There are 758 total results for your 送 search. I have created 8 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
石灰岩輸送管 see styles |
sekkaiganyusoukan / sekkaiganyusokan せっかいがんゆそうかん |
(place-name) Sekkaiganyusoukan |
算術けた送り see styles |
sanjutsuketaokuri さんじゅつけたおくり |
{comp} arithmetic shift |
緊急警報放送 see styles |
kinkyuukeihouhousou / kinkyukehohoso きんきゅうけいほうほうそう |
Emergency Warning System (radio and TV broadcasts); EWS; emergency warning broadcast |
自動再送要求 see styles |
jidousaisouyoukyuu / jidosaisoyokyu じどうさいそうようきゅう |
{comp} ARQ; Automatic Repeat reQuest |
自動回送表示 see styles |
jidoukaisouhyouji / jidokaisohyoji じどうかいそうひょうじ |
{comp} auto-forwarded indication |
自衛隊送信所 see styles |
jieitaisoushinjo / jietaisoshinjo じえいたいそうしんじょ |
(place-name) Jieitaisoushinjo |
英国放送協会 see styles |
eikokuhousoukyoukai / ekokuhosokyokai えいこくほうそうきょうかい |
(org) British Broadcasting Corporation; BBC; (o) British Broadcasting Corporation; BBC |
見計らい送本 see styles |
mihakaraisouhon / mihakaraisohon みはからいそうほん |
{comp} sending on approval; sending on approbation |
論理けた送り see styles |
ronriketaokuri ろんりけたおくり |
{comp} logical shift; logic shift |
護送船団方式 see styles |
gosousendanhoushiki / gososendanhoshiki ごそうせんだんほうしき |
{econ} convoy system; Japanese economic policy of preventing weaker financial institutions from failing |
貨物運送協会 see styles |
kamotsuunsoukyoukai / kamotsunsokyokai かもつうんそうきょうかい |
(org) Freight Transport Association; FTA; (o) Freight Transport Association; FTA |
資料傳送服務 资料传送服务 see styles |
zī liào chuán sòng fú wù zi1 liao4 chuan2 song4 fu2 wu4 tzu liao ch`uan sung fu wu tzu liao chuan sung fu wu |
data delivery service |
超過送信制御 see styles |
choukasoushinseigyo / chokasoshinsegyo ちょうかそうしんせいぎょ |
{comp} jabber control |
超音速輸送機 see styles |
chouonsokuyusouki / choonsokuyusoki ちょうおんそくゆそうき |
supersonic transport; SST |
転送システム see styles |
tensoushisutemu / tensoshisutemu てんそうシステム |
{comp} transfer system |
連邦放送連盟 see styles |
renpouhousourenmei / renpohosorenme れんぽうほうそうれんめい |
(o) Commonwealth Broadcasting Association |
陸上運送保険 see styles |
rikujouunsouhoken / rikujounsohoken りくじょううんそうほけん |
land transportation insurance |
青森朝日放送 see styles |
aomoriasahihousou / aomoriasahihoso あおもりあさひほうそう |
(place-name) Aomoriasahihousou |
非同期式伝送 see styles |
hidoukishikidensou / hidokishikidenso ひどうきしきでんそう |
{comp} asynchronous transmission |
非等時性伝送 see styles |
hitoujiseidensou / hitojisedenso ひとうじせいでんそう |
{comp} anisochronous transmission |
音声多重放送 see styles |
onseitajuuhousou / onsetajuhoso おんせいたじゅうほうそう |
multiplex broadcast or transmission |
飯浦送水隧道 see styles |
iiurasousuizuidou / iurasosuizuido いいうらそうすいずいどう |
(place-name) Iiurasousuizuidō |
送り側ドライブ see styles |
okurigawadoraibu おくりがわドライブ |
{comp} source drive |
送り吊り落とし see styles |
okuritsuriotoshi おくりつりおとし |
{sumo} rear lifting body slam |
送り引き落とし see styles |
okurihikiotoshi おくりひきおとし |
(sumo) rear pull down |
送信ウィンドウ see styles |
soushinindou / soshinindo そうしんウィンドウ |
{comp} transmit window |
Variations: |
kaisouten / kaisoten かいそうてん |
shipping agent |
Variations: |
