There are 703 total results for your 商 search. I have created 8 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
点検商法 see styles |
tenkenshouhou / tenkenshoho てんけんしょうほう |
unscrupulous business practice of making sales by posing as an inspector and declaring the need for replacement items |
無印商品 see styles |
mujirushishouhin / mujirushishohin むじるししょうひん |
unbranded goods |
無奸不商 无奸不商 see styles |
wú jiān bù shāng wu2 jian1 bu4 shang1 wu chien pu shang |
all businessmen are evil (idiom) |
營農商估 营农商估 see styles |
yíng nóng shāng gū ying2 nong2 shang1 gu1 ying nung shang ku yōnō shōko |
farming and commerce |
登録商標 see styles |
tourokushouhyou / torokushohyo とうろくしょうひょう |
registered trademark |
百貨商店 百货商店 see styles |
bǎi huò shāng diàn bai3 huo4 shang1 dian4 pai huo shang tien |
department store |
目玉商品 see styles |
medamashouhin / medamashohin めだましょうひん |
(1) bargain goods; loss leader; (2) eye-catching goods; featured product |
看板商品 see styles |
kanbanshouhin / kanbanshohin かんばんしょうひん |
flagship product; leading product; hallmark product |
神鋼商事 see styles |
shinkoushouji / shinkoshoji しんこうしょうじ |
(company) Shinsho Corporation; (c) Shinsho Corporation |
福祉商法 see styles |
fukushishouhou / fukushishoho ふくししょうほう |
unscrupulous business practices based on an appeal to one's social conscience; sales methods in which someone falsely claims to represent a charitable organization |
総合商社 see styles |
sougoushousha / sogoshosha そうごうしょうしゃ |
general trading company |
縁日商人 see styles |
ennichishounin / ennichishonin えんにちしょうにん |
festival vendor |
耐久商品 see styles |
taikyuushouhin / taikyushohin たいきゅうしょうひん |
(See 耐久消費財) durable (consumer) goods |
華商晨報 华商晨报 see styles |
huá shāng chén bào hua2 shang1 chen2 bao4 hua shang ch`en pao hua shang chen pao |
China Business Morning Post (morning edition of China Business News 華商報|华商报) |
行商稼業 see styles |
gyoushoukagyou / gyoshokagyo ぎょうしょうかぎょう |
the peddling trade |
註冊商標 注册商标 see styles |
zhù cè shāng biāo zhu4 ce4 shang1 biao1 chu ts`e shang piao chu tse shang piao |
registered trademark |
認罪協商 认罪协商 see styles |
rèn zuì xié shāng ren4 zui4 xie2 shang1 jen tsui hsieh shang |
plea bargain |
豊田通商 see styles |
toyodatsuushou / toyodatsusho とよだつうしょう |
(company) Toyota Tsusho Corporation; (c) Toyota Tsusho Corporation |
貴顕紳商 see styles |
kikenshinshou / kikenshinsho きけんしんしょう |
(yoji) merchant prince |
農商務省 see styles |
noushoumushou / noshomusho のうしょうむしょう |
(hist) Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce (1881-1925) |
通商協定 see styles |
tsuushoukyoutei / tsushokyote つうしょうきょうてい |
trade agreement; trade pact; agreement on commerce |
通商口岸 see styles |
tōng shāng kǒu àn tong1 shang1 kou3 an4 t`ung shang k`ou an tung shang kou an |
treaty port, forced on Qing China by the 19th century Great Powers |
通商条約 see styles |
tsuushoujouyaku / tsushojoyaku つうしょうじょうやく |
treaty of commerce |
通商産業 see styles |
tsuushousangyou / tsushosangyo つうしょうさんぎょう |
Ministry of International Trade and Industry |
連鎖商店 连锁商店 see styles |
lián suǒ shāng diàn lian2 suo3 shang1 dian4 lien so shang tien |
chain store |
酒保商人 see styles |
shuhoshounin / shuhoshonin しゅほしょうにん |
