There are 583 total results for your 願 search. I have created 6 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<123456Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
御願い致します see styles |
onegaiitashimasu / onegaitashimasu おねがいいたします |
(expression) (humble language) please |
普賢菩薩行願讚 普贤菩萨行愿讚 see styles |
pǔ xián pú sà xíng yuàn zàn pu3 xian2 pu2 sa4 xing2 yuan4 zan4 p`u hsien p`u sa hsing yüan tsan pu hsien pu sa hsing yüan tsan Fugen bosatsu gyōgan san |
King of Aspirations to Good Conduct |
法門無盡誓願學 法门无尽誓愿学 see styles |
fǎ mén wú jìn shì yuàn xué fa3 men2 wu2 jin4 shi4 yuan4 xue2 fa men wu chin shih yüan hsüeh hōmon mujin seigan gaku |
however inexhaustible the teachings may be, I vow to study them |
法門無量誓願學 法门无量誓愿学 see styles |
fǎ mén wú liáng shì yuàn xué fa3 men2 wu2 liang2 shi4 yuan4 xue2 fa men wu liang shih yüan hsüeh hōmon muryō seigan gaku |
however immeasurable the teachings may be, I vow to study them |
煩惱無數誓願斷 烦恼无数誓愿断 see styles |
fán nǎo wú shǔ shì yuàn duàn fan2 nao3 wu2 shu3 shi4 yuan4 duan4 fan nao wu shu shih yüan tuan bonnō mushu seigan dan |
vowing to eliminate inexhaustible afflictions |
煩惱無盡誓願斷 烦恼无尽誓愿断 see styles |
fán nǎo wú jìn shì yuàn duàn fan2 nao3 wu2 jin4 shi4 yuan4 duan4 fan nao wu chin shih yüan tuan bonnō wa mujin na richi katte danzen koto wo negau |
however inexhaustible afflictions may be, I vow to extinguish them |
白花道場發願文 白花道场发愿文 see styles |
bái huā dào chǎng fā yuàn wén bai2 hua1 dao4 chang3 fa1 yuan4 wen2 pai hua tao ch`ang fa yüan wen pai hua tao chang fa yüan wen Hakke dōjō hotsugan mon |
Vow Made at the White Lotus Enlightenment Site |
相良藩願成寺駅 see styles |
sagarahanganjoujieki / sagarahanganjojieki さがらはんがんじょうじえき |
(st) Sagarahanganjōji Station |
空無相無願三昧 空无相无愿三昧 see styles |
kōng wú xiàng wú yuàn sān mèi kong1 wu2 xiang4 wu2 yuan4 san1 mei4 k`ung wu hsiang wu yüan san mei kung wu hsiang wu yüan san mei kū musō mugan zanmai |
samādhi of emptiness |
藥師如來本願經 药师如来本愿经 see styles |
yào shī rú lái běn yuàn jīng yao4 shi1 ru2 lai2 ben3 yuan4 jing1 yao shih ju lai pen yüan ching Yakushi nyorai hongan kyō |
Scripture on the Original Vows of the Medicine Tathāgata |
藥師本願功德經 药师本愿功德经 see styles |
yào shī běn yuàn gōng dé jīng yao4 shi1 ben3 yuan4 gong1 de2 jing1 yao shih pen yüan kung te ching Yakushi hongan kudoku kyō |
Yaoshi benyuan gongde jing |
衆生無邊誓願度 众生无边誓愿度 see styles |
zhòng shēng wú biān shì yuàn dù zhong4 sheng1 wu2 bian1 shi4 yuan4 du4 chung sheng wu pien shih yüan tu shūjō muhen seigan do |
(I) vow to save all living beings without limit |
西別院町万願寺 see styles |
nishibetsuinchoumanganji / nishibetsuinchomanganji にしべついんちょうまんがんじ |
(place-name) Nishibetsuinchōmanganji |
西別院町萬願寺 see styles |
nishibetsuinchoumanganji / nishibetsuinchomanganji にしべついんちょうまんがんじ |
(place-name) Nishibetsuinchōmanganji |
誓願寺のソテツ see styles |
seiganjinosotetsu / seganjinosotetsu せいがんじのソテツ |
(place-name) Seiganjinosotetsu |
選擇本願念佛集 选择本愿念佛集 see styles |
xuǎn zé běn yuàn niàn fó jí xuan3 ze2 ben3 yuan4 nian4 fo2 ji2 hsüan tse pen yüan nien fo chi Senjaku hongan nembutsu shū |
Senchaku hongan nembutsu shū |
