There are 1975 total results for your 書 search. I have created 20 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678910...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
能書 see styles |
nousho / nosho のうしょ |
excellent calligraphy; calligraphy |
臉書 脸书 see styles |
liǎn shū lian3 shu1 lien shu |
臨書 see styles |
rinsho りんしょ |
(noun, transitive verb) writing (from a copy) |
自書 see styles |
jisho じしょ |
(noun/participle) one's own writing |
舊書 旧书 see styles |
jiù shū jiu4 shu1 chiu shu |
second-hand book; old book; ancient book |
良書 see styles |
ryousho / ryosho りょうしょ |
good book; valuable work |
艶書 see styles |
ensho; enjo(ok); enzo(ok) えんしょ; えんじょ(ok); えんぞ(ok) |
love letter; billet-doux |
芳書 see styles |
housho / hosho ほうしょ |
honorific reference to another's letter |
英書 see styles |
eisho / esho えいしょ |
English book; book written in English |
草書 草书 see styles |
cǎo shū cao3 shu1 ts`ao shu tsao shu sousho / sosho そうしょ |
grass script; cursive script (Chinese calligraphic style) highly cursive style (of writing Chinese characters); grass style |
落書 see styles |
rakusho; otoshigaki らくしょ; おとしがき |
(1) historical graffiti; anonymous satirical graffiti; (2) (See 落書き) scrawl; scribble; graffiti |
葉書 see styles |
hagaki はがき |
(1) (abbreviation) (kana only) postcard; (2) (kana only) memo; note; card |
著書 著书 see styles |
zhù shū zhu4 shu1 chu shu chosho ちょしょ |
to write a book (written) work; book; writings |
蔵書 see styles |
kuragaki くらがき |
collection of books; (personal) library; (personal name) Kuragaki |
蕃書 see styles |
bansho ばんしょ |
(Edo period) foreign writings |
藏書 藏书 see styles |
cáng shū cang2 shu1 ts`ang shu tsang shu |
to collect books; library collection |
血書 血书 see styles |
xuè shū xue4 shu1 hsüeh shu kessho けっしょ |
letter written in one's own blood, expressing determination, hatred, last wishes etc (noun, transitive verb) writing in blood Written with (one's own) blood. |
行書 行书 see styles |
xíng shū xing2 shu1 hsing shu gyousho / gyosho ぎょうしょ |
running script; semicursive script (Chinese calligraphic style) semi-cursive style (of writing Chinese characters); running style |
表書 see styles |
omotegaki おもてがき |
address (on envelope, etc.) |
裏書 see styles |
uragaki うらがき |
(noun/participle) endorsement; proof; note on back of the scroll |
覚書 see styles |
oboegaki おぼえがき |
memo; memorandum; note; memorial; protocol |
親書 see styles |
shinsho しんしょ |
(1) official letter (from the Emperor, Prime Minister, etc.); personal message; (2) handwritten letter; autograph letter |
触書 see styles |
furegaki ふれがき |
Edo-period proclamation issued by the shogunate (or a daimyo, etc.) usu. to the general populace |
訳書 see styles |
yakusho やくしょ |
translation |
証書 see styles |
shousho / shosho しょうしょ |
document (of proof); certificate; paper; bond; deed |
詔書 诏书 see styles |
zhào shū zhao4 shu1 chao shu shousho / shosho しょうしょ |
imperial edict imperial edict; decree imperial edict |
評書 评书 see styles |
píng shū ping2 shu1 p`ing shu ping shu |
pingshu, a folk art where a single performer narrates stories from history or fiction |
詞書 see styles |
kotobagaki ことばがき |
foreword to a collection of poems; preface; explanatory notes; captions |
詩書 诗书 see styles |
shī shū shi1 shu1 shih shu shisho ししょ |
the Book of Songs 詩經|诗经[Shi1 jing1] and the Book of History 書經|书经[Shu1 jing1] (1) book of poetry; (2) The Classic of Poetry and The Classic of History (Chinese texts) |
誓書 see styles |
seisho / sesho せいしょ |
(See 誓約書) written oath |
說書 说书 see styles |
shuō shū shuo1 shu1 shuo shu |
folk art consisting of storytelling to music |
読書 see styles |
yomikaki よみかき |
(n,vs,vi) reading (a book); (place-name) Yomikaki |
調書 see styles |
