There are 7325 total results for your 日 search. I have created 74 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<...5051525354555657585960...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
又会う日迄 see styles |
mataauhimade / matauhimade またあうひまで |
(expression) till we meet again |
古川日出男 see styles |
furukawahideo ふるかわひでお |
(person) Furukawa Hideo |
吉田日出子 see styles |
yoshidahideko よしだひでこ |
(person) Yoshida Hideko (1944.1-) |
吉祥院春日 see styles |
kisshouinkasuga / kisshoinkasuga きっしょういんかすが |
(place-name) Kisshouinkasuga |
吹田明日香 see styles |
suitaasuka / suitasuka すいたあすか |
(person) Suita Asuka (1964.3.13-) |
嚩日囉馱睹 嚩日囉驮睹 see styles |
mó rì luō tuó dǔ mo2 ri4 luo1 tuo2 du3 mo jih lo t`o tu mo jih lo to tu banichiradato |
(Skt. vajradhātu) |
四日市倉庫 see styles |
yokkaichisouko / yokkaichisoko よっかいちそうこ |
(place-name) Yokkaichisouko |
四日市喘息 see styles |
yokkaichizensoku よっかいちぜんそく |
Yokkaichi asthma |
四日市場台 see styles |
yokkaichibadai よっかいちばだい |
(place-name) Yokkaichibadai |
四日市場町 see styles |
yokkaichibamachi よっかいちばまち |
(place-name) Yokkaichibamachi |
四日市大学 see styles |
yokkaichidaigaku よっかいちだいがく |
(org) Yokkaichi University; (o) Yokkaichi University |
四日町新田 see styles |
yokkamachishinden よっかまちしんでん |
(place-name) Yokkamachishinden |
四月初八日 see styles |
sì yuè chū bā rì si4 yue4 chu1 ba1 ri4 ssu yüeh ch`u pa jih ssu yüeh chu pa jih shigetsu sho hachinichi |
eighth day of the fourth month |
国府町日開 see styles |
kokufuchouhigai / kokufuchohigai こくふちょうひがい |
(place-name) Kokufuchōhigai |
国恥記念日 see styles |
kokuchikinenbi こくちきねんび |
day of national humiliation (used in China for certain anniversaries of incidents where Japan humiliated China) |
国民の休日 see styles |
kokuminnokyuujitsu / kokuminnokyujitsu こくみんのきゅうじつ |
(exp,n) (See みどりの日・みどりのひ) citizen's holiday; by law, any weekday that falls between two other national holidays (e.g. between 1985 and 2006 May 4, now Greenery Day) |
国民の祝日 see styles |
kokuminnoshukujitsu こくみんのしゅくじつ |
(exp,n) public holiday; national holiday |
国連記念日 see styles |
kokurenkinenbi こくれんきねんび |
United Nations Day |
土用丑の日 see styles |
doyouushinohi / doyoushinohi どよううしのひ |
(exp,n) (See 土用の丑の日) day of the ox in midsummer (during the hottest season); dog days of summer |
在外日本人 see styles |
zaigainihonjin ざいがいにほんじん |
Japanese residing abroad |
在日外国人 see styles |
zainichigaikokujin ざいにちがいこくじん |
foreign residents of Japan; foreigners living in Japan |
在日大使館 see styles |
zainichitaishikan ざいにちたいしかん |
(foreign) embassy in Japan |
在日朝鮮人 see styles |
zainichichousenjin / zainichichosenjin ざいにちちょうせんじん |
(See 在日韓国人) Korean person residing in Japan (esp. a North Korean national who came to Japan before 1945 or a descendant of such a person); Zainichi Korean |
在日米陸軍 see styles |
zainichibeirikugun / zainichiberikugun ざいにちべいりくぐん |
US Army, Japan |
在日韓国人 see styles |
zainichikankokujin ざいにちかんこくじん |
South Korean national residing in Japan (esp. one who came to Japan before 1945 or a descendant of such a person) |
坂本日登美 see styles |
sakamotohitomi さかもとひとみ |
(person) Sakamoto Hitomi |
坪井明日香 see styles |
tsuboiasuka つぼいあすか |
(person) Tsuboi Asuka |
城郭朝日山 see styles |
joukagoasahiyama / jokagoasahiyama じょうかごあさひやま |
(personal name) Jōkagoasahiyama |
塩瀬日南上 see styles |
shiosehinakami しおせひなかみ |
(place-name) Shiosehinakami |
外日三市川 see styles |
sotohisaichigawa そとひさいちがわ |
(place-name) Sotohisaichigawa |
多聞院日記 多闻院日记 see styles |
duō wén yuàn rì jì duo1 wen2 yuan4 ri4 ji4 to wen yüan jih chi Tamon'in nikki |
Record of the Hall of Broad Learning |
