There are 871 total results for your 血 search. I have created 9 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<123456789>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
麒麟血 see styles |
kirinketsu きりんけつ |
(kana only) dragon's blood palm (Daemonorops draco); bright red resin used in medicine, dyes, etc. |
黄血塩 see styles |
ouketsuen / oketsuen おうけつえん |
(See フェロシアン化カリウム) yellow prussiate of potash |
黒血川 see styles |
kurochigawa くろちがわ |
(place-name) Kurochigawa |
鼻出血 see styles |
bí chū xuè bi2 chu1 xue4 pi ch`u hsüeh pi chu hsüeh bishukketsu びしゅっけつ |
nosebleed nosebleed |
龍血樹 龙血树 see styles |
lóng xuè shù long2 xue4 shu4 lung hsüeh shu |
dragon tree; Dracaena (botany) |
血が通う see styles |
chigakayou / chigakayo ちがかよう |
(exp,v5u) (1) to be flowing (of blood); to be alive; (exp,v5u) (2) to be humane; to show signs of humanity |
血が騒ぐ see styles |
chigasawagu ちがさわぐ |
(exp,v5g) (idiom) to get excited; to be roused (to action); to get the itch (to do) |
血しょう see styles |
kesshou / kessho けっしょう |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) plasma; blood plasma |
血だまり see styles |
chidamari ちだまり |
puddle of blood; pool of blood |
血だらけ see styles |
chidarake ちだらけ |
(adj-no,adj-na) covered in blood; bloodstained; bloody; gory |
血の中傷 see styles |
chinochuushou / chinochusho ちのちゅうしょう |
(expression) blood libel; false accusation that Jews (or other minorities) murder children to obtain their blood |
血の巡り see styles |
chinomeguri ちのめぐり |
circulation of the blood; apprehension |
血まなこ see styles |
chimanako ちまなこ |
(1) bloodshot eyes; (2) (doing something in a) frenzy |
血まみれ see styles |
chimamire ちまみれ |
(adj-na,adj-no) bloodstained; bloody |
血みどろ see styles |
chimidoro ちみどろ |
(adj-no,adj-na,n) (1) bloody; gory; covered in copious amounts of blood; blood-drenched; (2) desperate; frantic |
血を引く see styles |
chiohiku ちをひく |
(exp,v5k) to be descended from; to inherit (a disposition, etc.) from one's ancestors |
血を流す see styles |
chionagasu ちをながす |
(exp,v5s) to shed blood |
血中濃度 see styles |
kecchuunoudo / kecchunodo けっちゅうのうど |
{med} blood concentration; blood level |
血債累累 血债累累 see styles |
xuè zhài lěi lěi xue4 zhai4 lei3 lei3 hsüeh chai lei lei |
debts of blood crying out for retribution |
血債血償 血债血偿 see styles |
xuè zhài xuè cháng xue4 zhai4 xue4 chang2 hsüeh chai hsüeh ch`ang hsüeh chai hsüeh chang |
a debt of blood must be paid in blood; blood calls for blood; also pr. [xue4 zhai4 xie3 chang2] |
血光之災 血光之灾 see styles |
xuè guāng zhī zāi xue4 guang1 zhi1 zai1 hsüeh kuang chih tsai |
(idiom) mortal danger; fatal disaster |
血口噴人 血口喷人 see styles |
xuè kǒu pēn rén xue4 kou3 pen1 ren2 hsüeh k`ou p`en jen hsüeh kou pen jen |
to spit blood (idiom); venomous slander; malicious attacks |
血吸い蛭 see styles |
chisuibiru ちすいびる |
(irregular okurigana usage) (kana only) Hirudo nipponia (species of blood-sucking leech) |
血吸蝙蝠 see styles |
chisuikoumori / chisuikomori ちすいこうもり |
(kana only) vampire bat (Desmodontinae spp.) |
血吸蟲病 血吸虫病 see styles |
xuè xī chóng bìng xue4 xi1 chong2 bing4 hsüeh hsi ch`ung ping hsüeh hsi chung ping |
schistosomiasis |
血捨之木 see styles |
chishiyanoki ちしやのき |
(place-name) Chishiyanoki |
血族結婚 see styles |
ketsuzokukekkon けつぞくけっこん |
consanguineous marriage |
血族関係 see styles |
ketsuzokukankei / ketsuzokukanke けつぞくかんけい |
consanguinity |
血本無歸 血本无归 see styles |
xuè běn wú guī xue4 ben3 wu2 gui1 hsüeh pen wu kuei |
(idiom) to lose everything one invested; to lose one's shirt |
血栓形成 see styles |
xuè shuān xíng chéng xue4 shuan1 xing2 cheng2 hsüeh shuan hsing ch`eng hsüeh shuan hsing cheng |
thrombosis |
血栓溶解 see styles |
kessenyoukai / kessenyokai けっせんようかい |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) thrombolysis |