chousho / chosho ちょうしょ |
protocol; written evidence; record (investigation, interrogation, etc.); preliminary memo; charge sheet |
請書 see styles |
ukesho うけしょ |
written acknowledgement; written acknowledgment; receipt |
論書 论书 see styles |
lùn shū lun4 shu1 lun shu ronsho ろんしょ |
{Buddh} textbook of Buddhist treatises (containing interpretation of the sutras) instruction |
諫書 谏书 see styles |
jiàn shū jian4 shu1 chien shu |
written admonition from an official to his sovereign (old) |
謀書 see styles |
bousho / bosho ぼうしょ |
(archaism) forgery of documents; forged document |
講書 see styles |
kousho / kosho こうしょ |
(noun/participle) interpretation of a book |
謹書 see styles |
kinsho きんしょ |
(noun, transitive verb) respectfully written |
證書 证书 see styles |
zhèng shū zheng4 shu1 cheng shu |
credentials; certificate |
讀書 读书 see styles |
dú shū du2 shu1 tu shu |
to read a book; to study; to attend school |
購書 see styles |
kousho / kosho こうしょ |
purchased books; purchasing books |
赦書 see styles |
shasho しゃしょ |
(archaism) (See 赦免状) letter of pardon |
軍書 see styles |
gunsho ぐんしょ |
military book; war history |
辞書 see styles |
jisho じしょ |
(1) dictionary; lexicon; (2) (archaism) (See 辞表) letter of resignation |
辭書 辞书 see styles |
cí shū ci2 shu1 tz`u shu tzu shu |
dictionary; encyclopedia |
農書 see styles |
nousho / nosho のうしょ |
agricultural book; book on agriculture |
返書 see styles |
hensho へんしょ |
reply (to a letter); response; answer |
通書 通书 see styles |
tōng shū tong1 shu1 t`ung shu tung shu |
almanac |
連書 连书 see styles |
lián shū lian2 shu1 lien shu |
to write without lifting one's pen from the paper; (in the Romanization of Chinese) to write two or more syllables together as a single word (not separated by spaces) |
逸書 see styles |
issho いっしょ |
lost book |
過書 see styles |
kasho かしょ |
(place-name) Kasho |
選書 see styles |
sensho せんしょ |
anthology; selection of books |
遺書 遗书 see styles |
yí shū yi2 shu1 i shu isho いしょ |
posomethingumous writing; testament; suicide note; ancient literature (1) note left by a dead person; suicide note; testamentary letter; will; testament; (2) posthumous work |
還書 还书 see styles |
huán shū huan2 shu1 huan shu |
return books |
醫書 医书 see styles |
yī shū yi1 shu1 i shu |
medical book |
釣書 see styles |
tsurisho つりしょ tsurigaki つりがき |
family chart and personal history |
閒書 闲书 see styles |
xián shū xian2 shu1 hsien shu |
light reading |
陳書 陈书 see styles |
chén shū chen2 shu1 ch`en shu chen shu |
History of Chen of the Southern Dynasties, ninth of the 24 dynastic histories 二十四史[Er4 shi2 si4 Shi3], compiled by Yao Silian 姚思廉[Yao2 Si1 lian2] in 636 during Tang dynasty, 36 scrolls |
隋書 隋书 see styles |
suí shū sui2 shu1 sui shu zuisho ずいしょ |
History of the Sui Dynasty, thirteenth of the 24 dynastic histories 二十四史[Er4 shi2 si4 Shi3], compiled under Wei Zheng 魏徵|魏征[Wei4 Zheng1] in 636 during Tang Dynasty, 85 scrolls (work) Book of Sui; (wk) Book of Sui |
隷書 see styles |
reisho / resho れいしょ |
clerical script (ancient, highly angular style of kanji) |
隸書 隶书 see styles |
lì shū li4 shu1 li shu |
clerical script; official script (Chinese calligraphic style) |
雁書 see styles |
gansho がんしょ |
(form) letter |
雑書 see styles |
zassho ざっしょ |
assorted books |
電書 see styles |
densho でんしょ |
(abbreviation) (See 電子書籍) electronic book; e-book; ebook |
青書 see styles |
seisho / sesho せいしょ |
Blue Book (government-issued report) |
韻書 韵书 see styles |
yùn shū yun4 shu1 yün shu insho いんしょ |
rime dictionary (ancient type of Chinese dictionary that collates characters by tone and rhyme rather than by radical) rime dictionary; rhyme dictionary; Chinese dictionary arranged by finals |
頭書 see styles |
tousho / tosho とうしょ kashiragaki かしらがき |