yusousen / yusosen ゆそうせん |
oil tanker |
Variations: |
tamaokuri たまおくり |
sending off the spirits of the dead |
アンコール放送 see styles |
ankooruhousou / ankooruhoso アンコールほうそう |
(See 再放送) rebroadcasting; rerun |
カード送り機構 see styles |
kaadookurikikou / kadookurikiko カードおくりきこう |
{comp} card feed |
データ伝送回線 see styles |
deetadensoukaisen / deetadensokaisen データでんそうかいせん |
{comp} data transmission circuit |
データ転送段階 see styles |
deetatensoudankai / deetatensodankai データてんそうだんかい |
{comp} data transfer phase |
データ転送速度 see styles |
deetatensousokudo / deetatensosokudo データてんそうそくど |
{comp} data-transfer rate |
データ送信装置 see styles |
deetasoushinsouchi / deetasoshinsochi データそうしんそうち |
{comp} data source |
メッセージ転送 see styles |
messeejitensou / messeejitenso メッセージてんそう |
{comp} Message Transfer; MT |
ロラン局送信所 see styles |
rorankyokusoushinjo / rorankyokusoshinjo ロランきょくそうしんじょ |
(place-name) Rorankyokusoushinjo |
八戸給油輸送管 see styles |
hachinohekyuuyuyusoukan / hachinohekyuyuyusokan はちのへきゅうゆゆそうかん |
(place-name) Hachinohekyūyuyusoukan |
同期転送モード see styles |
doukitensoumoodo / dokitensomoodo どうきてんそうモード |
{comp} Synchronous Transfer Mode; STM |
回送先住所要求 see styles |
kaisousakijuushoyoukyuu / kaisosakijushoyokyu かいそうさきじゅうしょようきゅう |
{comp} request for forwarding address; PD PR |
工業用水輸送管 see styles |
kougyouyousuiyusoukan / kogyoyosuiyusokan こうぎょうようすいゆそうかん |
(place-name) Kōgyouyousuiyusoukan |
工業用水送水管 see styles |
kougyouyousuisouzukan / kogyoyosuisozukan こうぎょうようすいそうずかん |
(place-name) Kōgyouyousuisouzukan |
放送用人工衛星 see styles |
housouyoujinkoueisei / hosoyojinkoese ほうそうようじんこうえいせい |
{comp} CS; Communication Satellite |
旋轉行李傳送帶 旋转行李传送带 see styles |
xuán zhuǎn xíng li chuán sòng dài xuan2 zhuan3 xing2 li5 chuan2 song4 dai4 hsüan chuan hsing li ch`uan sung tai hsüan chuan hsing li chuan sung tai |
baggage carousel |
東京電力送電所 see styles |
toukyoudenryokusoudenjo / tokyodenryokusodenjo とうきょうでんりょくそうでんじょ |
(place-name) Tōkyōdenryokusoudenjo |
物理的回送禁止 see styles |
butsuritekikaisoukinshi / butsuritekikaisokinshi ぶつりてきかいそうきんし |
{comp} physical forwarding prohibited; PD PR |
物理的回送許可 see styles |
butsuritekikaisoukyoka / butsuritekikaisokyoka ぶつりてきかいそうきょか |
{comp} physical forwarding allowed; PD PR |
白髮人送黑髮人 白发人送黑发人 see styles |
bái fà rén sòng hēi fà rén bai2 fa4 ren2 song4 hei1 fa4 ren2 pai fa jen sung hei fa jen |
to see one's child die before oneself |
自動再送信要求 see styles |
jidousaisoushinyoukyuu / jidosaisoshinyokyu じどうさいそうしんようきゅう |
{comp} Automatic Request for Repetition; ARQ |
航空貨物運送状 see styles |
koukuukamotsuunsoujou / kokukamotsunsojo こうくうかもつうんそうじょう |
air waybill; air consignment note; AWB |
衛星テレビ放送 see styles |
eiseiterebihousou / eseterebihoso えいせいテレビほうそう |
satellite television |
装甲兵員輸送車 see styles |
soukouheiinyusousha / sokohenyusosha そうこうへいいんゆそうしゃ |
armored personnel carrier; APC |
請神容易送神難 请神容易送神难 see styles |
qǐng shén róng yì sòng shén nán qing3 shen2 rong2 yi4 song4 shen2 nan2 ch`ing shen jung i sung shen nan ching shen jung i sung shen nan |
it's easier to invite the devil in than to send him away |
超文本傳送協議 超文本传送协议 see styles |
