There are 1129 total results for your 術 search. I have created 12 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678910...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
技術革新 see styles |
gijutsukakushin ぎじゅつかくしん |
technological innovation |
技術顧問 see styles |
gijutsukomon ぎじゅつこもん |
technical advisor; expert advisor |
抽象美術 see styles |
chuushoubijutsu / chushobijutsu ちゅうしょうびじゅつ |
{art} abstract art |
抽象芸術 see styles |
chuushougeijutsu / chushogejutsu ちゅうしょうげいじゅつ |
{art} abstract art |
拖延戰術 拖延战术 see styles |
tuō yán zhàn shù tuo1 yan2 zhan4 shu4 t`o yen chan shu to yen chan shu |
delaying tactics; deliberate procrastination |
接続技術 see styles |
setsuzokugijutsu せつぞくぎじゅつ |
{comp} connection technology |
撹乱戦術 see styles |
kakuransenjutsu かくらんせんじゅつ |
(yoji) disturbance tactics |
攪乱戦術 see styles |
kakuransenjutsu かくらんせんじゅつ |
(yoji) disturbance tactics |
整形手術 see styles |
seikeishujutsu / sekeshujutsu せいけいしゅじゅつ |
orthopedic surgery; plastic surgery |
時間芸術 see styles |
jikangeijutsu / jikangejutsu じかんげいじゅつ |
temporal art; art forms which unfold over time |
普普藝術 普普艺术 see styles |
pǔ pǔ yì shù pu3 pu3 yi4 shu4 p`u p`u i shu pu pu i shu |
(Tw) (loanword) pop art |
暗号技術 see styles |
angougijutsu / angogijutsu あんごうぎじゅつ |
{comp} cryptography; encryption technology |
暴露戦術 see styles |
bakurosenjutsu ばくろせんじゅつ |
exposure tactics; muckraking tactics |
最新技術 see styles |
saishingijutsu さいしんぎじゅつ |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) latest technology |
森美術館 see styles |
moribijutsukan もりびじゅつかん |
(place-name) Mori Art Museum |
植毛手術 see styles |
shokumoushujutsu / shokumoshujutsu しょくもうしゅじゅつ |
hair replacement surgery; hair transplantation surgery |
権謀術数 see styles |
kenboujussuu / kenbojussu けんぼうじゅっすう |
(yoji) trickery; wiles; finesse; Machiavellism |
権謀術策 see styles |
kenboujussaku / kenbojussaku けんぼうじゅっさく |
(yoji) trickery; wiles; intriguing strategy cleverly designed to fool others; Machiavellism |
機械技術 see styles |
kikaigijutsu きかいぎじゅつ |
machine technology; mechanical technology |
歯科医術 see styles |
shikaijutsu しかいじゅつ |
dentistry |
死霊術師 see styles |
shiryoujutsushi / shiryojutsushi しりょうじゅつし |
(See ネクロマンサー) necromancer |
民間藝術 民间艺术 see styles |
mín jiān yì shù min2 jian1 yi4 shu4 min chien i shu |
folk art |
水遁の術 see styles |
suitonnojutsu すいとんのじゅつ |
ninjutsu art of water-escape |
波普藝術 波普艺术 see styles |
bō pǔ yì shù bo1 pu3 yi4 shu4 po p`u i shu po pu i shu |
pop art (loanword) |
減圧手術 see styles |
genatsushujutsu げんあつしゅじゅつ |
decompression surgery; surgery under decompression |
減胎手術 see styles |
gentaishujutsu げんたいしゅじゅつ |
{med} selective reduction operation; multifetal pregnancy reduction |
無線技術 see styles |
musengijutsu むせんぎじゅつ |
wireless technology |
焦土戦術 see styles |
shoudosenjutsu / shodosenjutsu しょうどせんじゅつ |
scorched-earth strategy (tactics) |
煉金術士 炼金术士 see styles |
liàn jīn shù shì lian4 jin1 shu4 shi4 lien chin shu shih |
alchemist |
牛歩戦術 see styles |
gyuuhosenjutsu / gyuhosenjutsu ぎゅうほせんじゅつ |
snail's pace tactics; walking extremely slowly when voting in the Diet to delay proceedings; ox walk tactic |
特攻武術 see styles |
totokonmusuru トゥコンムスル |
Tukong Moosul (Korean martial art) (kor:); Teuk-gong Musul |
特許技術 see styles |
tokkyogijutsu とっきょぎじゅつ |
patented technology |
獨尊儒術 独尊儒术 see styles |
dú zūn rú shù du2 zun1 ru2 shu4 tu tsun ju shu |
dismiss the hundred schools, revere only the Confucians (slogan of the Former Han dynasty) |
現代美術 see styles |
gendaibijutsu げんだいびじゅつ |
