There are 1406 total results for your 制 search. I have created 15 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678910...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
化制二教 see styles |
huà zhì èr jiào hua4 zhi4 er4 jiao4 hua chih erh chiao ke sei nikyō |
The twofold division of the Buddha's teaching into converting or enlightening and discipline, as made by the Vihaya School, v. 化行. |
医療制度 see styles |
iryouseido / iryosedo いりょうせいど |
health care system |
十六進制 十六进制 see styles |
shí liù jìn zhì shi2 liu4 jin4 zhi4 shih liu chin chih |
hexadecimal |
卒業制作 see styles |
sotsugyouseisaku / sotsugyosesaku そつぎょうせいさく |
(See 卒制) art project which is done in place of a graduation thesis at a college of arts |
単位制度 see styles |
taniseido / tanisedo たんいせいど |
point system; credit system |
単元制度 see styles |
tangenseido / tangensedo たんげんせいど |
unit credit system |
印製電路 印制电路 see styles |
yìn zhì diàn lù yin4 zhi4 dian4 lu4 yin chih tien lu |
printed circuit |
反体制側 see styles |
hantaiseigawa / hantaisegawa はんたいせいがわ |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (See 反体制・はんたいせい) anti-establishment; anti-government |
反体制派 see styles |
hantaiseiha / hantaiseha はんたいせいは |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) dissidents; people who are against the Establishment; anti-Establishment groups |
取引制限 see styles |
torihikiseigen / torihikisegen とりひきせいげん |
{law} restraint of trade; trade restriction |
司法制度 see styles |
shihouseido / shihosedo しほうせいど |
justice system |
合議制度 see styles |
gougiseido / gogisedo ごうぎせいど |
parliamentary system |
君主制体 see styles |
kunshuseitai / kunshusetai くんしゅせいたい |
monarchy |
單方製劑 单方制剂 see styles |
dān fāng zhì jì dan1 fang1 zhi4 ji4 tan fang chih chi |
prescribed preparation |
因地制宜 see styles |
yīn dì zhì yí yin1 di4 zhi4 yi2 yin ti chih i |
(idiom) to use methods in line with local circumstances |
因時制宜 因时制宜 see styles |
yīn shí zhì yí yin1 shi2 zhi4 yi2 yin shih chih i |
(idiom) to use methods appropriate to the current situation |
国家体制 see styles |
kokkataisei / kokkataise こっかたいせい |
national polity |
国郡里制 see styles |
kokugunrisei / kokugunrise こくぐんりせい |
(hist) (See 郷里制,律令制) province-district-neighbourhood administrative divisions (ritsuryō system) |
土地税制 see styles |
tochizeisei / tochizese とちぜいせい |
land taxation system |
圧力抑制 see styles |
atsuryokuyokusei / atsuryokuyokuse あつりょくよくせい |
pressure suppression (e.g. pool, container in a nuclear power plant) |
地面控制 see styles |
dì miàn kòng zhì di4 mian4 kong4 zhi4 ti mien k`ung chih ti mien kung chih |
ground control (of airborne or space operation) |
変位制御 see styles |
heniseigyo / henisegyo へんいせいぎょ |
displacement controlled |
外交体制 see styles |
gaikoutaisei / gaikotaise がいこうたいせい |
diplomatic structure |
大学制度 see styles |
daigakuseido / daigakusedo だいがくせいど |
university system |
大統領制 see styles |
daitouryousei / daitoryose だいとうりょうせい |
presidential system; presidential government |
女人禁制 see styles |
nǚ rén jīn zhì nv3 ren2 jin1 zhi4 nü jen chin chih nyoninkinsei; nyoninkinzei / nyoninkinse; nyoninkinze にょにんきんせい; にょにんきんぜい |
(yoji) prohibition on women entering (usu. for religious reasons); no female admission "Women forbidden to approach," a sign placed on certain altars. |
奴隷制度 see styles |
doreiseido / doresedo どれいせいど |
(system of) slavery |
奴隸制度 奴隶制度 see styles |
nú lì zhì dù nu2 li4 zhi4 du4 nu li chih tu |
slavery |
如法泡製 如法泡制 see styles |
rú fǎ pào zhì ru2 fa3 pao4 zhi4 ju fa p`ao chih ju fa pao chih |
lit. to follow the recipe (idiom); to follow the same plan |
如法炮製 如法炮制 see styles |
rú fǎ páo zhì ru2 fa3 pao2 zhi4 ju fa p`ao chih ju fa pao chih |
lit. to follow the recipe (idiom); fig. to follow a set pattern |