雄山神社祈願殿 see styles |
oyamajinjakiganden おやまじんじゃきがんでん |
(place-name) Oyamajinjakiganden |
Variations: |
ganhodoki がんほどき |
visiting a shrine or temple to give thanks for the fulfilment of a prayer |
願ったり叶ったり see styles |
negattarikanattari ねがったりかなったり |
everything working out as desired |
Variations: |
tangan たんがん |
(noun, transitive verb) entreaty; appeal; petition |
Variations: |
sousakunegai / sosakunegai そうさくねがい |
request for a police search; application to the police to search for a missing person |
Variations: |
jishokunegai じしょくねがい |
(written) resignation; letter of resignation |
Variations: |
taishokunegai たいしょくねがい |
letter of resignation; request for retirement |
お願いいたします see styles |
onegaiitashimasu / onegaitashimasu おねがいいたします |
(expression) (humble language) please |
お願いできますか see styles |
onegaidekimasuka おねがいできますか |
(expression) (honorific or respectful language) may I ask (for); might I ask (that) |
お願い出来ますか see styles |
onegaidekimasuka おねがいできますか |
(expression) (honorific or respectful language) may I ask (for); might I ask (that) |
お願い申し上げる see styles |
onegaimoushiageru / onegaimoshiageru おねがいもうしあげる |
(exp,v1) (humble language) to ask (humbly); to request (humbly) |
中将姫誓願ザクラ see styles |
chuujouhimeseiganzakura / chujohimeseganzakura ちゅうじょうひめせいがんザクラ |
(place-name) Chuujōhimeseiganzakura |
彌勒菩薩發願王偈 弥勒菩萨发愿王偈 see styles |
mí lè pú sà fā yuàn wáng jì mi2 le4 pu2 sa4 fa1 yuan4 wang2 ji4 mi le p`u sa fa yüan wang chi mi le pu sa fa yüan wang chi Miroku bosatsu hotsugannō ge |
Verses on Bodhisattva Maitreya's Vow |
御願いいたします see styles |
onegaiitashimasu / onegaitashimasu おねがいいたします |
(expression) (humble language) please |
西本願寺国府別院 see styles |
nishihonganjikokufubetsuin にしほんがんじこくふべついん |
(place-name) Nishihonganjikokufubetsuin |
Variations: |
negawakuba ねがわくば |
(adverb) (See 願わくは) I pray; I wish |
Variations: |
aisotangan あいそたんがん |
(noun/participle) plea; entreaty; supplication |
城願寺のビャクシン see styles |
jouganjinobyakushin / joganjinobyakushin じょうがんじのビャクシン |
(place-name) Jōganjinobyakushin |
太公釣魚,願者上鉤 太公钓鱼,愿者上钩 see styles |
tài gōng diào yú , yuàn zhě shàng gōu tai4 gong1 diao4 yu2 , yuan4 zhe3 shang4 gou1 t`ai kung tiao yü , yüan che shang kou tai kung tiao yü , yüan che shang kou |
Jiang Ziya is fishing, if you want take the hook (idiom, refers to early sage 姜子牙 fishing with no bait and the hook above the water); to put one's head in the noose |
宜しくお願いします see styles |
yoroshikuonegaishimasu よろしくおねがいします |
(expression) please remember me; please help me; please treat me well; I look forward to working with you |
彌勒菩薩所問本願經 弥勒菩萨所问本愿经 see styles |
mí lè pú sà suǒ wèn běn yuàn jīng mi2 le4 pu2 sa4 suo3 wen4 ben3 yuan4 jing1 mi le p`u sa so wen pen yüan ching mi le pu sa so wen pen yüan ching Miroku bosatsu shomon hongan kyō |
Mi-le p'u-sa so-wen pen-yvan ching |
田港御願の植物群落 see styles |
taminatougannoshokubutsugunraku / taminatogannoshokubutsugunraku たみなとうがんのしょくぶつぐんらく |
(place-name) Taminatougannoshokubutsugunraku |
Variations: |
gankake; gangake(願掛ke, 願掛) がんかけ; がんがけ(願掛け, 願掛) |
(n,vs,vi) making a prayer (to a god or Buddha) |
