There are 1151 total results for your 現 search. I have created 12 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678910...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
現場着 see styles |
genbachaku げんばちゃく |
(abbreviation) (See 現場到着) arrival on scene; arrival on location |
現大園 see styles |
genouzono / genozono げんおうぞの |
(surname) Gen'ouzono |
現太郎 see styles |
gentarou / gentaro げんたろう |
(male given name) Gentarō |
現如今 see styles |
xiàn rú jīn xian4 ru2 jin1 hsien ju chin |
nowadays; now |
現存在 see styles |
gensonzai げんそんざい |
Dasein; philosophical concept introduced by Heidegger |
現実化 see styles |
genjitsuka げんじつか |
(noun/participle) realization; realisation |
現実味 see styles |
genjitsumi げんじつみ |
(sense of) reality; realness; realism; authenticity; viability |
現実性 see styles |
genjitsusei / genjitsuse げんじつせい |
More info & calligraphy: Reality / Realistic |
現実感 see styles |
genjitsukan げんじつかん |
sense of reality |
現実界 see styles |
genjitsukai げんじつかい |
the real world; reality; the actual world |
現実的 see styles |
genjitsuteki げんじつてき |
(adjectival noun) realistic; pragmatic |
現属性 see styles |
genzokusei / genzokuse げんぞくせい |
{comp} current attribute |
現川川 see styles |
utsutsugawakawa うつつがわかわ |
(place-name) Utsutsugawakawa |
現川町 see styles |
utsutsugawamachi うつつがわまち |
(place-name) Utsutsugawamachi |
現川駅 see styles |
utsutsugawaeki うつつがわえき |
(st) Utsutsugawa Station |
現当田 see styles |
gentouda / gentoda げんとうだ |
(place-name) Gentouda |
現役生 see styles |
genekisei / genekise げんえきせい |
(See 現役・2) student taking (university) entrance exams while still enrolled in school; student who passed their university entrance exams on the first try |
現後鼻 see styles |
gengonohana げんごのはな |
(place-name) Gengonohana |
現御神 see styles |
aramikami あらみかみ akitsumikami あきつみかみ |
(archaism) living god (honorific term for the emperor) |
現徳寺 see styles |
gentokuji げんとくじ |
(personal name) Gentokuji |
現成話 现成话 see styles |
xiàn chéng huà xian4 cheng2 hua4 hsien ch`eng hua hsien cheng hua |
ready-made phrase; unhelpful comment |
現政権 see styles |
genseiken / genseken げんせいけん |
current administration; present government |
現時代 see styles |
genjidai げんじだい |
the present era |
現時点 see styles |
genjiten げんじてん |
present point (i.e. in history); at the present time |
現業員 see styles |
gengyouin / gengyoin げんぎょういん |
a field worker; outside worker |
現業庁 see styles |
gengyouchou / gengyocho げんぎょうちょう |
(See 三公社五現業) government agency providing public services; government agency involved in public enterprise |
現業職 see styles |
gengyoushoku / gengyoshoku げんぎょうしょく |
(See 現業) blue-collar work |
現次郎 see styles |
genjirou / genjiro げんじろう |
(male given name) Genjirō |
現段階 see styles |
gendankai げんだんかい |
(1) present stage; current phase; (2) current rank; present grade |
現法中 现法中 see styles |
xiàn fǎ zhōng xian4 fa3 zhong1 hsien fa chung genbō chū |
within the present world |
現法樂 现法乐 see styles |
xiàn fǎ lè xian4 fa3 le4 hsien fa le genpōraku |
abiding comfortably in the manifest world |
現法罪 现法罪 see styles |
xiàn fǎ zuì xian4 fa3 zui4 hsien fa tsui genpō zai |
faults in the present world |
現滅度 现灭度 see styles |
xiàn miè dù xian4 mie4 du4 hsien mieh tu gen metsudo |
manifests passage into nirvāṇa |
現瀋陽 see styles |
genshinyou / genshinyo げんしんよう |
(personal name) Genshin'you |
現燈山 see styles |
gendouyama / gendoyama げんどうやま |
(personal name) Gendouyama |
