There are 1155 total results for your 情 search. I have created 12 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678910...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
情有獨鍾 情有独钟 see styles |
qíng yǒu dú zhōng qing2 you3 du2 zhong1 ch`ing yu tu chung ching yu tu chung |
to have a special fondness (for something) |
情有獨鐘 情有独钟 see styles |
qíng yǒu dú zhōng qing2 you3 du2 zhong1 ch`ing yu tu chung ching yu tu chung |
to have a feeling for something (affection, sympathy, passion etc) |
情有理無 情有理无 see styles |
qíng yǒu lǐ wú qing2 you3 li3 wu2 ch`ing yu li wu ching yu li wu jōu rimu |
Empirically or sentiently existing, in essence or reality non-existent. |
情比金堅 情比金坚 see styles |
qíng bǐ jīn jiān qing2 bi3 jin1 jian1 ch`ing pi chin chien ching pi chin chien |
love is more solid than gold (idiom) |
情況証拠 see styles |
joukyoushouko / jokyoshoko じょうきょうしょうこ |
(yoji) circumstantial evidence |
情無情數 情无情数 see styles |
qíng wú qíng shù qing2 wu2 qing2 shu4 ch`ing wu ch`ing shu ching wu ching shu jō mujō shu |
counted among the sentient and the insentient |
情無所係 情无所系 see styles |
qíng wú suǒ xì qing2 wu2 suo3 xi4 ch`ing wu so hsi ching wu so hsi jō mushokei |
[one's] sentiments are unattached |
情状酌量 see styles |
joujoushakuryou / jojoshakuryo じょうじょうしゃくりょう |
(n,vs,vt,vi) (yoji) taking the extenuating circumstances into consideration |
情生智隔 see styles |
qíng shēng zhì gé qing2 sheng1 zhi4 ge2 ch`ing sheng chih ko ching sheng chih ko jōshō chikaku |
when a thought arises wisdom is obstructed |
情真意切 see styles |
qíng zhēn - yì qiè qing2 zhen1 - yi4 qie4 ch`ing chen - i ch`ieh ching chen - i chieh |
(idiom) sincere; heartfelt |
情知らず see styles |
nasakeshirazu なさけしらず |
coldhearted; pitiless; merciless; heartless |
情竇初開 情窦初开 see styles |
qíng dòu chū kāi qing2 dou4 chu1 kai1 ch`ing tou ch`u k`ai ching tou chu kai |
first awakening of love (usually of a girl) (idiom) |
情緒價值 情绪价值 see styles |
qíng xù jià zhí qing2 xu4 jia4 zhi2 ch`ing hsü chia chih ching hsü chia chih |
emotional value |
情緒商數 情绪商数 see styles |
qíng xù shāng shù qing2 xu4 shang1 shu4 ch`ing hsü shang shu ching hsü shang shu |
emotional intelligence quotient (EQ) |
情緒智商 情绪智商 see styles |
qíng xù zhì shāng qing2 xu4 zhi4 shang1 ch`ing hsü chih shang ching hsü chih shang |
emotional intelligence (EQ) |
情緒狀態 情绪状态 see styles |
qíng xù zhuàng tài qing2 xu4 zhuang4 tai4 ch`ing hsü chuang t`ai ching hsü chuang tai |
emotional state |
情緒纏綿 see styles |
jouchotenmen / jochotenmen じょうちょてんめん joushotenmen / joshotenmen じょうしょてんめん |
(n,adj-na,adj-no,adj-t,adv-to) (archaism) (yoji) tender sentiments; being overcome with emotions; having a tender feeling (for a person) |
情緒纒綿 see styles |
jouchotenmen / jochotenmen じょうちょてんめん joushotenmen / joshotenmen じょうしょてんめん |
(n,adj-na,adj-no,adj-t,adv-to) (archaism) (yoji) tender sentiments; being overcome with emotions; having a tender feeling (for a person) |
情緒障害 see styles |
jouchoshougai; joushoshougai / jochoshogai; joshoshogai じょうちょしょうがい; じょうしょしょうがい |