(See 近代美術・きんだいびじゅつ) contemporary art |
環境技術 see styles |
kankyougijutsu / kankyogijutsu かんきょうぎじゅつ |
environmental technology; envirotech; green technology; greentech |
生物技術 生物技术 see styles |
shēng wù jì shù sheng1 wu4 ji4 shu4 sheng wu chi shu |
biotechnology; abbr. to 生技 |
生産技術 see styles |
seisangijutsu / sesangijutsu せいさんぎじゅつ |
industrial science |
産業技術 see styles |
sangyougijutsu / sangyogijutsu さんぎょうぎじゅつ |
industrial science and technology; industrial techniques |
眼動技術 眼动技术 see styles |
yǎn dòng jì shù yan3 dong4 ji4 shu4 yen tung chi shu |
eye movement technology; eye-tracking technology |
祭司權術 祭司权术 see styles |
jì sī quán shù ji4 si1 quan2 shu4 chi ssu ch`üan shu chi ssu chüan shu |
priestcraft |
科学技術 see styles |
kagakugijutsu かがくぎじゅつ |
science and technology; technology; scientific techniques |
科學技術 科学技术 see styles |
kē xué jì shù ke1 xue2 ji4 shu4 k`o hsüeh chi shu ko hsüeh chi shu |
science and technology |
移植手術 移植手术 see styles |
yí zhí shǒu shù yi2 zhi2 shou3 shu4 i chih shou shu ishokushujutsu いしょくしゅじゅつ |
(organ) transplant operation {med} transplant surgery; transplant operation; (organ) transplantation |
空間芸術 see styles |
kuukangeijutsu / kukangejutsu くうかんげいじゅつ |
spatial art; space art; plastic arts; formative arts |
竹槍戦術 see styles |
takeyarisenjutsu たけやりせんじゅつ |
tactics of fighting a technologically advanced adversary with primitive weapons; sole reliance on simple determination (naive spiritualism) in fighting an overwhelming foe |
算術乗算 see styles |
sanjutsujouzan / sanjutsujozan さんじゅつじょうざん |
{comp} arithmetic multiplication |
算術加算 see styles |
sanjutsukasan さんじゅつかさん |
{comp} arithmetic addition |
算術命令 see styles |
sanjutsumeirei / sanjutsumere さんじゅつめいれい |
{comp} arithmetic instruction; arithmetic statement |
算術平均 算术平均 see styles |
suàn shù píng jun suan4 shu4 ping2 jun1 suan shu p`ing chün suan shu ping chün sanjutsuheikin / sanjutsuhekin さんじゅつへいきん |
arithmetic mean (math.) {math} arithmetic mean |
算術演算 see styles |
sanjutsuenzan さんじゅつえんざん |
{comp} arithmetic operation |
算術級数 see styles |
sanjutsukyuusuu / sanjutsukyusu さんじゅつきゅうすう |
arithmetical progression |
算術級數 算术级数 see styles |
suàn shù jí shù suan4 shu4 ji2 shu4 suan shu chi shu |
arithmetic series (such as 2+4+6+8+...) |
算術計算 see styles |
sanjutsukeisan / sanjutsukesan さんじゅつけいさん |
(noun/participle) arithmetical computation; (performing) an arithmetical operation |
納米技術 纳米技术 see styles |
nà mǐ jì shù na4 mi3 ji4 shu4 na mi chi shu |
nanotechnology |
綜合藝術 综合艺术 see styles |
zōng hé yì shù zong1 he2 yi4 shu4 tsung ho i shu |
composite arts; multimedia arts |
網絡技術 网络技术 see styles |
wǎng luò jì shù wang3 luo4 ji4 shu4 wang lo chi shu |
network technology |
緊急手術 see styles |
kinkyuushujutsu / kinkyushujutsu きんきゅうしゅじゅつ |
emergency surgery |
総合芸術 see styles |
sougougeijutsu / sogogejutsu そうごうげいじゅつ |
total work of art; complete work of art; Gesamtkunstwerk; artwork that integrates music, poetry, and acting; composite art |
総合馬術 see styles |
sougoubajutsu / sogobajutsu そうごうばじゅつ |
eventing (equestrian event) |
美容手術 美容手术 see styles |
měi róng shǒu shù mei3 rong2 shou3 shu4 mei jung shou shu |
cosmetic surgery |
美術史家 see styles |
bijutsushika びじゅつしか |
art historian |
美術大学 see styles |
bijutsudaigaku びじゅつだいがく |
college of the arts; university of the arts; art university |
美術学校 see styles |
bijutsugakkou / bijutsugakko びじゅつがっこう |
art school |
美術工大 see styles |
bijutsukoudai / bijutsukodai びじゅつこうだい |
(place-name) Bijutsukoudai |
美術工芸 see styles |
