There are 867 total results for your 熱 search. I have created 9 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<123456789>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
熱可塑性 see styles |
netsukasosei / netsukasose ねつかそせい |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) thermoplasticity |
熱塩加納 see styles |
atsushiokanou / atsushiokano あつしおかのう |
(place-name) Atsushiokanou |
熱塩循環 see styles |
netsuenjunkan ねつえんじゅんかん |
thermohaline circulation |
熱島效應 热岛效应 see styles |
rè dǎo xiào yìng re4 dao3 xiao4 ying4 je tao hsiao ying |
urban heat island effect |
熱川温泉 see styles |
atagawaonsen あたがわおんせん |
(place-name) Atagawaonsen |
熱帯医学 see styles |
nettaiigaku / nettaigaku ねったいいがく |
tropical medicine |
熱帯家蚊 see styles |
nettaiieka; nettaiieka / nettaieka; nettaieka ねったいいえか; ネッタイイエカ |
(kana only) southern house mosquito (Culex quinquefasciatus) |
熱帯植物 see styles |
nettaishokubutsu ねったいしょくぶつ |
tropical plant |
熱帯気候 see styles |
nettaikikou / nettaikiko ねったいきこう |
tropical climate |
熱帯縞蚊 see styles |
nettaishimaka ねったいしまか |
(kana only) yellow fever mosquito (Aedes aegypti) |
熱帯雨林 see styles |
nettaiurin ねったいうりん |
tropical forest; tropical rainforest |
熱帶地區 热带地区 see styles |
rè dài dì qū re4 dai4 di4 qu1 je tai ti ch`ü je tai ti chü |
the tropics |
熱帶雨林 热带雨林 see styles |
rè dài yǔ lín re4 dai4 yu3 lin2 je tai yü lin |
tropical rain forest |
熱帶風暴 热带风暴 see styles |
rè dài fēng bào re4 dai4 feng1 bao4 je tai feng pao |
tropical storm |
熱延鋼板 see styles |
netsuenkouhan / netsuenkohan ねつえんこうはん |
hot-rolled steel sheet |
熱情款待 热情款待 see styles |
rè qíng kuǎn dài re4 qing2 kuan3 dai4 je ch`ing k`uan tai je ching kuan tai |
to provide warm hospitality |
熱情洋溢 热情洋溢 see styles |
rè qíng yáng yì re4 qing2 yang2 yi4 je ch`ing yang i je ching yang i |
brimming with enthusiasm (idiom); full of warmth |
熱核反応 see styles |
netsukakuhannou / netsukakuhanno ねつかくはんのう |
thermonuclear reaction |
熱核武器 热核武器 see styles |
rè hé wǔ qì re4 he2 wu3 qi4 je ho wu ch`i je ho wu chi |
fusion weapon; thermonuclear weapon |
熱氣騰騰 热气腾腾 see styles |
rè qì téng téng re4 qi4 teng2 teng2 je ch`i t`eng t`eng je chi teng teng |
piping hot |
熱水溶液 see styles |
nessuiyoueki / nessuiyoeki ねっすいようえき |
{geol} hydrothermal solution |
熱水鉱床 see styles |
nessuikoushou / nessuikosho ねっすいこうしょう |
hydrothermal deposit |
熱活性化 see styles |
netsukasseika / netsukasseka ねつかっせいか |
{chem} thermal activation |
熱海新道 see styles |
atamishindou / atamishindo あたみしんどう |
(place-name) Atamishindō |
熱海梅園 see styles |
atamibaien あたみばいえん |
(place-name) Atami Plum Garden |
熱海街道 see styles |
atamikaidou / atamikaido あたみかいどう |
(place-name) Atamikaidō |
熱淚盈眶 热泪盈眶 see styles |
rè lèi yíng kuàng re4 lei4 ying2 kuang4 je lei ying k`uang je lei ying kuang |
eyes brimming with tears of excitement (idiom); extremely moved |
熱火朝天 热火朝天 see styles |
rè huǒ cháo tiān re4 huo3 chao2 tian1 je huo ch`ao t`ien je huo chao tien |