(1) headnote; heading; superscription; recitals; (can be adjective with の) (2) above-mentioned; referred to above |
願書 see styles |
gansho がんしょ |
(1) (written) application; written request; petition; (2) (See 願文) written prayer for a shrine or Buddhist temple |
類書 类书 see styles |
lèi shū lei4 shu1 lei shu ruisho るいしょ |
reference book consisting of material quoted from many sources, arranged by category (about 600 of which were compiled between the 3rd and 18th centuries in China) similar books |
體書 体书 see styles |
tǐ shū ti3 shu1 t`i shu ti shu |
calligraphic style |
高書 see styles |
takafumi たかふみ |
(given name) Takafumi |
魏書 魏书 see styles |
wèi shū wei4 shu1 wei shu gisho ぎしょ |
History of Wei of the Northern Dynasties, tenth of the 24 dynastic histories 二十四史[Er4 shi2 si4 Shi3], compiled by Wei Shou 魏收[Wei4 Shou1] in 554 during Northern Qi Dynasty 北齊|北齐[Bei3 Qi2], 114 scrolls (personal name) Gisho |
黃書 黄书 see styles |
huáng shū huang2 shu1 huang shu |
pornographic book |
默書 默书 see styles |
mò shū mo4 shu1 mo shu |
to write from memory |
齊書 齐书 see styles |
qí shū qi2 shu1 ch`i shu chi shu |
History of Qi of the Southern Dynasties, seventh of the 24 dynastic histories 二十四史[Er4 shi2 si4 Shi3], compiled by Xiao Zixian 蕭子顯|萧子显[Xiao1 Zi3 xian3] in 537 during Liang of the Southern Dynasties 南朝梁[Nan2 chao2 Liang2], 59 scrolls; usually 南齊書|南齐书[Nan2 Qi2 shu1] to distinguish from Northern Qi |
書き人 see styles |
kakibito かきびと |
(colloquialism) writer |
書き候 see styles |
kakisourou / kakisoro かきそうろう |
(expression) (have the honor, honour) to write |
書き判 see styles |
kakihan かきはん |
signature or written seal at the end of a document |
書き割 see styles |
kakiwari かきわり |
portable painting used as part of the backdrop (in kabuki, etc.) |
書き味 see styles |
kakiaji かきあじ |
the feel or performance of a pen |
書き役 see styles |
kakiyaku かきやく |
clerk; secretary; scribe; copyist |
書き手 see styles |
kakite かきて |
writer; calligrapher |
書き方 see styles |
kakikata かきかた |
(1) way of writing; manner of writing; (2) penmanship (esp. used in old textbooks); calligraphy; (3) format (e.g. of a report); (4) stroke order of a character |
書き物 see styles |
kakimono かきもの |
writing; document |
書き順 see styles |
kakijun かきじゅん |
stroke order |
書信集 书信集 see styles |
shū xìn jí shu1 xin4 ji2 shu hsin chi |
collected letters |
書写す see styles |
kakiutsusu かきうつす |
(transitive verb) to transcribe; to copy |
書写台 see styles |
shoshadai しょしゃだい |
(place-name) Shoshadai |
書写吹 see styles |
shoshabuki しょしゃぶき |
(place-name) Shoshabuki |
書写山 see styles |
shoshazan しょしゃざん |
(place-name) Shoshazan |
書出し see styles |
kakidashi かきだし |
(1) beginning (of writing); opening passage (sentence, paragraph, etc.); (2) written claim; bill |
書初め see styles |
kakizome かきぞめ |
first calligraphy of the year |
書卷氣 书卷气 see styles |
shū juàn qì shu1 juan4 qi4 shu chüan ch`i shu chüan chi |
scholarly flavor; educated appearance |
書卷獎 书卷奖 see styles |
shū juàn jiǎng shu1 juan4 jiang3 shu chüan chiang |
presidential award (received by university students in Taiwan for academic excellence) |
書名號 书名号 see styles |
shū míng hào shu1 ming2 hao4 shu ming hao |
Chinese guillemet 《》(punct. used for names of books etc) |
書呆子 书呆子 see styles |
shū dāi zi shu1 dai1 zi5 shu tai tzu |
bookworm; pedant; bookish fool |
書寫者 书写者 see styles |
shū xiě zhě shu1 xie3 zhe3 shu hsieh che shoshasha |
a [sūtra] copier |
書抜き see styles |
kakinuki かきぬき |
extract; excerpt |
書抜く see styles |
kakinuku かきぬく |
(transitive verb) to extract (e.g. a passage from a book); to make an excerpt |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "書" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.