血気盛り see styles |
kekkizakari けっきざかり |
(adjectival noun) youthful vigor; youthful vigour |
血気盛ん see styles |
kekkisakan けっきさかん |
(adjectival noun) passionate; hot-blooded; full of vitality |
血氣之勇 血气之勇 see styles |
xuè qì zhī yǒng xue4 qi4 zhi1 yong3 hsüeh ch`i chih yung hsüeh chi chih yung |
(idiom) the courage born of stirred emotions |
血氣方剛 血气方刚 see styles |
xuè qì fāng gāng xue4 qi4 fang1 gang1 hsüeh ch`i fang kang hsüeh chi fang kang |
full of sap (idiom); young and vigorous |
血氧含量 see styles |
xuè yǎng hán liàng xue4 yang3 han2 liang4 hsüeh yang han liang |
blood oxygen level |
血汗工廠 血汗工厂 see styles |
xuè hàn gōng chǎng xue4 han4 gong1 chang3 hsüeh han kung ch`ang hsüeh han kung chang |
sweatshop |
血流成河 see styles |
xuè liú chéng hé xue4 liu2 cheng2 he2 hsüeh liu ch`eng ho hsüeh liu cheng ho |
rivers of blood (idiom); bloodbath |
血流漂杵 see styles |
xuè liú piāo chǔ xue4 liu2 piao1 chu3 hsüeh liu p`iao ch`u hsüeh liu piao chu |
enough blood flowing to float pestles (idiom); rivers of blood; blood bath |
血流障害 see styles |
ketsuryuushougai / ketsuryushogai けつりゅうしょうがい |
impeded blood flow |
血液ガス see styles |
ketsuekigasu けつえきガス |
blood agent |
血液内科 see styles |
ketsuekinaika けつえきないか |
haematology; hematology |
血液凝固 see styles |
ketsuekigyouko / ketsuekigyoko けつえきぎょうこ |
(adj-na,adj-no) blood clotting; blood coagulation; coagulation; coagulant |
血液凝結 血液凝结 see styles |
xuè yè níng jié xue4 ye4 ning2 jie2 hsüeh yeh ning chieh |
blood clotting |
血液化学 see styles |
ketsuekikagaku けつえきかがく |
blood chemistry |
血液学会 see styles |
ketsuekigakkai けつえきがっかい |
(org) American Society of Hematology; ASH; (o) American Society of Hematology; ASH |
血液循環 血液循环 see styles |
xuè yè xún huán xue4 ye4 xun2 huan2 hsüeh yeh hsün huan ketsuekijunkan けつえきじゅんかん |
blood circulation (noun - becomes adjective with の) blood circulation |
血液検査 see styles |
ketsuekikensa けつえきけんさ |
{med} blood test; hemanalysis |
血液浄化 see styles |
ketsuekijouka / ketsuekijoka けつえきじょうか |
{med} blood purification |
血液製剤 see styles |
ketsuekiseizai / ketsuekisezai けつえきせいざい |
blood products |
血液透析 see styles |
xuè yè tòu xi xue4 ye4 tou4 xi5 hsüeh yeh t`ou hsi hsüeh yeh tou hsi ketsuekitouseki / ketsuekitoseki けつえきとうせき |
hemodialysis {med} hemodialysis; haemodialysis |
血液銀行 see styles |
ketsuekiginkou / ketsuekiginko けつえきぎんこう |
blood bank |
血清注射 see styles |
kesseichuusha / kessechusha けっせいちゅうしゃ |
serum injection |
血清濃度 see styles |
kesseinoudo / kessenodo けっせいのうど |
{med} serum concentration |
血清療法 see styles |
kesseiryouhou / kesseryoho けっせいりょうほう |
serotherapy |
血清肝炎 see styles |
kesseikanen / kessekanen けっせいかんえん |
{med} serum hepatitis |
血清診断 see styles |
kesseishindan / kesseshindan けっせいしんだん |
serodiagnosis |
血溜まり see styles |
chidamari ちだまり |
puddle of blood; pool of blood |
血漬斑斑 血渍斑斑 see styles |
xuè zì bān bān xue4 zi4 ban1 ban1 hsüeh tzu pan pan |
spattered in blood; covered in bloodstains |
血漿瀉血 see styles |
kesshoushaketsu / kesshoshaketsu けっしょうしゃけつ |
plasmapheresis |
血濃於水 血浓于水 see styles |
xuè nóng yú shuǐ xue4 nong2 yu2 shui3 hsüeh nung yü shui |
blood is thicker than water; fig. family ties are closer than social relations |
血生臭い see styles |
chinamagusai ちなまぐさい |
(adjective) (1) reeking of blood; stinking of blood; (2) bloody (battle, crime, etc.) |
血盆大口 see styles |
xuè pén dà kǒu xue4 pen2 da4 kou3 hsüeh p`en ta k`ou hsüeh pen ta kou |
bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl (idiom); ferocious mouth of beast of prey; fig. greedy exploiter; rapacious aggressor |
血管内皮 see styles |
kekkannaihi けっかんないひ |
{anat} vascular endothelium; angioendothelium; endothelium |
血管弁膜 see styles |
kekkanbenmaku けっかんべんまく |
{anat} valve of the veins |
血管形成 see styles |
