There are 1642 total results for your 经 search. I have created 17 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678910...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
瑜祇經 瑜祇经 see styles |
yú qí jīng yu2 qi2 jing1 yü ch`i ching yü chi ching Yugi kyō |
Yuqi jing |
瓔珞經 璎珞经 see styles |
yīng luò jīng ying1 luo4 jing1 ying lo ching Yōrakukyō |
Yingluo jing |
甚深經 甚深经 see styles |
shén shēn jīng shen2 shen1 jing1 shen shen ching shinshin kyō |
extremely profound scripture |
生意經 生意经 see styles |
shēng yi jīng sheng1 yi5 jing1 sheng i ching |
knack of doing business; business sense |
略出經 略出经 see styles |
lüè chū jīng lve4 chu1 jing1 lve ch`u ching lve chu ching Ryakushukkyō |
Lvechu jing |
痛經假 痛经假 see styles |
tòng jīng jià tong4 jing1 jia4 t`ung ching chia tung ching chia |
menstrual leave |
發神經 发神经 see styles |
fā shén jīng fa1 shen2 jing1 fa shen ching |
(coll.) to go crazy; to lose it; demented; unhinged |
百喩經 百喩经 see styles |
bǎi yú jīng bai3 yu2 jing1 pai yü ching Hyakuyu kyō |
The sūtra of the 100 parables, tr. by Guṇavṛddhi, late fifth century; also 百警經. |
百緣經 百缘经 see styles |
bǎi yuán jīng bai3 yuan2 jing1 pai yüan ching Hyakuen kyō |
Avadānaśataka |
百譬經 百譬经 see styles |
bǎi pì jīng bai3 pi4 jing1 pai p`i ching pai pi ching Hyakuhi kyō |
Sūtra of the 100 Parables |
看經堂 看经堂 see styles |
kàn jīng táng kan4 jing1 tang2 k`an ching t`ang kan ching tang kankin dō |
sūtra reading hall |
看經派 看经派 see styles |
kàn jīng pài kan4 jing1 pai4 k`an ching p`ai kan ching pai kankyō ha |
textual study track |
眞實經 眞实经 see styles |
zhēn shí jīng zhen1 shi2 jing1 chen shih ching Shinjitsukyō |
Zhenshi jing |
石壁經 石壁经 see styles |
shí bì jīng shi2 bi4 jing1 shih pi ching sekiheki kyō |
Sutras cut in stone in A. D. 829 in the 重玄寺 Ch'ung-hsüan temple, Soochow, where Po Chü-i put up a tablet. They consist of 69, 550 words of the 法華, 27, 092 of the 維摩, 5,287 of the 金剛, 3,020 of the 尊勝陀羅尼, 1,800 of the 阿彌陀, 6,990 of the 普顯行法, 3, 150 of the 實相法密, and 258 of the 般若心經. |
石經山 石经山 see styles |
shí jīng shān shi2 jing1 shan1 shih ching shan shakkyō san |
The hill with the stone sutras, which are said to have been carved in the Sui dynasty in grottoes on 自帶山 Pai Tai Shan, west of 涿州 Cho-chou in Shun-t'ienfu, Chihli. |
祕密經 祕密经 see styles |
mì mì jīng mi4 mi4 jing1 mi mi ching himitsu kyō |
the scriptures of the esoteric school |
神經元 神经元 see styles |
shén jīng yuán shen2 jing1 yuan2 shen ching yüan |
neuron |
神經原 神经原 see styles |
shén jīng yuán shen2 jing1 yuan2 shen ching yüan |
neuron; also written 神經元|神经元 |
神經學 神经学 see styles |
shén jīng xué shen2 jing1 xue2 shen ching hsüeh |
neurology |
神經性 神经性 see styles |
shén jīng xìng shen2 jing1 xing4 shen ching hsing |
neural; mental; neurological |
神經病 神经病 see styles |
shén jīng bìng shen2 jing1 bing4 shen ching ping |
mental disorder; neuropathy; (derog.) mental case |
神經症 神经症 see styles |
shén jīng zhèng shen2 jing1 zheng4 shen ching cheng |
neurosis |
神經痛 神经痛 see styles |
shén jīng tòng shen2 jing1 tong4 shen ching t`ung shen ching tung |
neuralgia (medicine) |
神經科 神经科 see styles |
shén jīng kē shen2 jing1 ke1 shen ching k`o shen ching ko |
neurology department |
神經突 神经突 see styles |
