There are 1065 total results for your 期 search. I have created 11 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678910...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
期待に添う see styles |
kitainisou / kitainiso きたいにそう |
(exp,v5u) to live up to (one's) expectations; to meet expectations |
期待に適う see styles |
kitainikanau きたいにかなう |
(exp,v5u) to live up to (one's) expectations |
期待はずれ see styles |
kitaihazure きたいはずれ |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) disappointment; let-down |
期待収益率 see styles |
kitaishuuekiritsu / kitaishuekiritsu きたいしゅうえきりつ |
{finc} expected rate of return |
期日前投票 see styles |
kijitsumaetouhyou; kijitsuzentouhyou / kijitsumaetohyo; kijitsuzentohyo きじつまえとうひょう; きじつぜんとうひょう |
early voting |
期末テスト see styles |
kimatsutesuto きまつテスト |
(See 期末試験) term-end exam; end-of-term test; finals |
期間従業員 see styles |
kikanjuugyouin / kikanjugyoin きかんじゅうぎょういん |
temporary worker; seasonal worker; worker with a fixed term contract of employment |
期間限定品 see styles |
kikangenteihin / kikangentehin きかんげんていひん |
product only available for a limited time |
期限を切る see styles |
kigenokiru きげんをきる |
(exp,v5r) (See 切る・きる・8) to set a deadline; to fix a time limit |
Variations: |
nenki ねんき |
(1) period of an apprentice's contract (usu. ten years); (2) (abbreviation) (See 年季奉公) apprenticeship; indentureship; indenture; (3) (年期 only) one-year period |
Variations: |
ryouki / ryoki りょうき |
hunting season |
Variations: |
kakki かっき |
(See 画期的・かっきてき) transition from one epoch to another; change of era |
Variations: |
kaki かき |
flowering season |
こうご期待 see styles |
kougokitai / kogokitai こうごきたい |
(expression) don't miss it; stay tuned; coming soon; look forward to it |
ガルガル期 see styles |
garugaruki ガルガルき |
(colloquialism) (period of) postpartum rage; postpartum irritability |
サロス周期 see styles |
sarosushuuki / sarosushuki サロスしゅうき |
{astron} saros period (approx. 18 years and 11 days between repetition of eclipses); saros cycle |
テスト期間 see styles |
tesutokikan テストきかん |
test period; exam period; examination time |
万全を期す see styles |
banzenokisu ばんぜんをきす |
(exp,v5s) to make absolutely sure (that all is right); to use every means; to take all possible measures |
不定期業務 see styles |
futeikigyoumu / futekigyomu ふていきぎょうむ |
{comp} unscheduled task |
不期然而然 see styles |
bù qī rán ér rán bu4 qi1 ran2 er2 ran2 pu ch`i jan erh jan pu chi jan erh jan |
happen unexpectedly; turn out contrary to one's expectations |
乞うご期待 see styles |
kougokitai / kogokitai こうごきたい |
(expression) don't miss it; stay tuned; coming soon; look forward to it |
予期しない see styles |
yokishinai よきしない |
(can act as adjective) unexpected (e.g. results); unforeseen; unanticipated |
任期付職員 see styles |
ninkizukishokuin にんきづきしょくいん |
fixed-term official; fixed-term member; fixed-term employee |
会計四半期 see styles |
kaikeishihanki / kaikeshihanki かいけいしはんき |
fiscal quarter; FQ |
俄狄浦斯期 see styles |
é dí pǔ sī qī e2 di2 pu3 si1 qi1 o ti p`u ssu ch`i o ti pu ssu chi |
oedipal phase (psychology) |
元素周期律 see styles |
gensoshuukiritsu / gensoshukiritsu げんそしゅうきりつ |
(rare) (See 周期表) periodic table of the elements |
元素周期表 see styles |
gensoshuukihyou / gensoshukihyo げんそしゅうきひょう |
(See 周期表) periodic table of elements |
元素週期表 元素周期表 see styles |
yuán sù zhōu qī biǎo yuan2 su4 zhou1 qi1 biao3 yüan su chou ch`i piao yüan su chou chi piao |
periodic table of the elements (chemistry) See: 元素周期表 |
再初期設定 see styles |
saishokisettei / saishokisette さいしょきせってい |
{comp} (See 初期設定・しょきせってい・2) reinitialization |
出訴期限法 see styles |
shussokigenhou / shussokigenho しゅっそきげんほう |
statute of limitations |
初期のころ see styles |
shokinokoro しょきのころ |
(exp,adj-no) the earliest |
初期の結核 see styles |