現状品 see styles |
genjouhin / genjohin げんじょうひん |
(vintage) item sold as-is |
現王園 see styles |
gennouzono / gennozono げんのうぞの |
(surname) Gennouzono |
現王島 see styles |
gennoujima / gennojima げんのうじま |
(place-name) Gennoujima |
現病歴 see styles |
genbyoureki / genbyoreki げんびょうれき |
history of present illness |
現等覺 现等觉 see styles |
xiàn děng jué xian4 deng3 jue2 hsien teng chüeh gen tōgaku |
complete enlightenment |
現行品 see styles |
genkouhin / genkohin げんこうひん |
current product (currently available or on the market); existing product |
現行法 现行法 see styles |
xiàn xíng fǎ xian4 xing2 fa3 hsien hsing fa genkouhou / genkoho げんこうほう |
existing law; existing laws; laws in force Things in present or manifested action, phenomena in general. |
現行犯 现行犯 see styles |
xiàn xíng fàn xian4 xing2 fan4 hsien hsing fan genkouhan / genkohan げんこうはん |
criminal caught red-handed flagrante delicto; caught red-handed |
現要素 see styles |
genyouso / genyoso げんようそ |
{comp} current element |
現見事 现见事 see styles |
xiàn jiàn shì xian4 jian4 shi4 hsien chien shih genken ji |
things that are actually present |
現觀智 现观智 see styles |
xiàn guān zhì xian4 guan1 zhi4 hsien kuan chih genkan chi |
clearly observing cognition |
現證量 现证量 see styles |
xiàn zhèng liáng xian4 zheng4 liang2 hsien cheng liang genshōryō |
the valid cognition of direct perception |
現象学 see styles |
genshougaku / genshogaku げんしょうがく |
{phil} phenomenology |
現象學 现象学 see styles |
xiàn xiàng xué xian4 xiang4 xue2 hsien hsiang hsüeh |
phenomenology |
現象界 现象界 see styles |
xiàn xiàng jiè xian4 xiang4 jie4 hsien hsiang chieh genshoukai / genshokai げんしょうかい |
the phenomenal world phenomenal world |
現象級 现象级 see styles |
xiàn xiàng jí xian4 xiang4 ji2 hsien hsiang chi |
phenomenal |
現象論 see styles |
genshouron / genshoron げんしょうろん |
{physics} phenomenology; phenomenalism |
現貨價 现货价 see styles |
xiàn huò jià xian4 huo4 jia4 hsien huo chia |
price of actuals |
現責め see styles |
utsutsuzeme うつつぜめ |
sleep deprivation (as a form of torture) |
現起光 现起光 see styles |
xiàn qǐ guāng xian4 qi3 guang1 hsien ch`i kuang hsien chi kuang genki kō |
The phenomenal radiance of Buddha which shines out when circumstances require it, as contrasted to his noumenal radiance which is constant. |
現過未 现过未 see styles |
xiàn guō wèi xian4 guo1 wei4 hsien kuo wei gen ka mi |
(or 現過當) Present, past, and future. |
現量智 现量智 see styles |
xiàn liáng zhì xian4 liang2 zhi4 hsien liang chih genryō chi |
direct insight |
現量義 现量义 see styles |
xiàn liáng yì xian4 liang2 yi4 hsien liang i genryō gi |
an object of direct perception |
現金化 see styles |
genkinka げんきんか |
(noun, transitive verb) changing into cash; encashment; cashing |
現金流 现金流 see styles |
xiàn jīn liú xian4 jin1 liu2 hsien chin liu |
cash flow |
現金牛 现金牛 see styles |
xiàn jīn niú xian4 jin1 niu2 hsien chin niu |
cash cow |
現銀谷 see styles |
gengindani げんぎんだに |
(surname) Gengindani |
現階段 现阶段 see styles |
xiàn jiē duàn xian4 jie1 duan4 hsien chieh tuan |
at the present stage |
現頌栄 see styles |
genshouei / genshoe げんしょうえい |
(personal name) Genshouei |
現預金 see styles |
genyokin げんよきん |
cash equivalent |
現頭倉 see styles |
gentougura / gentogura げんとうぐら |
(place-name) Gentougura |
三単現 see styles |
santangen さんたんげん |
(abbreviation) {gramm} (See 三人称単数現在) third person singular present |
三示現 三示现 see styles |
sān shì xiàn san1 shi4 xian4 san shih hsien san jigen |
