There are 970 total results for your 廣 search. I have created 10 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678910>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
鍵廣 see styles |
kagihiro かぎひろ |
(surname) Kagihiro |
鎰廣 see styles |
kagihiro かぎひろ |
(surname) Kagihiro |
鑑廣 see styles |
kagamihiro かがみひろ |
(surname) Kagamihiro |
長廣 see styles |
nagahiro ながひろ |
(surname) Nagahiro |
門廣 see styles |
monhiro もんひろ |
(surname) Monhiro |
関廣 see styles |
sekihiro せきひろ |
(surname) Sekihiro |
隅廣 see styles |
sumihiro すみひろ |
(surname) Sumihiro |
隆廣 see styles |
takahiro たかひろ |
(given name) Takahiro |
雅廣 see styles |
masahiro まさひろ |
(given name) Masahiro |
雪廣 see styles |
yukihiro ゆきひろ |
(surname) Yukihiro |
霜廣 see styles |
shimohiro しもひろ |
(surname) Shimohiro |
青廣 see styles |
aohiro あおひろ |
(personal name) Aohiro |
靖廣 see styles |
yasuhiro やすひろ |
(given name) Yasuhiro |
頼廣 see styles |
yorihiro よりひろ |
(surname) Yorihiro |
高廣 高广 see styles |
gāo guǎng gao1 guang3 kao kuang takahiro たかひろ |
(surname) Takahiro high and broad |
廣の海 see styles |
hironoumi / hironomi ひろのうみ |
(surname) Hironoumi |
廣ヶ崎 see styles |
hirogasaki ひろがさき |
(surname) Hirogasaki |
廣一郎 see styles |
hiroichirou / hiroichiro ひろいちろう |
(male given name) Hiroichirō |
廣之進 see styles |
hironoshin ひろのしん |
(personal name) Hironoshin |
廣井脩 see styles |
hiroiosamu ひろいおさむ |
(person) Hiroi Osamu (1946-) |
廣亜貴 see styles |
hiroaki ひろあき |
(given name) Hiroaki |
廣交會 广交会 see styles |
guǎng jiāo huì guang3 jiao1 hui4 kuang chiao hui |
China Export Commodities Fair also known as the Canton Fair |
廣佐古 see styles |
hirosako ひろさこ |
(personal name) Hirosako |
廣元市 广元市 see styles |
guǎng yuán shì guang3 yuan2 shi4 kuang yüan shih |
Guangyuan, prefecture-level city in Sichuan Province 四川省[Si4chuan1 Sheng3] |
廣内武 see styles |
hirouchitakeshi / hirochitakeshi ひろうちたけし |
(person) Hirouchi Takeshi (1942.11-) |
廣分別 广分别 see styles |
guǎng fēn bié guang3 fen1 bie2 kuang fen pieh kō funbetsu |
extensively distinguished |
廣南縣 广南县 see styles |
guǎng nán xiàn guang3 nan2 xian4 kuang nan hsien |
Guangnan county in Wenshan Zhuang and Miao autonomous prefecture 文山壯族苗族自治州|文山壮族苗族自治州[Wen2 shan1 Zhuang4 zu2 Miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan |
廣博身 广博身 see styles |
guǎng bó shēn guang3 bo2 shen1 kuang po shen kōhaku shin |
The one whose body fills space, Vairocana. |
廣原海 see styles |
wadatsumi わだつみ |
(surname) Wadatsumi |
廣告主 广告主 see styles |
guǎng gào zhǔ guang3 gao4 zhu3 kuang kao chu |
advertiser |
廣告位 广告位 see styles |
guǎng gào wèi guang3 gao4 wei4 kuang kao wei |
ad space; ad slot |
廣告商 广告商 see styles |
guǎng gào shāng guang3 gao4 shang1 kuang kao shang |
advertising company |