shokinokekkaku しょきのけっかく |
incipient tuberculosis; initial-stage tuberculosis |
到期收益率 see styles |
dào qī shōu yì lǜ dao4 qi1 shou1 yi4 lu:4 tao ch`i shou i lü tao chi shou i lü |
(finance) yield to maturity (YTM) |
前期高齢者 see styles |
zenkikoureisha / zenkikoresha ぜんきこうれいしゃ |
young old (person between 65 and 74 years old) |
収縮期血圧 see styles |
shuushukukiketsuatsu / shushukukiketsuatsu しゅうしゅくきけつあつ |
{physiol} (See 拡張期血圧) systolic blood pressure |
古期造山帯 see styles |
kokizouzantai / kokizozantai こきぞうざんたい |
old orogenic belt; mountain belts formed in the Palaeozoic era |
同期を取る see styles |
doukiotoru / dokiotoru どうきをとる |
(exp,v5r) {comp} to synchronize |
周産期医療 see styles |
shuusankiiryou / shusankiryo しゅうさんきいりょう |
perinatal care |
四半期収益 see styles |
shihankishuueki / shihankishueki しはんきしゅうえき |
quarterly earnings |
四半期報告 see styles |
shihankihoukoku / shihankihokoku しはんきほうこく |
quarterly report |
在訴訟期間 在诉讼期间 see styles |
zài sù sòng qī jiān zai4 su4 song4 qi1 jian1 tsai su sung ch`i chien tsai su sung chi chien |
pendente lite; during litigation |
定期乗車券 see styles |
teikijoushaken / tekijoshaken ていきじょうしゃけん |
commuter pass; season ticket |
定期刊行物 see styles |
teikikankoubutsu / tekikankobutsu ていきかんこうぶつ |
periodical |
就職氷河期 see styles |
shuushokuhyougaki / shushokuhyogaki しゅうしょくひょうがき |
period of poor employment opportunities; job drought; employment ice age |
年中発情期 see styles |
nenchuuhatsujouki / nenchuhatsujoki ねんちゅうはつじょうき |
year-round mating season |
年期が入る see styles |
nenkigahairu ねんきがはいる |
(exp,v5r) to become experienced (after many years of practice) |
幼児期健忘 see styles |
youjikikenbou / yojikikenbo ようじきけんぼう |
{med} childhood amnesia; infantile amnesia |
延期になる see styles |
enkininaru えんきになる |
(exp,v5r) to be postponed; to be deferred; to be delayed |
当期純利益 see styles |
toukijunrieki / tokijunrieki とうきじゅんりえき |
current net income; net income for the year; current net earnings; current net profit; current term net income; current term net profit; net profit for the year |
後期印象派 see styles |
koukiinshouha / kokinshoha こうきいんしょうは |
post-impressionism; postimpressionism |
後期高齢者 see styles |
koukikoureisha / kokikoresha こうきこうれいしゃ |
middle-old (person between 75 and 84 years old) |
快速動眼期 快速动眼期 see styles |
kuài sù dòng yǎn qī kuai4 su4 dong4 yan3 qi1 k`uai su tung yen ch`i kuai su tung yen chi |
REM sleep |
急性期病院 see styles |
kyuuseikibyouin / kyusekibyoin きゅうせいきびょういん |
acute hospital; acute care hospital |
拡張期血圧 see styles |
kakuchoukiketsuatsu / kakuchokiketsuatsu かくちょうきけつあつ |
{physiol} (See 収縮期血圧) diastolic blood pressure |
揺らん期本 see styles |
yourankibon / yorankibon ようらんきぼん |
(obscure) incunable; incunabulum |
早期老化症 see styles |
soukiroukashou / sokirokasho そうきろうかしょう |
progeria (disease characterized by symptoms suggestive of premature aging) |
早期警戒機 see styles |
soukikeikaiki / sokikekaiki そうきけいかいき |
airborne early-warning system; AWACS |
春機発動期 see styles |
shunkihatsudouki / shunkihatsudoki しゅんきはつどうき |
puberty |
時期が早い see styles |
jikigahayai じきがはやい |
(expression) before scheduled; earlier than expected |
更年期障害 see styles |
kounenkishougai / konenkishogai こうねんきしょうがい |
menopausal disorders |
月経閉止期 see styles |
gekkeiheishiki / gekkeheshiki げっけいへいしき |
menopause |
有期間社員 see styles |
yuukikanshain / yukikanshain ゆうきかんしゃいん |
worker with a fixed term contract of employment |
次期大統領 see styles |
jikidaitouryou / jikidaitoryo じきだいとうりょう |
next president; president-elect |
渡りの時期 see styles |
watarinojiki わたりのじき |
(n,exp) bird migration period |
満期釈放者 see styles |
mankishakuhousha / mankishakuhosha まんきしゃくほうしゃ |
released prisoner; ex-convict |
無期限スト see styles |
mukigensuto むきげんスト |
indefinite strike |
無期限延期 see styles |
mukigenenki むきげんえんき |
