There are 469 total results for your 筆 search. I have created 5 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
焼き筆 see styles |
yakifude やきふで |
wooden stick with a burned tip (used to create underdrawings) |
熒光筆 荧光笔 see styles |
yíng guāng bǐ ying2 guang1 bi3 ying kuang pi |
highlighter (pen) |
白板筆 白板笔 see styles |
bái bǎn bǐ bai2 ban3 bi3 pai pan pi |
whiteboard marker; dry-erase marker |
白鬼筆 白鬼笔 see styles |
bái guǐ bǐ bai2 gui3 bi3 pai kuei pi |
(botany) common stinkhorn (Phallus impudicus) |
眼線筆 眼线笔 see styles |
yǎn xiàn bǐ yan3 xian4 bi3 yen hsien pi |
eyeliner (cosmetics) |
簡筆畫 see styles |
jiǎn bǐ huà jian3 bi3 hua4 chien pi hua |
simple drawing; sketch |
簽字筆 签字笔 see styles |
qiān zì bǐ qian1 zi4 bi3 ch`ien tzu pi chien tzu pi |
felt-tip pen; roller ball pen; gel ink pen |
羽毛筆 羽毛笔 see styles |
yǔ máo bǐ yu3 mao2 bi3 yü mao pi |
quill pen |
耍筆桿 see styles |
shuǎ bǐ gǎn shua3 bi3 gan3 shua pi kan |
to craft facile prose; to play around with words |
肉筆画 see styles |
nikuhitsuga にくひつが |
picture painted by hand; painting (as opposed to a woodblock print); original painting; original drawing |
色鉛筆 see styles |
iroenpitsu いろえんぴつ |
color pencil; colour pencil |
觸控筆 触控笔 see styles |
chù kòng bǐ chu4 kong4 bi3 ch`u k`ung pi chu kung pi |
stylus pen |
記號筆 记号笔 see styles |
jì hao bǐ ji4 hao5 bi3 chi hao pi |
(permanent) marker (pen) |
轉筆刀 转笔刀 see styles |
zhuàn bǐ dāo zhuan4 bi3 dao1 chuan pi tao |
pencil sharpener |
鉛筆刀 铅笔刀 see styles |
qiān bǐ dāo qian1 bi3 dao1 ch`ien pi tao chien pi tao |
pencil sharpener; CL:把[ba3] |
鉛筆画 see styles |
enpitsuga えんぴつが |
sketch (done by pencil) |
鉛筆盒 铅笔盒 see styles |
qiān bǐ hé qian1 bi3 he2 ch`ien pi ho chien pi ho |
pencil case |
随筆家 see styles |
zuihitsuka ずいひつか |
essayist |
随筆集 see styles |
zuihitsushuu / zuihitsushu ずいひつしゅう |
collection of essays (miscellaneous writings, literary jottings, etc.) |
隨筆家 see styles |
zuihitsuka ずいひつか |
essayist |
隨筆集 see styles |
zuihitsushuu / zuihitsushu ずいひつしゅう |
collection of essays (miscellaneous writings, literary jottings, etc.) |
雷射筆 雷射笔 see styles |
léi shè bǐ lei2 she4 bi3 lei she pi |
laser pointer (Tw) |
面相筆 see styles |
mensoufude / mensofude めんそうふで |
fine-point brushes |
馬克筆 马克笔 see styles |
mǎ kè bǐ ma3 ke4 bi3 ma k`o pi ma ko pi |
marker (loanword); felt marker |
鵝毛筆 鹅毛笔 see styles |
é máo bǐ e2 mao2 bi3 o mao pi |
quill pen |
麥克筆 麦克笔 see styles |
mài kè bǐ mai4 ke4 bi3 mai k`o pi mai ko pi |
marker pen (loanword) |
筆おろし see styles |
fudeoroshi ふでおろし |
(noun/participle) (1) using a new brush for the first time; (2) doing something for the first time; (3) man losing his virginity (esp. to an older woman) |
筆が立つ see styles |
fudegatatsu ふでがたつ |
(exp,v5t) to write well; to be a good writer; to wield a facile pen |
筆が走る see styles |
fudegahashiru ふでがはしる |
(exp,v5r) to write with facility; to draw with ease |
筆を執る see styles |
fudeotoru ふでをとる |
(exp,v5r) to pen; to write; to draw |
筆を折る see styles |
fudeooru ふでをおる |
(exp,v5r) to break off writing |
