There are 7325 total results for your 日 search. I have created 74 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<...4041424344454647484950...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
日光沢温泉 see styles |
nikkouzawaonsen / nikkozawaonsen にっこうざわおんせん |
(place-name) Nikkouzawaonsen |
日光浴浴床 see styles |
rì guāng yù yù chuáng ri4 guang1 yu4 yu4 chuang2 jih kuang yü yü ch`uang jih kuang yü yü chuang |
sunbed |
日光節約時 日光节约时 see styles |
rì guāng jié yuē shí ri4 guang1 jie2 yue1 shi2 jih kuang chieh yüeh shih |
daylight saving time |
日光網膜炎 see styles |
nikkoumoumakuen / nikkomomakuen にっこうもうまくえん |
{med} solar retinitis |
日光角化症 see styles |
nikkoukakukashou / nikkokakukasho にっこうかくかしょう |
{med} actinic keratosis; solar keratosis; senile keratosis |
日出ずる国 see styles |
hiizurukuni / hizurukuni ひいずるくに |
Land of the Rising Sun |
日出づる国 see styles |
hiizurukuni / hizurukuni ひいづるくに |
Land of the Rising Sun |
日出浄水場 see styles |
hinodejousuijou / hinodejosuijo ひのでじょうすいじょう |
(place-name) Hinode Water Purification Plant |
日出生ダム see styles |
hijuudamu / hijudamu ひじゅうダム |
(place-name) Hijuu Dam |
日出生本村 see styles |
hijuuhonmura / hijuhonmura ひじゅうほんむら |
(place-name) Hijuuhonmura |
日原発電所 see styles |
nichiharahatsudensho にちはらはつでんしょ |
(place-name) Nichihara Power Station |
日原鍾乳洞 see styles |
nipparashounyuudou / nipparashonyudo にっぱらしょうにゅうどう |
(place-name) Nipparashounyūdou |
日古木大池 see styles |
hikogiooike ひこぎおおいけ |
(place-name) Hikogiooike |
日吉フミコ see styles |
hiyoshifumiko ひよしフミコ |
(person) Hiyoshi Fumiko |
日吉倉新田 see styles |
hiyoshikurashinden ひよしくらしんでん |
(place-name) Hiyoshikurashinden |
日吉本町駅 see styles |
hiyoshihonchoueki / hiyoshihonchoeki ひよしほんちょうえき |
(st) Hiyoshihonchō Station |
日吉津新田 see styles |
hiezushinden ひえづしんでん |
(place-name) Hiezushinden |
日向あずみ see styles |
hyuugaazumi / hyugazumi ひゅうがあずみ |
(person) Hyūga Azumi (1975.1.6-) |
日向ぼこり see styles |
hinatabokori ひなたぼこり |
(See 日向ぼっこ) basking in the sun |
日向ぼっこ see styles |
hinatabokko ひなたぼっこ |
(noun/participle) (kana only) basking in the sun |
日向タキ沢 see styles |
hinatatakisawa ひなたタキさわ |
(place-name) Hinatatakisawa |
日向住吉駅 see styles |
hyuugasumiyoshieki / hyugasumiyoshieki ひゅうがすみよしえき |
(st) Hyūgasumiyoshi Station |
日向八戸駅 see styles |
hyuugayatoeki / hyugayatoeki ひゅうがやとえき |
(st) Hyūgayato Station |
日向前田駅 see styles |
hyuugamaedaeki / hyugamaedaeki ひゅうがまえだえき |
(st) Hyūgamaeda Station |
日向北方駅 see styles |
hyuugakitakataeki / hyugakitakataeki ひゅうがきたかたえき |
(st) Hyūgakitakata Station |
日向和田駅 see styles |
hinatawadaeki ひなたわだえき |
(st) Hinatawada Station |
日向坂46 see styles |
hinatazakafootiishikkusu / hinatazakafootishikkusu ひなたざかフォーティーシックス |
(group) Hinatazaka46 (idol group) |
日向大左右 see styles |
hinataoozou / hinataoozo ひなたおおぞう |
(place-name) Hinataoozou |
日向大束駅 see styles |
hyuugaootsukaeki / hyugaootsukaeki ひゅうがおおつかえき |
(st) Hyūgaootsuka Station |
日向寺太郎 see styles |
hyuugajitarou / hyugajitaro ひゅうがじたろう |
(person) Hyūgaji Tarō |
日向居木山 see styles |
hinataorikiyama ひなたおりきやま |
(personal name) Hinataorikiyama |
日向岡元駅 see styles |
hyuugaokamotoeki / hyugaokamotoeki ひゅうがおかもとえき |
(st) Hyūgaokamoto Station |
日向庄内駅 see styles |
hyuugashounaieki / hyugashonaieki ひゅうがしょうないえき |
(st) Hyūgashounai Station |
日向新富駅 see styles |
hyuugashintomieki / hyugashintomieki ひゅうがしんとみえき |
(st) Hyūgashintomi Station |
日向椎葉湖 see styles |