kekkankeisei / kekkankese けっかんけいせい |
angiogenesis |
血管拡張 see styles |
kekkankakuchou / kekkankakucho けっかんかくちょう |
vasodilation; vasodilatation |
血管攝影 血管摄影 see styles |
xuè guǎn shè yǐng xue4 guan3 she4 ying3 hsüeh kuan she ying |
angiography |
血管浮腫 see styles |
kekkanfushu けっかんふしゅ |
{med} angioedema |
血管狭窄 see styles |
kekkankyousaku / kekkankyosaku けっかんきょうさく |
angiostenosis |
血管疾患 see styles |
kekkanshikkan けっかんしっかん |
{med} vascular disease; valvular disease |
血管肉腫 see styles |
kekkannikushu けっかんにくしゅ |
angiosarcoma |
血管造影 see styles |
xuè guǎn zào yǐng xue4 guan3 zao4 ying3 hsüeh kuan tsao ying kekkanzouei / kekkanzoe けっかんぞうえい |
angiography angiography |
血紅蛋白 血红蛋白 see styles |
xuè hóng dàn bái xue4 hong2 dan4 bai2 hsüeh hung tan pai |
hemoglobin |
血統主義 see styles |
kettoushugi / kettoshugi けっとうしゅぎ |
(See 出生地主義) jus sanguinis; principle that citizenship is determined by that of one's parents |
血緣關係 血缘关系 see styles |
xuè yuán guān xì xue4 yuan2 guan1 xi4 hsüeh yüan kuan hsi |
blood relationship; consanguinity |
血縁淘汰 see styles |
ketsuentouta / ketsuentota けつえんとうた |
kin selection |
血縁関係 see styles |
ketsuenkankei / ketsuenkanke けつえんかんけい |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) blood relationship; blood relations; being genetically related |
血縁集団 see styles |
ketsuenshuudan / ketsuenshudan けつえんしゅうだん |
(See 地縁集団) consanguineous group; kin group |
血肉模糊 see styles |
xuè ròu - mó hu xue4 rou4 - mo2 hu5 hsüeh jou - mo hu |
(idiom) badly mangled or mutilated; gruesome |
血肉橫飛 血肉横飞 see styles |
xuè ròu - héng fēi xue4 rou4 - heng2 fei1 hsüeh jou - heng fei |
(idiom) flesh and blood flying in all directions; carnage |
血肉相連 血肉相连 see styles |
xuè ròu xiāng lián xue4 rou4 xiang1 lian2 hsüeh jou hsiang lien |
one's own flesh and blood (idiom); closely related |
血脈僨張 血脉偾张 see styles |
xuè mài fèn zhāng xue4 mai4 fen4 zhang1 hsüeh mai fen chang |
lit. blood vessels swell wide (idiom); fig. one's blood runs quicker; to be excited |
血腥瑪麗 血腥玛丽 see styles |
xuè xīng mǎ lì xue4 xing1 ma3 li4 hsüeh hsing ma li |
Bloody Mary |
血色素尿 see styles |
kesshikisonyou / kesshikisonyo けっしきそにょう |
hemoglobinuria; haemoglobinuria |
血色素症 see styles |
kesshikisoshou / kesshikisosho けっしきそしょう |
{med} (See ヘモクロマトーシス) hemochromatosis; haemochromatosis |
血色素計 see styles |
kesshikisokei / kesshikisoke けっしきそけい |
hemoglobinometer; haemoglobinometer |
血行不良 see styles |
kekkoufuryou / kekkofuryo けっこうふりょう |
blood circulation failure |
血行不足 see styles |
kekkoubusoku / kekkobusoku けっこうぶそく |
lack of blood flow; poor circulation |
血行動態 see styles |
kekkoudoutai / kekkodotai けっこうどうたい |
{med} hemodynamics |
血行障害 see styles |
kekkoushougai / kekkoshogai けっこうしょうがい |
disturbance (blockage) of blood flow |
血親復仇 血亲复仇 see styles |
xuè qīn fù chóu xue4 qin1 fu4 chou2 hsüeh ch`in fu ch`ou hsüeh chin fu chou |
blood vengeance |
血跡斑斑 血迹斑斑 see styles |
xuè jì bān bān xue4 ji4 ban1 ban1 hsüeh chi pan pan |
bloodstained |
さい帯血 see styles |
saitaiketsu さいたいけつ |
umbilical cord blood |
一針見血 一针见血 see styles |
yī zhēn jiàn xiě yi1 zhen1 jian4 xie3 i chen chien hsieh |
lit. to draw blood on the first prick (idiom); fig. to hit the nail on the head |
上血塚島 see styles |
kamichizukajima かみちづかじま |
(personal name) Kamichizukajima |
下血塚島 see styles |
shimochizukajima しもちづかじま |
(personal name) Shimochizukajima |
不惜血本 see styles |
bù xī xuè běn bu4 xi1 xue4 ben3 pu hsi hsüeh pen |
to spare no effort; to devote all one's energies |
不正出血 see styles |
fuseishukketsu / fuseshukketsu ふせいしゅっけつ |
metrorrhagia; abnormal vaginal bleeding |
乾燥血漿 see styles |
kansoukesshou / kansokessho かんそうけっしょう |
dried plasma |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "血" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.