Variations: |
onegaigoto おねがいごと |
request |
よろしくお願いします see styles |
yoroshikuonegaishimasu よろしくおねがいします |
(expression) please remember me; please help me; please treat me well; I look forward to working with you |
元誓願寺通東堀川東入 see styles |
motoseiganjidoorihigashihorikawahigashiiru / motoseganjidoorihigashihorikawahigashiru もとせいがんじどおりひがしほりかわひがしいる |
(place-name) Motoseiganjidoorihigashihorikawahigashiiru |
姜太公釣魚,願者上鉤 姜太公钓鱼,愿者上钩 see styles |
jiāng tài gōng diào yú , yuàn zhě shàng gōu jiang1 tai4 gong1 diao4 yu2 , yuan4 zhe3 shang4 gou1 chiang t`ai kung tiao yü , yüan che shang kou chiang tai kung tiao yü , yüan che shang kou |
Jiang Ziya is fishing, if you want it, take the hook (idiom, refers to early sage 姜子牙 fishing with no bait and the hook above the water); to put one's head in the noose |
宜しくお願い致します see styles |
yoroshikuonegaiitashimasu / yoroshikuonegaitashimasu よろしくおねがいいたします |
(expression) (honorific or respectful language) please remember me; please help me; please treat me well |
慈氏菩薩誓願陀羅尼經 慈氏菩萨誓愿陀罗尼经 see styles |
cí shì pú sà shì yuàn tuó luó ní jīng ci2 shi4 pu2 sa4 shi4 yuan4 tuo2 luo2 ni2 jing1 tz`u shih p`u sa shih yüan t`o lo ni ching tzu shih pu sa shih yüan to lo ni ching Jishi bosatsu seigan daranikyō |
Dhāraṇī of the Merciful one's Promise |
本願清水イトヨ生息地 see styles |
honganshouzuitoyoseisokuchi / honganshozuitoyosesokuchi ほんがんしょうずイトヨせいそくち |
(place-name) Honganshouzuitoyoseisokuchi |
薑太公釣魚,願者上鉤 姜太公钓鱼,愿者上钩 see styles |
jiāng tài gōng diào yú , yuàn zhě shàng gōu jiang1 tai4 gong1 diao4 yu2 , yuan4 zhe3 shang4 gou1 chiang t`ai kung tiao yü , yüan che shang kou chiang tai kung tiao yü , yüan che shang kou |
Jiang Ziya is fishing, if you want it, take the hook (idiom, refers to early sage 薑子牙|姜子牙 fishing with no bait and the hook above the water); to put one's head in the noose |
Variations: |
negai ねがい |
(1) desire; wish; hope; (2) request; entreaty; plea; appeal; (3) prayer; (n,n-suf) (4) (oft. 願 when used as a suffix) (written) application |
Variations: |
negaigoto ねがいごと |
wish; dream; prayer; one's desire |
Variations: |
ganotateru がんをたてる |
(exp,v1) (See 願をかける) to make a wish (to a god); to pray (for the fulfilment of a wish) |
タイムマシーンにお願い see styles |
taimumashiinnionegai / taimumashinnionegai タイムマシーンにおねがい |
(work) Quantum Leap (television series); (wk) Quantum Leap (television series) |
棒ほど願って針ほど叶う see styles |
bouhodonegatteharihodokanau / bohodonegatteharihodokanau ぼうほどねがってはりほどかなう |
(exp,v5u) (proverb) you can't always get what you want; man plans and God laughs; things don't always turn out the way you hope |
無量壽經優婆提舍願生偈 无量寿经优婆提舍愿生偈 see styles |
wú liáng shòu jīng yōu pó tí shè yuàn shēng jié wu2 liang2 shou4 jing1 you1 po2 ti2 she4 yuan4 sheng1 jie2 wu liang shou ching yu p`o t`i she yüan sheng chieh wu liang shou ching yu po ti she yüan sheng chieh Muryōjukyō ubadaisha ganshō ge |
Treatise on the Sūtra of Limitless Life |
無量壽經優波提舍願生偈 无量寿经优波提舍愿生偈 see styles |
wú liáng shòu jīng yōu bō tí shè yuàn shēng jié wu2 liang2 shou4 jing1 you1 bo1 ti2 she4 yuan4 sheng1 jie2 wu liang shou ching yu po t`i she yüan sheng chieh wu liang shou ching yu po ti she yüan sheng chieh Muryōjukyō upadaisha ganshō ge |