shén jīng tū shen2 jing1 tu1 shen ching t`u shen ching tu |
nerve process |
神經管 神经管 see styles |
shén jīng guǎn shen2 jing1 guan3 shen ching kuan |
neural tube (embryology) |
神經節 神经节 see styles |
shén jīng jié shen2 jing1 jie2 shen ching chieh |
(anatomy) ganglion |
神經索 神经索 see styles |
shén jīng suǒ shen2 jing1 suo3 shen ching so |
nerve cord |
神經網 神经网 see styles |
shén jīng wǎng shen2 jing1 wang3 shen ching wang |
neural net |
神經質 神经质 see styles |
shén jīng zhì shen2 jing1 zhi4 shen ching chih |
nervous; on edge; excitable; neurotic |
移山經 移山经 see styles |
yí shān jīng yi2 shan1 jing1 i shan ching Isen kyō |
Sūtra on [the Hero Who] Moves Mountains |
經不住 经不住 see styles |
jīng bu zhù jing1 bu5 zhu4 ching pu chu |
to be unable to bear |
經不起 经不起 see styles |
jīng bu qǐ jing1 bu5 qi3 ching pu ch`i ching pu chi |
can't stand it; to be unable to bear; to be unable to resist |
經中說 经中说 see styles |
jīng zhōng shuō jing1 zhong1 shuo1 ching chung shuo kyō chū setsu |
explained in the sūtra[s] |
經久時 经久时 see styles |
jīng jiǔ shí jing1 jiu3 shi2 ching chiu shih kyō kuji |
passing through a long period of time |
經信委 经信委 see styles |
jīng xìn wěi jing1 xin4 wei3 ching hsin wei |
Economy and Informatization Commission |
經劫數 经劫数 see styles |
jīng jié shù jing1 jie2 shu4 ching chieh shu kyōkōshu |
passing through numerous eons |
經呪力 经呪力 see styles |
jīng zhòu lì jing1 zhou4 li4 ching chou li kyōshuriki |
power of sūtras and dhāraṇīs |
經多時 经多时 see styles |
jīng duō shí jing1 duo1 shi2 ching to shih kyō taji |
passing through much time |
經帷子 经帷子 see styles |
jīng wéi zǐ jing1 wei2 zi3 ching wei tzu kyōishi |
sūtra robe |
經律論 经律论 see styles |
jīng lǜ lùn jing1 lv4 lun4 ching lü lun kyōritsuron |
Sūtras, Vinaya, Abhidharma śāstras, the three divisions of the Buddhist canon. |
經得起 经得起 see styles |
jīng de qǐ jing1 de5 qi3 ching te ch`i ching te chi |
to be able to withstand; to be able to endure |
經手人 经手人 see styles |
jīng shǒu rén jing1 shou3 ren2 ching shou jen |
the person in charge; agent; broker |
經法教 经法教 see styles |
jīng fǎ jiào jing1 fa3 jiao4 ching fa chiao kyōhō kyō |
teaching about the scriptural Dharma |
經濟人 经济人 see styles |
jīng jì rén jing1 ji4 ren2 ching chi jen |
Homo economicus |
經濟學 经济学 see styles |
jīng jì xué jing1 ji4 xue2 ching chi hsüeh |
economics (as a field of study) |
經濟座 经济座 see styles |
jīng jì zuò jing1 ji4 zuo4 ching chi tso |
economy seat |
經濟界 经济界 see styles |
jīng jì jiè jing1 ji4 jie4 ching chi chieh |
economic circles |
經濟艙 经济舱 see styles |
jīng jì cāng jing1 ji4 cang1 ching chi ts`ang ching chi tsang |
economy class |
經濟體 经济体 see styles |
jīng jì tǐ jing1 ji4 ti3 ching chi t`i ching chi ti |
an economy; a country (or region etc) viewed as an economic entity |
經營者 经营者 see styles |
jīng yíng zhě jing1 ying2 zhe3 ching ying che |
executive; manager; transactor |
經紀人 经纪人 see styles |
jīng jì rén jing1 ji4 ren2 ching chi jen |
broker; middleman; agent; manager |
經緯儀 经纬仪 see styles |
jīng wěi yí jing1 wei3 yi2 ching wei i |
theodolite |
經緯線 经纬线 see styles |
jīng wěi xiàn jing1 wei3 xian4 ching wei hsien |
lines of latitude and longitude; warp and woof |
經行處 经行处 see styles |