姿勢制御 see styles |
shiseiseigyo / shisesegyo しせいせいぎょ |
(1) {engr} attitude control; (2) {physiol} postural control |
学校制度 see styles |
gakkouseido / gakkosedo がっこうせいど |
educational system; school system |
完了時制 see styles |
kanryoujisei / kanryojise かんりょうじせい |
{gramm} perfect tense |
定年制度 see styles |
teinenseido / tenensedo ていねんせいど |
(See 定年制) mandatory retirement age (system) |
家族制度 see styles |
kazokuseido / kazokusedo かぞくせいど |
family system; the family (as an institution) |
家父長制 see styles |
kafuchousei / kafuchose かふちょうせい |
patriarchy; system of patriarchy |
家長制度 see styles |
kachouseido / kachosedo かちょうせいど |
patriarchal system |
審級制度 审级制度 see styles |
shěn jí zhì dù shen3 ji2 zhi4 du4 shen chi chih tu |
system of appeals (to higher court) |
寺檀制度 see styles |
jidanseido / jidansedo じだんせいど |
(hist) (See 寺請制度) system used during the Edo period where commoners had to register with a temple in order to prove their Buddhist faith |
寺請制度 see styles |
teraukeseido / teraukesedo てらうけせいど |
(hist) terauke system; system established by the Edo shogunate that required citizens to register with a temple in order to prove their Buddhist (i.e. non-Christian) faith |
封建制度 see styles |
fēng jiàn zhì dù feng1 jian4 zhi4 du4 feng chien chih tu houkenseido / hokensedo ほうけんせいど |
feudalism (noun - becomes adjective with の) feudal system; feudalism |
専制主義 see styles |
senseishugi / senseshugi せんせいしゅぎ |
absolutism; despotism |
専制君主 see styles |
senseikunshu / sensekunshu せんせいくんしゅ |
absolute monarch; despot; autocrat; tyrant |
専制政治 see styles |
senseiseiji / senseseji せんせいせいじ |
despotic government; autocracy |
專制主義 专制主义 see styles |
zhuān zhì zhǔ yì zhuan1 zhi4 zhu3 yi4 chuan chih chu i |
absolutism; despotism; autocracy |
島の制約 see styles |
shimanoseiyaku / shimanoseyaku しまのせいやく |
island constraint |
帯域制御 see styles |
taiikiseigyo / taikisegyo たいいきせいぎょ |
{comp} bandwidth control |
帯域制限 see styles |
taiikiseigen / taikisegen たいいきせいげん |
{comp} bandlimited |
幕藩体制 see styles |
bakuhantaisei / bakuhantaise ばくはんたいせい |
(hist) feudal system of the shogunate and domains |
平時編制 see styles |
heijihensei / hejihense へいじへんせい |
(See 戦時編制) peace organization; peace footing |
年功制度 see styles |
nenkouseido / nenkosedo ねんこうせいど |
seniority rule |
年金制度 see styles |
nenkinseido / nenkinsedo ねんきんせいど |
pension system (scheme) |
年齢制限 see styles |
nenreiseigen / nenresegen ねんれいせいげん |
age limit; age limits |
強制中断 see styles |
kyouseichuudan / kyosechudan きょうせいちゅうだん |
(noun/participle) forcing to a stop |
強制保険 see styles |
kyouseihoken / kyosehoken きょうせいほけん |
(See 任意保険) mandatory insurance (e.g. for motor vehicles) |
強制処分 see styles |
kyouseishobun / kyoseshobun きょうせいしょぶん |
compulsory execution |
強制労働 see styles |
kyouseiroudou / kyoserodo きょうせいろうどう |
forced labor; forced labour; slave labor; slave labour |
強制収容 see styles |
kyouseishuuyou / kyoseshuyo きょうせいしゅうよう |
(noun/participle) (enforced) confinement; internment; detention by legal force |
強制執行 see styles |
kyouseishikkou / kyoseshikko きょうせいしっこう |
{law} (compulsory) execution; seizure |
強制性交 see styles |
kyouseiseikou / kyoseseko きょうせいせいこう |
{law} forcible sexual intercourse; rape |
強制捜査 see styles |
kyouseisousa / kyosesosa きょうせいそうさ |
compulsory investigation; compulsory search |
強制改行 see styles |
kyouseikaigyou / kyosekaigyo きょうせいかいぎょう |
{comp} hard line break; hard return |
強制疎開 see styles |
kyouseisokai / kyosesokai きょうせいそかい |
forced evacuation |
強制移住 see styles |
kyouseiijuu / kyoseju きょうせいいじゅう |
forced emigration |
強制移送 see styles |
kyouseiisou / kyoseso きょうせいいそう |
(1) deportation (e.g. of a refugee); (2) forced population transfer; expulsion (e.g. of a specific ethnicity) |
