There are 1378 total results for your 牛 search. I have created 14 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678910...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
牛肺疫 see styles |
gyuuhaieki / gyuhaieki ぎゅうはいえき ushihaieki うしはいえき |
contagious bovine pleuropneumonia; CBPP |
牛背鷺 牛背鹭 see styles |
niú bèi lù niu2 bei4 lu4 niu pei lu |
(bird species of China) eastern cattle egret (Bubulcus coromandus) |
牛脊肉 see styles |
niú jǐ ròu niu2 ji3 rou4 niu chi jou |
sirloin (beef joint) |
牛脖子 see styles |
niú bó zi niu2 bo2 zi5 niu po tzu |
(coll.) bullheaded; obstinate |
牛脷酥 see styles |
niú lì sū niu2 li4 su1 niu li su |
ox tongue pastry, oval Guangdong pastry made of fried dough, resembling an ox tongue |
牛脾氣 牛脾气 see styles |
niú pí qi niu2 pi2 qi5 niu p`i ch`i niu pi chi |
bullheadedness; stubborn |
牛膝草 see styles |
niú xī cǎo niu2 xi1 cao3 niu hsi ts`ao niu hsi tsao goshitsusō |
hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis) hyssop |
牛臥山 see styles |
ushibuseyama うしぶせやま |
(personal name) Ushibuseyama |
牛舌魚 see styles |
ushinoshita うしのした |
(1) (kana only) cow's tongue; (2) sole (any flatfish of suborder Soleoidei, esp. the tonguefishes of family Cynoglossidae or true soles of family Soleidae) |
牛舎川 see styles |
gyuushagawa / gyushagawa ぎゅうしゃがわ |
(place-name) Gyūshagawa |
牛若丸 see styles |
ushiwakamaru うしわかまる |
(surname) Ushiwakamaru |
牛草山 see styles |
ushikusayama うしくさやま |
(personal name) Ushikusayama |
牛草町 see styles |
ushigusachou / ushigusacho うしぐさちょう |
(place-name) Ushigusachō |
牛落鼻 see styles |
ushiotoshibana うしおとしばな |
(personal name) Ushiotoshibana |
牛蒡剣 see styles |
gobouken / goboken ごぼうけん |
(colloquialism) (archaism) bayonet |
牛蒡薊 see styles |
gobouazami; gobouazami / goboazami; goboazami ごぼうあざみ; ゴボウアザミ |
(kana only) Cirsium dipsacolepis (perennial plant of the thistle family) |
牛袋町 see styles |
ushibukuromachi うしぶくろまち |
(place-name) Ushibukuromachi |
牛袋野 see styles |
ushibukurono うしぶくろの |
(place-name) Ushibukurono |
牛裂き see styles |
ushizaki うしざき |
tying a person's limbs to two or four bulls and making them run in different directions (Warring States-era death penalty) |
牛製品 see styles |
gyuuseihin / gyusehin ぎゅうせいひん |
beef products |
牛角包 see styles |
niú jiǎo bāo niu2 jiao3 bao1 niu chiao pao |
croissant |
牛角山 see styles |
niú jué shān niu2 jue2 shan1 niu chüeh shan Gokaku san |
v. 牛頭山. |
牛角椒 see styles |
niú jiǎo jiāo niu2 jiao3 jiao1 niu chiao chiao |
Cayenne pepper; red pepper; chili |
牛谷内 see styles |
ushiyachi うしやち |
(surname) Ushiyachi |
牛谷川 see styles |
ushitanigawa うしたにがわ |
(place-name) Ushitanigawa |
牛貨洲 牛货洲 see styles |
niú huò zhōu niu2 huo4 zhou1 niu huo chou Gokeshū |
Godānīya, 瞿伽尼 (or 瞿耶尼, or 瞿陀尼) ; 倶助尼; 遇嚩柅; Aparagodāna, 阿鉢唎瞿陀尼, the western of the four continents into which every world is divided, where oxen are the principal product and medium of exchange. |
牛越橋 see styles |
ushikoebashi うしこえばし |
(place-name) Ushikoebashi |
牛踏町 see styles |
ushibumichou / ushibumicho うしぶみちょう |
(place-name) Ushibumichō |
牛軋糖 牛轧糖 see styles |
niú gá táng niu2 ga2 tang2 niu ka t`ang niu ka tang |
