There are 783 total results for your 装 search. I have created 8 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
保護装置 see styles |
hogosouchi / hogosochi ほごそうち |
{comp} safeguard |
倍力装置 see styles |
bairyokusouchi / bairyokusochi ばいりょくそうち |
servo unit |
借り衣装 see styles |
kariishou / karisho かりいしょう |
borrowed clothes |
偽装工作 see styles |
gisoukousaku / gisokosaku ぎそうこうさく |
(noun/participle) (yoji) diversionary tactics (maneuvering); disguise; hide by camouflage |
偽装結婚 see styles |
gisoukekkon / gisokekkon ぎそうけっこん |
sham marriage; fake marriage |
偽装表示 see styles |
gisouhyouji / gisohyoji ぎそうひょうじ |
false labeling; false advertising |
偽装請負 see styles |
gisouukeoi / gisoukeoi ぎそううけおい |
disguised contracting; fake subcontract; hiring a temporary employee and paying for the completion of the work rather than the work itself, thereby avoiding have to pay benefits |
偽装難民 see styles |
gisounanmin / gisonanmin ぎそうなんみん |
fake refugee; phony refugee; illegal migrant disguised as a refugee |
傳動裝置 传动装置 see styles |
chuán dòng zhuāng zhì chuan2 dong4 zhuang1 zhi4 ch`uan tung chuang chih chuan tung chuang chih |
(automobile) transmission |
儀装馬車 see styles |
gisoubasha / gisobasha ぎそうばしゃ |
state carriage |
入力装置 see styles |
nyuuryokusouchi / nyuryokusochi にゅうりょくそうち |
input unit; input device |
全副武裝 全副武装 see styles |
quán fù wǔ zhuāng quan2 fu4 wu3 zhuang1 ch`üan fu wu chuang chüan fu wu chuang |
fully armed; armed to the teeth; fig. fully equipped |
内蔵装置 see styles |
naizousouchi / naizosochi ないぞうそうち |
{comp} built-in device |
再生装置 see styles |
saiseisouchi / saisesochi さいせいそうち |
playback equipment |
冷凍装置 see styles |
reitousouchi / retosochi れいとうそうち |
refrigerator; refrigerating equipment; freezer |
冷却装置 see styles |
reikyakusouchi / rekyakusochi れいきゃくそうち |
cooling device |
冷房装置 see styles |
reibousouchi / rebosochi れいぼうそうち |
air-conditioning; air-cooling apparatus |
処理装置 see styles |
shorisouchi / shorisochi しょりそうち |
{comp} processing unit; processor |
出力装置 see styles |
shutsuryokusouchi / shutsuryokusochi しゅつりょくそうち |
output unit; output device |
制御装置 see styles |
seigyosouchi / segyosochi せいぎょそうち |
controller; control unit |
包装機械 see styles |
housoukikai / hosokikai ほうそうきかい |
packaging machinery; packaging machine |
包装米飯 see styles |
housoubeihan / hosobehan ほうそうべいはん |
cooked rice pack |
包装資材 see styles |
housoushizai / hososhizai ほうそうしざい |
packaging material |
半装軌車 see styles |
hansoukisha / hansokisha はんそうきしゃ |
half-track (vehicle) |
半革装丁 see styles |
hankawasoutei / hankawasote はんかわそうてい |
half-leather binding |
印刷装置 see styles |
insatsusouchi / insatsusochi いんさつそうち |
{comp} (See プリンター) printer |
印字装置 see styles |
injisouchi / injisochi いんじそうち |
{comp} (See プリンター) printer |
受信装置 see styles |
jushinsouchi / jushinsochi じゅしんそうち |
receiver; receiving set; receiving apparatus (equipment) |
周辺装置 see styles |
shuuhensouchi / shuhensochi しゅうへんそうち |
{comp} peripheral equipment; peripheral device |
喬裝打扮 乔装打扮 see styles |
qiáo zhuāng dǎ bàn qiao2 zhuang1 da3 ban4 ch`iao chuang ta pan chiao chuang ta pan |
to dress up in disguise (idiom); to pretend for the purpose of deceit |
塗装業者 see styles |
tosougyousha / tosogyosha とそうぎょうしゃ |
house painter (occupation) |
変調装置 see styles |
henchousouchi / henchosochi へんちょうそうち |
{comp} modulator |
変速装置 see styles |