筆を揮う see styles |
fudeofuruu / fudeofuru ふでをふるう |
(exp,v5u) to drive a quill (pen); to wield the writing brush |
筆を擱く see styles |
fudeooku ふでをおく |
(exp,v5k) to stop writing; to put down one's pen; to close (a letter) |
筆を置く see styles |
fudeooku ふでをおく |
(exp,v5k) to stop writing; to put down one's pen; to close (a letter) |
筆ケ崎町 see styles |
fudegasakichou / fudegasakicho ふでがさきちょう |
(place-name) Fudegasakichō |
筆下ろし see styles |
fudeoroshi ふでおろし |
(noun/participle) (1) using a new brush for the first time; (2) doing something for the first time; (3) man losing his virginity (esp. to an older woman) |
筆下生花 笔下生花 see styles |
bǐ xià shēng huā bi3 xia4 sheng1 hua1 pi hsia sheng hua |
to write elegantly |
筆写略字 see styles |
hissharyakuji ひっしゃりゃくじ |
handwritten abbreviation (of kanji) |
筆問筆答 see styles |
hitsumonhittou / hitsumonhitto ひつもんひっとう |
question and answer in writing; written reply to a written question |
筆坂秀世 see styles |
fudesakahideyo ふでさかひでよ |
(person) Fudesaka Hideyo (1948.2.28-) |
筆山公園 see styles |
hitsuzankouen / hitsuzankoen ひつざんこうえん |
(place-name) Hitsuzan Park |
筆毛動脈 see styles |
hitsumoudoumyaku / hitsumodomyaku ひつもうどうみゃく |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) {anat} penicilliary artery; penicillus |
筆禍事件 see styles |
hikkajiken ひっかじけん |
troubles brought on by what one has written; incident occasioned by a serious slip of the pen |
筆記用具 see styles |
hikkiyougu / hikkiyogu ひっきようぐ |
writing implement; writing tool |
筆記試験 see styles |
hikkishiken ひっきしけん |
written examination |
筆走龍蛇 see styles |
bǐ zǒu lóng shé bi3 zou3 long2 she2 pi tsou lung she |
lit. the brush flows with the fluidity of a dragon or snake (idiom); fig. (of brushwork, esp for calligraphy) lively; vigorous |
筆跡鑑定 see styles |
hissekikantei / hissekikante ひっせきかんてい |
handwriting analysis |
筆降ろし see styles |
fudeoroshi ふでおろし |
(irregular kanji usage) (noun/participle) (1) using a new brush for the first time; (2) doing something for the first time; (3) man losing his virginity (esp. to an older woman) |
筆頭株主 see styles |
hittoukabunushi / hittokabunushi ひっとうかぶぬし |
biggest shareholder; largest stockholder |
筆頭著者 see styles |
hittouchosha / hittochosha ひっとうちょしゃ |
first author |
かすり筆 see styles |
kasurifude かすりふで |
faint or blurry way of writing with a brush |
一筆三禮 一笔三礼 see styles |
yī bǐ sān lǐ yi1 bi3 san1 li3 i pi san li ippitsu sanrai |
Three salutations at each (use of the) pen, on painting a picture of the Buddha, or copying a scripture; cf. 一刀三禮. |
一筆不苟 一笔不苟 see styles |
yī bǐ bù gǒu yi1 bi3 bu4 gou3 i pi pu kou |
lit. not even one stroke is negligent (idiom); fig. to write characters (calligraphy) in which every stroke is placed perfectly |
一筆勾銷 一笔勾销 see styles |
yī bǐ gōu xiāo yi1 bi3 gou1 xiao1 i pi kou hsiao ippitsu kushō |
to write off at one stroke crossed out with a stroke of the pen |
一筆啓上 see styles |
ippitsukeijou / ippitsukejo いっぴつけいじょう |
(expression) (masculine speech) (yoji) (beginning a brief letter) this will just be a short note; I'm writing to tell you |