Treatise on the Sūtra of Limitless Life |
Variations: |
negawakuha ねがわくは |
(adverb) (the は is pronounced わ) I pray; I wish |
Variations: |
tangan たんがん |
(noun, transitive verb) entreaty; appeal; petition |
よろしくお願いいたします see styles |
yoroshikuonegaiitashimasu / yoroshikuonegaitashimasu よろしくおねがいいたします |
(expression) (honorific or respectful language) please remember me; please help me; please treat me well |
無量壽經優婆提舍願生偈註 无量寿经优婆提舍愿生偈注 see styles |
wú liáng shòu jīng yōu pó tí shè yuàn shēng jié zhù wu2 liang2 shou4 jing1 you1 po2 ti2 she4 yuan4 sheng1 jie2 zhu4 wu liang shou ching yu p`o t`i she yüan sheng chieh chu wu liang shou ching yu po ti she yüan sheng chieh chu Muryōjukyō ubadaisha ganshōge chū |
Commentary on the Treatise on the Pure Land |
藥師琉璃光如來本願功德經 药师琉璃光如来本愿功德经 see styles |
yào shī liú lí guāng rú lái běn yuàn gōng dé jīng yao4 shi1 liu2 li2 guang1 ru2 lai2 ben3 yuan4 gong1 de2 jing1 yao shih liu li kuang ju lai pen yüan kung te ching Yakushi rurikō nyorai hongan kōtoku kyō |
Original Vows of the Medicine-Master Tathāgata of Lapis Light |
藥師琉璃光如來本願功悳經 药师琉璃光如来本愿功悳经 see styles |
yào shī liú lí guāng rú lái běn yuàn gōng dé jīng yao4 shi1 liu2 li2 guang1 ru2 lai2 ben3 yuan4 gong1 de2 jing1 yao shih liu li kuang ju lai pen yüan kung te ching Yakushi rurikō nyorai hongan kōtoku kyō |
Original Vows of the Medicine-Master Tathāgata of Lapis Light |
藥師瑠璃光七佛本願功悳經 药师瑠璃光七佛本愿功悳经 see styles |
yào shī liú lí guāng qī fó běn yuàn gōng dé jīng yao4 shi1 liu2 li2 guang1 qi1 fo2 ben3 yuan4 gong1 de2 jing1 yao shih liu li kuang ch`i fo pen yüan kung te ching yao shih liu li kuang chi fo pen yüan kung te ching Yakushi rurikō shichibutsu hongan kōtoku kyō |
Original Vows of the Seven Medicine-Master Buddhas of Lapis Light |
Variations: |
negattemonai ねがってもない |
(exp,adj-i) best one could ask for; just what one wants; welcome (news); heaven-sent |
Variations: |
onegai おねがい |
(noun, transitive verb) (1) (polite language) (See 願い・2) request; favour (to ask); wish; (interjection) (2) (See お願いします) please |
本願寺大書院庭園本願寺境内 see styles |
honganjidaishointeienhonganjikeidai / honganjidaishointeenhonganjikedai ほんがんじだいしょいんていえんほんがんじけいだい |
(place-name) Honganjidaishointeienhonganjikeidai |
Variations: |
onegaigoto おねがいごと |
request |
Variations: |
manganjitougarashi / manganjitogarashi まんがんじとうがらし |
Manganji pepper (sweet variety originally from Maizuru, Kyoto) |
在天願做比翼鳥,在地願做連理枝 在天愿做比翼鸟,在地愿做连理枝 see styles |
zài tiān yuàn zuò bǐ yì niǎo , zài dì yuàn zuò lián lǐ zhī zai4 tian1 yuan4 zuo4 bi3 yi4 niao3 , zai4 di4 yuan4 zuo4 lian2 li3 zhi1 tsai t`ien yüan tso pi i niao , tsai ti yüan tso lien li chih tsai tien yüan tso pi i niao , tsai ti yüan tso lien li chih |
In the sky to be two birds flying wing to wing, on earth to be two trees with branches intertwined; wishing for conjugal bliss |
Variations: |
onegaishimasu おねがいします |
(expression) (humble language) please |
Variations: |
ganokakeru がんをかける |
(exp,v1) to make a wish (to a god); to pray (for the fulfilment of a wish) |
