There are 4837 total results for your 奈 search. I have created 49 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<...40414243444546474849>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
宮脇里奈 see styles |
miyawakirina みやわきりな |
(person) Miyawaki Rina (1992.3.31-) |
宿奈麻呂 see styles |
sukunamaro すくなまろ |
(personal name) Sukunamaro |
小奈木谷 see styles |
konakodani こなこだに |
(place-name) Konakodani |
小奈良安 see styles |
konarayasu こならやす |
(place-name) Konarayasu |
小奈良尾 see styles |
onarao おならお |
(place-name) Onarao |
小峰麗奈 see styles |
kominerena こみねれな |
(person) Komine Rena |
小嶺麗奈 see styles |
kominerena こみねれな |
(person) Komine Rena (1980.7.19-) |
小川奈那 see styles |
ogawanana おがわなな |
(person) Ogawa Nana (1981.10.26-) |
小川真奈 see styles |
ogawamana おがわまな |
(person) Ogawa Mana (1993.7.2-) |
小松世奈 see styles |
komatsusena こまつせな |
(person) Komatsu Sena (1984.5.18-) |
小林加奈 see styles |
kobayashikana こばやしかな |
(person) Kobayashi Kana (1986.1.26-) |
小津奈木 see styles |
kotsunagi こつなぎ |
(place-name) Kotsunagi |
尾崎奈々 see styles |
ozakinana おざきなな |
(person) Ozaki Nana (1948.7.28-) |
尾高杏奈 see styles |
odakaanna / odakanna おだかあんな |
(person) Odaka Anna |
山下奈美 see styles |
yamashitanami やましたなみ |
(person) Yamashita Nami (1988.1.15-) |
山中奈々 see styles |
yamanakanana やまなかなな |
(person) Yamanaka Nana (1958.7.6-) |
山口奈々 see styles |
yamaguchinana やまぐちなな |
(person) Yamaguchi Nana (1938.8.10-) |
山川加奈 see styles |
yamakawakanako やまかわかなこ |
(person) Yamakawa Kanako (1985.4.20-) |
山根三奈 see styles |
yamanemina やまねみな |
(person) Yamane Mina |
山田玲奈 see styles |
yamadarena やまだれな |
(person) Yamada Rena (1978.3.13-) |
山脇佳奈 see styles |
yamawakikana やまわきかな |
(person) Yamawaki Kana (1984.9.1-) |
岡島礼奈 see styles |
okajimarena おかじまれな |
(person) Okajima Rena |
岡本奈月 see styles |
okamotonatsuki おかもとなつき |
(person) Okamoto Natsuki (1989.9.13-) |
岡田奈々 see styles |
okadanana おかだなな |
(person) Okada Nana (1959.2-) |
峰奈良井 see styles |
minenarai みねならい |
(place-name) Minenarai |
川岬奈央 see styles |
kawamisakinao かわみさきなお |
(person) Kawamisaki Nao |
平塚奈々 see styles |
hiratsukanana ひらつかなな |
(person) Hiratsuka Nana (1966.3.15-) |
幸美杏奈 see styles |
sachimianna さちみあんな |
(person) Sachi Mianna |
徳武利奈 see styles |
tokutakerina とくたけりな |
(person) Tokutake Rina (1979.12.13-) |
戸奈瀬町 see styles |
tonasechou / tonasecho となせちょう |
(place-name) Tonasechō |
日奈久中 see styles |
hinagunaka ひなぐなか |
(place-name) Hinagunaka |
日奈久東 see styles |
hinaguhigashi ひなぐひがし |
(place-name) Hinaguhigashi |
日奈久栄 see styles |
hinagusakae ひなぐさかえ |
(place-name) Hinagusakae |
日奈久浜 see styles |
hinaguhama ひなぐはま |
(place-name) Hinaguhama |
日奈田峠 see styles |
hinatatouge / hinatatoge ひなたとうげ |
(place-name) Hinatatōge |
日木流奈 see styles |
hikiruna ひきるな |
(person) Hiki Runa |
星野加奈 see styles |
hoshinokana ほしのかな |
(person) Hoshino Kana (1984.2.28-) |
智奈洞谷 see styles |
chinahoradani ちなほらだに |
(place-name) Chinahoradani |
有野玲奈 see styles |
arinorena ありのれな |
(person) Arino Rena |
朝日奈岳 see styles |
asahinadake あさひなだけ |
(personal name) Asahinadake |
朝比奈伸 see styles |
asahinashin あさひなしん |
(person) Asahina Shin (1976.8.20-) |
朝比奈岳 see styles |
asahinadake あさひなだけ |
(personal name) Asahinadake |
朝比奈川 see styles |
asahinagawa あさひながわ |
(personal name) Asahinagawa |
朝比奈平 see styles |
asahinatai あさひなたい |
(personal name) Asahinatai |
朝比奈町 see styles |
asahinachou / asahinacho あさひなちょう |
(place-name) Asahinachō |
朝比奈隆 see styles |
asahinatakashi あさひなたかし |
(person) Asahina Takashi (1908-) |
木下鈴奈 see styles |
kinoshitasuzuna きのしたすずな |
(person) Kinoshita Suzuna (1983.8.5-) |
杉奈久保 see styles |
suginakubo すぎなくぼ |
(place-name) Suginakubo |
杉浦加奈 see styles |
sugiurakana すぎうらかな |
(person) Sugiura Kana (1988.11.10-) |
杏奈桃花 see styles |
annamomoka あんなももか |
(female given name) Annamomoka |
村上東奈 see styles |