一筆帶過 一笔带过 see styles |
yī bǐ dài guò yi1 bi3 dai4 guo4 i pi tai kuo |
(idiom) to mention only very briefly; to skate over (a topic) |
一筆抹殺 一笔抹杀 see styles |
yī bǐ mǒ shā yi1 bi3 mo3 sha1 i pi mo sha |
to blot out at one stroke; to reject out of hand; to deny without a hearing |
一筆抹煞 一笔抹煞 see styles |
yī bǐ mǒ shā yi1 bi3 mo3 sha1 i pi mo sha |
variant of 一筆抹殺|一笔抹杀[yi1 bi3 mo3 sha1] |
一筆書き see styles |
hitofudegaki; ippitsugaki ひとふでがき; いっぴつがき |
one-stroke sketch; unicursal |
一筆書く see styles |
hitofudekaku; ippitsukaku ひとふでかく; いっぴつかく |
(v5k,vi) to write a few lines (to); to drop someone a line; to write a note (to) |
乱筆乱文 see styles |
ranpitsuranbun らんぴつらんぶん |
(my) poor writing; scribbling; hasty writing |
五筆字型 五笔字型 see styles |
wǔ bǐ zì xíng wu3 bi3 zi4 xing2 wu pi tzu hsing |
five stroke input method for Chinese characters by numbered strokes, invented by Wang Yongmin 王永民 in 1983 |
五筆字形 五笔字形 see styles |
wǔ bǐ zì xíng wu3 bi3 zi4 xing2 wu pi tzu hsing |
Chinese character input method for entering characters by numbered strokes (variant of 五筆字型|五笔字型[wu3 bi3 zi4 xing2]) |
五筆編碼 五笔编码 see styles |
wǔ bǐ biān mǎ wu3 bi3 bian1 ma3 wu pi pien ma |
five-stroke code, Chinese character input method |
刀筆の吏 see styles |
touhitsunori / tohitsunori とうひつのり |
minor official |
削鉛筆機 削铅笔机 see styles |
xiāo qiān bǐ jī xiao1 qian1 bi3 ji1 hsiao ch`ien pi chi hsiao chien pi chi |
pencil sharpener (mechanical or electric) |
前頭筆頭 see styles |
maegashirahittou / maegashirahitto まえがしらひっとう |
{sumo} two highest ranked maegashira wrestlers |
十両筆頭 see styles |
juuryouhittou / juryohitto じゅうりょうひっとう |
{sumo} two highest ranked wrestlers in juryo division |
口誅筆伐 口诛笔伐 see styles |
kǒu zhū bǐ fá kou3 zhu1 bi3 fa2 k`ou chu pi fa kou chu pi fa |
to condemn in speech and in writing (idiom); to denounce by word and pen |
口述筆記 see styles |
koujutsuhikki / kojutsuhikki こうじゅつひっき |
(noun/participle) taking dictation; note-taking |
國際筆會 国际笔会 see styles |
guó jì bǐ huì guo2 ji4 bi3 hui4 kuo chi pi hui |
International PEN |
園山土筆 see styles |
sonoyamatsukushi そのやまつくし |
(person) Sonoyama Tsukushi |
土筆森山 see styles |
tsukushimoriyama つくしもりやま |
(personal name) Tsukushimoriyama |
執筆時点 see styles |
shippitsujiten しっぴつじてん |
(n,adv) at the time of writing |
執筆生活 see styles |
shippitsuseikatsu / shippitsusekatsu しっぴつせいかつ |
writing life; period of life spent writing |
夢溪筆談 梦溪笔谈 see styles |
mèng xī bǐ tán meng4 xi1 bi3 tan2 meng hsi pi t`an meng hsi pi tan |
Dream Pool Essays by Shen Kuo 沈括[Shen3 Kuo4], book on various fields of knowledge, the first to describe the magnetic needle compass |
奮筆疾書 奋笔疾书 see styles |
fèn bǐ jí shū fen4 bi3 ji2 shu1 fen pi chi shu |
to write at a tremendous speed |
妙筆生花 妙笔生花 see styles |
miào bǐ shēng huā miao4 bi3 sheng1 hua1 miao pi sheng hua |
gifted or skillful writing |
屠毒筆墨 屠毒笔墨 see styles |
tú dú bǐ mò tu2 du2 bi3 mo4 t`u tu pi mo tu tu pi mo |
poisonous writing; disparaging writing; calumny |
懸腕直筆 see styles |
kenwanchokuhitsu けんわんちょくひつ |