Variations: |
onegaidekimasuka おねがいできますか |
(expression) (polite language) (See お願いします) may I ask (for); might I ask (that) |
Variations: |
gankake; gangake がんかけ; がんがけ |
(n,vs,vi) making a prayer (to a god or Buddha) |
Variations: |
negattarikanattari ねがったりかなったり |
everything working out as desired |
Variations: |
negaigoto ねがいごと |
wish; desire; request; prayer |
Variations: |
koinegau こいねがう |
(transitive verb) to beg; to request; to beseech; to implore; to entreat |
虛空藏菩薩能滿諸願最勝心陀羅尼求聞持法 虚空藏菩萨能满诸愿最胜心陀罗尼求闻持法 see styles |
xū kōng zàng pú sà néng mǎn zhū yuàn zuì shèng xīn tuó luó ní qiú wén chí fǎ xu1 kong1 zang4 pu2 sa4 neng2 man3 zhu1 yuan4 zui4 sheng4 xin1 tuo2 luo2 ni2 qiu2 wen2 chi2 fa3 hsü k`ung tsang p`u sa neng man chu yüan tsui sheng hsin t`o lo ni ch`iu wen ch`ih fa hsü kung tsang pu sa neng man chu yüan tsui sheng hsin to lo ni chiu wen chih fa Kokūzō bosatsu nō man shogan saishō shin darani gumonji hō |
Method of the Victorious, Essential Dharāṇi for Having Wishes Heard by Space-Store, the Bodhisattva Who Can Fulfill Requests |
Variations: |
yoroshikuonegaishimasu よろしくおねがいします |
(expression) (1) please remember me; please help me; please treat me well; I look forward to working with you; (expression) (2) please do; please take care of |
Variations: |
koinegawakuha こいねがわくは |
(exp,adv) (the は is pronounced わ) I pray in earnest that; I beg that; I yearn that |
無量壽經優婆提舍願生偈婆藪槃頭菩薩造并註 无量寿经优婆提舍愿生偈婆薮槃头菩萨造并注 see styles |
wú liáng shòu jīng yōu pó tí shè yuàn shēng jié pó sǒu pán tóu pú sà zào bīng zhù wu2 liang2 shou4 jing1 you1 po2 ti2 she4 yuan4 sheng1 jie2 po2 sou3 pan2 tou2 pu2 sa4 zao4 bing1 zhu4 wu liang shou ching yu p`o t`i she yüan sheng chieh p`o sou p`an t`ou p`u sa tsao ping chu wu liang shou ching yu po ti she yüan sheng chieh po sou pan tou pu sa tsao ping chu Muryōjukyō ubadaisha ganshōge basōbanzu bosatsu zōhyōchū |
Commentary on Vasubandhu's Treatise on the Pure Land |
Variations: |
yoroshikuonegaishimasu よろしくおねがいします |
(expression) (1) (polite language) please remember me; please help me; please treat me well; I look forward to working with you; (expression) (2) (polite language) please do; please take care of |
Variations: |
yoroshikuonegaiitashimasu / yoroshikuonegaitashimasu よろしくおねがいいたします |
(expression) (1) (honorific or respectful language) please remember me; please help me; please treat me well; I look forward to working with you; (expression) (2) please do; please take care of |
Variations: |
yoroshikuonegaiitashimasu / yoroshikuonegaitashimasu よろしくおねがいいたします |
(expression) (1) (polite language) please remember me; please help me; please treat me well; I look forward to working with you; (expression) (2) (polite language) please do; please take care of |
Variations: |
onegaiitashimasu / onegaitashimasu おねがいいたします |
(expression) (humble language) (See お願いします) please |
Variations: |
onegaiitashimasu / onegaitashimasu おねがいいたします |
(expression) (humble language) (See お願いします) please |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 83 results for "願" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.