There are 12098 total results for your 三 search. I have created 121 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<...6061626364656667686970...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
第三国 see styles |
daisangoku だいさんごく |
a third country |
第三地 see styles |
dì sān dì di4 san1 di4 ti san ti daisanji |
territory belonging to a third party (as a neutral location for peace negotiations or as a transit point for indirect travel or trade etc) third ground |
第三心 see styles |
dì sān xīn di4 san1 xin1 ti san hsin daisanshin |
third of three progressive contemplations of emptiness |
第三手 see styles |
dì sān shǒu di4 san1 shou3 ti san shou daisanshu |
third hand |
第三方 see styles |
dì sān fāng di4 san1 fang1 ti san fang |
third party |
第三果 see styles |
dì sān guǒ di4 san1 guo3 ti san kuo daisan ka |
third attainment |
第三極 see styles |
daisankyoku だいさんきょく |
(1) third force (e.g. in politics); third pole; (2) Third Pole (i.e. the Hindu Kush Himalayan region) |
第三次 see styles |
daisanji だいさんじ |
(adj-no,n) the third; tertiary |
第三禪 第三禅 see styles |
dì sān chán di4 san1 chan2 ti san ch`an ti san chan daisan zen |
The third dhyāna, a degree of contemplation in which ecstasy gives way to serenity; also a state, or heaven, corresponding to this degree of contemplation, including the third three of the rūpa heavens. |
第三篇 see styles |
dì sān piān di4 san1 pian1 ti san p`ien ti san pien daisanhen |
third rank of offenses in the vinaya |
第三紀 第三纪 see styles |
dì sān jì di4 san1 ji4 ti san chi daisanki だいさんき |
third period; tertiary (geological era since the extinction of the dinosaurs at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary 65 million years ago) the Tertiary period |
第三者 see styles |
dì sān zhě di4 san1 zhe3 ti san che daisansha だいさんしゃ |
sb who is romantically involved with sb already in a committed relationship; the other woman; the other man; third person; third party (in dispute); disinterested party; number three in a list third party; third person; outsider; disinterested person |
第三聚 see styles |
dì sān jù di4 san1 ju4 ti san chü daisan shu |
the third group of offenses |
第三聲 第三声 see styles |
dì sān shēng di4 san1 sheng1 ti san sheng |
third tone in Mandarin; falling-rising tone |
第三趾 see styles |
daisanshi だいさんし |
{med;anat} middle toe |
第三郎 see styles |
daizaburou / daizaburo だいざぶろう |
(male given name) Daizaburō |
範三郎 see styles |
hanzaburou / hanzaburo はんざぶろう |
(male given name) Hanzaburō |
築三町 see styles |
tsukisanchou / tsukisancho つきさんちょう |
(place-name) Tsukisanchō |
篤三郎 see styles |
tokusaburou / tokusaburo とくさぶろう |
(male given name) Tokusaburō |
米三郎 see styles |
yonesaburou / yonesaburo よねさぶろう |
(male given name) Yonesaburō |
粂三郎 see styles |
kumezaburou / kumezaburo くめざぶろう |
(male given name) Kumezaburō |
精三朗 see styles |
seizaburou / sezaburo せいざぶろう |
(male given name) Seizaburō |
精三郎 see styles |
seizaburou / sezaburo せいざぶろう |
(male given name) Seizaburō |
紀三世 see styles |
kimiyo きみよ |
(personal name) Kimiyo |
紀三九 see styles |
kimihisa きみひさ |
(male given name) Kimihisa |
紀三井 see styles |
kimii / kimi きみい |
(surname) Kimii |
紀三代 see styles |
kimiyo きみよ |
(personal name) Kimiyo |
紀三夫 see styles |
kimio きみお |
(personal name) Kimio |
紀三央 see styles |
kimio きみお |
(personal name) Kimio |
紀三子 see styles |
kimiko きみこ |
(female given name) Kimiko |
紀三朗 see styles |
kisaburou / kisaburo きさぶろう |
(male given name) Kisaburō |
紀三武 see styles |
kimitake きみたけ |
(given name) Kimitake |
紀三男 see styles |
kimio きみお |
(given name) Kimio |
紀三緒 see styles |
kimio きみお |
(personal name) Kimio |
紀三郎 see styles |
kisaburou / kisaburo きさぶろう |
(male given name) Kisaburō |
紀三雄 see styles |
kimio きみお |
(personal name) Kimio |
紀世三 see styles |
kiyomi きよみ |
(personal name) Kiyomi |
紀久三 see styles |
kikumi きくみ |
(personal name) Kikumi |
紀代三 see styles |
kiyomi きよみ |
(personal name) Kiyomi |
紀玖三 see styles |
kikumi きくみ |
(personal name) Kikumi |
紅三郎 see styles |
kouzaburou / kozaburo こうざぶろう |
(male given name) Kōzaburō |
紅津三 see styles |
kutsumi くつみ |
(personal name) Kutsumi |
紅通三 see styles |
kutsumi くつみ |
(personal name) Kutsumi |
紅都三 see styles |