(yoji) (See 直筆・ちょくひつ・1,懸腕) calligraphy technique of holding the brush perpendicularly, lower arm raised, and elbow held away from the body |
投筆從戎 投笔从戎 see styles |
tóu bǐ cóng róng tou2 bi3 cong2 rong2 t`ou pi ts`ung jung tou pi tsung jung |
to lay down the pen and take up the sword (idiom); to join the military (esp. of educated person) |
持橐簪筆 持橐簪笔 see styles |
chí tuó zān bǐ chi2 tuo2 zan1 bi3 ch`ih t`o tsan pi chih to tsan pi |
to serve as a counselor (idiom) |
提筆忘字 提笔忘字 see styles |
tí bǐ wàng zì ti2 bi3 wang4 zi4 t`i pi wang tzu ti pi wang tzu |
to have difficulty remembering how to write Chinese characters |
末筆乍ら see styles |
mappitsunagara まっぴつながら |
(expression) last but not least; finally |
死亡筆記 死亡笔记 see styles |
sǐ wáng bǐ jì si3 wang2 bi3 ji4 ssu wang pi chi |
Death note (Japanese: デスノート), translation of cult manga series by author ŌBA Tsugumi 大場鶇|大场鸫[Da4 chang3 Dong1] (pen-name) and illustrator OBATA Takeshi 小畑健[Xiao3 tian2 Jian4] |
特筆大書 see styles |
tokuhitsutaisho とくひつたいしょ |
(noun, transitive verb) (yoji) (printed or written in) large letters |
生花妙筆 生花妙笔 see styles |
shēng huā miào bǐ sheng1 hua1 miao4 bi3 sheng hua miao pi |
beautiful or talented writing |
直言直筆 see styles |
chokugenchokuhitsu ちょくげんちょくひつ |
(noun/participle) speak and write plainly (frankly); speak and write without reserve |
秉筆直書 秉笔直书 see styles |
bǐng bǐ zhí shū bing3 bi3 zhi2 shu1 ping pi chih shu |
to record faithfully |
罄筆難書 罄笔难书 see styles |
qìng bǐ nán shū qing4 bi3 nan2 shu1 ch`ing pi nan shu ching pi nan shu |
too numerous to be cited (of atrocities or misdeeds) (idiom); see also 罄竹難書|罄竹难书[qing4 zhu2 nan2 shu1] |
自來水筆 自来水笔 see styles |
zì lái shuǐ bǐ zi4 lai2 shui3 bi3 tzu lai shui pi |
fountain pen |
自動鉛筆 自动铅笔 see styles |
zì dòng qiān bǐ zi4 dong4 qian1 bi3 tzu tung ch`ien pi tzu tung chien pi |
mechanical pencil; propelling pencil |
舞文曲筆 see styles |
bubunkyokuhitsu ぶぶんきょくひつ |
(yoji) twisting of the truth in one's writing; playing with text to distort the truth |
蠟筆小新 蜡笔小新 see styles |
là bǐ xiǎo xīn la4 bi3 xiao3 xin1 la pi hsiao hsin |
Crayon Shin-chan (クレヨンしんちゃん), Japanese manga and anime series popular in China |
鉛筆の木 see styles |
enpitsunoki; enpitsunoki えんぴつのき; エンピツノキ |
(See 鉛筆柏槙・えんぴつびゃくしん) eastern red cedar (Juniperus virginiana) |
鉛筆の芯 see styles |
enpitsunoshin えんぴつのしん |
(exp,n) lead of a pencil |
鉛筆削り see styles |
enpitsukezuri えんぴつけずり |
pencil sharpener |
鉛筆書き see styles |
enpitsugaki えんぴつがき |
drawing or writing in pencil |
鉛筆柏槇 see styles |
enpitsubyakushin えんぴつびゃくしん |
(kana only) eastern red cedar (Juniperus virginiana); red cedar; eastern redcedar; Virginian juniper; eastern juniper; red juniper; pencil cedar; aromatic cedar |
鉛筆柏槙 see styles |
enpitsubyakushin えんぴつびゃくしん |
(kana only) eastern red cedar (Juniperus virginiana); red cedar; eastern redcedar; Virginian juniper; eastern juniper; red juniper; pencil cedar; aromatic cedar |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "筆" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.