廣告欄 广告栏 see styles |
guǎng gào lán guang3 gao4 lan2 kuang kao lan |
advertising column (in a newspaper); bulletin board |
廣告片 广告片 see styles |
guǎng gào piàn guang3 gao4 pian4 kuang kao p`ien kuang kao pien |
advertising film; TV commercial |
廣告牌 广告牌 see styles |
guǎng gào pái guang3 gao4 pai2 kuang kao p`ai kuang kao pai |
billboard |
廣告衫 广告衫 see styles |
guǎng gào shān guang3 gao4 shan1 kuang kao shan |
promotional T-shirt; CL:件[jian4] |
廣善寺 see styles |
kouzenji / kozenji こうぜんじ |
(place-name) Kōzenji |
廣嚴城 广严城 see styles |
guǎng yán chéng guang3 yan2 cheng2 kuang yen ch`eng kuang yen cheng Kōgon Jō |
Vaiśālī, broad ornate city, cf. 毘. |
廣域市 广域市 see styles |
guǎng yù shì guang3 yu4 shi4 kuang yü shih |
metropolitan city, South Korean analog of PRC municipality 直轄市|直辖市[zhi2 xia2 shi4] |
廣域網 广域网 see styles |
guǎng yù wǎng guang3 yu4 wang3 kuang yü wang |
wide area network; WAN |
廣場舞 广场舞 see styles |
guǎng chǎng wǔ guang3 chang3 wu3 kuang ch`ang wu kuang chang wu |
square dancing, an exercise routine performed to music in public squares, parks and plazas, popular esp. among middle-aged and retired women in China |
廣大心 广大心 see styles |
guǎng dà xīn guang3 da4 xin1 kuang ta hsin kōdaishin |
vast mind |
廣大慧 广大慧 see styles |
guǎng dà huì guang3 da4 hui4 kuang ta hui kōdai e |
vast wisdom |
廣大施 广大施 see styles |
guǎng dà shī guang3 da4 shi1 kuang ta shih kōdai se |
vast charity |
廣大智 广大智 see styles |
guǎng dà zhì guang3 da4 zhi4 kuang ta chih kōdai chi |
The vast wisdom of Buddha beyond measure. |
廣大會 广大会 see styles |
guǎng dà huì guang3 da4 hui4 kuang ta hui kōdai e |
The centre where vast virtues meet, a term for Amitābha. |
廣大法 广大法 see styles |
guǎng dà fǎ guang3 da4 fa3 kuang ta fa kōdai hō |
vast, great, teaching |
廣大福 广大福 see styles |
guǎng dà fú guang3 da4 fu2 kuang ta fu kōdai fuku |
vast merit |
廣大願 广大愿 see styles |
guǎng dà yuàn guang3 da4 yuan4 kuang ta yüan kōdai gan |
vast vow [to save sentient beings] |
廣太郎 see styles |
hirotarou / hirotaro ひろたろう |
(male given name) Hirotarō |
廣學寶 广学宝 see styles |
guǎng xué bǎo guang3 xue2 bao3 kuang hsüeh pao kōgaku hō |
extensive scholarship funds |
廣安市 广安市 see styles |
guǎng ān shì guang3 an1 shi4 kuang an shih |
Guang'an, prefecture-level city in Sichuan Province 四川省[Si4chuan1 Sheng3] |
廣安門 广安门 see styles |
guǎng ān mén guang3 an1 men2 kuang an men |
Guanganmen in Xuanwu 宣武區|宣武区 district of southwest Beijing |
廣宗縣 广宗县 see styles |
guǎng zōng xiàn guang3 zong1 xian4 kuang tsung hsien |
Guangzong county in Xingtai 邢台[Xing2 tai2], Hebei |
廣宣說 广宣说 see styles |
guǎng xuān shuō guang3 xuan1 shuo1 kuang hsüan shuo kō sensetsu |
to explain at length |
廣寧縣 广宁县 see styles |
