There are 1464 total results for your 座 search. I have created 15 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678910...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
仙女座 see styles |
xiān nǚ zuò xian1 nu:3 zuo4 hsien nü tso |
Andromeda (constellation) |
仙王座 see styles |
xiān wáng zuò xian1 wang2 zuo4 hsien wang tso |
Cepheus (constellation) |
伊左座 see styles |
isaza いさざ |
(place-name) Isaza |
伊座並 see styles |
izanami いざなみ |
(surname) Izanami |
伊座利 see styles |
izari いざり |
(place-name) Izari |
伊座敷 see styles |
izashiki いざしき |
(place-name) Izashiki |
佐古座 see styles |
sakonza さこんざ |
(place-name) Sakonza |
倒座兒 倒座儿 see styles |
dào zuò r dao4 zuo4 r5 tao tso r |
the north-facing room opposite the master's in a siheyuan 四合院[si4 he2 yuan4] |
側座核 see styles |
sokuzakaku そくざかく |
(See 脳内) nucleus accumbens (part of the forebrain) |
八重座 see styles |
yaeza やえざ |
(surname) Yaeza |
六座町 see styles |
rokuzamachi ろくざまち |
(place-name) Rokuzamachi |
円座橋 see styles |
enzabashi えんざばし |
(place-name) Enzabashi |
円座町 see styles |
enzachou / enzacho えんざちょう |
(place-name) Enzachō |
円座駅 see styles |
enzaeki えんざえき |
(st) Enza Station |
前座領 see styles |
maezane まえざね |
(surname) Maezane |
劍魚座 剑鱼座 see styles |
jiàn yú zuò jian4 yu2 zuo4 chien yü tso |
Dorado (constellation) |
北冕座 see styles |
běi miǎn zuò bei3 mian3 zuo4 pei mien tso |
Corona Borealis (constellation) |
北御座 see styles |
kitagoza きたござ |
(place-name) Kitagoza |
十字座 see styles |
juujiza / jujiza じゅうじざ |
(rare) {astron} Crux (constellation) |
十座沢 see styles |
juuzasawa / juzasawa じゅうざさわ |
(place-name) Jūzasawa |
千座川 see styles |
senzagawa せんざがわ |
(personal name) Senzagawa |
南冕座 see styles |
nán miǎn zuò nan2 mian3 zuo4 nan mien tso |
Corona Australis (constellation) |
南御座 see styles |
minamigoza みなみござ |
(place-name) Minamigoza |
南新座 see styles |
minamishinza みなみしんざ |
(place-name) Minamishinza |
南極座 南极座 see styles |
nán jí zuò nan2 ji2 zuo4 nan chi tso |
Octans (constellation) |
南魚座 南鱼座 see styles |
nán yú zuò nan2 yu2 zuo4 nan yü tso minaminouoza / minaminooza みなみのうおざ |
Piscis Austrinus (constellation) (astron) Piscis Austrinus (constellation); the Southern Fish |
単座機 see styles |
tanzaki たんざき |
single-seated plane; single-seater |
博愛座 博爱座 see styles |
bó ài zuò bo2 ai4 zuo4 po ai tso |
priority seat (on a bus etc) (Tw) |
即座に see styles |
sokuzani そくざに |
(adverb) (See 即座) immediately; right away; on the spot |
双子座 see styles |
futagoza ふたござ |
More info & calligraphy: Gemini Zodiac Symbol / Sign |
口座係 see styles |
kouzakakari / kozakakari こうざかかり |
teller (in bank) |
古座岩 see styles |
kozaiwa こざいわ |
(surname) Kozaiwa |
古座川 see styles |
kozagawa こざがわ |
(place-name, surname) Kozagawa |
古座橋 see styles |
kozabashi こざばし |
(place-name) Kozabashi |
古座町 see styles |
kozachou / kozacho こざちょう |
(place-name) Kozachō |
古座谷 see styles |
kozaya こざや |
(surname) Kozaya |
古座部 see styles |
kozabe こざべ |
(place-name) Kozabe |
古座野 see styles |
kozano こざの |
(surname) Kozano |