in full swing (idiom); (in a) frenzy; buzzing with activity |
熱炒熱賣 热炒热卖 see styles |
rè chǎo rè mài re4 chao3 re4 mai4 je ch`ao je mai je chao je mai |
lit. to sell hot food freshly cooked; fig. to teach what one has just learned; enthusiasm of the new convert |
熱狂ぶり see styles |
nekkyouburi / nekkyoburi ねっきょうぶり |
craze; frenzy; enthusiasm |
熱狂振り see styles |
nekkyouburi / nekkyoburi ねっきょうぶり |
craze; frenzy; enthusiasm |
熱田充克 see styles |
atsutamitsuyoshi あつたみつよし |
(person) Atsuta Mitsuyoshi |
熱田神宮 see styles |
atsutajinguu / atsutajingu あつたじんぐう |
(place-name) Atsutajinguu |
熱田西町 see styles |
atsutanishimachi あつたにしまち |
(place-name) Atsutanishimachi |
熱盛蕎麦 see styles |
atsumorisoba あつもりそば |
(food term) warm soba noodles (esp. for dipping, either served after being boiled, or cooled and then rewarmed) |
熱硬化剤 see styles |
netsukoukazai / netsukokazai ねつこうかざい |
hardener (catalyst in hardening thermosetting materials) |
熱硬化物 see styles |
netsukoukabutsu / netsukokabutsu ねつこうかぶつ |
thermosetting material (esp. plastics and resins) |
熱血教師 see styles |
nekketsukyoushi / nekketsukyoshi ねっけつきょうし |
enthusiastic schoolteacher; passionate teacher |
熱血沸騰 热血沸腾 see styles |
rè xuè - fèi téng re4 xue4 - fei4 teng2 je hsüeh - fei t`eng je hsüeh - fei teng |
(idiom) to be fired up; to have one's blood racing; to be burning (with excitement, passion, anger etc) |
熱血男児 see styles |
nekketsudanji ねっけつだんじ |
(See 熱血漢) hot-blooded man |
熱連球菌 热连球菌 see styles |
rè lián qiú jun re4 lian2 qiu2 jun1 je lien ch`iu chün je lien chiu chün |
Streptococcus thermophilus |
熱郛原野 see styles |
neppugenya ねっぷげんや |
(place-name) Neppugenya |
熱量單位 热量单位 see styles |
rè liàng dān wèi re4 liang4 dan1 wei4 je liang tan wei |
thermal unit; unit of heat |
熱鐡地獄 热鐡地狱 see styles |
rè tiě dì yù re4 tie3 di4 yu4 je t`ieh ti yü je tieh ti yü netsutetsu jigoku |
The hell of red-hot iron (pills). |
しゃく熱 see styles |
shakunetsu しゃくねつ |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) red hot; white hot; scorching heat; incandescence |
デング熱 see styles |
dengunetsu デングねつ |
dengue fever |
プール熱 see styles |
puurunetsu / purunetsu プールねつ |
{med} pharyngoconjunctival fever |
マルタ熱 see styles |
marutanetsu マルタねつ |
Malta fever (variety of brucellosis caused by the bacteria Brucella melitensis) |
ラッサ熱 see styles |
rassanetsu ラッサねつ |
Lassa fever |
乾熱滅菌 see styles |
kannetsumekkin かんねつめっきん |
dry-heat sterilization; hot-air sterilization |
亜熱帯林 see styles |
anettairin あねったいりん |
subtropical forest |
人工排熱 see styles |
jinkouhainetsu / jinkohainetsu じんこうはいねつ |
artificial exhaust heat |
伊豆熱川 see styles |
izuatsugawa いずあつがわ |
(place-name) Izuatsugawa |
伝熱工学 see styles |
dennetsukougaku / dennetsukogaku でんねつこうがく |
heat transfer engineering |
光熱水費 see styles |
kounetsusuihi / konetsusuihi こうねつすいひ |
light, heating and water utility costs |
八寒八熱 八寒八热 see styles |
bā hán bā rè ba1 han2 ba1 re4 pa han pa je hachikan hachinetsu |