guǎng níng xiàn guang3 ning2 xian4 kuang ning hsien |
Guangning county in Zhaoqing 肇慶|肇庆[Zhao4 qing4], Guangdong |
廣島屋 see styles |
hiroshimaya ひろしまや |
(surname) Hiroshimaya |
廣島縣 广岛县 see styles |
guǎng dǎo xiàn guang3 dao3 xian4 kuang tao hsien |
Hiroshima prefecture, Japan |
廣州市 广州市 see styles |
guǎng zhōu shì guang3 zhou1 shi4 kuang chou shih |
Guangzhou, sub-provincial city and capital of Guangdong Province 廣東省|广东省[Guang3dong1 Sheng3] |
廣平縣 广平县 see styles |
guǎng píng xiàn guang3 ping2 xian4 kuang p`ing hsien kuang ping hsien |
Guangping county in Handan 邯鄲|邯郸[Han2 dan1], Hebei |
廣建立 广建立 see styles |
guǎng jiàn lì guang3 jian4 li4 kuang chien li kō kenryū |
to elaborate at length |
廣徳寺 see styles |
koutokuji / kotokuji こうとくじ |
(place-name) Kōtokuji |
廣德市 广德市 see styles |
guǎng dé shì guang3 de2 shi4 kuang te shih |
Guangde, a county-level city in Xuancheng 宣城[Xuan1cheng2], Anhui |
廣德縣 广德县 see styles |
guǎng dé shì guang3 de2 shi4 kuang te shih |
Guangde, a county-level city in Xuancheng 宣城[Xuan1cheng2], Anhui |
廣我崎 see styles |
hirogasaki ひろがさき |
(surname) Hirogasaki |
廣播劇 广播剧 see styles |
guǎng bō jù guang3 bo1 ju4 kuang po chü |
radio drama |
廣播員 广播员 see styles |
guǎng bō yuán guang3 bo1 yuan2 kuang po yüan |
(radio) broadcaster |
廣播室 广播室 see styles |
guǎng bō shì guang3 bo1 shi4 kuang po shih |
broadcasting room |
廣播網 广播网 see styles |
guǎng bō wǎng guang3 bo1 wang3 kuang po wang |
network |
廣文類 广文类 see styles |
guǎng wén lèi guang3 wen2 lei4 kuang wen lei Kō monrui |
Extensive Collected Passages |
廣昌縣 广昌县 see styles |
guǎng chāng xiàn guang3 chang1 xian4 kuang ch`ang hsien kuang chang hsien |
Guangchang county in Fuzhou 撫州|抚州, Jiangxi |
廣東人 广东人 see styles |
guǎng dōng rén guang3 dong1 ren2 kuang tung jen |
Cantonese (people) |
廣東省 广东省 see styles |
guǎng dōng shěng guang3 dong1 sheng3 kuang tung sheng |
Guangdong Province, capital Guangzhou 廣州市|广州市[Guang3zhou1 Shi4] (abbr. to 粵|粤[Yue4]) |
廣東話 广东话 see styles |
guǎng dōng huà guang3 dong1 hua4 kuang tung hua |
Cantonese language |
廣松渉 see styles |
hiromatsuwataru ひろまつわたる |
(person) Hiromatsu Wataru |
廣果天 广果天 see styles |
guǎng guǒ tiān guang3 guo3 tian1 kuang kuo t`ien kuang kuo tien kōka ten |
Bṛhatphala, the twelfth brahmaloka, the third of the eight heavens of the fourth dhyāna realm of form. |
廣水市 广水市 see styles |
guǎng shuǐ shì guang3 shui3 shi4 kuang shui shih |
Guangshui, county-level city in Suizhou 隨州|随州[Sui2 zhou1], Hubei |
廣河縣 广河县 see styles |
guǎng hé xiàn guang3 he2 xian4 kuang ho hsien |
Guanghe County in Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture 臨夏回族自治州|临夏回族自治州[Lin2 xia4 Hui2 zu2 Zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Gansu |