murakamiharuna むらかみはるな |
(person) Murakami Haruna (1989.4.4-) |
村本安奈 see styles |
muramotoanna むらもとあんな |
(person) Muramoto Anna (1987.9.11-) |
東和奈古 see styles |
higashiwanago ひがしわなご |
(place-name) Higashiwanago |
東奈井江 see styles |
higashinaie ひがしないえ |
(place-name) Higashinaie |
東奈良口 see styles |
higashinaraguchi ひがしならぐち |
(place-name) Higashinaraguchi |
東朝比奈 see styles |
higashiasahina ひがしあさひな |
(place-name) Higashiasahina |
東比奈町 see styles |
higashihinachou / higashihinacho ひがしひなちょう |
(place-name) Higashihinachō |
東神奈川 see styles |
higashikanagawa ひがしかながわ |
(place-name) Higashikanagawa |
松下奈緒 see styles |
matsushitanao まつしたなお |
(person) Matsushita Nao (1985.2.8-) |
松岡春奈 see styles |
matsuokaharuna まつおかはるな |
(person) Matsuoka Haruna (1981.5.4-) |
松田千奈 see styles |
matsudasenna まつだせんな |
(person) Matsuda Senna (1977.1.29-) |
林加奈子 see styles |
hayashikanako はやしかなこ |
(person) Hayashi Kanako |
柄本奈美 see styles |
tsukamotonami つかもとなみ |
(person) Tsukamoto Nami |
栗原里奈 see styles |
kurihararina くりはらりな |
(person) Kurihara Rina (1978.2.11-) |
根本奈美 see styles |
nemotonami ねもとなみ |
(person) Nemoto Nami |
梶ヶ奈路 see styles |
kajiganaro かじがなろ |
(place-name) Kajiganaro |
森ノ華奈 see styles |
morinokana もりのかな |
(person) Morino Kana |
森下加奈 see styles |
morishitakana もりしたかな |
(person) Morishita Kana (1985.9.24-) |
森奈津子 see styles |
morinatsuko もりなつこ |
(person) Morina Tsuko |
森奈賀子 see styles |
morinagako もりながこ |
(person) Morina Gako |
森田淳奈 see styles |
moritajunna もりたじゅんな |
(person) Morita Junna (1976.6.26-) |
植田佳奈 see styles |
uedakana うえだかな |
(person) Ueda Kana (1980.6.9-) |
榮倉奈々 see styles |
eikuranana / ekuranana えいくらなな |
(person) Eikura Nana (1988.2.12-) |
槇小奈帆 see styles |
makisanaho まきさなほ |
(person) Maki Sanaho |
槙奈央子 see styles |
makinaoko まきなおこ |
(person) Maki Naoko (1973.3.17-) |
樋口永奈 see styles |
higuchiena ひぐちえな |
(person) Higuchi Ena (1984.5.20-) |
橋本安奈 see styles |
hashimotoanna はしもとあんな |
(person) Hashimoto Anna (1989.5.7-) |
橘奈良麿 see styles |
tachibananaramaro たちばなならまろ |
(person) Tachibana Naramaro |
武奈ケ岳 see styles |
bunagadake ぶながだけ |
(personal name) Bunagadake |
武奈ケ嶽 see styles |
bunagadake ぶながだけ |
(personal name) Bunagadake |
毘奈耶經 毘奈耶经 see styles |
pín ài yē jīng pin2 ai4 ye1 jing1 p`in ai yeh ching pin ai yeh ching Binaya kyō |
Vinaya Sūtra |
気奈沢川 see styles |
kenasawagawa けなさわがわ |
(place-name) Kenasawagawa |
水樹奈々 see styles |
mizukinana みずきなな |
(f,h) Mizuki Nana |
水谷加奈 see styles |
mizutanikana みずたにかな |
(person) Mizutani Kana (1967.11.30-) |
水野麗奈 see styles |
mizunoreina / mizunorena みずのれいな |
(person) Mizuno Reina (1981.12.31-) |
永井奈都 see styles |
nagainatsu ながいなつ |
(person) Nagai Natsu |
永井流奈 see styles |
nagairuna ながいるな |
(person) Nagai Runa (1982.6.11-) |
永田杏奈 see styles |
nagataanna / nagatanna ながたあんな |
(person) Nagata Anna (1982.3.29-) |
河村和奈 see styles |
kawamurakazuna かわむらかずな |
(person) Kawamura Kazuna (1978.8.19-) |
波羅奈國 波罗奈国 see styles |
bō luó nài guó bo1 luo2 nai4 guo2 po lo nai kuo Harana koku |
Vārāṇasī |
波羅奈斯 波罗奈斯 see styles |
bō luó nài sī bo1 luo2 nai4 si1 po lo nai ssu Haranashi |
Vārāṇasī |
津奈木川 see styles |
tsunagigawa つなぎがわ |
(place-name) Tsunagigawa |
津奈木橋 see styles |
tsunakibashi つなきばし |
(place-name) Tsunakibashi |
津奈木沢 see styles |
tsunakizawa つなきざわ |
(place-name) Tsunakizawa |
津奈木湾 see styles |
tsunagiwan つなぎわん |
(place-name) Tsunagiwan |
津奈木町 see styles |
tsunagimachi つなぎまち |
(place-name) Tsunagimachi |
津奈木駅 see styles |
tsunagieki つなぎえき |
(st) Tsunagi Station |
津村加奈 see styles |
tsumurakana つむらかな |
(person) Tsumura Kana |
浅見奈生 see styles |
asaminao あさみなお |
(person) Asami Nao (1974.5.5-) |
深澤里奈 see styles |
fukazawarina ふかざわりな |
(person) Fukazawa Rina (1974.12.16-) |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "奈" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.