強制競売 see styles |
kyouseikeibai / kyosekebai きょうせいけいばい |
compulsory sale by auction; forced auction |
強制終了 see styles |
kyouseishuuryou / kyoseshuryo きょうせいしゅうりょう |
{comp} forced termination |
強制結婚 see styles |
kyouseikekkon / kyosekekkon きょうせいけっこん |
forced marriage |
強制衝突 see styles |
kyouseishoutotsu / kyoseshototsu きょうせいしょうとつ |
{comp} collision enforcement |
強制解散 see styles |
kyouseikaisan / kyosekaisan きょうせいかいさん |
compulsory winding-up; winding-up by a court; compulsory liquidation; involuntary dissolution |
強制調査 see styles |
kyouseichousa / kyosechosa きょうせいちょうさ |
compulsory inspection; compulsory search |
強制起訴 see styles |
kyouseikiso / kyosekiso きょうせいきそ |
mandatory indictment; indictment by a lay prosecution committee |
強制退去 see styles |
kyouseitaikyo / kyosetaikyo きょうせいたいきょ |
forced eviction; deport |
強制送還 see styles |
kyouseisoukan / kyosesokan きょうせいそうかん |
forced repatriation; deportation |
強制連行 see styles |
kyouseirenkou / kyoserenko きょうせいれんこう |
(noun/participle) being moved forcibly, e.g. being carted to a police station, transportation for forced labour, etc. |
強制隔離 see styles |
kyouseikakuri / kyosekakuri きょうせいかくり |
enforced isolation; mandatory isolation |
徒弟制度 see styles |
toteiseido / totesedo とていせいど |
an apprentice system; apprenticeship |
微控制器 see styles |
wēi kòng zhì qì wei1 kong4 zhi4 qi4 wei k`ung chih ch`i wei kung chih chi |
microcontroller unit (MCU) |
徴兵制度 see styles |
chouheiseido / chohesedo ちょうへいせいど |
conscription; draft system |
必置規制 see styles |
hicchikisei / hicchikise ひっちきせい |
government rules on structure, staffing, etc. of local bodies (e.g. police force) |
思想統制 see styles |
shisoutousei / shisotose しそうとうせい |
thought control; thought censorship |
恒松制治 see styles |
tsunematsuseiji / tsunematsuseji つねまつせいじ |
(person) Tsunematsu Seiji (1923.1.21-) |
情報統制 see styles |
jouhoutousei / johotose じょうほうとうせい |
information control |
戦時体制 see styles |
senjitaisei / senjitaise せんじたいせい |
wartime regime; war footing |
戦時編制 see styles |
senjihensei / senjihense せんじへんせい |
(See 平時編制) war organization; war footing |
戶口制度 户口制度 see styles |
hù kǒu zhì dù hu4 kou3 zhi4 du4 hu k`ou chih tu hu kou chih tu |
PRC system of compulsory registration |
戸外制作 see styles |
kogaiseisaku / kogaisesaku こがいせいさく |
en plein air; plein air painting |
打製石器 打制石器 see styles |
dǎ zhì shí qì da3 zhi4 shi2 qi4 ta chih shih ch`i ta chih shih chi daseisekki / dasesekki だせいせっき |
(archaeology) chipped stone implement chipped stone tool; flaked stone tool |
抑制作用 see styles |
yì zhì zuò yòng yi4 zhi4 zuo4 yong4 i chih tso yung |
inhibition |
抑制栽培 see styles |
yokuseisaibai / yokusesaibai よくせいさいばい |
late raising; artificial slowing of growth of plants |
投票制度 see styles |
touhyouseido / tohyosedo とうひょうせいど |
voting system |
排他制御 see styles |
haitaseigyo / haitasegyo はいたせいぎょ |
{comp} exclusive control |
排出抑制 see styles |
haishutsuyokusei / haishutsuyokuse はいしゅつよくせい |
emission limitation |
支援体制 see styles |
shientaisei / shientaise しえんたいせい |
support system |
支配体制 see styles |
shihaitaisei / shihaitaise しはいたいせい |
system of government |
放松管制 see styles |
fàng sōng guǎn zhì fang4 song1 guan3 zhi4 fang sung kuan chih |
deregulation |
政治体制 see styles |
seijitaisei / sejitaise せいじたいせい |
political system |
政治制度 see styles |
seijiseido / sejisedo せいじせいど |
political system; political institution; regime |
政治體制 政治体制 see styles |
zhèng zhì tǐ zhì zheng4 zhi4 ti3 zhi4 cheng chih t`i chih cheng chih ti chih |
form of government See: 政治体制 |
教育体制 see styles |
kyouikutaisei / kyoikutaise きょういくたいせい |
educational system |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "制" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.