There are 1107 total results for your 放 search. I have created 12 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678910...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
野外放養 野外放养 see styles |
yě wài fàng yǎng ye3 wai4 fang4 yang3 yeh wai fang yang |
free-range (breeding livestock or poultry) |
録音放送 see styles |
rokuonhousou / rokuonhoso ろくおんほうそう |
pre-recorded broadcast |
門戶開放 门户开放 see styles |
mén hù kāi fàng men2 hu4 kai1 fang4 men hu k`ai fang men hu kai fang |
open door policy; Egyptian President Sadat's infitah policy towards investment and relations with Israel |
門戸開放 see styles |
monkokaihou / monkokaiho もんこかいほう |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (yoji) open door policy |
開け放し see styles |
akehanashi あけはなし |
(adj-na,adj-no,n) (1) leaving open; leaving ajar; (2) outspoken; frank |
開け放す see styles |
akehanasu あけはなす |
(transitive verb) to open wide (doors, windows, etc.); to fling open |
開け放つ see styles |
akehanatsu あけはなつ |
(transitive verb) to throw open; to leave open |
開放源碼 开放源码 see styles |
kāi fàng yuán mǎ kai1 fang4 yuan2 ma3 k`ai fang yüan ma kai fang yüan ma |
(computing) open-source |
開放系統 开放系统 see styles |
kāi fàng xì tǒng kai1 fang4 xi4 tong3 k`ai fang hsi t`ung kai fang hsi tung |
open system |
開放経済 see styles |
kaihoukeizai / kaihokezai かいほうけいざい |
(ant: 封鎖経済) open economy |
開放骨折 see styles |
kaihoukossetsu / kaihokossetsu かいほうこっせつ |
open fracture |
陶片追放 see styles |
touhentsuihou / tohentsuiho とうへんついほう |
(noun/participle) (See 貝殻追放) ostracism |
離諸放逸 离诸放逸 see styles |
lí zhū fàng yì li2 zhu1 fang4 yi4 li chu fang i risho hōitsu |
careful |
電界放出 see styles |
denkaihoushutsu / denkaihoshutsu でんかいほうしゅつ |
field emission (electric) |
青森放送 see styles |
aomorihousou / aomorihoso あおもりほうそう |
(place-name) Aomorihousou |
食い放題 see styles |
kuihoudai / kuihodai くいほうだい |
(See 食べ放題) all-you-can-eat |
食べ放題 see styles |
tabehoudai / tabehodai たべほうだい |
all-you-can-eat; eating as much as one likes |
飲み放題 see styles |
nomihoudai / nomihodai のみほうだい |
(exp,adj-no) all you can drink; bottomless cup |
館内放送 see styles |
kannaihousou / kannaihoso かんないほうそう |
public announcement (in a department store, etc.); announcement over an (indoor) public address system |
高歌放吟 see styles |
koukahougin / kokahogin こうかほうぎん |
(yoji) singing at the top of one's voice |
鹿放ケ丘 see styles |
roppougaoka / roppogaoka ろっぽうがおか |
(place-name) Roppougaoka |
黒体放射 see styles |
kokutaihousha / kokutaihosha こくたいほうしゃ |
{physics} black-body radiation |
3K放射 see styles |
sankeehousha / sankeehosha さんケーほうしゃ |
(See 宇宙背景放射) 3K radiation; cosmic background radiation |
Variations: |
houretsu / horetsu ほうれつ |
battery (of artillery, cameras, etc.); barrage |
Variations: |
houratsu / horatsu ほうらつ |
(adjectival noun) licentious; profligate; dissipated; riotous; wild |
Variations: |
houshi / hoshi ほうし |
(adjectival noun) licentious; self-indulgent |
Variations: |
houteki / hoteki ほうてき |
(noun, transitive verb) abandoning; giving up; quitting |
Variations: |
houitsu / hoitsu ほういつ |
(noun or adjectival noun) self-indulgence; looseness; dissoluteness |
放っておく see styles |
hootteoku ほっておく houtteoku / hotteoku ほおっておく |
(exp,v5k) to leave alone; to leave as is; to ignore; to neglect |
放って置く see styles |
hootteoku ほっておく houtteoku / hotteoku ほおっておく |
(exp,v5k) to leave alone; to leave as is; to ignore; to neglect |
放り上げる see styles |
houriageru / horiageru ほうりあげる |
(Ichidan verb) to hurl up |
放り投げる see styles |
hourinageru / horinageru ほうりなげる |
(transitive verb) to throw; to fling; to heave; to toss |
放光般若經 放光般若经 see styles |
fàng guāng bō rě jīng fang4 guang1 bo1 re3 jing1 fang kuang po je ching Hōkō hannya kyō |