(noun/participle) (suffering) an emotional disturbance |
情趣商店 see styles |
qíng qù shāng diàn qing2 qu4 shang1 dian4 ch`ing ch`ü shang tien ching chü shang tien |
adult shop |
情趣玩具 see styles |
qíng qù wán jù qing2 qu4 wan2 ju4 ch`ing ch`ü wan chü ching chü wan chü |
sex toy |
情趣用品 see styles |
qíng qù yòng pǐn qing2 qu4 yong4 pin3 ch`ing ch`ü yung p`in ching chü yung pin |
adult product; sex toy |
情趣酒店 see styles |
qíng qù jiǔ diàn qing2 qu4 jiu3 dian4 ch`ing ch`ü chiu tien ching chü chiu tien |
love hotel |
情逾骨肉 see styles |
qíng yú gǔ ròu qing2 yu2 gu3 rou4 ch`ing yü ku jou ching yü ku jou |
feelings deeper than for one's own flesh and blood (idiom); deep friendship |
情隨事遷 情随事迁 see styles |
qíng suí shì qiān qing2 sui2 shi4 qian1 ch`ing sui shih ch`ien ching sui shih chien |
feelings change with circumstances (idiom) |
情非得已 see styles |
qíng fēi dé yǐ qing2 fei1 de2 yi3 ch`ing fei te i ching fei te i |
compelled by the circumstances (to do something); (have) no other choice (but do something); (used as a pun in romance) can't help but fall in love |
ああ無情 see styles |
aamujou / amujo ああむじょう |
(work) Les Miserables (novel by Victor Hugo); (wk) Les Miserables (novel by Victor Hugo) |
どこ情報 see styles |
dokojouhou / dokojoho どこじょうほう |
(expression) (colloquialism) where did you hear that?; who did you get that from? |
一切有情 see styles |
yī qiè yǒu qíng yi1 qie4 you3 qing2 i ch`ieh yu ch`ing i chieh yu ching issai ujō |
一切衆生 All sentient beings. |
一廂情願 一厢情愿 see styles |
yī xiāng qíng yuàn yi1 xiang1 qing2 yuan4 i hsiang ch`ing yüan i hsiang ching yüan |
one's own wishful thinking |
一往情深 see styles |
yī wǎng qíng shēn yi1 wang3 qing2 shen1 i wang ch`ing shen i wang ching shen |
deeply attached; devoted |
一相情願 一相情愿 see styles |
yī xiāng qíng yuàn yi1 xiang1 qing2 yuan4 i hsiang ch`ing yüan i hsiang ching yüan |
one's own wishful thinking |
一見鍾情 一见钟情 see styles |
yī jiàn zhōng qíng yi1 jian4 zhong1 qing2 i chien chung ch`ing i chien chung ching |
to fall in love at first sight (idiom) |
一見鐘情 一见钟情 see styles |
yī jiàn zhōng qíng yi1 jian4 zhong1 qing2 i chien chung ch`ing i chien chung ching |
love at first sight (idiom) |
七情六欲 see styles |
qī qíng - liù yù qi1 qing2 - liu4 yu4 ch`i ch`ing - liu yü chi ching - liu yü |
(idiom) various emotions and desires |
下情無任 下情无任 see styles |
xià qíng wú rén xia4 qing2 wu2 ren2 hsia ch`ing wu jen hsia ching wu jen ajō munin |
ordinary person with no responsibilities |
下町人情 see styles |
shitamachininjou / shitamachininjo したまちにんじょう |
the warm feelings of people of the traditional commercial and working-class neighborhoods |
下町情緒 see styles |
shitamachijoucho / shitamachijocho したまちじょうちょ |
the friendly atmosphere of the traditional commercial and working-class neighborhoods |
不分情由 see styles |
bù fēn qíng yóu bu4 fen1 qing2 you2 pu fen ch`ing yu pu fen ching yu |
indiscriminate |
不情之請 不情之请 see styles |
bù qíng zhī qǐng bu4 qing2 zhi1 qing3 pu ch`ing chih ch`ing pu ching chih ching |