古座駅 see styles |
kozaeki こざえき |
(st) Koza Station |
名嘉座 see styles |
nakaza なかざ |
(surname) Nakaza |
名宣座 see styles |
nanoriza なのりざ |
(irregular kanji usage) (obscure) upstage right (on a noh stage) |
名画座 see styles |
meigaza / megaza めいがざ |
revival house; repertory cinema; theater showing classic films |
后髮座 后发座 see styles |
hòu fà zuò hou4 fa4 zuo4 hou fa tso |
Coma Berenices (constellation) |
呉座井 see styles |
kurezai くれざい |
(surname) Kurezai |
呉座谷 see styles |
gozatani ござたに |
(surname) Gozatani |
呉服座 see styles |
kurehaza くれはざ |
(person) Kurehaza |
和座川 see styles |
wazagawa わざがわ |
(place-name) Wazagawa |
唧筒座 see styles |
jī tǒng zuò ji1 tong3 zuo4 chi t`ung tso chi tung tso |
Antlia (constellation) |
圓規座 圆规座 see styles |
yuán guī zuò yuan2 gui1 zuo4 yüan kuei tso |
Circinus (constellation) |
土下座 see styles |
dogeza どげざ |
(n,vs,vi) kneeling down on the ground; prostrate oneself |
地球座 see styles |
chikyuuza / chikyuza ちきゅうざ |
(place-name) The Globe Theatre |
地謡座 see styles |
jiutaiza じうたいざ |
(See 地謡) noh chorus seating area; side stage (noh) |
基因座 see styles |
jī yīn zuò ji1 yin1 zuo4 chi yin tso |
(genetics) locus |
堰蜓座 see styles |
yàn tíng zuò yan4 ting2 zuo4 yen t`ing tso yen ting tso |
Chamaeleon (constellation) |
夏座敷 see styles |
natsuzashiki なつざしき |
(See 襖・ふすま,障子) room arranged for the summer (by removing screens and doors to improve air flow) |
大座池 see styles |
daizaike だいざいけ |
(place-name) Daizaike |
大座畑 see styles |
oozahata おおざはた |
(surname) Oozahata |
大法座 see styles |
dà fǎ zuò da4 fa3 zuo4 ta fa tso dai hōza |
the great Dharma-seat |
大熊座 see styles |
dà xióng zuò da4 xiong2 zuo4 ta hsiung tso oogumaza おおぐまざ |
Ursa Major, the Great Bear (constellation) Ursa Major (constellation) |
大犬座 see styles |
dà quǎn zuò da4 quan3 zuo4 ta ch`üan tso ta chüan tso ooinuza おおいぬざ |
Canis Major (constellation) Canis Major (constellation); the Greater Dog |
天兔座 see styles |
tiān tù zuò tian1 tu4 zuo4 t`ien t`u tso tien tu tso |
Lepus (constellation) |
天壇座 天坛座 see styles |
tiān tán zuò tian1 tan2 zuo4 t`ien t`an tso tien tan tso |
Ara (constellation) |
天燕座 see styles |
tiān yàn zuò tian1 yan4 zuo4 t`ien yen tso tien yen tso |
Apus (constellation) |
天爐座 天炉座 see styles |
tiān lú zuò tian1 lu2 zuo4 t`ien lu tso tien lu tso |
Fornax (constellation) |
天琴座 see styles |
tiān qín zuò tian1 qin2 zuo4 t`ien ch`in tso tien chin tso |
Lyra (constellation) |
天秤座 see styles |
tiān chèng zuò tian1 cheng4 zuo4 t`ien ch`eng tso tien cheng tso tenbinza てんびんざ |
More info & calligraphy: Libra Zodiac Symbol / SignLibra (constellation); the Scales |
天箭座 see styles |
tiān jiàn zuò tian1 jian4 zuo4 t`ien chien tso tien chien tso |
Sagitta (constellation) |
天舟座 see styles |
tiān zhōu zuò tian1 zhou1 zuo4 t`ien chou tso tien chou tso |
Argo (constellation, now divided into Carina 船底座 and Puppis 船尾座) |
天蟹座 see styles |
tiān xiè zuò tian1 xie4 zuo4 t`ien hsieh tso tien hsieh tso |
Cancer (constellation and sign of the zodiac); variant of 巨蟹座 |