Pañcaviṃśati-sāhasrikā-prajñāpāramitā-sūtra |
放士ケ瀬新 see styles |
houjigaseshin / hojigaseshin ほうじがせしん |
(place-name) Houjigaseshin |
放射強制力 see styles |
houshakyouseiryoku / hoshakyoseryoku ほうしゃきょうせいりょく |
radiative forcing |
放射性元素 see styles |
houshaseigenso / hoshasegenso ほうしゃせいげんそ |
{physics} radioelement; radioactive element |
放射性崩壊 see styles |
houshaseihoukai / hoshasehokai ほうしゃせいほうかい |
radioactive decay |
放射性廢物 放射性废物 see styles |
fàng shè xìng fèi wù fang4 she4 xing4 fei4 wu4 fang she hsing fei wu |
radioactive waste |
放射性材料 see styles |
fàng shè xìng cái liào fang4 she4 xing4 cai2 liao4 fang she hsing ts`ai liao fang she hsing tsai liao |
radioactive material |
放射性核種 see styles |
houshaseikakushu / hoshasekakushu ほうしゃせいかくしゅ |
{physics} radionuclide; radioactive nuclide |
放射性核素 see styles |
fàng shè xìng hé sù fang4 she4 xing4 he2 su4 fang she hsing ho su |
radioactive nuclide; radionuclide |
放射性武器 see styles |
fàng shè xìng wǔ qì fang4 she4 xing4 wu3 qi4 fang she hsing wu ch`i fang she hsing wu chi |
radiological weapon |
放射性污染 see styles |
fàng shè xìng wū rǎn fang4 she4 xing4 wu1 ran3 fang she hsing wu jan |
radioactive contamination |
放射性沾染 see styles |
fàng shè xìng zhān rǎn fang4 she4 xing4 zhan1 ran3 fang she hsing chan jan |
radioactive contamination |
放射性活度 see styles |
fàng shè xìng huó dù fang4 she4 xing4 huo2 du4 fang she hsing huo tu |
radioactivity |
放射性炭素 see styles |
houshaseitanso / hoshasetanso ほうしゃせいたんそ |
radiocarbon (i.e. carbon-14) |
放射性煙羽 放射性烟羽 see styles |
fàng shè xìng yān yǔ fang4 she4 xing4 yan1 yu3 fang she hsing yen yü |
radiation plume |
放射性物質 see styles |
houshaseibusshitsu / hoshasebusshitsu ほうしゃせいぶっしつ |
radioactive material |
放射性碎片 see styles |
fàng shè xìng suì piàn fang4 she4 xing4 sui4 pian4 fang she hsing sui p`ien fang she hsing sui pien |
radioactive debris |
放射性系列 see styles |
houshaseikeiretsu / hoshasekeretsu ほうしゃせいけいれつ |
{physics} radioactive series |
放射性肺炎 see styles |
houshaseihaien / hoshasehaien ほうしゃせいはいえん |
{med} radiation pneumonitis |
放射性衰變 放射性衰变 see styles |
fàng shè xìng shuāi biàn fang4 she4 xing4 shuai1 bian4 fang she hsing shuai pien |
radioactive decay |
放射性計時 放射性计时 see styles |
fàng shè xìng jì shí fang4 she4 xing4 ji4 shi2 fang she hsing chi shih |
radiometric dating |
放射性鉱物 see styles |
houshaseikoubutsu / hoshasekobutsu ほうしゃせいこうぶつ |
radioactive mineral |
放射生成物 see styles |
fàng shè shēng chéng wù fang4 she4 sheng1 cheng2 wu4 fang she sheng ch`eng wu fang she sheng cheng wu |
radiogenic material |
放射線分解 see styles |
houshasenbunkai / hoshasenbunkai ほうしゃせんぶんかい |
radiolysis |
放射線化学 see styles |
houshasenkagaku / hoshasenkagaku ほうしゃせんかがく |
radiation chemistry |
放射線医学 see styles |
houshasenigaku / hoshasenigaku ほうしゃせんいがく |
radiology |
放射線技師 see styles |
houshasengishi / hoshasengishi ほうしゃせんぎし |
radiology technician; radiographer |
放射線治療 see styles |
houshasenchiryou / hoshasenchiryo ほうしゃせんちりょう |
radiation therapy |
放射線滅菌 see styles |
houshasenmekkin / hoshasenmekkin ほうしゃせんめっきん |
(noun/participle) radiation sterilization |
放射線療法 see styles |
houshasenryouhou / hoshasenryoho ほうしゃせんりょうほう |
radiation therapy |
放射線科医 see styles |
houshasenkai / hoshasenkai ほうしゃせんかい |
radiologist |
放射線被曝 see styles |
houshasenhibaku / hoshasenhibaku ほうしゃせんひばく |
radiation exposure |
放射線重合 see styles |
houshasenjuugou / hoshasenjugo ほうしゃせんじゅうごう |
radiation-induced polymerization; radiation polymerization |
放射線量計 see styles |
houshasenryoukei / hoshasenryoke ほうしゃせんりょうけい |
(See 線量計) radiation dosimeter |
放射線障害 see styles |
houshasenshougai / hoshasenshogai ほうしゃせんしょうがい |