jīng xíng chù jing1 xing2 chu4 ching hsing ch`u ching hsing chu kyōgyō sho |
a place for walking up and down |
經部宗 经部宗 see styles |
jīng bù zōng jing1 bu4 zong1 ching pu tsung Kyōbu shū |
Sautrāntika |
經量部 经量部 see styles |
jīng liáng bù jing1 liang2 bu4 ching liang pu Kyōryō bu |
Sautrāntika |
經銷商 经销商 see styles |
jīng xiāo shāng jing1 xiao1 shang1 ching hsiao shang |
dealer; seller; distributor; broker; agency; franchise (i.e. company); retail outlet |
經陸路 经陆路 see styles |
jīng lù lù jing1 lu4 lu4 ching lu lu |
overland |
維摩經 维摩经 see styles |
wéi mó jīng wei2 mo2 jing1 wei mo ching Yuima gyō |
Vimalakīrti-nirdeśa-sūtra |
緣起經 缘起经 see styles |
yuán qǐ jīng yuan2 qi3 jing1 yüan ch`i ching yüan chi ching Engi kyō |
Sūtra on Conditioned Arising |
總持經 总持经 see styles |
zǒng chí jīng zong3 chi2 jing1 tsung ch`ih ching tsung chih ching Sōji kyō |
Dhāraṇī Sūtra |
總經理 总经理 see styles |
zǒng jīng lǐ zong3 jing1 li3 tsung ching li |
general manager; CEO |
罵意經 骂意经 see styles |
mà yì jīng ma4 yi4 jing1 ma i ching Baikyō |
Mayi jing |
翻經院 翻经院 see styles |
fān jīng yuàn fan1 jing1 yuan4 fan ching yüan hongyōin |
a translation center |
聖哉經 圣哉经 see styles |
shèng zāi jīng sheng4 zai1 jing1 sheng tsai ching |
Sanctus (section of Catholic mass) |
聲王經 声王经 see styles |
shēng wáng jīng sheng1 wang2 jing1 sheng wang ching Shōō kyō |
Sound King Sūtra |
腦神經 脑神经 see styles |
nǎo shén jīng nao3 shen2 jing1 nao shen ching |
cranial nerves |
自說經 自说经 see styles |
zì shuō jīng zi4 shuo1 jing1 tzu shuo ching jisetsu kyō |
(Skt. udāna) |
興顯經 兴显经 see styles |
xīng xiǎn jīng xing1 xian3 jing1 hsing hsien ching Kōken kyō |
Tathāgatôtpatti-saṃbhava-nirdeśa(sūtra) |
般若經 般若经 see styles |
bō rě jīng bo1 re3 jing1 po je ching Hannya kyō |
The wisdom sutras, especially the 大般若波羅密多經 tr. by Hsuanzang in 600 juan. A compendium of five wisdom sutras is 摩訶般若; 金剛般若; 天王問般若; 光讚般若 and 仁王般若; cf. the last. Another compendium contains eight books. |
花嚴經 花严经 see styles |
huā yán jīng hua1 yan2 jing1 hua yen ching Kegon kyō |
Huayan jing |
莊嚴經 庄严经 see styles |
zhuāng yán jīng zhuang1 yan2 jing1 chuang yen ching Shōgon kyō |
Dhāraṇī Sūtra of the Adorned King |
華嚴經 华严经 see styles |
huá yán jīng hua2 yan2 jing1 hua yen ching Kegon kyō |
Avatamsaka sutra of the Huayan school; also called Buddhavatamsaka-mahavaipulya Sutra, the Flower adornment sutra or the Garland sutra Avataṃsaka-sūtra, also 大方廣佛華嚴經. Three tr. have been made: (1) by Buddhabhadra, who arrived in China A.D. 406, in 60 juan, known also as the 晉經 Jin sūtra and 舊經 the old sūtra; (2) by Śikṣānanda, about A.D. 700, in 80 juan, known also as the 唐經 Tang sūtra and 新經 the new sūtra; (3) by Prajñā about A.D. 800, in 40 juan. The treatises on this sūtra are very numerous, and the whole are known as the 華嚴部; they include the 華嚴音義 dictionary of the Classic by 慧苑 Huiyuan, about A.D. 700. |
蓮華經 莲华经 see styles |
lián huá jīng lian2 hua2 jing1 lien hua ching Renge kyō |
Lotus Sūtra |
蔣經國 蒋经国 see styles |
jiǎng jīng guó jiang3 jing1 guo2 chiang ching kuo |
Chiang Ching-kuo (1910-1988), son of Chiang Kai-shek 蔣介石|蒋介石, Guomindang politician, president of ROC 1978-1988 |
藏經板 藏经板 see styles |
zàng jīng bǎn zang4 jing1 ban3 tsang ching pan zōkyō ban |