(noun/participle) indefinite postponement; putting on hold |
短周期彗星 see styles |
tanshuukisuisei / tanshukisuise たんしゅうきすいせい |
{astron} short-period comet; periodic comet |
短期ローン see styles |
tankiroon たんきローン |
short-term loan |
短期借入金 see styles |
tankikariirekin / tankikarirekin たんきかりいれきん |
short-term loans payable; short-term debt; short-term borrowing |
短期大学部 see styles |
tankidaigakubu たんきだいがくぶ |
(See 短期大学) junior college (attached to a university) |
短期滞在者 see styles |
tankitaizaisha たんきたいざいしゃ |
temporary visitor (to a country or region); person on a short-term stay |
終末期医療 see styles |
shuumatsukiiryou / shumatsukiryo しゅうまつきいりょう |
(See 終末医療) terminal care; end-of-life care |
経済成長期 see styles |
keizaiseichouki / kezaisechoki けいざいせいちょうき |
period of economic growth |
結婚適齢期 see styles |
kekkontekireiki / kekkontekireki けっこんてきれいき |
marriageable age |
調歩同期式 see styles |
chouhodoukishiki / chohodokishiki ちょうほどうきしき |
{comp} start-stop system |
請うご期待 see styles |
kougokitai / kogokitai こうごきたい |
(expression) don't miss it; stay tuned; coming soon; look forward to it |
超長期国債 see styles |
chouchoukikokusai / chochokikokusai ちょうちょうきこくさい |
{finc} super-long-term government bond (with a maturity of over ten years) |
遠洋定期船 see styles |
enyouteikisen / enyotekisen えんようていきせん |
ocean liner |
適応的期待 see styles |
tekioutekikitai / tekiotekikitai てきおうてききたい |
adaptive expectations |
金石併用期 see styles |
kinsekiheiyouki / kinsekiheyoki きんせきへいようき |
(rare) (See 金石併用時代) Chalcolithic period (i.e. the Copper Period) |
長周期彗星 see styles |
choushuukisuisei / choshukisuise ちょうしゅうきすいせい |
{astron} long-period comet |
長期滞在者 see styles |
choukitaizaisha / chokitaizaisha ちょうきたいざいしゃ |
long-stay visitor; long-term resident |
長期穩定性 长期稳定性 see styles |
cháng qī wěn dìng xìng chang2 qi1 wen3 ding4 xing4 ch`ang ch`i wen ting hsing chang chi wen ting hsing |
long-term stability |
長期貸付金 see styles |
choukikashitsukekin / chokikashitsukekin ちょうきかしつけきん |
long-term loans |
非同期バス see styles |
hidoukibasu / hidokibasu ひどうきバス |
{comp} asynchronous bus |
非同期伝送 see styles |
hidoukidensou / hidokidenso ひどうきでんそう |
{comp} asynchronous transmission |
非同期通信 see styles |
hidoukitsuushin / hidokitsushin ひどうきつうしん |
asynchronous communication |
非業の最期 see styles |
higounosaigo / higonosaigo ひごうのさいご |
(n,exp) (See 非業の死) unnatural death; violent death |
高度成長期 see styles |
koudoseichouki / kodosechoki こうどせいちょうき |
period of rapid growth (especially Japan's period of rapid economic growth after WWII) |
期待にかなう see styles |
kitainikanau きたいにかなう |
(exp,v5u) to live up to (one's) expectations |
期待に応える see styles |
kitainikotaeru きたいにこたえる |
(exp,v1) to live up to expectations; to meet expectations |
期待をかける see styles |
kitaiokakeru きたいをかける |
(exp,v1) to hang one's hopes on; to expect from |
期待を寄せる see styles |
kitaioyoseru きたいをよせる |
(exp,v1) (often ...に期待を...) to pin one's hope on; to look forward to; to look toward; to get one's hopes up |
期待を掛ける see styles |
kitaiokakeru きたいをかける |
(exp,v1) to hang one's hopes on; to expect from |
期日を早める see styles |
kijitsuohayameru きじつをはやめる |
(exp,v1) to advance the date (of) |
期間契約社員 see styles |
kikankeiyakushain / kikankeyakushain きかんけいやくしゃいん |
worker with a fixed term contract of employment |
期限が切れる see styles |
kigengakireru きげんがきれる |
(exp,v1) (See 期限切れ,切れる・6) to have a time-limit expire; to pass a deadline; to pass an expiration date |
期限を延ばす see styles |
kigenonobasu きげんをのばす |
(exp,v5s) to extend the term; to extend a deadline |
期限切れ検査 see styles |
kigengirekensa きげんぎれけんさ |
{comp} expiration check; retention period check |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "期" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.