There are 7325 total results for your 日 search. I have created 74 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<...4041424344454647484950...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
姫向日葵 see styles |
himehimawari; himehimawari ひめひまわり; ヒメヒマワリ |
(kana only) cucumberleaf sunflower (Helianthus cucumerifolius) |
姫日不見 see styles |
himehimizu; himehimizu ひめひみず; ヒメヒミズ |
(kana only) True's shrew mole (Dymecodon pilirostris) |
子供の日 see styles |
kodomonohi こどものひ |
Children's Day (national holiday; May 5th) |
孤城落日 see styles |
kojourakujitsu / kojorakujitsu こじょうらくじつ |
(yoji) feeling (looking) lone and helpless; helplessness of those in reduced circumstances |
学園朝日 see styles |
gakuenasahi がくえんあさひ |
(place-name) Gakuen'asahi |
孫明日香 see styles |
sonasuka そんあすか |
(person) Son Asuka |
審判の日 see styles |
shinpannohi しんぱんのひ |
(exp,n) Judgment Day (as described in Christian tradition) |
対日感情 see styles |
tainichikanjou / tainichikanjo たいにちかんじょう |
feeling (sentiment) toward Japan |
対日赤字 see styles |
tainichiakaji たいにちあかじ |
trade deficit with Japan |
対日輸出 see styles |
tainichiyushutsu たいにちゆしゅつ |
exports to Japan; exporting to Japan |
小大日山 see styles |
kodainichizan こだいにちざん |
(personal name) Kodainichizan |
小日向山 see styles |
obinatayama おびなたやま |
(personal name) Obinatayama |
小日向沢 see styles |
kobinatazawa こびなたざわ |
(place-name) Kobinatazawa |
小日和田 see styles |
kohiwada こひわだ |
(place-name) Kohiwada |
小日影山 see styles |
kohikageyama こひかげやま |
(personal name) Kohikageyama |
小日影沢 see styles |
kohikagezawa こひかげざわ |
(place-name) Kohikagezawa |
小日本兒 小日本儿 see styles |
xiǎo rì běn r xiao3 ri4 ben3 r5 hsiao jih pen r |
erhua variant of 小日本[xiao3 Ri4 ben3] |
小日比野 see styles |
kohibino こひびの |
(place-name) Kohibino |
小日谷地 see styles |
kobiyachi こびやち |
(place-name) Kobiyachi |
小春日和 see styles |
koharubiyori こはるびより |
(yoji) Indian summer (around November); mild late autumn weather; mild late fall weather |
小朝日岳 see styles |
koasahidake こあさひだけ |
(personal name) Koasahidake |
小浜日吉 see styles |
obamahiyoshi おばまひよし |
(place-name) Obamahiyoshi |
小谷日向 see styles |
otanihina おたにひな |
(place-name) Otanihina |
小野朝日 see styles |
onoasahi おのあさひ |
(place-name) Onoasahi |
就業日数 see styles |
shuugyounissuu / shugyonissu しゅうぎょうにっすう |
days worked |
尼日利亞 尼日利亚 see styles |
ní rì lì yà ni2 ri4 li4 ya4 ni jih li ya |
More info & calligraphy: Nigeria |
尼日爾河 尼日尔河 see styles |
ní rì ěr hé ni2 ri4 er3 he2 ni jih erh ho |
Niger River of West Africa |
屈辱の日 see styles |
kutsujokunohi くつじょくのひ |
(exp,n) (hist) day of disgrace (in Okinawa; April 28, after the day in 1952 in which the US occupation of mainland Japan, but not Okinawa, ended) |
山内明日 see styles |
yamanouchimeibi / yamanochimebi やまのうちめいび |
(person) Yamanouchi Meibi (1987.7.2-) |
山口日記 see styles |
yamaguchinikki やまぐちにっき |
(personal name) Yamaguchinikki |
山手日南 see styles |
yamatehina やまてひな |
(place-name) Yamatehina |
岡田日郎 see styles |
okadanichio おかだにちお |
(person) Okada Nichio |
嵯峨朝日 see styles |
sagaasahi / sagasahi さがあさひ |
(place-name) Sagaasahi |
嶋躰日向 see styles |
shimataihinata しまたいひなた |
(place-name) Shimataihinata |
川口日影 see styles |
kawaguchihikage かわぐちひかげ |
(place-name) Kawaguchihikage |
川向朝日 see styles |
kawamukaiasahi かわむかいあさひ |
(place-name) Kawamukaiasahi |