hensokusouchi / hensokusochi へんそくそうち |
gearbox; transmission |
外部装置 see styles |
gaibusouchi / gaibusochi がいぶそうち |
{comp} external unit; external device |
奇裝異服 奇装异服 see styles |
qí zhuāng yì fú qi2 zhuang1 yi4 fu2 ch`i chuang i fu chi chuang i fu |
bizarre dress |
女房装束 see styles |
nyouboushouzoku / nyoboshozoku にょうぼうしょうぞく |
(archaism) costume for women serving in the inner palace (Heian period) |
女扮男裝 女扮男装 see styles |
nǚ bàn nán zhuāng nu:3 ban4 nan2 zhuang1 nü pan nan chuang |
(of a woman) to dress as a man (idiom) |
婚礼衣装 see styles |
konreiishou / konresho こんれいいしょう |
wedding clothes |
宅内装置 see styles |
takunaisouchi / takunaisochi たくないそうち |
indoor apparatus (e.g. telephone equipment) |
安全装置 see styles |
anzensouchi / anzensochi あんぜんそうち |
safety device |
完全実装 see styles |
kanzenjissou / kanzenjisso かんぜんじっそう |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) {comp} fully populated |
完全武装 see styles |
kanzenbusou / kanzenbuso かんぜんぶそう |
(adj-no,vs) fully armed; armed to the teeth |
実装密度 see styles |
jissoumitsudo / jissomitsudo じっそうみつど |
{comp} population (density) |
実装標準 see styles |
jissouhyoujun / jissohyojun じっそうひょうじゅん |
{comp} implementation standard |
実験装置 see styles |
jikkensouchi / jikkensochi じっけんそうち |
experimental device; experimental equipment |
室內裝潢 室内装潢 see styles |
shì nèi zhuāng huáng shi4 nei4 zhuang1 huang2 shih nei chuang huang |
interior decorating |
室内装飾 see styles |
shitsunaisoushoku / shitsunaisoshoku しつないそうしょく |
interior decorating |
差動装置 see styles |
sadousouchi / sadosochi さどうそうち |
differential gear |
引爆裝置 引爆装置 see styles |
yǐn bào zhuāng zhì yin3 bao4 zhuang1 zhi4 yin pao chuang chih |
detonator |
復調装置 see styles |
fukuchousouchi / fukuchosochi ふくちょうそうち |
{comp} demodulator |
感光装置 see styles |
kankousouchi / kankosochi かんこうそうち |
{comp} photosensor |
感知装置 see styles |
kanchisouchi / kanchisochi かんちそうち |
smoke or heat sensor or detector |
扮裝皇后 扮装皇后 see styles |
bàn zhuāng huáng hòu ban4 zhuang1 huang2 hou4 pan chuang huang hou |
drag queen; female impersonator |
拡声装置 see styles |
kakuseisouchi / kakusesochi かくせいそうち |
public-address system; PA system |
指向裝置 指向装置 see styles |
zhǐ xiàng zhuāng zhì zhi3 xiang4 zhuang1 zhi4 chih hsiang chuang chih |
pointing device (computing) |
指示装置 see styles |
shijisouchi / shijisochi しじそうち |
pointing device (e.g. laser pen) |
換気装置 see styles |
kankisouchi / kankisochi かんきそうち |
ventilator; ventilating device |
操舵装置 see styles |
soudasouchi / sodasochi そうだそうち |
steering gear (ship) |
整裝待發 整装待发 see styles |
zhěng zhuāng dài fā zheng3 zhuang1 dai4 fa1 cheng chuang tai fa |
to get ready (for a journey); ready and waiting |
文字装飾 see styles |
mojisoushoku / mojisoshoku もじそうしょく |
text decoration (e.g. character and font effects, underline, etc.) |
新装開店 see styles |
shinsoukaiten / shinsokaiten しんそうかいてん |
reopening a shop after renovation; post-refurbishment reopening |
旅行裝備 旅行装备 see styles |
lǚ xíng zhuāng bèi lu:3 xing2 zhuang1 bei4 lü hsing chuang pei |
travel equipment; travel gear |
既存装置 see styles |
kisonsouchi / kisonsochi きそんそうち |
{comp} existing equipment |
時裝表演 时装表演 see styles |
shí zhuāng biǎo yǎn shi2 zhuang1 biao3 yan3 shih chuang piao yen |
fashion show |
時限装置 see styles |
jigensouchi / jigensochi じげんそうち |
timing device |
暖房装置 see styles |