bijutsukougei / bijutsukoge びじゅつこうげい |
arts and crafts; artistic handicraft; fine and applied art |
美術教育 see styles |
bijutsukyouiku / bijutsukyoiku びじゅつきょういく |
art education |
美術監督 see styles |
bijutsukantoku びじゅつかんとく |
art director |
美術編輯 美术编辑 see styles |
měi shù biān jí mei3 shu4 bian1 ji2 mei shu pien chi |
(publishing) layout and graphics; graphic design; art editor; graphic designer |
美術運動 see styles |
bijutsuundou / bijutsundo びじゅつうんどう |
art movement |
肺切除術 see styles |
haisetsujojutsu はいせつじょじゅつ |
pneumonectomy |
胃切除術 see styles |
isetsujojutsu いせつじょじゅつ |
gastrectomy |
背景美術 see styles |
haikeibijutsu / haikebijutsu はいけいびじゅつ |
background art |
腹話術師 see styles |
fukuwajutsushi ふくわじゅつし |
ventriloquist |
舞台美術 see styles |
butaibijutsu ぶたいびじゅつ |
scenography; scenic design; set design; stage design |
舞台芸術 see styles |
butaigeijutsu / butaigejutsu ぶたいげいじゅつ |
performing arts |
芸術の森 see styles |
geijutsunomori / gejutsunomori げいじゅつのもり |
(place-name) Geijutsunomori |
芸術の秋 see styles |
geijutsunoaki / gejutsunoaki げいじゅつのあき |
(exp,n) autumn, the best season for enjoying art |
芸術会館 see styles |
geijutsukaikan / gejutsukaikan げいじゅつかいかん |
(place-name) Geijutsukaikan |
芸術作品 see styles |
geijutsusakuhin / gejutsusakuhin げいじゅつさくひん |
work of art; artwork; objet d'art |
芸術劇場 see styles |
geijutsugekijou / gejutsugekijo げいじゅつげきじょう |
(place-name) Geijutsugekijō |
芸術大学 see styles |
geijutsudaigaku / gejutsudaigaku げいじゅつだいがく |
university of arts; arts college |
芸術学部 see styles |
geijutsugakubu / gejutsugakubu げいじゅつがくぶ |
faculty of arts |
芸術家村 see styles |
geijutsukamura / gejutsukamura げいじゅつかむら |
artists' colony; colony of artists |
芸術家肌 see styles |
geijutsukahada / gejutsukahada げいじゅつかはだ |
being something of an artist; having something of the artist in one |
芸術映画 see styles |
geijutsueiga / gejutsuega げいじゅつえいが |
art film |
芸術活動 see styles |
geijutsukatsudou / gejutsukatsudo げいじゅつかつどう |
artistic activities |
華為技術 see styles |
faaweigijutsu / fawegijutsu ファーウェイぎじゅつ |
(company) Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.; (c) Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. |
藝術學院 艺术学院 see styles |
yì shù xué yuàn yi4 shu4 xue2 yuan4 i shu hsüeh yüan |
art institute; art and drama college |
藝術造街 艺术造街 see styles |
yì shù zào jiē yi4 shu4 zao4 jie1 i shu tsao chieh |
city precinct with a streetscape created by artists |
藝術體操 艺术体操 see styles |
yì shù tǐ cāo yi4 shu4 ti3 cao1 i shu t`i ts`ao i shu ti tsao |
rhythmic gymnastics |
行動藝術 行动艺术 see styles |
xíng dòng yì shù xing2 dong4 yi4 shu4 hsing tung i shu |
performance art |
行為藝術 行为艺术 see styles |
xíng wéi yì shù xing2 wei2 yi4 shu4 hsing wei i shu |
performance art |
装飾美術 see styles |
soushokubijutsu / soshokubijutsu そうしょくびじゅつ |
decorative arts |
要素技術 see styles |
yousogijutsu / yosogijutsu ようそぎじゅつ |
underlying technology; technology behind (a product) |
視覚芸術 see styles |
shikakugeijutsu / shikakugejutsu しかくげいじゅつ |
visual arts |
語法術語 语法术语 see styles |
yǔ fǎ shù yǔ yu3 fa3 shu4 yu3 yü fa shu yü |
grammatical term |
護身の術 see styles |
goshinnojutsu ごしんのじゅつ |
art of self-defense; art of self-defence |
豊胸手術 see styles |
houkyoushujutsu / hokyoshujutsu ほうきょうしゅじゅつ |
breast augmentation |
軍事技術 see styles |
gunjigijutsu ぐんじぎじゅつ |
military technology |
軟件技術 软件技术 see styles |
ruǎn jiàn jì shù ruan3 jian4 ji4 shu4 juan chien chi shu |
software technology |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "術" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.