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<...7071727374>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
日本アメリカンフットボール協会 see styles |
nihonamerikanfuttoboorukyoukai / nihonamerikanfuttoboorukyokai にほんアメリカンフットボールきょうかい |
(o) American Football Association of Japan |
日本ディジタルイクイップメント see styles |
nihondijitaruikuippumento にほんディジタルイクイップメント |
(o) Nippon Digital Equipment Corporation |
日本ボランタリー・チェーン協会 see styles |
nihonborantarii cheenkyoukai / nihonborantari cheenkyokai にほんボランタリー・チェーンきょうかい |
(o) Japan Voluntary Chain Association |
Variations: |
akuruhi あくるひ |
(n,adv) next day; following day |
Variations: |
mikayonomochi みかよのもち |
(hist) (See 三日の餅) Heian-period ceremony where a newlywed groom and bride eat a rice-cake on the third night after the wedding ceremony |
Variations: |
misokasoba みそかそば |
soba eaten at the end of the month (esp. at the end of the year) |
Variations: |
yoohinitsuide よをひについで |
(expression) day and night; turning night into day |
Variations: |
dainipponteikokukaigun / dainippontekokukaigun だいにっぽんていこくかいぐん |
(hist) Imperial Japanese Navy (1872-1945) |
Variations: |
ikunichimoikunichimo いくにちもいくにちも |
(adverb) day after day; for many days; for days on end; day in, day out |
Variations: |
taiyouichinichisesshuryou / taiyoichinichisesshuryo たいよういちにちせっしゅりょう |
tolerable daily intake; TDI |
株式会社日本レジストリサービス see styles |
kabushikigaishanihonrejisutorisaabisu / kabushikigaishanihonrejisutorisabisu かぶしきがいしゃにほんレジストリサービス |
{comp} Japanese Internet Domain Registration Service; JPRS; (o) Japanese Internet Domain Registration Service; JPRS |
Variations: |
hinatabokori ひなたぼこり |
(dated) (See 日向ぼっこ) basking in the sun |
Variations: |
hinatabokko ひなたぼっこ |
(n,vs,vi) basking in the sun; sunbathing |
Variations: |
tsuitachi(p); sakujitsu(朔日); ippi(一日) ついたち(P); さくじつ(朔日); いっぴ(一日) |
(1) (usu. 一日 or 1日) first day of the month; (2) (ついたち only) (archaism) first ten days of the lunar month |
Variations: |
tsuitachi(p); sakujitsu(朔日); ippi(一日) ついたち(P); さくじつ(朔日); いっぴ(一日) |
(1) 1st day of the month; (2) (ついたち only) (archaism) first 10 days of the lunar month |
Variations: |
hatsuka はつか |
(1) twentieth day of the month; (2) twenty days |
Variations: |
tooka とおか |
(1) 10th day of the month; (2) ten days |
Variations: |
onnahideri おんなひでり |
(See 男旱・おとこひでり) scarcity of eligible women; difficulty for a man to find a woman; woman shortage |
Variations: |
otokohideri おとこひでり |
(See 女ひでり・おんなひでり) scarcity of eligible men; difficulty for a woman to find a man; man shortage |
Variations: |
himawariyu(himawari油, 向日葵油); himawariabura(himawari油, 向日葵油); himawariyu(himawari油); himawariabura(himawari油) ひまわりゆ(ひまわり油, 向日葵油); ひまわりあぶら(ひまわり油, 向日葵油); ヒマワリゆ(ヒマワリ油); ヒマワリあぶら(ヒマワリ油) |
sunflower oil |
Variations: |
mikkabashika(三日bashika, 三日麻疹); mikkahashika(三日hashika, 三日麻疹) みっかばしか(三日ばしか, 三日麻疹); みっかはしか(三日はしか, 三日麻疹) |
(colloquialism) (See 風疹) rubella; German measles; three day measles |
Variations: |
ototoikiyagare おとといきやがれ |
(expression) (slang) don't you ever come here again!; come here the day before yesterday |
Variations: |
hitonouwasamoshichijuugonichi; hitonouwasamonanajuugonichi / hitonowasamoshichijugonichi; hitonowasamonanajugonichi ひとのうわさもしちじゅうごにち; ひとのうわさもななじゅうごにち |
(expression) (proverb) a wonder lasts but nine days; gossip lasts just 75 days |