kutsumi くつみ |
(personal name) Kutsumi |
紋三郎 see styles |
monzaburou / monzaburo もんざぶろう |
(male given name) Monzaburō |
純三朗 see styles |
junsaburou / junsaburo じゅんさぶろう |
(male given name) Junsaburō |
純三郎 see styles |
junzaburou / junzaburo じゅんざぶろう |
(male given name) Junzaburō |
紗久三 see styles |
sakumi さくみ |
(personal name) Sakumi |
紗喜三 see styles |
sakimi さきみ |
(personal name) Sakimi |
紗樹三 see styles |
sakimi さきみ |
(personal name) Sakimi |
紗玖三 see styles |
sakumi さくみ |
(personal name) Sakumi |
紗紀三 see styles |
sakimi さきみ |
(personal name) Sakimi |
紘三朗 see styles |
kousaburou / kosaburo こうさぶろう |
(male given name) Kōsaburō |
紘三郎 see styles |
kouzaburou / kozaburo こうざぶろう |
(male given name) Kōzaburō |
素三郎 see styles |
motosaburou / motosaburo もとさぶろう |
(male given name) Motosaburō |
紳三朗 see styles |
shinsaburou / shinsaburo しんさぶろう |
(male given name) Shinsaburō |
紳三郎 see styles |
shinzaburou / shinzaburo しんざぶろう |
(male given name) Shinzaburō |
絃三郎 see styles |
genzaburou / genzaburo げんざぶろう |
(male given name) Genzaburō |
経三郎 see styles |
keizaburou / kezaburo けいざぶろう |
(male given name) Keizaburō |
結三子 see styles |
yumiko ゆみこ |
(female given name) Yumiko |
絢三朗 see styles |
kenburou / kenburo けんぶろう |
(personal name) Kenburou |
絵三子 see styles |
emiko えみこ |
(female given name) Emiko |
絵三香 see styles |
emika えみか |
(personal name) Emika |
絵津三 see styles |
etsumi えつみ |
(personal name) Etsumi |
絵都三 see styles |
etsumi えつみ |
(female given name) Etsumi |
綜三朗 see styles |
sousaburou / sosaburo そうさぶろう |
(male given name) Sousaburō |
綜三郎 see styles |
sousaburou / sosaburo そうさぶろう |
(male given name) Sousaburō |
総三朗 see styles |
sousaburou / sosaburo そうさぶろう |
(male given name) Sousaburō |
総三郎 see styles |
souzaburou / sozaburo そうざぶろう |
(male given name) Souzaburō |
緑三郎 see styles |
rokusaburou / rokusaburo ろくさぶろう |
(given name) Rokusaburō |
練三郎 see styles |
renzaburou / renzaburo れんざぶろう |
(male given name) Renzaburō |
縫三郎 see styles |
nuisaburou / nuisaburo ぬいさぶろう |
(male given name) Nuisaburō |
繁三朗 see styles |
shigesaburou / shigesaburo しげさぶろう |
(male given name) Shigesaburō |
繁三郎 see styles |
shigezaburou / shigezaburo しげざぶろう |
(male given name) Shigezaburō |
織三郎 see styles |
shikisaburou / shikisaburo しきさぶろう |
(male given name) Shikisaburō |
繰三朗 see styles |
sousaburou / sosaburo そうさぶろう |
(male given name) Sousaburō |
繰三郎 see styles |
sousaburou / sosaburo そうさぶろう |
(male given name) Sousaburō |
羊三郎 see styles |
youzaburou / yozaburo ようざぶろう |
(male given name) Yōzaburō |
美三夫 see styles |
misao みさお |
(personal name) Misao |
美三奈 see styles |
mimina みみな |
(personal name) Mimina |
美三子 see styles |
mimiko みみこ |
(female given name) Mimiko |
美三男 see styles |
misao みさお |
(given name) Misao |
美三郎 see styles |
yoshisaburou / yoshisaburo よしさぶろう |
(male given name) Yoshisaburō |
美三雄 see styles |
misao みさお |
(given name) Misao |
美代三 see styles |
miyozou / miyozo みよぞう |
(given name) Miyozou |
美喜三 see styles |
mikizou / mikizo みきぞう |
(personal name) Mikizou |
羔三郎 see styles |
kouzaburou / kozaburo こうざぶろう |
(male given name) Kōzaburō |
義三朗 see styles |
gisaburou / gisaburo ぎさぶろう |
(male given name) Gisaburō |
義三郎 see styles |
yoshisaburou / yoshisaburo よしさぶろう |
(male given name) Yoshisaburō |
羽三人 see styles |
umito うみと |
(personal name) Umito |
羽三子 see styles |
umiko うみこ |
(female given name) Umiko |
羽三恵 see styles |
umie うみえ |
(personal name) Umie |
羽三朗 see styles |
wasaburou / wasaburo わさぶろう |
(male given name) Wasaburō |
羽三枝 see styles |
umie うみえ |
(personal name) Umie |
羽三江 see styles |
umie うみえ |
(personal name) Umie |
羽三絵 see styles |
umie うみえ |
(personal name) Umie |
羽三郎 see styles |
wasaburou / wasaburo わさぶろう |
(male given name) Wasaburō |
翔三朗 see styles |
shouzaburou / shozaburo しょうざぶろう |
(male given name) Shouzaburō |
翔三郎 see styles |
shouzaburou / shozaburo しょうざぶろう |
(male given name) Shouzaburō |
老三篇 see styles |
lǎo sān piān lao3 san1 pian1 lao san p`ien lao san pien |
Lao San Pian, three short essays written by Mao Zedong before the PRC was established |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "三" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.