(loanword) nougat |
牛軛礁 牛轭礁 see styles |
niú è jiāo niu2 e4 jiao1 niu o chiao |
Niu'e Reef, disputed territory in the South China Sea, claimed by China, Vietnam and the Philippines, aka Whitsun Reef or Julian Felipe Reef |
牛転峠 see styles |
ushikorotouge / ushikorotoge うしころとうげ |
(place-name) Ushikorotōge |
牛込平 see styles |
ushigometai うしごめたい |
(place-name) Ushigometai |
牛追い see styles |
ushioi うしおい |
(1) cattle droving; (2) drover; cowpoke; cowpuncher; (3) running of the bulls; encierro |
牛道川 see styles |
ushimichigawa うしみちがわ |
(place-name) Ushimichigawa |
牛野尾 see styles |
ushinoo うしのお |
(place-name) Ushinoo |
牛野川 see styles |
ushinokawa うしのかわ |
(place-name) Ushinokawa |
牛野谷 see styles |
ushinoya うしのや |
(place-name) Ushinoya |
牛野通 see styles |
ushinodoori うしのどおり |
(place-name) Ushinodoori |
牛鍋屋 see styles |
gyuunabeya / gyunabeya ぎゅうなべや |
(dated) (See 牛鍋) sukiyaki restaurant |
牛間木 see styles |
ushimagi うしまぎ |
(surname) Ushimagi |
牛間田 see styles |
ushimada うしまだ |
(place-name) Ushimada |
牛間舘 see styles |
ushimadate うしまだて |
(place-name) Ushimadate |
牛除崎 see styles |
ushiyokezaki うしよけざき |
(personal name) Ushiyokezaki |
牛頓米 牛顿米 see styles |
niú dùn mǐ niu2 dun4 mi3 niu tun mi |
newton meter, unit of torque (symbol: N⋅m) |
牛頚山 see styles |
ushikubiyama うしくびやま |
(personal name) Ushikubiyama |
牛頭㹴 牛头㹴 see styles |
niú tóu gēng niu2 tou2 geng1 niu t`ou keng niu tou keng |
bull terrier |
牛頭宗 牛头宗 see styles |
niú tóu zōng niu2 tou2 zong1 niu t`ou tsung niu tou tsung Gozu Shū |
Oxhead School |
牛頭山 牛头山 see styles |
niú tóu shān niu2 tou2 shan1 niu t`ou shan niu tou shan ushizuyama うしずやま |
(personal name) Ushizuyama Gośṛṇga 瞿室{M044209}伽 a mountain 13 li from Khotan. One of the same name exists in Kiangning in Kiangsu, which gave its name to a school, the followers of 法融 Fa-jung, called 牛頭山法 Niu-t'ou shan fa, or 牛頭禪 (or 牛頭宗); its fundamental teaching was the unreality of all things, that all is dream, or illusion. |
牛頭梗 牛头梗 see styles |
niú tóu gěng niu2 tou2 geng3 niu t`ou keng niu tou keng |
bull terrier |
牛頭沢 see styles |
gyuutouzawa / gyutozawa ぎゅうとうざわ |
(place-name) Gyūtouzawa |
牛頭犬 牛头犬 see styles |
niú tóu quǎn niu2 tou2 quan3 niu t`ou ch`üan niu tou chüan |
bulldog |
牛頭禪 牛头禅 see styles |
niú tóu chán niu2 tou2 chan2 niu t`ou ch`an niu tou chan Gozu zen |
Niutou Chan |
牛頸山 see styles |
ushikubiyama うしくびやま |
(place-name) Ushikubiyama |
牛頸川 see styles |
ushikubigawa うしくびがわ |
(place-name) Ushikubigawa |
牛飼い see styles |
ushikai うしかい |
cattleman; raising cattle |
牛飼座 see styles |
ushikaiza うしかいざ |
(astron) Bootes (constellation); the Herdsman |
牛飼野 see styles |
ushikaino うしかいの |
(place-name) Ushikaino |
牛首別 see styles |
ushishubetsu うししゅべつ |
(place-name) Ushishubetsu |
牛首山 see styles |
ushikubiyama うしくびやま |
(personal name) Ushikubiyama |
牛首峠 see styles |
ushikubitouge / ushikubitoge うしくびとうげ |
(place-name) Ushikubitōge |
牛首川 see styles |
ushikubigawa うしくびがわ |
(place-name) Ushikubigawa |
牛首谷 see styles |
ushikubidani うしくびだに |
(place-name) Ushikubidani |
牛駄場 see styles |
ushidaba うしだば |
(place-name) Ushidaba |