three miraculous powers |
上田現 see styles |
uedagen うえだげん |
(person) Ueda Gen (1961.3.3-) |
不復現 不复现 see styles |
bù fù xiàn bu4 fu4 xian4 pu fu hsien fu fukugen |
does not reappear |
不現事 不现事 see styles |
bù xiàn shì bu4 xian4 shi4 pu hsien shih fugenji |
concealed things |
不現前 不现前 see styles |
bù xiàn qián bu4 xian4 qian2 pu hsien ch`ien pu hsien chien fugenzen |
indirect |
不現行 不现行 see styles |
bù xiàn xíng bu4 xian4 xing2 pu hsien hsing fugengyō |
unmanifest |
不現見 不现见 see styles |
bù xiàn jiàn bu4 xian4 jian4 pu hsien chien fugenken |
invisible |
不須現 不须现 see styles |
bù xū xiàn bu4 xu1 xian4 pu hsü hsien fushugen |
non-necessary manifesation |
不顯現 不显现 see styles |
bù xiǎn xiàn bu4 xian3 xian4 pu hsien hsien fu kengen |
not visible |
世現見 世现见 see styles |
shì xiàn jiàn shi4 xian4 jian4 shih hsien chien se genken |
seen |
今現在 今现在 see styles |
jīn xiàn zài jin1 xian4 zai4 chin hsien tsai imagenzai いまげんざい |
(exp,n,adv) just now; at this moment; at this point of time the present |
仮現説 see styles |
kagensetsu かげんせつ |
docetism (theology) |
伏現纏 伏现缠 see styles |
fú xiàn chán fu2 xian4 chan2 fu hsien ch`an fu hsien chan fuku genden |
quells active afflictions |
似現量 似现量 see styles |
sì xiàn liáng si4 xian4 liang2 ssu hsien liang ji genryō |
A syllogism assuming e.g. that a vase or garment is real, and not made up of certain elements. |
似顯現 似显现 see styles |
sì xiǎn xiàn si4 xian3 xian4 ssu hsien hsien ji kengen |
appearing like |
体現者 see styles |
taigensha たいげんしゃ |
(usu. as ...の体現者) (human) embodiment (of); incarnation (of) |
信現觀 信现观 see styles |
xìn xiàn guān xin4 xian4 guan1 hsin hsien kuan shin genkan |
Firm faith in the triratna as revealing true knowledge; one of the 六現觀. |
入現觀 入现观 see styles |
rù xiàn guān ru4 xian4 guan1 ju hsien kuan nyū genkan |
to clear realization |
公現祭 see styles |
kougensai / kogensai こうげんさい |
{Christn} Epiphany |
六現觀 六现观 see styles |
liù xiàn guān liu4 xian4 guan1 liu hsien kuan roku genkan |
six ways of clearly perceiving presently existent objects |
具現化 see styles |
gugenka ぐげんか |
(noun/participle) embodiment; realization; materialization |
再出現 再出现 see styles |
zài chū xiàn zai4 chu1 xian4 tsai ch`u hsien tsai chu hsien |
to reappear |
再現性 see styles |
saigensei / saigense さいげんせい |
reproducibility; repeatability; duplicability |
再現率 see styles |
saigenritsu さいげんりつ |
(See 適合率) recall; recall factor; recall ratio |
到現在 到现在 see styles |
dào xiàn zài dao4 xian4 zai4 tao hsien tsai |
up until now; to date |
北権現 see styles |
kitagongen きたごんげん |
(place-name) Kitagongen |
南権現 see styles |
minamigongen みなみごんげん |
(place-name) Minamigongen |
友現子 see styles |
yumiko ゆみこ |
(female given name) Yumiko |
善現天 善现天 see styles |
shàn xiàn tiān shan4 xian4 tian1 shan hsien t`ien shan hsien tien Zengen Ten |
(or 善現色) Suḍṛśa, the seventh brahmaloka; the eighth region of the fourth dhyāna. |
善現色 善现色 see styles |
shàn xiàn sè shan4 xian4 se4 shan hsien se zengen shiki |
form realm of skillful manifestation |
善現行 善现行 see styles |
shàn xiàn xíng shan4 xian4 xing2 shan hsien hsing zengen gyō |
skillful appearance |
天現寺 see styles |
tengenji てんげんじ |
(personal name) Tengenji |
実現性 see styles |
jitsugensei / jitsugense じつげんせい |
practicability; feasibility; operability; expected implementation |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "現" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.