(humble expression) my presumptuous request |
不要情報 see styles |
fuyoujouhou / fuyojoho ふようじょうほう |
{comp} garbage |
不解風情 不解风情 see styles |
bù jiě fēng qíng bu4 jie3 feng1 qing2 pu chieh feng ch`ing pu chieh feng ching |
unromantic; insensitive |
不近人情 see styles |
bù jìn - rén qíng bu4 jin4 - ren2 qing2 pu chin - jen ch`ing pu chin - jen ching |
(idiom) not amenable to reason; unreasonable |
世態人情 see styles |
setaininjou / setaininjo せたいにんじょう |
(yoji) (contemporary) customs and behavior; the picture of people's life in the contemporary world |
世界情勢 see styles |
sekaijousei / sekaijose せかいじょうせい |
world situation; world affairs |
主情主義 see styles |
shujoushugi / shujoshugi しゅじょうしゅぎ |
emotionalism |
九有情居 see styles |
jiǔ yǒu qíng jū jiu3 you3 qing2 ju1 chiu yu ch`ing chü chiu yu ching chü ku ujō ko |
(or 九有情處), 九衆生居, 九居, 九門, see also 九有, 九地, 九禪 and 九定; the nine happy abodes or states of sentient beings of the 長阿含經 9; they are the 七識住seven abodes or stages of perception or consciousness to which are added the fifth and ninth below: (1) 欲界之人天 the world and the six deva-heavens of desire in which there is variety of bodies (or personalities) and thinking (or ideas); (2) 梵衆天the three brahma heavens where bodies differ but thinking is the same, the first dhyāna heaven; (3) 極光淨天 the three bright and pure heavens where bodies are identical but thinking diners, the second dhyāna heaven; (4) 遍淨天the three universally pure heavens where bodies and thinking are the same, the third dhyāna heaven; (5) 無想天 the no-thinking or no-thought heaven, the highest of the four dhyāna heavens; (6) 空無邊處 limitless space, the first of the formless realms; (7) 識無邊處 limitless percepton, the second ditto; (8) 無所有處 nothingness, the place beyond things, the third ditto; and (9) 非想非非想beyond thought or non-thought, the fourth ditto. |
九有情處 九有情处 see styles |
jiǔ yǒu qíng chù jiu3 you3 qing2 chu4 chiu yu ch`ing ch`u chiu yu ching chu ku ujō sho |
nine abodes of sentient beings |
九界情執 九界情执 see styles |
jiǔ jiè qíng zhí jiu3 jie4 qing2 zhi2 chiu chieh ch`ing chih chiu chieh ching chih kukai jōshū |
nine realms of retribution of afflictions |
事情聴取 see styles |
jijouchoushu / jijochoshu じじょうちょうしゅ |
(noun/participle) inquiry; enquiry; investigation; (police) interview; questioning (e.g. witness, suspect); hearing |
事情要做 see styles |
shì qíng yào zuò shi4 qing2 yao4 zuo4 shih ch`ing yao tso shih ching yao tso |
work that needs to be done; business that needs to be attended to |
交情匪淺 交情匪浅 see styles |
jiāo qíng fěi qiǎn jiao1 qing2 fei3 qian3 chiao ch`ing fei ch`ien chiao ching fei chien |
to be very close; to understand each other |
交通事情 see styles |
koutsuujijou / kotsujijo こうつうじじょう |
traffic conditions (e.g. heavy traffic); transportation situation (e.g. bad roads) |
交通情報 see styles |
koutsuujouhou / kotsujoho こうつうじょうほう |
traffic report; information on traffic flow; transportation information |
人は情け see styles |
hitohanasake ひとはなさけ |