大乘四齋日 大乘四斋日 see styles |
dà shèng sì zhāi rì da4 sheng4 si4 zhai1 ri4 ta sheng ssu chai jih Daijō shisainichi |
The Mahāyāna Four Purifying Days |
大幽朝日岳 see styles |
ooyuuasahidake / ooyuasahidake おおゆうあさひだけ |
(place-name) Ooyūasahidake |
大日三部經 大日三部经 see styles |
dà rì sān bù jīng da4 ri4 san1 bu4 jing1 ta jih san pu ching Dainichi sanbu kyō |
three principal texts of the school of Mahāvairocana |
大日向五郎 see styles |
obinatagorou / obinatagoro おびなたごろう |
(person) Obinata Gorou |
大日向雅美 see styles |
oohinatamasami おおひなたまさみ |
(person) Oohinata Masami |
大日川ダム see styles |
dainichigawadamu だいにちがわダム |
(place-name) Dainichigawa Dam |
大日平山荘 see styles |
dainichidairasansou / dainichidairasanso だいにちだいらさんそう |
(place-name) Dainichidairasansō |
大日方邦子 see styles |
obinatakuniko おびなたくにこ |
(person) Obinata Kuniko |
大日本帝国 see styles |
dainipponteikoku / dainippontekoku だいにっぽんていこく |
(hist) Empire of Japan (Japan's official name under the Meiji Constitution); (personal name) Dainipponteikoku |
大日經義釋 大日经义释 see styles |
dà rì jīng yì shì da4 ri4 jing1 yi4 shi4 ta jih ching i shih Dainichikyō gishaku |
Explanation of the Meanings of the Mahāvairocana-abhisaṃbodhi-tantra |
大朝日小屋 see styles |
ooasahigoya おおあさひごや |
(place-name) Ooasahigoya |
大禍津日神 see styles |
oomagatsuhinokami おおまがつひのかみ |
(See 禍津日神・1) the great evil god |
大聖寺春日 see styles |
daishoujikasuga / daishojikasuga だいしょうじかすが |
(place-name) Daishoujikasuga |
大聖寺朝日 see styles |
daishoujiasahi / daishojiasahi だいしょうじあさひ |
(place-name) Daishoujiasahi |
天日乾燥床 see styles |
tenbikansoutoko / tenbikansotoko てんびかんそうとこ |
(place-name) Tenbikansoutoko |
天皇誕生日 see styles |
tennoutanjoubi / tennotanjobi てんのうたんじょうび |
Emperor's Birthday (national holiday; February 23); (personal name) Tennoutanjōbi |
太秦開日町 see styles |
uzumasakainichichou / uzumasakainichicho うずまさかいにちちょう |
(place-name) Uzumasakainichichō |
奥日光湯元 see styles |
okunikkouyumoto / okunikkoyumoto おくにっこうゆもと |
(place-name) Okunikkouyumoto |
女の子の日 see styles |
onnanokonohi おんなのこのひ |
(exp,n) (1) (See ひな祭り・ひなまつり) Girls' Day; Dolls' Festival; Hinamatsuri; (exp,n) (2) (euph) menstrual day; menstrual period |
妻鹿日田町 see styles |
megahidachou / megahidacho めがひだちょう |
(place-name) Megahidachō |
子の日の松 see styles |
nenohinomatsu ねのひのまつ |
(exp,n) (See 子の日の遊び) pine shoot pulled out during ne-no-hi-no-asobi |
子野日公園 see styles |
nenohikouen / nenohikoen ねのひこうえん |
(place-name) Nenohi Park |
学園朝日元 see styles |
gakuenasahimoto がくえんあさひもと |
(place-name) Gakuen'asahimoto |
学園朝日町 see styles |
gakuenasahichou / gakuenasahicho がくえんあさひちょう |
(place-name) Gakuen'asahichō |
安藤日出武 see styles |
andouhidetake / andohidetake あんどうひでたけ |
(person) Andō Hidetake |
安藤日出男 see styles |
andouhideo / andohideo あんどうひでお |
(person) Andō Hideo (1927.8.3-2002.3.20) |
室田日出夫 see styles |
murotahideo むろたひでお |
(person) Murota Hideo (1937.10-) |
室田日出男 see styles |
murotahideo むろたひでお |
(person) Murota Hideo (1937.10.7-2002.6.15) |
宮本日出子 see styles |
miyamotohideko みやもとひでこ |
(person) Miyamoto Hideko |
富野康日己 see styles |
tominoyasuhiko とみのやすひこ |
(person) Tomino Yasuhiko |
寺尾朝日通 see styles |
teraoasahidoori てらおあさひどおり |
(place-name) Teraoasahidoori |
対日理事会 see styles |
tainichirijikai たいにちりじかい |
Allied Council for Japan |
小日向しえ see styles |
kohinatashie こひなたしえ |
(person) Kohinata Shie (1979.10.8-) |
小日向文世 see styles |
kohinatafumiyo こひなたふみよ |
(person) Kohinata Fumiyo (1954.1.23-) |
小日山直登 see styles |
kohiyamanaoto こひやまなおと |
(person) Kohiyama Naoto (1886.4.24-1949.8.29) |
小沢日出晴 see styles |