Variations: |
zennihonrouarenmei / zennihonroarenme ぜんにほんろうあれんめい |
(org) Japanese Federation of the Deaf; JFD |
Variations: |
zainichikankokuchousenjin / zainichikankokuchosenjin ざいにちかんこくちょうせんじん |
Koreans residing in Japan (esp. those who came to Japan before 1945 and their descendants); Zainichi Koreans |
Variations: |
hakujitsunomotonisarasu はくじつのもとにさらす |
(exp,v5s) (idiom) to bring to light; to expose (to the world) |
Variations: |
hiyatoi ひやとい |
daily employment; hiring by the day; day laborer; day labourer |
Variations: |
higurashi ひぐらし |
(n,adj-no,adv) (form) from morning to evening; all day long |
日出島クロコシジロウミツバメ繁殖地 see styles |
hinodejimakurokoshijiroumitsubamehanshokuchi / hinodejimakurokoshijiromitsubamehanshokuchi ひのでじまクロコシジロウミツバメはんしょくち |
(place-name) Hinodejimakurokoshijiroumitsubamehanshokuchi |
Variations: |
ichijiku(無花果, 映日果); ichijiku(無花果, 映日果)(ik); ichijuku; mukaka(無花果); ichijiku; ichijiku(ik) いちじく(無花果, 映日果); いちぢく(無花果, 映日果)(ik); いちじゅく; むかか(無花果); イチジク; イチヂク(ik) |
(kana only) common fig (Ficus carica); fig; fig tree |
Variations: |
juuichinichi / juichinichi じゅういちにち |
(1) 11th day of the month; (2) 11 days |
Variations: |
juuninichi / juninichi じゅうににち |
(1) 12th day of the month; (2) 12 days |
Variations: |
juusannichi / jusannichi じゅうさんにち |
(1) 13th day of the month; (2) 13 days |
Variations: |
juuyokka / juyokka じゅうよっか |
(1) 14th day of the month; (2) 14 days |
Variations: |
juugonichi / jugonichi じゅうごにち |
(1) 15th day of the month; (2) 15 days |
Variations: |
juurokunichi / jurokunichi じゅうろくにち |
(1) 16th day of the month; (2) 16 days |
Variations: |
juushichinichi(p); juunananichi / jushichinichi(p); junananichi じゅうしちにち(P); じゅうななにち |
(1) 17th day of the month; (2) 17 days |
Variations: |
juuhachinichi / juhachinichi じゅうはちにち |
(1) 18th day of the month; (2) 18 days |
Variations: |
juukunichi / jukunichi じゅうくにち |
(1) 19th day of the month; (2) 19 days; (3) (slang) (archaism) fool; simpleton |
Variations: |
sanjuunichi / sanjunichi さんじゅうにち |
(1) 30th day of the month; (2) 30 days |
Variations: |
otsugenoshukujitsu おつげのしゅくじつ |
(exp,n) {Christn} Annunciation Day; Lady Day |
Variations: |
maruichinichi まるいちにち |
the whole day; all the day |
Variations: |
shimekiribi しめきりび |
time limit; closing day; deadline |
Variations: |
furikaekyuujitsu / furikaekyujitsu ふりかえきゅうじつ |
(1) substitute national holiday; day off in lieu of a national holiday that falls on a Sunday; compensatory holiday; (2) compensatory day off work (for having worked on a holiday, etc.) |
Variations: |
oshakasamanotanjoubi / oshakasamanotanjobi おしゃかさまのたんじょうび |
(exp,n) Buddha's birthday |
Variations: |
sarumonohibiniutoshi さるものひびにうとし |
(expression) (proverb) out of sight, out of mind; the dead are forgotten with time |
Variations: |
kuruhimokuruhimo くるひもくるひも |
(expression) day after day; day in and day out; every single day |
独立行政法人日本万国博覧会記念機構 see styles |
dokuritsugyouseihoujinnipponbankokuhakurankaikinenkikou / dokuritsugyosehojinnipponbankokuhakurankaikinenkiko どくりつぎょうせいほうじんにっぽんばんこくはくらんかいきねんきこう |
(o) Commemorative Organization for the Japan World Exposition '70 |
Variations: |
higaminari; hikaminari ひがみなり; ひかみなり |
(1) (esp. 日雷) thunder on a clear day; (2) (esp. 火雷, 火神鳴り) (See 水雷・みずがみなり・2) lightning that starts a fire |
Variations: |