(rare) {mil} provisioner; sutler; victualer; vivandier |
醫藥商店 医药商店 see styles |
yī yào shāng diàn yi1 yao4 shang1 dian4 i yao shang tien |
chemist; druggist; pharmacy |
重商主義 重商主义 see styles |
zhòng shāng zhǔ yì zhong4 shang1 zhu3 yi4 chung shang chu i juushoushugi / jushoshugi じゅうしょうしゅぎ |
mercantilism mercantilism |
重商政策 see styles |
juushouseisaku / jushosesaku じゅうしょうせいさく |
(See 重商主義) mercantilist policy |
金商又一 see styles |
kinshoumataichi / kinshomataichi きんしょうまたいち |
(company) Kinsho-Mataichi Corporation; (c) Kinsho-Mataichi Corporation |
金融商品 see styles |
kinyuushouhin / kinyushohin きんゆうしょうひん |
financial products; financial instruments |
長井商政 see styles |
nagaishousei / nagaishose ながいしょうせい |
(person) Nagai Shousei |
開運商法 see styles |
kaiunshouhou / kaiunshoho かいうんしょうほう |
(See 霊感商法) fraudulent business of selling goods by claiming they will bring supernatural benefits |
関連商品 see styles |
kanrenshouhin / kanrenshohin かんれんしょうひん |
related product |
電子商務 电子商务 see styles |
diàn zǐ shāng wù dian4 zi3 shang1 wu4 tien tzu shang wu |
e-commerce |
霊感商法 see styles |
reikanshouhou / rekanshoho れいかんしょうほう |
fraudulent business of selling goods by claiming they will bring supernatural benefits |
霊視商法 see styles |
reishishouhou / reshishoho れいししょうほう |
fraudulent sale of exorcism services (to people led to believe that they are possessed by evil spirits) |
露天商人 see styles |
rotenshounin / rotenshonin ろてんしょうにん |
(See 露天商) street vendor; stallholder; stallkeeper |
食料品商 see styles |
shokuryouhinshou / shokuryohinsho しょくりょうひんしょう |
grocery store |
商務中心區 商务中心区 see styles |
shāng wù zhōng xīn qū shang1 wu4 zhong1 xin1 qu1 shang wu chung hsin ch`ü shang wu chung hsin chü |
central business district (e.g. CBD of Beijing) |
商務印書館 商务印书馆 see styles |
shāng wù yìn shū guǎn shang1 wu4 yin4 shu1 guan3 shang wu yin shu kuan |
The Commercial Press, Beijing (est. 1897) |
商品取引所 see styles |
shouhintorihikijo / shohintorihikijo しょうひんとりひきじょ |
commodity exchange |
商品回転率 see styles |
shouhinkaitenritsu / shohinkaitenritsu しょうひんかいてんりつ |
stock turnover |
商売がたき see styles |
shoubaigataki / shobaigataki しょうばいがたき |
business rival; professional jealousy |
商売になる see styles |
shoubaininaru / shobaininaru しょうばいになる |
(exp,v5r) to be profitable (business); to pay; to be in the black |
商工ローン see styles |
shoukouroon / shokoroon しょうこうローン |
(1) (colloquialism) small-business lender; firm that makes short-term loans to small and medium-sized businesses; shōkō lender; (2) (colloquialism) small-business loan; company loans made by nonbank financial institutions |
商工会議所 see styles |
shoukoukaigisho / shokokaigisho しょうこうかいぎしょ |
Chamber of Commerce and Industry |
商業ベース see styles |
shougyoubeesu / shogyobeesu しょうぎょうベース |
commercial basis |
商業信用状 see styles |
shougyoushinyoujou / shogyoshinyojo しょうぎょうしんようじょう |
commercial letter of credit |
商業地理学 see styles |
shougyouchirigaku / shogyochirigaku しょうぎょうちりがく |
commercial geography |
商業高校前 see styles |
shougyoukoukoumae / shogyokokomae しょうぎょうこうこうまえ |
(personal name) Shougyoukoukoumae |
商標権侵害 see styles |
shouhyoukenshingai / shohyokenshingai しょうひょうけんしんがい |
trademark infringement |