(expression) (proverb) be kind to others; one good turn deserves another |
人之常情 see styles |
rén zhī cháng qíng ren2 zhi1 chang2 qing2 jen chih ch`ang ch`ing jen chih chang ching |
human nature (idiom); a behavior that is only natural |
人情世故 see styles |
rén qíng shì gù ren2 qing2 shi4 gu4 jen ch`ing shih ku jen ching shih ku |
worldly wisdom; the ways of the world; to know how to get on in the world |
人情味兒 人情味儿 see styles |
rén qíng wèi r ren2 qing2 wei4 r5 jen ch`ing wei r jen ching wei r |
erhua variant of 人情味[ren2 qing2 wei4] |
人情負け see styles |
ninjoumake / ninjomake にんじょうまけ |
overcome by sympathy |
人情風俗 see styles |
ninjoufuuzoku / ninjofuzoku にんじょうふうぞく |
manners, customs and popular sentiments |
企業情報 see styles |
kigyoujouhou / kigyojoho きぎょうじょうほう |
corporate information |
伉儷情深 伉俪情深 see styles |
kàng lì qíng shēn kang4 li4 qing2 shen1 k`ang li ch`ing shen kang li ching shen |
married couple very much in love; deep conjugal love |
会社情報 see styles |
kaishajouhou / kaishajoho かいしゃじょうほう |
corporate information |
位置情報 see styles |
ichijouhou / ichijoho いちじょうほう |
location information (as used by location-based services, e.g. GPS position) |
你情我願 你情我愿 see styles |
nǐ qíng wǒ yuàn ni3 qing2 wo3 yuan4 ni ch`ing wo yüan ni ching wo yüan |
to both be willing; mutual consent |
信用情報 see styles |
shinyoujouhou / shinyojoho しんようじょうほう |
credit status; credit standing; credit record; credit information |
個人情報 see styles |
kojinjouhou / kojinjoho こじんじょうほう |
personal information |
入力情報 see styles |
nyuuryokujouhou / nyuryokujoho にゅうりょくじょうほう |
input |
入情入理 see styles |
rù qíng rù lǐ ru4 qing2 ru4 li3 ju ch`ing ju li ju ching ju li |
sensible and reasonable (idiom) |
全情投入 see styles |
quán qíng tóu rù quan2 qing2 tou2 ru4 ch`üan ch`ing t`ou ju chüan ching tou ju |
to put one's heart and soul into |
兩廂情願 两厢情愿 see styles |
liǎng xiāng qíng yuàn liang3 xiang1 qing2 yuan4 liang hsiang ch`ing yüan liang hsiang ching yüan |
both sides are willing; by mutual consent |
兩情兩願 两情两愿 see styles |
liǎng qíng liǎng yuàn liang3 qing2 liang3 yuan4 liang ch`ing liang yüan liang ching liang yüan |
by mutual consent (north China dialect) |
兩情相悅 两情相悦 see styles |
liǎng qíng xiāng yuè liang3 qing2 xiang1 yue4 liang ch`ing hsiang yüeh liang ching hsiang yüeh |
(of a couple) to be harmonious; to be each other's sunshine |
兩相情願 两相情愿 see styles |
liǎng xiāng qíng yuàn liang3 xiang1 qing2 yuan4 liang hsiang ch`ing yüan liang hsiang ching yüan |
both sides are willing; by mutual consent |
冷淡無情 see styles |
reitanmujou / retanmujo れいたんむじょう |
(noun or adjectival noun) cold-hearted; callous; pitiless; unsympathetic |
冷酷無情 冷酷无情 see styles |
lěng kù wú qíng leng3 ku4 wu2 qing2 leng k`u wu ch`ing leng ku wu ching reikokumujou / rekokumujo れいこくむじょう |
cold-hearted; unfeeling; callous (noun or adjectival noun) (yoji) cruel and heartless; merciless; implacable |
利有情事 see styles |
lì yǒu qíng shì li4 you3 qing2 shi4 li yu ch`ing shih li yu ching shih ri ujō ji |
activities that elevate the conditions of sentient beings |