nichinichikorekoujitsu; nichinichikorekounichi; hibikorekoujitsu; hibikorekounichi / nichinichikorekojitsu; nichinichikorekonichi; hibikorekojitsu; hibikorekonichi にちにちこれこうじつ; にちにちこれこうにち; ひびこれこうじつ; ひびこれこうにち |
(expression) (proverb) every day is a good day; enjoy every day |
Variations: |
himekurikarendaa / himekurikarenda ひめくりカレンダー |
(See 日めくり) daily rip-off-a-page calendar; daily pad calendar |
Variations: |
nijuuichinichi / nijuichinichi にじゅういちにち |
(1) 21st day of the month; (2) 21 days |
Variations: |
nijuuninichi / nijuninichi にじゅうににち |
(1) 22nd day of the month; (2) 22 days |
Variations: |
nijuusannichi / nijusannichi にじゅうさんにち |
(1) 23rd day of the month; (2) 23 days |
Variations: |
nijuuyokka(p); nijuuyonnichi(ik); nijuuyonichi(ik) / nijuyokka(p); nijuyonnichi(ik); nijuyonichi(ik) にじゅうよっか(P); にじゅうよんにち(ik); にじゅうよにち(ik) |
(1) 24th day of the month; (2) 24 days |
Variations: |
nijuugonichi / nijugonichi にじゅうごにち |
(1) 25th day of the month; (2) 25 days |
Variations: |
nijuurokunichi / nijurokunichi にじゅうろくにち |
(1) 26th day of the month; (2) 26 days |
Variations: |
nijuushichinichi(p); nijuunananichi / nijushichinichi(p); nijunananichi にじゅうしちにち(P); にじゅうななにち |
(1) 27th day of the month; (2) 27 days |
Variations: |
nijuuhachinichi / nijuhachinichi にじゅうはちにち |
(1) 28th day of the month; (2) 28 days |
Variations: |
nijuukunichi(p); nijuukyuunichi / nijukunichi(p); nijukyunichi にじゅうくにち(P); にじゅうきゅうにち |
(1) 29th day of the month; (2) 29 days |
Variations: |
sanjuuichinichi / sanjuichinichi さんじゅういちにち |
(1) 31st day of the month; (2) 31 days |
Variations: |
hizuke ひづけ |
date; dating |
Variations: |
hizuke ひづけ |
date; dating |
Variations: |
hinata ひなた |
sunny place; in the sun |
Variations: |
himawari(gikun); himawari ひまわり(gikun); ヒマワリ |
(kana only) sunflower (Helianthus annuus) |
Variations: |
hizuke ひづけ |
date; dating |
Variations: |
tsuitachi ついたち |
first day of the month |
Variations: |
hiboshi ひぼし |
(adj-no,n) sun-dried |
Variations: |
hiyatoi ひやとい |
daily employment; hiring by the day; day laborer; day labourer |
Variations: |
ichijiku(無花果, 映日果); ichijiku(無花果, 映日果)(ik); ichijuku; mukaka(無花果); ichijiku; ichijiku(ik) いちじく(無花果, 映日果); いちぢく(無花果, 映日果)(ik); いちじゅく; むかか(無花果); イチジク; イチヂク(ik) |
(kana only) common fig (Ficus carica); fig; fig tree |
Variations: |
hatsuka(p); nijuunichi(ik) / hatsuka(p); nijunichi(ik) はつか(P); にじゅうにち(ik) |
(1) 20th day of the month; (2) 20 days |
Variations: |
hiyake ひやけ |
(noun/participle) (1) sunburn; suntan; tan; (noun/participle) (2) becoming discolored from the sun (e.g. paper); yellowing |
Variations: |
akuruhi あくるひ |
(n,adv) next day; following day |
Variations: |
hiizurukuni(日出zuru国, 日出国); hiizurukuni(日出zuru国, 日出国) / hizurukuni(日出zuru国, 日出国); hizurukuni(日出zuru国, 日出国) ひいずるくに(日出ずる国, 日出国); ひいづるくに(日出づる国, 日出国) |
Land of the Rising Sun |
Variations: |
dainipponteikokukenpou / dainippontekokukenpo だいにっぽんていこくけんぽう |
(hist) Constitution of the Empire of Japan; Meiji Constitution |
Variations: |
hiyake ひやけ |
(n,vs,vi) (1) sunburn; suntan; tan; (n,vs,vi) (2) becoming discolored from the sun (e.g. of paper); yellowing; (n,vs,vi) (3) drying up (of a river, field, etc.) |
Variations: |
kodomonohi こどものひ |
(exp,n) Children's Day (national holiday; May 5) |
Variations: |
higasasu ひがさす |
(exp,v5s) to shine (of the Sun) |
Variations: |