商諾迦縛婆 商诺迦缚婆 see styles |
shāng nuò jiā fú pó shang1 nuo4 jia1 fu2 po2 shang no chia fu p`o shang no chia fu po Shōnakababa |
(商諾縛婆) ; 商那和修; 舍那和修 (or 舍那波私) Sanakavisa; Sanavasa; a younger brother of Ānanda. Also an arhat, whom Eitel gives as the third patriarch, a native of Mathurā, and says: 'A Tibetan tradition identifies him with Yaśas, the leader of the II Synod. ' Because of his name he is associated with a hemp or linen garment, or a covering with which he was born. |
おとり商法 see styles |
otorishouhou / otorishoho おとりしょうほう |
bait and switch; switch selling |
クロス商い see styles |
kurosuakinai クロスあきない |
cross trade |
コピー商品 see styles |
kopiishouhin / kopishohin コピーしょうひん |
knockoff; imitation product; counterfeit product |
ヒット商品 see styles |
hittoshouhin / hittoshohin ヒットしょうひん |
hit product; bestseller |
マルチ商法 see styles |
maruchishouhou / maruchishoho マルチしょうほう |
multi-level marketing; MLM; network marketing; pyramid selling |
伊藤忠商事 see styles |
itouchuushouji / itochushoji いとうちゅうしょうじ |
(company) Itochu Corporation; (c) Itochu Corporation |
伊野商業前 see styles |
inoshougyoumae / inoshogyomae いのしょうぎょうまえ |
(place-name) Inoshougyoumae |
士族の商法 see styles |
shizokunoshouhou / shizokunoshoho しぞくのしょうほう |
(expression) (from the business practices of ex-samurai in the Meiji period) (See 士族・1) amateurish and haughty way of doing business |
威尼斯商人 see styles |
wēi ní sī shāng rén wei1 ni2 si1 shang1 ren2 wei ni ssu shang jen |
The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare |
宮商角徵羽 宫商角徵羽 see styles |
gōng shāng jué zhǐ yǔ gong1 shang1 jue2 zhi3 yu3 kung shang chüeh chih yü |
pre-Tang names of the five notes of the pentatonic scale, corresponding roughly to do, re, mi, sol, la |
新重商主義 see styles |
shinjuushoushugi / shinjushoshugi しんじゅうしょうしゅぎ |
neomercantilism |
日計り商い see styles |
hibakariakinai ひばかりあきない |
{stockm} (See デイトレード) day trading |
服務提供商 服务提供商 see styles |
fú wù tí gōng shāng fu2 wu4 ti2 gong1 shang1 fu wu t`i kung shang fu wu ti kung shang |
(Internet) service provider |
東商ガール see styles |
toushougaaru / toshogaru とうしょうガール |
(personal name) Tōshou Girl |
東商ボーイ see styles |
toushoubooi / toshobooi とうしょうボーイ |
(personal name) Tōshou Boy |
武士の商法 see styles |
bushinoshouhou / bushinoshoho ぶしのしょうほう |
(exp,n) (from the business practices of ex-samurai in the Meiji period) amateurish and haughty way of doing business |
武家の商法 see styles |
bukenoshouhou / bukenoshoho ぶけのしょうほう |
(exp,n) (from the business practices of ex-samurai in the Meiji period) amateurish and haughty way of doing business |
盛んな商売 see styles |
sakannashoubai / sakannashobai さかんなしょうばい |
thriving business |
神田商取沢 see styles |
shindenshoutorisawa / shindenshotorisawa しんでんしょうとりさわ |
(place-name) Shindenshoutorisawa |
訳あり商品 see styles |
wakearishouhin / wakearishohin わけありしょうひん |
imperfect product |
訳有り商品 see styles |
wakearishouhin / wakearishohin わけありしょうひん |
imperfect product |
農商務大臣 see styles |
noushoumudaijin / noshomudaijin のうしょうむだいじん |
(hist) (See 農商務省) Minister of Agriculture and Commerce |
通商産業省 see styles |
tsuushousangyoushou / tsushosangyosho つうしょうさんぎょうしょう |