廣津留 see styles |
hirotsuru ひろつる |
(surname) Hirotsuru |
廣漢市 广汉市 see styles |
guǎng hàn shì guang3 han4 shi4 kuang han shih |
Guanghan, county-level city in Deyang 德陽|德阳[De2 yang2], Sichuan |
廣澤恵 see styles |
hirosawakei / hirosawake ひろさわけい |
(person) Hirosawa Kei (1962.1.6-) |
廣澤流 广泽流 see styles |
guǎng zé liú guang3 ze2 liu2 kuang tse liu Hirosawa ryū |
Hirosawa School |
廣濟寺 see styles |
kousaiji / kosaiji こうさいじ |
(place-name) Kōsaiji |
廣瀬川 see styles |
hirosegawa ひろせがわ |
(surname) Hirosegawa |
廣瀬純 see styles |
hirosejun ひろせじゅん |
(person) Hirose Jun |
廣無量 广无量 see styles |
guǎng wú liáng guang3 wu2 liang2 kuang wu liang kō muryō |
limitlessly vast |
廣百論 广百论 see styles |
guǎng bǎi lùn guang3 bai3 lun4 kuang pai lun Kōhyaku ron |
Catuhśataka-śāstra-kārikā |
廣目天 广目天 see styles |
guǎng mù tiān guang3 mu4 tian1 kuang mu t`ien kuang mu tien Kōmokuten |
Virupaksa (on of the Four Heavenly Kings) The wide-eyed deva, Virūpākṣa, diversely-eyed, having deformed eyes, an epithet of Śiva, as represented with three eyes; name of one of the four Mahārājas, he who guards the west. |
廣福寺 see styles |
koufukuji / kofukuji こうふくじ |
(place-name) Kōfukuji |
廣緣識 广缘识 see styles |
guǎng yuán shì guang3 yuan2 shi4 kuang yüan shih kōenshiki |
consciousness with a wide range of referents |
廣藿香 广藿香 see styles |
guǎng huò xiāng guang3 huo4 xiang1 kuang huo hsiang |
(botany) patchouli (Pogostemon cablin) |
廣西省 广西省 see styles |
guǎng xī shěng guang3 xi1 sheng3 kuang hsi sheng |
Guangxi Province, which in 1958 became Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region 廣西壯族自治區|广西壮族自治区[Guang3xi1 Zhuang4zu2 Zi4zhi4qu1], capital Nanning 南寧|南宁[Nan2ning2] |
廣角鏡 广角镜 see styles |
guǎng jiǎo jìng guang3 jiao3 jing4 kuang chiao ching |
wide-angle lens |
廣說者 广说者 see styles |
guǎng shuō zhě guang3 shuo1 zhe3 kuang shuo che kōsetsu sha |
the detailed explanation |
廣豐縣 广丰县 see styles |
guǎng fēng xiàn guang3 feng1 xian4 kuang feng hsien |
Guangfeng county in Shangrao 上饒|上饶, Jiangxi |
廣辞林 see styles |
koujirin / kojirin こうじりん |
(wk) Kōjirin (Japanese dictionary published by Sanseido) |
廣道純 see styles |
hiromichijun ひろみちじゅん |
(person) Hiromichi Jun |
廣部泉 see styles |
hirobeizumi / hirobezumi ひろべいずみ |
(person) Hirobe Izumi |
廣重綾 see styles |
hiroshigeaya ひろしげあや |
(person) Hiroshige Aya (1992.12.20-) |
廣長舌 广长舌 see styles |
guǎng cháng shé guang3 chang2 she2 kuang ch`ang she kuang chang she kōchō zetsu |
A broad and long tongue, one of the thirty-two marks of a Buddha, big enough to cover his face; it is also one of the 'marvels' in the Lotus Sūtra. |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "廣" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.