ozawahideharu おざわひではる |
(person) Ozawa Hideharu (1969.5.15-) |
小泉今日子 see styles |
koizumikyouko / koizumikyoko こいずみきょうこ |
(person) Koizumi Kyōko (1966.2-) |
小野日路美 see styles |
onohiromi おのひろみ |
(person) Ono Hiromi (1971.3.31-) |
小野日陰谷 see styles |
onohikagedani おのひかげだに |
(place-name) Onohikagedani |
山口明日香 see styles |
yamaguchiasuka やまぐちあすか |
(person) Yamaguchi Asuka (1983.11.11-) |
山尻町朝日 see styles |
yamajirichouasahi / yamajirichoasahi やまじりちょうあさひ |
(place-name) Yamajirichōasahi |
山田日登志 see styles |
yamadahitoshi やまだひとし |
(person) Yamada Hitoshi |
岩手二日町 see styles |
iwatefutsukamachi いわてふつかまち |
(personal name) Iwatefutsukamachi |
岩船三日市 see styles |
iwafunemikkaichi いわふねみっかいち |
(place-name) Iwafunemikkaichi |
岸田今日子 see styles |
kishidakyouko / kishidakyoko きしだきょうこ |
(person) Kishida Kyōko (1930.4-) |
岸田日出刀 see styles |
kishidahideto きしだひでと |
(person) Kishida Hideto (1899.2.6-1966.5.3) |
嵯峨朝日町 see styles |
sagaasahichou / sagasahicho さがあさひちょう |
(place-name) Sagaasahichō |
川向日の出 see styles |
kawamukaihinode かわむかいひので |
(place-name) Kawamukaihinode |
巳の日の祓 see styles |
minohinoharae みのひのはらえ |
(exp,n) (archaism) purification ceremony held on the first day of the snake in the 3rd month of the lunar calendar |
市が立つ日 see styles |
ichigatatsuhi いちがたつひ |
(exp,n) market day |
市川実日子 see styles |
ichikawamikako いちかわみかこ |
(person) Ichikawa Mikako (1978.6.13-) |
幌内春日町 see styles |
horonaikasugachou / horonaikasugacho ほろないかすがちょう |
(place-name) Horonaikasugachō |
平均太陽日 see styles |
heikintaiyoujitsu / hekintaiyojitsu へいきんたいようじつ |
mean solar day |
平日昼顔妻 see styles |
heijitsuhirugaozuma / hejitsuhirugaozuma へいじつひるがおづま |
(slang) housewife having an affair while her husband is at work |
平野日出木 see styles |
hiranohideki ひらのひでき |
(person) Hirano Hideki |
広島日出国 see styles |
hiroshimahidekuni ひろしまひでくに |
(person) Hiroshima Hidekuni |
建国記念日 see styles |
kenkokukinenbi けんこくきねんび |
National Foundation Day |
建部日吉町 see styles |
tatebehiyoshichou / tatebehiyoshicho たてべひよしちょう |
(place-name) Tatebehiyoshichō |
弥な明後日 see styles |
yanaasatte / yanasatte やなあさって |
(n-adv,n-t) (1) (kana only) three days from today; (2) (kana only) four days from today |
弥の明後日 see styles |
yanoasatte やのあさって |
(n-adv,n-t) (1) (kana only) three days from today; (2) (kana only) four days from today |
後日に譲る see styles |
gojitsuniyuzuru ごじつにゆずる |
(exp,v5r) to keep (the matter) for another occasion |
御木貴日止 see styles |
mikitakahito みきたかひと |
(person) Miki Takahito (1957.12-) |
恩地日出夫 see styles |
onchihideo おんちひでお |
(person) Onchi Hideo (1933.1-) |
慧日大聖尊 慧日大圣尊 see styles |
huì rì dà shèng zūn hui4 ri4 da4 sheng4 zun1 hui jih ta sheng tsun Enichi daishō son |
Sun of Wisdom, Most Venerable of the Great Saints |
慧日能消除 see styles |
huì rì néng xiāo chú hui4 ri4 neng2 xiao1 chu2 hui jih neng hsiao ch`u hui jih neng hsiao chu enichi nō shōjo |
sun of wisdom is able to extinguish |
憲法記念日 see styles |
kenpoukinenbi / kenpokinenbi けんぽうきねんび |
Constitution Memorial Day (national holiday; May 3); (personal name) Kenpoukinenbi |
授業参観日 see styles |
jugyousankanbi / jugyosankanbi じゅぎょうさんかんび |
parents' day; class observation day; open classroom day |
散乱日射量 see styles |
sanrannissharyou / sanrannissharyo さんらんにっしゃりょう |
(See 日射量) diffuse solar radiation |
文読む月日 see styles |
fumiyomutsukihi ふみよむつきひ |
(work) A Calendar of Wisdom (book by Tolstoi); (wk) A Calendar of Wisdom (book by Tolstoi) |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "日" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.