工人日報 工人日报 see styles |
gōng rén rì bào gong1 ren2 ri4 bao4 kung jen jih pao |
Workers' Daily, Chinese newspaper founded in 1949 |
巴吞魯日 巴吞鲁日 see styles |
bā tūn lǔ rì ba1 tun1 lu3 ri4 pa t`un lu jih pa tun lu jih |
Baton Rouge, capital of Louisiana |
常友日南 see styles |
tsunemotohina つねもとひな |
(place-name) Tsunemotohina |
幌内春日 see styles |
horonaikasuga ほろないかすが |
(place-name) Horonaikasuga |
年均日照 see styles |
nián jun rì zhào nian2 jun1 ri4 zhao4 nien chün jih chao |
average annual sunshine |
年頃日頃 see styles |
toshigorohigoro としごろひごろ |
these days |
幸日出男 see styles |
yukihideo ゆきひでお |
(person) Yuki Hideo |
度宿日光 see styles |
dù sù rì guāng du4 su4 ri4 guang1 tu su jih kuang doshuku nikkō |
nakṣatra-tārâditya |
度日如年 see styles |
dù rì rú nián du4 ri4 ru2 nian2 tu jih ju nien |
a day drags past like a year (idiom); time hangs heavy; time crawls when one is wretched |
庭野日敬 see styles |
niwanonikkei / niwanonikke にわのにっけい |
(person) Niwano Nikkei (1906.11-) |
廣州日報 广州日报 see styles |
guǎng zhōu rì bào guang3 zhou1 ri4 bao4 kuang chou jih pao |
Guangzhou Daily |
延べ日数 see styles |
nobenissuu / nobenissu のべにっすう |
total days |
建部日吉 see styles |
takebehiyoshi たけべひよし |
(place-name) Takebehiyoshi |
廿三日町 see styles |
nijuusannichimachi / nijusannichimachi にじゅうさんにちまち |
(place-name) Nijuusannichimachi |
廿六日町 see styles |
nijuurokunichimachi / nijurokunichimachi にじゅうろくにちまち |
(place-name) Nijuurokunichimachi |
廿日大根 see styles |
hatsukadaikon はつかだいこん |
(kana only) radish (Raphanus sativus var. sativus) |
廿日市市 see styles |
hatsukaichishi はつかいちし |
(place-name) Hatsukaichi (city) |
廿日市駅 see styles |
hatsukaichieki はつかいちえき |
(st) Hatsukaichi Station |
当たり日 see styles |
ataribi あたりび |
day that something happens; day that one happens across something |
当日配達 see styles |
toujitsuhaitatsu / tojitsuhaitatsu とうじつはいたつ |
same-day delivery |
影に日に see styles |
kagenihini かげにひに |
(adverb) at all times; at any time; in rain or shine; reliably |
後日物語 see styles |
gojitsumonogatari ごじつものがたり |
(See 後日談) sequel |
愛菜の日 see styles |
aisainohi あいさいのひ |
(ev) Vegetable Appreciation Day; Day of Love for Veggies; (ev) Vegetable Appreciation Day; Day of Love for Veggies |
慧日寺跡 see styles |
enichijiato えにちじあと |
(place-name) Enichijiato |
成人の日 see styles |
seijinnohi / sejinnohi せいじんのひ |
(exp,n) Coming of Age Day (national holiday; second Monday in January); Adult's Day; (personal name) Seijinnohi |
成田日向 see styles |
naritahinata なりたひなた |
(place-name) Naritahinata |
成道齋日 成道斋日 see styles |
chéng dào zhāi rì cheng2 dao4 zhai1 ri4 ch`eng tao chai jih cheng tao chai jih jō dō sainichi |
Commemoration day of the Buddha's Enlightenment |
我が日本 see styles |
waganihon わがにほん |
our country Japan |
戸出春日 see styles |
toidekasuga といでかすが |
(place-name) Toidekasuga |
才田日吉 see styles |
saidahiyoshi さいだひよし |
(place-name) Saidahiyoshi |
抗日戦争 see styles |
kounichisensou / konichisenso こうにちせんそう |
(hist) War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression (Chinese name for the Second Sino-Japanese War; 1937-1945) |
抗日戰爭 抗日战争 see styles |
kàng rì zhàn zhēng kang4 ri4 zhan4 zheng1 k`ang jih chan cheng kang jih chan cheng |
(China's) War of Resistance against Japan (1937-1945) |
抗日運動 see styles |
kounichiundou / konichiundo こうにちうんどう |