天蠍座 天蝎座 see styles |
tiān xiē zuò tian1 xie1 zuo4 t`ien hsieh tso tien hsieh tso |
More info & calligraphy: Scorpio Zodiac Symbol / Sign |
天貓座 天猫座 see styles |
tiān māo zuò tian1 mao1 zuo4 t`ien mao tso tien mao tso |
Lynx (constellation) |
天鴿座 天鸽座 see styles |
tiān gē zuò tian1 ge1 zuo4 t`ien ko tso tien ko tso |
Columba (constellation) |
天鵝座 天鹅座 see styles |
tiān é zuò tian1 e2 zuo4 t`ien o tso tien o tso |
Cygnus (constellation) |
天鶴座 天鹤座 see styles |
tiān hè zuò tian1 he4 zuo4 t`ien ho tso tien ho tso |
Grus (constellation) |
天鷹座 天鹰座 see styles |
tiān yīng zuò tian1 ying1 zuo4 t`ien ying tso tien ying tso |
Aquila (constellation) |
天龍座 天龙座 see styles |
tiān lóng zuò tian1 long2 zuo4 t`ien lung tso tien lung tso |
Draco (constellation) |
奇座彦 see styles |
fumikurahiko ふみくらひこ |
(male given name) Fumikurahiko |
奥万座 see styles |
okumanza おくまんざ |
(place-name) Okumanza |
奥座敷 see styles |
okuzashiki おくざしき |
(See 表座敷) inner parlor; inner parlour; salon; living room |
妙法座 see styles |
miào fǎ zuò miao4 fa3 zuo4 miao fa tso myōhō za |
marvelous dharma throne |
孔雀座 see styles |
kǒng què zuò kong3 que4 zuo4 k`ung ch`üeh tso kung chüeh tso kujakuza くじゃくざ |
Pavo (constellation) (astron) Pavo (constellation); the Peacock |
安座上 see styles |
azagami あざがみ |
(surname) Azagami |
安座名 see styles |
azana あざな |
(surname) Azana |
安座川 see styles |
azagawa あざがわ |
(place-name) Azagawa |
安座真 see styles |
azama あざま |
(place-name, surname) Azama |
安座間 see styles |
yasuzama やすざま |
(surname) Yasuzama |
定座率 see styles |
dìng zuò lǜ ding4 zuo4 lu:4 ting tso lü |
occupancy (i.e. proportion of seats occupied) |
定規座 see styles |
jougiza / jogiza じょうぎざ |
{astron} Norma (constellation); the Rule |
宜野座 see styles |
yoronoza よろのざ |
(surname) Yoronoza |
宣野座 see styles |
ginoza ぎのざ |
(surname) Ginoza |
室女座 see styles |
shì nǚ zuò shi4 nu:3 zuo4 shih nü tso |
Virgo (constellation and sign of the zodiac) |
宮座山 see styles |
miyakurayama みやくらやま |
(place-name) Miyakurayama |
寶瓶座 宝瓶座 see styles |
bǎo píng zuò bao3 ping2 zuo4 pao p`ing tso pao ping tso |
Aquarius (constellation and sign of the zodiac); also called 水瓶座 |
寸座峠 see styles |
sunzatouge / sunzatoge すんざとうげ |
(place-name) Sunzatōge |
寸座駅 see styles |
sunzaeki すんざえき |
(st) Sunza Station |
射手座 see styles |
shè shǒu zuò she4 shou3 zuo4 she shou tso iteza いてざ |
More info & calligraphy: Sagittarius Zodiac Symbol / SignSagittarius (constellation); the Archer |
對號座 对号座 see styles |
duì hào zuò dui4 hao4 zuo4 tui hao tso |
reserved seat; assigned seat |
小座元 see styles |
ozamoto おざもと |
(surname) Ozamoto |
小座山 see styles |
kozayama こざやま |
(place-name) Kozayama |
小座敷 see styles |
kozashiki こざしき |
(1) small tatami room; (2) (See 放ち出) extension of the main room of a home (in traditional palatial-style architecture); (3) room smaller than four and a half tatami (in tea ceremony) |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "座" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.