higawari ひがわり |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) changing every day |
Variations: |
hioi; hiooi ひおい; ひおおい |
sunshade; sunscreen; window shade; blinds |
Variations: |
komorebi こもれび |
sunlight filtering through trees |
Variations: |
himawari(gikun); himawari ひまわり(gikun); ヒマワリ |
(kana only) sunflower (Helianthus annuus) |
Variations: |
sarumonohahibiniutoshi さるものはひびにうとし |
(expression) (1) (proverb) with time we forget those who have died; out of sight, out of mind; (expression) (2) (proverb) friendships fade with distance |
Variations: |
bijinhamikkadeakiru びじんはみっかであきる |
(exp,v1) (proverb) beauty is only skin-deep; one gets tired of a beauty in three days |
全日本コメ・コメ関連食品輸出促進協議会 see styles |
zennihonkomekomekanrenshokuhinyushutsusokushinkyougikai / zennihonkomekomekanrenshokuhinyushutsusokushinkyogikai ぜんにほんコメコメかんれんしょくひんゆしゅつそくしんきょうぎかい |
(o) Japan Rice and Rice Industry Export Promotion Association |
Variations: |
tookaebisu とおかえびす |
(See 恵比寿) Tōka Ebisu; festival held on January 10 in honor of Ebisu, the god of fishing and commerce |
Variations: |
asattenohoukouomuku / asattenohokoomuku あさってのほうこうをむく |
(exp,v5k) (idiom) (See 明後日・2) to face the wrong way; to go in the wrong direction |
Variations: |
kageninarihinataninari かげになりひなたになり |
(expression) (proverb) openly and secretly; helping in all ways |
Variations: |
mataauhimade / matauhimade またあうひまで |
(expression) till we meet again |
Variations: |
anoyosennichikonoyoichinichi あのよせんにちこのよいちにち |
(expression) (proverb) a day in life is better than a thousand days in the afterlife; better one day in this world than a thousand in the next |
Variations: |
matebakaironohiyoriari まてばかいろのひよりあり |
(expression) (proverb) good things come to those who wait; if you wait, there will come a fine day for taking the sea route |
Variations: |
nikkeininigoopushon / nikkeninigoopushon にっけいににごオプション |
Nikkei 225 option |
Variations: |
akinohihatsurubeotoshi あきのひはつるべおとし |
(expression) (proverb) the autumn sun sets as quickly as a bucket dropping into a well |
Variations: |
kyounohitohariasunotohari / kyonohitohariasunotohari きょうのひとはりあすのとはり |
(expression) (proverb) a stitch in time saves nine; one needle today, ten needles tomorrow |
Variations: |
ohisama おひさま |
(child. language) the Sun |
Variations: |
hiatarinoyoi(日当tarino良i, 日当tarinoyoi); hiatarinoii(日当tarino良i, 日当tarinoii) / hiatarinoyoi(日当tarino良i, 日当tarinoyoi); hiatarinoi(日当tarino良i, 日当tarinoi) ひあたりのよい(日当たりの良い, 日当たりのよい); ひあたりのいい(日当たりの良い, 日当たりのいい) |
(exp,adj-ix) sunny (room, etc.); well sunlit |
Variations: |
yasashiinihongo / yasashinihongo やさしいにほんご |
(exp,n) easy Japanese (that is easily understood by non-native speakers, children, etc.) |
Variations: |
kyounohitohari、asunotohari / kyonohitohari、asunotohari きょうのひとはり、あすのとはり |
(expression) (proverb) a stitch in time saves nine; one needle today, ten needles tomorrow |
Variations: |
hikagenokazura; hikagenokazura ひかげのかずら; ヒカゲノカズラ |
(kana only) running ground pine (species of club moss, Lycopodium clavatum) |
Variations: |
sonohigurashi そのひぐらし |
(exp,n) (1) financially scraping by; meagre existence (meager); hand to mouth existence; (exp,n) (2) living one's life without plan; living life day-by-day; taking life one day at a time |
Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.