(hist) anti-Japanese resistance movement (in pre-WWII China); anti-Japanese campaign |
拉格朗日 see styles |
lā gé lǎng rì la1 ge2 lang3 ri4 la ko lang jih |
Lagrange (name); Joseph-Louis Lagrange (1735-1813), French mathematician and physicist |
指日可待 see styles |
zhǐ rì kě dài zhi3 ri4 ke3 dai4 chih jih k`o tai chih jih ko tai |
imminent; just around the corner (idiom) |
振替休日 see styles |
furikaekyuujitsu / furikaekyujitsu ふりかえきゅうじつ |
(yoji) compensatory holiday; observed holiday (weekday holiday when the actual day is on a weekend); substitute holiday |
撥雲見日 拨云见日 see styles |
bō yún jiàn rì bo1 yun2 jian4 ri4 po yün chien jih |
lit. to dispel the clouds and see the sun (idiom); fig. to restore justice |
支払い日 see styles |
shiharaibi しはらいび |
payday; date of payment |
散歩日和 see styles |
sanpobiyori さんぽびより |
ideal weather for a walk |
敬老の日 see styles |
keirounohi / keronohi けいろうのひ |
Respect for the Aged Day (national holiday; third Monday in September) |
文化の日 see styles |
bunkanohi ぶんかのひ |
(exp,n) Culture Day (national holiday; November 3); (personal name) Bunkanohi |
新二日市 see styles |
shinfutsukaichi しんふつかいち |
(surname) Shinfutsukaichi |
新党日本 see styles |
shintounippon / shintonippon しんとうにっぽん |
New Party Nippon (Japanese political party) |
新八日市 see styles |
shinyoukaichi / shinyokaichi しんようかいち |
(personal name) Shin'youkaichi |
新屋日吉 see styles |
arayahiyoshi あらやひよし |
(place-name) Arayahiyoshi |
新屋朝日 see styles |
arayaasahi / arayasahi あらやあさひ |
(place-name) Arayaasahi |
新日之影 see styles |
shinhinokage しんひのかげ |
(place-name) Shinhinokage |
新日吉町 see styles |
shinhiyoshichou / shinhiyoshicho しんひよしちょう |
(place-name) Shinhiyoshichō |
新日川橋 see styles |
shinhikawabashi しんひかわばし |
(place-name) Shinhikawabashi |
新日本橋 see styles |
shinnihonbashi しんにほんばし |
(personal name) Shinnihonbashi |
新日野橋 see styles |
shinhinobashi しんひのばし |
(place-name) Shinhinobashi |
新日鉄前 see styles |
shinnittetsumae しんにってつまえ |
(personal name) Shinnittetsumae |
新春日町 see styles |
shinkasugamachi しんかすがまち |
(place-name) Shinkasugamachi |
新華日報 新华日报 see styles |
xīn huá rì bào xin1 hua2 ri4 bao4 hsin hua jih pao |
Xinhua Daily newspaper |
於七日中 于七日中 see styles |
yú qī rì zhōng yu2 qi1 ri4 zhong1 yü ch`i jih chung yü chi jih chung o shichinichi chū |
within seven days |
旅行日程 see styles |
ryokounittei / ryokonitte りょこうにってい |
itinerary |
早日康復 早日康复 see styles |
zǎo rì kāng fù zao3 ri4 kang1 fu4 tsao jih k`ang fu tsao jih kang fu |
to recover health quickly; Get well soon! |
早日渡上 see styles |
hayahitokami はやひとかみ |
(place-name) Hayahitokami |
早日渡中 see styles |
hayahitonaka はやひとなか |
(place-name) Hayahitonaka |
早日渡駅 see styles |
hayahitoeki はやひとえき |
(st) Hayahito Station |
旭日昇天 see styles |
kyokujitsushouten / kyokujitsushoten きょくじつしょうてん |
(adj-no,n) (yoji) full of vigor and vitality (like the rising sun); in the ascendant |
旺波日山 see styles |
wàng bō rì shān wang4 bo1 ri4 shan1 wang po jih shan |
Mt Wangbur, Dagzê county 達孜縣|达孜县[Da2 zi1 xian4], Lhasa, Tibet |
明々後日 see styles |
myoumyougonichi / myomyogonichi みょうみょうごにち shiasatte しあさって |
(n-adv,n-t) in three days' time; two days after tomorrow |
明くる日 see styles |
akuruhi あくるひ |
(n-adv,n-t) next day; following day |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "日" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.