sūtra block |
藏經洞 藏经洞 see styles |
zàng jīng dòng zang4 jing1 dong4 tsang ching tung |
cave holding scripture depository, part of Mogao cave complex 莫高窟, Dunhuang 敦煌 |
藏經閣 藏经阁 see styles |
zàng jīng gé zang4 jing1 ge2 tsang ching ko zōkyō kaku |
sūtra room |
藥師經 药师经 see styles |
yào shī jīng yao4 shi1 jing1 yao shih ching Yakushi kyō |
Healing sutra; Bhaisajyaguru sutra Yaoshi jing |
血盆經 血盆经 see styles |
xiě pén jīng xie3 pen2 jing1 hsieh p`en ching hsieh pen ching Ketsubon kyō |
The sutra describing the blood bath for women in Hades; it is a Chinese invention and is called by Eitel "the placenta tank, which consists of an immense pool of blood, and from this hell, it is said, no release is possible"; but there are ceremonies for release from it. |
要經典 要经典 see styles |
yào jīng diǎn yao4 jing1 dian3 yao ching tien yō kyōten |
an important scripture |
視神經 视神经 see styles |
shì shén jīng shi4 shen2 jing1 shih shen ching |
optic nerve |
觀佛經 观佛经 see styles |
guān fó jīng guan1 fo2 jing1 kuan fo ching Kanbutsu kyō |
Guanfo jing |
觀經疏 观经疏 see styles |
guān jīng shū guan1 jing1 shu1 kuan ching shu Kangyō sho |
Commentary on the Contemplation Sūtra |
觀音經 观音经 see styles |
guān yīn jīng guan1 yin1 jing1 kuan yin ching Kan'non gyō |
Chapter of the Universal Gate of Avalokitêśvara Bodhisattva |
解節經 解节经 see styles |
jiě jié jīng jie3 jie2 jing1 chieh chieh ching Gessekkyō |
Jiejie jing |
說經部 说经部 see styles |
shuō jīng bù shuo1 jing1 bu4 shuo ching pu Setsukyō bu |
Sautrāntika |
論議經 论议经 see styles |
lùn yì jīng lun4 yi4 jing1 lun i ching ron gi kyō |
discussions of doctrine |
諷經牌 讽经牌 see styles |
fèng jīng pái feng4 jing1 pai2 feng ching p`ai feng ching pai fugin hai |
wooden placard announcing sūtra-chanting |
講經會 讲经会 see styles |
jiǎng jīng huì jiang3 jing1 hui4 chiang ching hui kōkyō e |
a lecture-meeting at which scriptures are expounded |
象腋經 象腋经 see styles |
xiàng yè jīng xiang4 ye4 jing1 hsiang yeh ching Zōeki kyō |
Elephant Girth Sūtra (?) |
貝葉經 贝叶经 see styles |
bèi yè jīng bei4 ye4 jing1 pei yeh ching |
sutra written on leaves of pattra palm tree |
賢愚經 贤愚经 see styles |
xián yú jīng xian2 yu2 jing1 hsien yü ching Gengu kyō |
Damamūka-nidāna-sūtra |
超經驗 超经验 see styles |
chāo jīng yàn chao1 jing1 yan4 ch`ao ching yen chao ching yen |
extra-empirical; outside one's experience |
遊行經 遊行经 see styles |
yóu xíng jīng you2 xing2 jing1 yu hsing ching Yugyō kyō |
Sūtra of the Account of Travels |
道德經 道德经 see styles |
dào dé jīng dao4 de2 jing1 tao te ching Dōtoku kyō |
More info & calligraphy: Daodejing / Tao Te ChingDaode jing |
遺教經 遗教经 see styles |
yí jiào jīng yi2 jiao4 jing1 i chiao ching Yuikyō kyō |
Sūtra of the Deathbed Injunction |
那先經 那先经 see styles |
nà xiān jīng na4 xian1 jing1 na hsien ching Nasen kyō |
Sūtra on The Questions of King Milinda |
金剛經 金刚经 see styles |
jīn gāng jīng jin1 gang1 jing1 chin kang ching Kongō kyō |
The Diamond Sutra; Vajracchedikā-prājñāpāramitā Sutra 金剛能斷般若波羅蜜經 Acondensation of the Prājñāpāramitā Sutratitle>; first tr. byKumārajīva, later by others under slightly varying titles. |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "经" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.