danbousouchi / danbosochi だんぼうそうち |
heater; heating apparatus; heating arrangement; heating equipment; heating system; room heater |
暗視装置 see styles |
anshisouchi / anshisochi あんしそうち |
night-vision device |
服装倒錯 see styles |
fukusoutousaku / fukusotosaku ふくそうとうさく |
transvestism; cross-dressing |
服装自由 see styles |
fukusoujiyuu / fukusojiyu ふくそうじゆう |
no dress code; lack of dress code (at work) |
服装規定 see styles |
fukusoukitei / fukusokite ふくそうきてい |
dress code |
検出装置 see styles |
kenshutsusouchi / kenshutsusochi けんしゅつそうち |
(See 検出器・けんしゅつき) detector; detecting device; detecting unit; sensing device |
標準装備 see styles |
hyoujunsoubi / hyojunsobi ひょうじゅんそうび |
standard equipment; standard feature |
機械装置 see styles |
kikaisouchi / kikaisochi きかいそうち |
machine; mechanism; gadget |
武装中立 see styles |
busouchuuritsu / busochuritsu ぶそうちゅうりつ |
armed neutrality |
武装勢力 see styles |
busouseiryoku / busoseryoku ぶそうせいりょく |
armed group; armed insurgents |
武装商船 see styles |
busoushousen / busoshosen ぶそうしょうせん |
{mil} armed merchantman |
武装平和 see styles |
busouheiwa / busohewa ぶそうへいわ |
armed peace |
武装組織 see styles |
busousoshiki / busososhiki ぶそうそしき |
armed organization |
武装蜂起 see styles |
busouhouki / busohoki ぶそうほうき |
(noun/participle) (yoji) armed uprising |
武装解除 see styles |
busoukaijo / busokaijo ぶそうかいじょ |
(noun/participle) disarmament |
武装警官 see styles |
busoukeikan / busokekan ぶそうけいかん |
armed police |
武装都市 see styles |
busoutoshi / busotoshi ぶそうとし |
fortified city |
武装集団 see styles |
busoushuudan / busoshudan ぶそうしゅうだん |
armed group |
武裝份子 武装分子 see styles |
wǔ zhuāng fèn zǐ wu3 zhuang1 fen4 zi3 wu chuang fen tzu |
armed groups; fighters; gunmen |
武裝力量 武装力量 see styles |
wǔ zhuāng lì liàng wu3 zhuang1 li4 liang4 wu chuang li liang |
armed force |
武裝衝突 武装冲突 see styles |
wǔ zhuāng chōng tū wu3 zhuang1 chong1 tu1 wu chuang ch`ung t`u wu chuang chung tu |
armed conflict |
武裝部隊 武装部队 see styles |
wǔ zhuāng bù duì wu3 zhuang1 bu4 dui4 wu chuang pu tui |
armed forces |
死に装束 see styles |
shinishouzoku / shinishozoku しにしょうぞく |
burial clothes; clothes worn to commit suicide |
民族衣装 see styles |
minzokuishou / minzokuisho みんぞくいしょう |
national costume; folk costume; native dress; traditional dress |
浄化装置 see styles |
joukasouchi / jokasochi じょうかそうち |
purifier |
消磁装置 see styles |
shoujisouchi / shojisochi しょうじそうち |
degausser; demagnetizer |
消音装置 see styles |
shouonsouchi / shoonsochi しょうおんそうち |
(gun) silencer |
減速装置 see styles |
gensokusouchi / gensokusochi げんそくそうち |
reduction gear |
測定装置 see styles |
sokuteisouchi / sokutesochi そくていそうち |
measuring device |
演算装置 see styles |
enzansouchi / enzansochi えんざんそうち |
{comp} arithmetic unit |
激進武裝 激进武装 see styles |
jī jìn wǔ zhuāng ji1 jin4 wu3 zhuang1 chi chin wu chuang |
armed extremists |
理論武装 see styles |
rironbusou / rironbuso りろんぶそう |
(noun/participle) being prepared for a theoretical (ideological) argument; being armed with theoretical backing |
産地偽装 see styles |
sanchigisou / sanchigiso さんちぎそう |
fraudulent claim of product origin |
男扮女裝 男扮女装 see styles |
nán bàn nǚ zhuāng nan2 ban4 nu:3 zhuang1 nan pan nü chuang |
(of a man) to dress as a woman (idiom) |
発火装置 see styles |
hakkasouchi / hakkasochi はっかそうち |
incendiary device |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "装" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.