radiation damage; radiation injury; radiation hazard |
放射能攻撃 see styles |
houshanoukougeki / hoshanokogeki ほうしゃのうこうげき |
radiological attack |
放射能標識 see styles |
houshanouhyoushiki / hoshanohyoshiki ほうしゃのうひょうしき |
radiation warning sign; trefoil; radiation warning symbol |
放射能汚染 see styles |
houshanouosen / hoshanoosen ほうしゃのうおせん |
radioactive contamination |
放射能漏れ see styles |
houshanoumore / hoshanomore ほうしゃのうもれ |
radiation leakage |
放散虫軟泥 see styles |
housanchuunandei / hosanchunande ほうさんちゅうなんでい |
radiolarian ooze |
放熱ファン see styles |
hounetsufan / honetsufan ほうねつファン |
cooling fan; heat exhaust fan |
放置自転車 see styles |
houchijitensha / hochijitensha ほうちじてんしゃ |
illegally-parked bicycle; abandoned bicycle; discarded bicycle |
放課後学習 see styles |
houkagogakushuu / hokagogakushu ほうかごがくしゅう |
after-school education; cram school education |
放送コード see styles |
housoukoodo / hosokoodo ほうそうコード |
broadcasting code; television code; code of practices for television broadcasters |
放送テレビ see styles |
housouterebi / hosoterebi ほうそうテレビ |
{comp} broadcast (as opposed to cable) television |
Variations: |
houteki / hoteki ほうてき |
(noun/participle) abandoning; giving up; quitting |
Variations: |
sohou / soho そほう |
(noun or adjectival noun) rough; careless; reckless; slovenly |
あけっ放し see styles |
akeppanashi あけっぱなし |
(noun or adjectival noun) (1) leaving open; leaving ajar; (2) outspoken; frank |
つけっ放し see styles |
tsukeppanashi つけっぱなし |
(kana only) leaving a device on (e.g. TV, air conditioner); leaving something engaged (e.g. a key in a lock) |
やりっ放し see styles |
yarippanashi やりっぱなし |
(adj-no,adj-na) unfinished; incomplete |
アーク放電 see styles |
aakuhouden / akuhoden アークほうでん |
arc discharge |
グロー放電 see styles |
guroohouden / guroohoden グローほうでん |
glow discharge |
コロナ放電 see styles |
koronahouden / koronahoden コロナほうでん |
corona discharge |
ダム放流水 see styles |
damuhouryuusui / damuhoryusui ダムほうりゅうすい |
discharge water from a dam |
テレビ放送 see styles |
terebihousou / terebihoso テレビほうそう |
telecast |
データ放送 see styles |
deetahousou / deetahoso データほうそう |
{comp} data broadcasting; datacasting |
三郷放水路 see styles |
misatohousuiro / misatohosuiro みさとほうすいろ |
(place-name) Misatohousuiro |
上平放牧場 see styles |
wandaihoubokujou / wandaihobokujo わんだいほうぼくじょう |
(place-name) Wandaihoubokujō |
上沼放牧場 see styles |
kaminumahoubokujou / kaminumahobokujo かみぬまほうぼくじょう |
(place-name) Kaminumahoubokujō |
中央放送局 see styles |
chuuouhousoukyoku / chuohosokyoku ちゅうおうほうそうきょく |
central broadcasting station; central radio station; central television station |
中山放牧場 see styles |
nakayamahoubokujou / nakayamahobokujo なかやまほうぼくじょう |
(place-name) Nakayamahoubokujō |
人工放射能 see styles |
jinkouhoushanou / jinkohoshano じんこうほうしゃのう |
artificial radioactivity |
人民解放軍 人民解放军 see styles |
rén mín jiě fàng jun ren2 min2 jie3 fang4 jun1 jen min chieh fang chün jinminkaihougun / jinminkaihogun じんみんかいほうぐん |
People's Liberation Army People's Liberation Army; PLA |
付けっ放し see styles |
tsukeppanashi つけっぱなし |
(kana only) leaving a device on (e.g. TV, air conditioner); leaving something engaged (e.g. a key in a lock) |
低尾氣排放 低尾气排放 see styles |
dī wěi qì pái fàng di1 wei3 qi4 pai2 fang4 ti wei ch`i p`ai fang ti wei chi pai fang |
low emissions (from car exhaust) |
余目放牧場 see styles |
amarumehoubokujou / amarumehobokujo あまるめほうぼくじょう |
(place-name) Amarumehoubokujō |
借りっ放し see styles |
karippanashi かりっぱなし |
borrowing without returning |
儀表放大器 仪表放大器 see styles |
yí biǎo fàng dà qì yi2 biao3 fang4 da4 qi4 i piao fang ta ch`i i piao fang ta chi |
instrumentation amplifier |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "放" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.