利樂有情 利乐有情 see styles |
lì lè yǒu qíng li4 le4 you3 qing2 li le yu ch`ing li le yu ching riraku ujō |
To bless and give joy to the living, or sentient, the work of a bodhisattva. |
動情激素 动情激素 see styles |
dòng qíng jī sù dong4 qing2 ji1 su4 tung ch`ing chi su tung ching chi su |
estrogen |
化生有情 see styles |
huà shēng yǒu qíng hua4 sheng1 you3 qing2 hua sheng yu ch`ing hua sheng yu ching keshō ujō |
miraculously-born sentient beings |
危険情報 see styles |
kikenjouhou / kikenjoho きけんじょうほう |
information about a danger; danger warning; risk information |
去情顯性 去情显性 see styles |
qù qíng xiǎn xìng qu4 qing2 xian3 xing4 ch`ü ch`ing hsien hsing chü ching hsien hsing kojō kenshō |
abandon discriminations and return to one's original nature |
反臉無情 反脸无情 see styles |
fǎn liǎn wú qíng fan3 lian3 wu2 qing2 fan lien wu ch`ing fan lien wu ching |
to turn one's face against sb and show no mercy (idiom); to turn against a friend |
台所事情 see styles |
daidokorojijou / daidokorojijo だいどころじじょう |
(idiom) financial situation |
合乎情理 see styles |
hé hū qíng lǐ he2 hu1 qing2 li3 ho hu ch`ing li ho hu ching li |
reasonable; to make sense |
合情合理 see styles |
hé qíng hé lǐ he2 qing2 he2 li3 ho ch`ing ho li ho ching ho li |
reasonable and fair (idiom) |
合意情死 see styles |
gouijoushi / goijoshi ごういじょうし |
double suicide |
含情脈脈 含情脉脉 see styles |
hán qíng mò mò han2 qing2 mo4 mo4 han ch`ing mo mo han ching mo mo |
full of tender feelings (idiom); tender-hearted |
国内事情 see styles |
kokunaijijou / kokunaijijo こくないじじょう |
internal (domestic) affairs |
国民感情 see styles |
kokuminkanjou / kokuminkanjo こくみんかんじょう |
national mood; national sentiment; national feeling |
国際情勢 see styles |
kokusaijousei / kokusaijose こくさいじょうせい |
international situation |
國情咨文 国情咨文 see styles |
guó qíng zī wén guo2 qing2 zi1 wen2 kuo ch`ing tzu wen kuo ching tzu wen |
speech delivered by a head of state to the legislature (e.g. (USA) State of the Union Address, (Russia) Address to the Federal Assembly etc) |
土味情話 土味情话 see styles |
tǔ wèi qíng huà tu3 wei4 qing2 hua4 t`u wei ch`ing hua tu wei ching hua |
cheesy pick-up lines |
地図情報 see styles |
chizujouhou / chizujoho ちずじょうほう |
cartographic information; information from a map |
地震情報 see styles |
jishinjouhou / jishinjoho じしんじょうほう |
earthquake information |
基本情報 see styles |
kihonjouhou / kihonjoho きほんじょうほう |
basic information |
墜入情網 坠入情网 see styles |
zhuì rù qíng wǎng zhui4 ru4 qing2 wang3 chui ju ch`ing wang chui ju ching wang |
to fall in love |
多情仏心 see styles |
tajoubusshin / tajobusshin たじょうぶっしん |
(yoji) fickle but kind-hearted |
多情多恨 see styles |
tajoutakon / tajotakon たじょうたこん |
(n,adj-no,adj-na) (yoji) sensibility; (having) many worries and regrets |
多情多感 see styles |
tajoutakan / tajotakan たじょうたかん |
(noun or adjectival noun) (yoji) sentimental; being full of emotions; having tender sensibilities |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "情" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.