The eight cold and eight hot hells. |
八熱地獄 八热地狱 see styles |
bā rè dì yù ba1 re4 di4 yu4 pa je ti yü hachi netsu jigoku |
v. 八大地獄. |
冷嘲熱諷 冷嘲热讽 see styles |
lěng cháo rè fěng leng3 chao2 re4 feng3 leng ch`ao je feng leng chao je feng |
frigid irony and scorching satire (idiom); to mock and ridicule |
冷熱度數 冷热度数 see styles |
lěng rè dù shù leng3 re4 du4 shu4 leng je tu shu |
temperature (esp. of medical patient) |
冷熱発電 see styles |
reinetsuhatsuden / renetsuhatsuden れいねつはつでん |
cold energy power generation (e.g. from LNG) |
加熱むら see styles |
kanetsumura かねつむら |
uneven heating of food (esp. in a microwave) |
加熱処理 see styles |
kanetsushori かねつしょり |
heat treatment; heating |
加熱殺菌 see styles |
kanetsusakkin かねつさっきん |
(noun/participle) heat sterilization |
加熱調理 see styles |
kanetsuchouri / kanetsuchori かねつちょうり |
(noun, transitive verb) cooking with heat |
勉強熱心 see styles |
benkyounesshin / benkyonesshin べんきょうねっしん |
(adjectival noun) hardworking; studious |
吸熱反応 see styles |
kyuunetsuhannou / kyunetsuhanno きゅうねつはんのう |
{chem} (ant: 発熱反応・はつねつはんのう) endothermic reaction; endothermal reaction; endoergic reaction |
地熱発電 see styles |
chinetsuhatsuden; jinetsuhatsuden ちねつはつでん; じねつはつでん |
geothermal electric power generation |
地熱資源 地热资源 see styles |
dì rè zī yuán di4 re4 zi1 yuan2 ti je tzu yüan |
geothermal resources |
地熱電站 地热电站 see styles |
dì rè diàn zhàn di4 re4 dian4 zhan4 ti je tien chan |
geothermal electric power station |
大熱地獄 大热地狱 see styles |
dà rè dì yù da4 re4 di4 yu4 ta je ti yü dainetsu jigoku |
extremely scorching hot hell |
寒熱往来 see styles |
kannetsuourai / kannetsuorai かんねつおうらい |
alternating chills and fever |
強熱減量 see styles |
kyounetsugenryou / kyonetsugenryo きょうねつげんりょう |
{chem} loss on ignition; ignition loss; LOI |
忽冷忽熱 忽冷忽热 see styles |
hū lěng hū rè hu1 leng3 hu1 re4 hu leng hu je |
now hot, now cold; (of one's mood, affection etc) to alternate |
打得火熱 打得火热 see styles |
dǎ de huǒ rè da3 de5 huo3 re4 ta te huo je |
(idiom) to be on very good terms with each other; to hit it off with sb; to be passionately in love with each other; to carry on intimately with; (of trading, conflict etc) to be in full swing |
打鐵趁熱 打铁趁热 see styles |
dǎ tiě chèn rè da3 tie3 chen4 re4 ta t`ieh ch`en je ta tieh chen je |
strike the iron while it's hot (idiom) |
撲熱息痛 扑热息痛 see styles |
pū rè xī tòng pu1 re4 xi1 tong4 p`u je hsi t`ung pu je hsi tung |
paracetamol (loanword) |
放熱反應 放热反应 see styles |
fàng rè fǎn yìng fang4 re4 fan3 ying4 fang je fan ying |
exothermic reaction |
政冷経熱 see styles |
seireikeinetsu / serekenetsu せいれいけいねつ |
cold political relations but hot economic relations (often said about China-Japan relations) |
断熱近似 see styles |
dannetsukinji だんねつきんじ |
{physics} adiabatic approximation |
断熱過程 see styles |
dannetsukatei / dannetsukate だんねつかてい |
{physics} adiabatic process |
新熱帯区 see styles |
shinnettaiku しんねったいく |