hyuugashiibako / hyugashibako ひゅうがしいばこ |
(personal name) Hyūgashiibako |
日向沓掛駅 see styles |
hyuugakutsukakeeki / hyugakutsukakeeki ひゅうがくつかけえき |
(st) Hyūgakutsukake Station |
日向真幸来 see styles |
hirugamasaki ひるがまさき |
(person) Hiru Gamasaki |
日向神ダム see styles |
hyuugamidamu / hyugamidamu ひゅうがみダム |
(place-name) Hyūgami Dam |
日向製錬所 see styles |
hyuugaseirenjo / hyugaserenjo ひゅうがせいれんじょ |
(place-name) Hyūgaseirenjo |
日向野善明 see styles |
higanoyoshiaki ひがのよしあき |
(person) Higano Yoshiaki |
日向長井駅 see styles |
hyuuganagaieki / hyuganagaieki ひゅうがながいえき |
(st) Hyūganagai Station |
日和佐信子 see styles |
hiwasanobuko ひわさのぶこ |
(person) Hiwasa Nobuko |
日和山公園 see styles |
hiyoriyamakouen / hiyoriyamakoen ひよりやまこうえん |
(place-name) Hiyoriyama Park |
日和山灯台 see styles |
biyoriyamatoudai / biyoriyamatodai びよりやまとうだい |
(place-name) Biyoriyamatoudai |
日和田開拓 see styles |
hiwadakaitaku ひわだかいたく |
(place-name) Hiwadakaitaku |
日和田高原 see styles |
hiwadakougen / hiwadakogen ひわだこうげん |
(place-name) Hiwadakougen |
日和見主義 see styles |
hiyorimishugi ひよりみしゅぎ |
opportunism |
日和見感染 see styles |
hiyorimikansen ひよりみかんせん |
opportunistic infection |
日喀則地區 日喀则地区 see styles |
rì kā zé dì qū ri4 ka1 ze2 di4 qu1 jih k`a tse ti ch`ü jih ka tse ti chü |
Shigatse or Xigaze prefecture in central Tibet, Tibetan: Gzhis ka rtse sa khul, Chinese Rikaze |
日夏耿之介 see styles |
hinatsukounosuke / hinatsukonosuke ひなつこうのすけ |
(person) Hinatsu Kōnosuke |
日大薬学部 see styles |
nichidaiyakugakubu にちだいやくがくぶ |
(place-name) Nichidaiyakugakubu |
日奈久上西 see styles |
hinagukaminishi ひなぐかみにし |
(place-name) Hinagukaminishi |
日奈久下西 see styles |
hinagushimonishi ひなぐしもにし |
(place-name) Hinagushimonishi |
日奈久中町 see styles |
hinagunakamachi ひなぐなかまち |
(place-name) Hinagunakamachi |
日奈久中西 see styles |
hinagunakanishi ひなぐなかにし |
(place-name) Hinagunakanishi |
日奈久塩北 see styles |
hinagushiokita ひなぐしおきた |
(place-name) Hinagushiokita |
日奈久塩南 see styles |
hinagushiominami ひなぐしおみなみ |
(place-name) Hinagushiominami |
日奈久大坪 see styles |
hinaguootsubo ひなぐおおつぼ |
(place-name) Hinaguootsubo |
日奈久山下 see styles |
hinaguyamashita ひなぐやました |
(place-name) Hinaguyamashita |
日奈久平成 see styles |
hinaguheisei / hinaguhese ひなぐへいせい |
(place-name) Hinaguheisei |
日奈久新田 see styles |
hinagushinden ひなぐしんでん |
(place-name) Hinagushinden |
日奈久新開 see styles |
hinagushinkai ひなぐしんかい |
(place-name) Hinagushinkai |
日奈久東町 see styles |
hinaguhigashimachi ひなぐひがしまち |
(place-name) Hinaguhigashimachi |
日奈久栄町 see styles |
hinagusakaemachi ひなぐさかえまち |
(place-name) Hinagusakaemachi |
日奈久浜町 see styles |
hinaguhamamachi ひなぐはままち |
(place-name) Hinaguhamamachi |
日奈久温泉 see styles |
hinaguonsen ひなぐおんせん |
(place-name) Hinaguonsen |
日奈久馬越 see styles |
hinagumagoshi ひなぐまごし |
(place-name) Hinagumagoshi |
日子坐命墓 see styles |
hineimasunomikotobo / hinemasunomikotobo ひねいますのみことぼ |
(place-name) Hineimasunomikotobo |
日宗川小川 see styles |
nishuugawaogawa / nishugawaogawa にしゅうがわおがわ |
(place-name) Nishuugawaogawa |
日尊の倉山 see styles |
hisonokurayama ひそのくらやま |
(personal name) Hisonokurayama |
日尾八幡社 see styles |
hiohachimansha ひおはちまんしゃ |
(place-name) Hiohachimansha |
日岡山公園 see styles |
hiokayamakouen / hiokayamakoen ひおかやまこうえん |
(place-name) Hiokayama Park |
日帰り手術 see styles |
higaerishujutsu ひがえりしゅじゅつ |
day surgery; day procedure |
日帰り旅行 see styles |
higaeriryokou / higaeriryoko ひがえりりょこう |
day trip |