(See 経済産業省・けいざいさんぎょうしょう) (former) Ministry of International Trade and Industry (now Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry); MITI |
重商主義者 see styles |
juushoushugisha / jushoshugisha じゅうしょうしゅぎしゃ |
mercantilist |
電子商取引 see styles |
denshishoutorihiki / denshishotorihiki でんししょうとりひき |
(See eコマース) e-commerce; electronic commerce |
高千穂商大 see styles |
takachihoshoudai / takachihoshodai たかちほしょうだい |
(place-name) Takachihoshoudai |
Variations: |
akinaiya あきないや |
(dated) shop; store; merchant; shopkeeper |
商いは牛の涎 see styles |
akinaihaushinoyodare あきないはうしのよだれ |
(expression) (obscure) one should not rush to make a profit; business is best run when sales flow like a cow's drool: long and thin |
商務漢語考試 商务汉语考试 see styles |
shāng wù hàn yǔ kǎo shì shang1 wu4 han4 yu3 kao3 shi4 shang wu han yü k`ao shih shang wu han yü kao shih |
Business Chinese Test (BCT) |
商品ファンド see styles |
shouhinfando / shohinfando しょうひんファンド |
{finc} commodity fund |
商品先物取引 see styles |
shouhinsakimonotorihiki / shohinsakimonotorihiki しょうひんさきものとりひき |
{finc} commodity futures trading |
商工センター see styles |
shoukousentaa / shokosenta しょうこうセンター |
(place-name) Shoukou Center |
商工教育協会 see styles |
shoukoukyouikukyoukai / shokokyoikukyokai しょうこうきょういくきょうかい |
(o) British Association for Commercial and Industrial Education |
商工金融公社 see styles |
shoukoukinyuukousha / shokokinyukosha しょうこうきんゆうこうしゃ |
(o) Industrial and Commercial Finance Corporation |
商業高校前駅 see styles |
shougyoukoukoumaeeki / shogyokokomaeeki しょうぎょうこうこうまええき |
(st) Shougyoukoukoumae Station |
商業高等学校 see styles |
shougyoukoutougakkou / shogyokotogakko しょうぎょうこうとうがっこう |
commercial high school |
ガリバー商品 see styles |
garibaashouhin / garibashohin ガリバーしょうひん |
outstanding product; market leader |
キャリー商品 see styles |
kyariishouhin / kyarishohin キャリーしょうひん |
leftover stock; carry-over stock |
システム商品 see styles |
shisutemushouhin / shisutemushohin システムしょうひん |
system goods |
ブランド商品 see styles |
burandoshouhin / burandoshohin ブランドしょうひん |
brand items |
ベニスの商人 see styles |
benisunoshounin / benisunoshonin ベニスのしょうにん |
(work) The Merchant of Venice (play by William Shakespeare); (wk) The Merchant of Venice (play by William Shakespeare) |
ボーナス商戦 see styles |
boonasushousen / boonasushosen ボーナスしょうせん |
bonus-time sales offensive |
中国商用飛機 see styles |
chuugokushouyouhiki / chugokushoyohiki ちゅうごくしょうようひき |
(c) Comac; Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China |
中国国際商会 see styles |
chuugokukokusaishoukai / chugokukokusaishokai ちゅうごくこくさいしょうかい |
(org) China Chamber of International Commerce; CCOIC; (o) China Chamber of International Commerce; CCOIC |
中國商用飛機 中国商用飞机 see styles |
zhōng guó shāng yòng fēi jī zhong1 guo2 shang1 yong4 fei1 ji1 chung kuo shang yung fei chi |
COMAC (Chinese aeronautics company) |
中國工商銀行 中国工商银行 see styles |
zhōng guó gōng shāng yín háng zhong1 guo2 gong1 shang1 yin2 hang2 chung kuo kung shang yin hang |
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) |
伊野商業前駅 see styles |
inoshougyoumaeeki / inoshogyomaeeki いのしょうぎょうまええき |
(st) Inoshougyoumae Station |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "商" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.