Neotropical (region); Neotropics |
新熱帶界 新热带界 see styles |
xīn rè dài jiè xin1 re4 dai4 jie4 hsin je tai chieh |
Neotropic (ecozone) |
旅遊熱點 旅游热点 see styles |
lǚ yóu rè diǎn lu:3 you2 re4 dian3 lü yu je tien |
a hot tourist attraction; a tourist trap |
旧熱帯区 see styles |
kyuunettaiku / kyunettaiku きゅうねったいく |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) Paleotropical (region) |
極熱地獄 极热地狱 see styles |
jí rè dì yù ji2 re4 di4 yu4 chi je ti yü gokunetsu jigoku |
Pratāpana; Mahātāpana; the hottest hell, the seventh of the eight hells. |
水深火熱 水深火热 see styles |
shuǐ shēn huǒ rè shui3 shen1 huo3 re4 shui shen huo je |
deep water and scorching fire; abyss of suffering (idiom) |
海底熱泉 海底热泉 see styles |
hǎi dǐ rè quán hai3 di3 re4 quan2 hai ti je ch`üan hai ti je chüan |
(marine geology) hydrothermal vent |
温熱療法 see styles |
onnetsuryouhou / onnetsuryoho おんねつりょうほう |
thermotherapy |
滿腔熱忱 满腔热忱 see styles |
mǎn qiāng rè chén man3 qiang1 re4 chen2 man ch`iang je ch`en man chiang je chen |
full of enthusiasm |
潜熱蓄熱 see styles |
sennetsuchikunetsu せんねつちくねつ |
latent heat storage |
炎熱地獄 炎热地狱 see styles |
yán rè dì yù yan2 re4 di4 yu4 yen je ti yü ennetsujigoku えんねつじごく |
{Buddh} flames of hell Tapana, the hell of burning or roasting, the sixth of the eight hot hells, where 24 hours equal 2,600 years on earth, life lasting 16,000 years. |
炒熱氣氛 炒热气氛 see styles |
chǎo rè qì fēn chao3 re4 qi4 fen1 ch`ao je ch`i fen chao je chi fen |
to liven up the atmosphere |
炙手可熱 炙手可热 see styles |
zhì shǒu kě rè zhi4 shou3 ke3 re4 chih shou k`o je chih shou ko je |
lit. burn your hand, feel the heat (idiom); fig. arrogance of the powerful; a mighty figure no-one dares approach; hot (exciting or in favor) |
無熱惱池 无热恼池 see styles |
wú rèn ǎo chí wu2 ren4 ao3 chi2 wu jen ao ch`ih wu jen ao chih mu netsunō chi |
Anavatapta |
無線熱點 无线热点 see styles |
wú xiàn rè diǎn wu2 xian4 re4 dian3 wu hsien je tien |
Wi-Fi hotspot |
焦熱地獄 焦热地狱 see styles |
jiāo rè dì yù jiao1 re4 di4 yu4 chiao je ti yü shounetsujigoku / shonetsujigoku しょうねつじごく |
(yoji) burning hell; inferno Tapana, the sixth of the eight hot hells; the 焦熱大焦熱 is the seventh, i.e. Pratāpana. |
生炒熱賣 生炒热卖 see styles |
shēng chǎo rè mài sheng1 chao3 re4 mai4 sheng ch`ao je mai sheng chao je mai |
to sell while it's still hot (idiom); fig. in a great hurry to publish or sell (and no time to improve the product) |
発熱反応 see styles |
hatsunetsuhannou / hatsunetsuhanno はつねつはんのう |
{chem} (ant: 吸熱反応・きゅうねつはんのう) exothermic reaction; exothermal reaction; exoergic reaction |
白熱電球 see styles |
hakunetsudenkyuu / hakunetsudenkyu はくねつでんきゅう |
(See 電球) light bulb; incandescent light bulb |
知冷知熱 知冷知热 see styles |
zhī lěng zhī rè zhi1 leng3 zhi1 re4 chih leng chih je |
to know whether others are cold or hot (idiom); to be very considerate |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "熱" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.