chāo wén běn chuán sòng xié yì chao1 wen2 ben3 chuan2 song4 xie2 yi4 ch`ao wen pen ch`uan sung hsieh i chao wen pen chuan sung hsieh i |
hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) |
転送穿孔翻訳機 see styles |
tensousenkouhonyakuki / tensosenkohonyakuki てんそうせんこうほんやくき |
{comp} transfer interpreter |
輸送機工業工場 see styles |
yusoukikougyoukoujou / yusokikogyokojo ゆそうきこうぎょうこうじょう |
(place-name) Yusouki Manufacturing Plant |
道路運送車両法 see styles |
dourounsousharyouhou / doronsosharyoho どうろうんそうしゃりょうほう |
{law} Act on Vehicles for Road Transportation |
防衛庁柏送信所 see styles |
boueichoukashiwasoushinjo / boechokashiwasoshinjo ぼうえいちょうかしわそうしんじょ |
(place-name) Boueichōkashiwasoushinjo |
Variations: |
okuriji おくりじ |
(See 踊り字・おどりじ) iteration mark (used to represent repetition of the previous character); ditto mark |
送信側SS利用者 see styles |
soushingawaesuesuriyousha / soshingawaesuesuriyosha そうしんがわエスエスりようしゃ |
{comp} sending SS user |
送信側TS利用者 see styles |
soushingawatiiesuriyousha / soshingawatiesuriyosha そうしんがわティーエスりようしゃ |
{comp} sending TS user |
Variations: |
kaisou / kaiso かいそう |
(noun/participle) (1) forwarding; sending on; redirecting (e.g. mail); (noun/participle) (2) (See 回送車) deadheading (e.g. train) |
Variations: |
sousou / soso そうそう |
(n,vs,adj-no) (1) funeral; burial rites; (n,vs,adj-no) (2) attendance at a funeral |
Variations: |
unsou / unso うんそう |
(noun, transitive verb) transport; freight; shipping |
Variations: |
ketaokuri けたおくり |
{comp} (See けた移動) shift (of binary data) |
Variations: |
niokurinin におくりにん |
consignor |
Variations: |
miokurinin みおくりにん |
someone who has come to say farewell; those who have come to say farewell; people at a send-off |
Variations: |
iiokuru / iokuru いいおくる |
(transitive verb) to send a message; to write to |
おおすみ型輸送艦 see styles |
oosumigatayusoukan / oosumigatayusokan おおすみがたゆそうかん |
Osumi class vehicle transport ship |
イギリス放送協会 see styles |
igirisuhousoukyoukai / igirisuhosokyokai イギリスほうそうきょうかい |
(org) British Broadcasting Corporation; BBC; (o) British Broadcasting Corporation; BBC |
デジタル衛星放送 see styles |
dejitarueiseihousou / dejitaruesehoso デジタルえいせいほうそう |
{comp} Digital Satellite Service; DSS |
ピギーバック輸送 see styles |
pigiibakkuyusou / pigibakkuyuso ピギーバックゆそう |
piggyback system |
ベースバンド伝送 see styles |
beesubandodensou / beesubandodenso ベースバンドでんそう |
{comp} baseband transmission |
ミツヤ送風機工場 see styles |
mitsuyasoufuukikoujou / mitsuyasofukikojo ミツヤそうふうきこうじょう |
(place-name) Mitsuyasoufūki Factory |
伝送ブロック終結 see styles |
densouburokkushuuketsu / densoburokkushuketsu でんそうブロックしゅうけつ |
end of transmission block; ETB |
佐久発電所送水管 see styles |
sakuhatsudenshosousuikan / sakuhatsudenshososuikan さくはつでんしょそうすいかん |
(place-name) Sakuhatsudenshosousuikan |
千葉テレビ放送局 see styles |
chibaterebihousoukyouku / chibaterebihosokyoku ちばテレビほうそうきょうく |
(place-name) Chibaterebihousoukyōku |
国有貨物輸送公社 see styles |
kokuyuukamotsuyusoukousha / kokuyukamotsuyusokosha こくゆうかもつゆそうこうしゃ |
(o) National Freight Corporation |
地上デジタル放送 see styles |
chijoudejitaruhousou / chijodejitaruhoso ちじょうデジタルほうそう |