日帰り温泉 see styles |
higaerionsen ひがえりおんせん |
hot spring resort where customers can bathe without spending the night |
日常茶飯事 see styles |
nichijousahanji / nichijosahanji にちじょうさはんじ |
everyday occurrence |
日幢華眼鼓 日幢华眼鼓 see styles |
rì chuáng huā yǎn gǔ ri4 chuang2 hua1 yan3 gu3 jih ch`uang hua yen ku jih chuang hua yen ku nichi dō ke gen ko |
Five characters taken from the names of, and representing five Buddhas in the Vajradhātu 大日, 寳幢, 華開敷, 蓮華眼, and 天鼓雷音. |
日平トヤマ see styles |
nippeitoyama / nippetoyama にっぺいトヤマ |
(org) Nippei Toyama Corporation; (o) Nippei Toyama Corporation |
日当山温泉 see styles |
hinatayamaonsen ひなたやまおんせん |
(place-name) Hinatayamaonsen |
日影大左右 see styles |
hikageoozou / hikageoozo ひかげおおぞう |
(place-name) Hikageoozou |
日御碕神社 see styles |
hinomisakijinja ひのみさきじんじゃ |
(place-name) Hinomisaki Shrine |
日拝塚古墳 see styles |
hihaizukakofun ひはいずかこふん |
(place-name) Hihaizuka Tumulus |
日日是好日 see styles |
rì rì shì hǎo rì ri4 ri4 shi4 hao3 ri4 jih jih shih hao jih hibi kore kōjitsu ひびこれこうにち |
More info & calligraphy: Every day is a good dayevery day is a good day |
日景長戸岩 see styles |
hikagenagatoiwa ひかげながといわ |
(place-name) Hikagenagatoiwa |
日暮沢小屋 see styles |
higurezawagoya ひぐれざわごや |
(place-name) Higurezawagoya |
日替り定食 see styles |
higawariteishoku / higawariteshoku ひがわりていしょく |
daily set meal; daily special; plat du jour |
日月戢重暉 日月戢重晖 see styles |
rì yuè jí chóng huī ri4 yue4 ji2 chong2 hui1 jih yüeh chi ch`ung hui jih yüeh chi chung hui nichi getsu shū jū ki |
outshining the sun and moon |
日月淨明德 日月净明德 see styles |
rì yuè jìng míng dé ri4 yue4 jing4 ming2 de2 jih yüeh ching ming te Nichigetsu jōmyō toku |
Candra-vimala-sūrya-prabhāsa-śrī. A Buddha whose realm resembles Sukhāvatī. |
日月燈明佛 日月灯明佛 see styles |
rì yuè dēng míng fó ri4 yue4 deng1 ming2 fo2 jih yüeh teng ming fo Nichigetsu tō myō butsu |
Candra-sūrya-pradīpa, or Candrārkadīpa. The title of 20, 000 Buddhas who succeeded each other preaching the Lotus Sutra, v. 法華經, 序品. |
日本じゅう see styles |
nihonjuu / nihonju にほんじゅう nipponjuu / nipponju にっぽんじゅう |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) throughout Japan |
日本ケ塚山 see styles |
nihongatsukayama にほんがつかやま |
(personal name) Nihongatsukayama |
日本ダボス see styles |
nihondabosu にほんダボス |
(place-name) Nihondabosu |
日本テレビ see styles |
nihonterebi にほんテレビ |
(company) Nippon Television Network; (c) Nippon Television Network |
日本ライン see styles |
nihonrain にほんライン |
(place-name) Japanese Rhine (gorge section of the Kiso River between Minokamo, Gifu and Inuyama, Aichi); Japan Rhine |
日本リース see styles |
nihonriisu / nihonrisu にほんリース |
(company) Japan Leasing; (c) Japan Leasing |
日本三名山 see styles |
nihonsanmeizan / nihonsanmezan にほんさんめいざん |
(See 三名山) Japan's Three Famous Mountains (Mt. Fuji, Mt. Tate and Mt. Haku) |
日本三大茶 see styles |
nihonsandaicha にほんさんだいちゃ |
three greatest teas of Japan (Uji-cha, Sayama-cha and Shizuoka-cha) |
日本三霊山 see styles |
nihonsanreizan / nihonsanrezan にほんさんれいざん |
Japan's Three Holy Mountains (Mt. Fuji, Mt. Tate and Mt. Haku) |
日本人学校 see styles |
nihonjingakkou / nihonjingakko にほんじんがっこう |
school for Japanese outside of Japan |
日本人離れ see styles |
nihonjinbanare にほんじんばなれ |
(n,vs,adj-no) un-Japanese in appearance or character |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "日" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.