牛鬼淵 see styles |
ushionibuchi うしおにぶち |
(place-name) Ushionibuchi |
牛魔王 see styles |
niú mó wáng niu2 mo2 wang2 niu mo wang |
Gyuumao |
牛鳴峠 see styles |
ushinakitouge / ushinakitoge うしなきとうげ |
(place-name) Ushinakitōge |
牛黄蓍 see styles |
ushiogi うしおぎ |
(surname) Ushiogi |
牛鼻子 see styles |
niú bí zi niu2 bi2 zi5 niu pi tzu |
key point; crux; (old) Daoist (facetious) |
チー牛 see styles |
chiigyuu / chigyu チーぎゅう |
(net-sl) (derogatory term) (from チーズ牛丼) nerd |
三小牛 see styles |
mitsukouji / mitsukoji みつこうじ |
(place-name) Mitsukouji |
三牛子 see styles |
sangyuushi / sangyushi さんぎゅうし |
(given name) Sangyūshi |
上牛久 see styles |
kamiushiku かみうしく |
(place-name) Kamiushiku |
上牛尾 see styles |
kamiushio かみうしお |
(place-name) Kamiushio |
上牛庭 see styles |
kamiushiniwa かみうしにわ |
(place-name) Kamiushiniwa |
上牛潜 see styles |
kamiushikuguri かみうしくぐり |
(place-name) Kamiushikuguri |
上牛牧 see styles |
kamiushiki かみうしき |
(place-name) Kamiushiki |
上牛鼻 see styles |
kamiushibana かみうしばな |
(place-name) Kamiushibana |
上稲牛 see styles |
kamiinaushi / kaminaushi かみいなうし |
(place-name) Kamiinaushi |
上立牛 see styles |
kamitatsuushi / kamitatsushi かみたつうし |
(place-name) Kamitatsuushi |
下牛尾 see styles |
shimoushio / shimoshio しもうしお |
(place-name, surname) Shimoushio |
下牛潜 see styles |
shimoushikuguri / shimoshikuguri しもうしくぐり |
(place-name) Shimoushikuguri |
下牛潟 see styles |
shimoushigata / shimoshigata しもうしがた |
(place-name) Shimoushigata |
下牛牧 see styles |
shimoushiki / shimoshiki しもうしき |
(place-name) Shimoushiki |
下牛隈 see styles |
shimoushikuma / shimoshikuma しもうしくま |
(place-name) Shimoushikuma |
下牛鼻 see styles |
shimoushibana / shimoshibana しもうしばな |
(place-name) Shimoushibana |
下立牛 see styles |
shimotatsuushi / shimotatsushi しもたつうし |
(place-name) Shimotatsuushi |
中稲牛 see styles |
nakainaushi なかいなうし |
(place-name) Nakainaushi |
中立牛 see styles |
nakatatsuushi / nakatatsushi なかたつうし |
(place-name) Nakatatsuushi |
久牛野 see styles |
kugyuuno / kugyuno くぎゅうの |
(place-name) Kugyūno |
乳牛川 see styles |
chiushigawa ちうしがわ |
(place-name) Chiushigawa |
乳用牛 see styles |
nyuuyougyuu / nyuyogyu にゅうようぎゅう |
milk cow; dairy cattle |
五目牛 see styles |
gomeushi ごめうし |
(place-name) Gomeushi |
人身牛 see styles |
rén shēn niú ren2 shen1 niu2 jen shen niu ninshingo |
Cattle in human shape, stupid ignorant, heedless. |
仔牛肉 see styles |
koushiniku / koshiniku こうしにく |
(food term) veal |
伊奈牛 see styles |
inaushi いなうし |
(place-name) Inaushi |
伊香牛 see styles |
ikaushi いかうし |
(place-name) Ikaushi |
伏牛山 see styles |
fú niú shān fu2 niu2 shan1 fu niu shan |
Funiu mountain range in southwest Henan, an eastern extension of Qinling range 秦嶺山脈|秦岭山脉[Qin2 ling3 shan1 mai4], Shaanxi |
但馬牛 see styles |
tajimaushi; tajimagyuu / tajimaushi; tajimagyu たじまうし; たじまぎゅう |
(1) (esp. 〜うし) Tajima cattle (breed of black Wagyu cattle); (2) (esp. 〜ぎゅう) Tajima beef |
佐牛野 see styles |
sagyuuno / sagyuno さぎゅうの |
(place-name) Sagyūno |
八ッ牛 see styles |
yatsuushi / yatsushi やつうし |
(place-name) Yatsuushi |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "牛" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.