(See デジタル放送) terrestrial digital broadcasting |
垂直方向書式送り see styles |
suichokuhoukoushoshikiokuri / suichokuhokoshoshikiokuri すいちょくほうこうしょしきおくり |
{comp} vertical tabulation; VT |
宇宙輸送機関協会 see styles |
uchuuyusoukikankyoukai / uchuyusokikankyokai うちゅうゆそうきかんきょうかい |
(o) Space Transportation Association |
日本テレビ放送網 see styles |
nipponterebihousoumou / nipponterebihosomo にっぽんテレビほうそうもう |
(company) Nippon Television Network; (c) Nippon Television Network |
石川島輸送機工場 see styles |
ishikawajimayusoukikoujou / ishikawajimayusokikojo いしかわじまゆそうきこうじょう |
(place-name) Ishikawajimayusouki Factory |
米国公共輸送協会 see styles |
beikokukoukyouyusoukyoukai / bekokukokyoyusokyokai べいこくこうきょうゆそうきょうかい |
(o) American Public Transit Association |
航空局友部送信所 see styles |
koukuukyokutomobesoushinjo / kokukyokutomobesoshinjo こうくうきょくともべそうしんじょ |
(place-name) Kōkuukyokutomobesoushinjo |
複数フレーム伝送 see styles |
fukusuufureemudensou / fukusufureemudenso ふくすうフレームでんそう |
{comp} multiple frame transmission |
親の恩は子で送る see styles |
oyanoonhakodeokuru おやのおんはこでおくる |
(expression) (proverb) one's debt to one's parents is best repaid by giving them grandchildren |
返送内容エントリ see styles |
hensounaiyouentori / hensonaiyoentori へんそうないようエントリ |
{comp} returned-content entry |
電子送稿システム see styles |
denshisoukoushisutemu / denshisokoshisutemu でんしそうこうシステム |
Electronic Data Interchange; EDI system; text transmission system |
非同期転送モード see styles |
hidoukitensoumoodo / hidokitensomoodo ひどうきてんそうモード |
{comp} Asynchronous Transfer Mode; ATM |
Variations: |
okuridasu おくりだす |
(transitive verb) to send out; to forward; to show (a person) out |
送信側エンティティ see styles |
soushingawaentiti / soshingawaentiti そうしんがわエンティティ |
{comp} sending entity; sender |
インターネット放送 see styles |
intaanettohousou / intanettohoso インターネットほうそう |
{internet} webcast; Internet broadcast |
データ転送フェーズ see styles |
deetatensoufeezu / deetatensofeezu データてんそうフェーズ |
{comp} data transfer phase |
バーストモード転送 see styles |
baasutomoodotensou / basutomoodotenso バーストモードてんそう |
{comp} burst-mode transfer; burst operation |
ヨーロッパ放送協会 see styles |
yooroppahousoukyoukai / yooroppahosokyokai ヨーロッパほうそうきょうかい |
(o) European Broadcasting Union; EBU |
伝送制御プロトコル see styles |
densouseigyopurotokoru / densosegyopurotokoru でんそうせいぎょプロトコル |
{comp} Transmission Control Protocol; TCP |
佛滅度後棺斂葬送經 佛灭度后棺敛葬送经 see styles |
fó miè dù hòu guān hān zàng sòng jīng fo2 mie4 du4 hou4 guan1 han1 zang4 song4 jing1 fo mieh tu hou kuan han tsang sung ching Butsu metsudogo kankan sōsō kyō |
Sūtra of Carrying the Coffin to the Grave After the Death of the Buddha |
佛滅度後棺歛葬送經 佛灭度后棺歛葬送经 see styles |
fó miè dù hòu guān hān zàng sòng jīng fo2 mie4 du4 hou4 guan1 han1 zang4 song4 jing1 fo mieh tu hou kuan han tsang sung ching Butsu metsudogo kankan sōsō kyō |
Sūtra of Carrying the Coffin to the Grave After the Death of the Buddha |
光ファイバ伝送技術 see styles |
hikarifaibadensougijutsu / hikarifaibadensogijutsu ひかりファイバでんそうぎじゅつ |
{comp} fibre optics |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "送" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.