu とかいせいかつ |
city life; urban living |
重活化劑 重活化剂 see styles |
zhòng huó huà jì zhong4 huo2 hua4 ji4 chung huo hua chi |
reactivator |
野外活動 see styles |
yagaikatsudou / yagaikatsudo やがいかつどう |
outdoor activity |
針線活兒 针线活儿 see styles |
zhēn xiàn huó r zhen1 xian4 huo2 r5 chen hsien huo r |
needlework; working for a living as a needleworker |
針線活計 针线活计 see styles |
zhēn xiàn huó jì zhen1 xian4 huo2 ji4 chen hsien huo chi |
needlework; sewing |
鐵窗生活 铁窗生活 see styles |
tiě chuāng shēng huó tie3 chuang1 sheng1 huo2 t`ieh ch`uang sheng huo tieh chuang sheng huo |
time served in prison; prison life |
間諜活動 间谍活动 see styles |
jiàn dié huó dòng jian4 die2 huo2 dong4 chien tieh huo tung |
espionage; spying |
闘病生活 see styles |
toubyouseikatsu / tobyosekatsu とうびょうせいかつ |
one's life under medical treatment; (means and time spent) fighting against an illness |
隠退生活 see styles |
intaiseikatsu / intaisekatsu いんたいせいかつ |
secluded life |
隠遁生活 see styles |
intonseikatsu / intonsekatsu いんとんせいかつ |
a reclusive life; living secluded from the world; leading a sequestered life |
集団生活 see styles |
shuudanseikatsu / shudansekatsu しゅうだんせいかつ |
living in a group; communal living; community life |
離婚活動 see styles |
rikonkatsudou / rikonkatsudo りこんかつどう |
making preparations for a divorce |
非弁活動 see styles |
hibenkatsudou / hibenkatsudo ひべんかつどう |
practising law without a license |
音楽活動 see styles |
ongakukatsudou / ongakukatsudo おんがくかつどう |
musical activities |
養家活口 养家活口 see styles |
yǎng jiā huó kǒu yang3 jia1 huo2 kou3 yang chia huo k`ou yang chia huo kou |
to support one's family (idiom) |
體育活動 体育活动 see styles |
tǐ yù huó dòng ti3 yu4 huo2 dong4 t`i yü huo tung ti yü huo tung |
sports; sporting activity |
鮮活貨物 鲜活货物 see styles |
xiān huó huò wù xian1 huo2 huo4 wu4 hsien huo huo wu |
live cargo |
活を入れる see styles |
katsuoireru かつをいれる |
(exp,v1) (1) to apply the art of resuscitation (in judo, etc.); (2) to breathe life into; to stimulate; to encourage someone; to give someone a pep talk |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "活" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.