There are 560 total results for your 急 search. I have created 6 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<123456>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
東急東横 see styles |
toukyuutouyoko / tokyutoyoko とうきゅうとうよこ |
(personal name) Tōkyūtouyoko |
東急観光 see styles |
toukyuukankou / tokyukanko とうきゅうかんこう |
(org) Tokyu Tōrist Corporation; (o) Tokyu Tōrist Corporation |
死に急ぐ see styles |
shiniisogu / shinisogu しにいそぐ |
(v5g,vi) to hasten one's death |
気が急く see styles |
kigaseku きがせく |
(exp,v5k) to feel under pressure; to feel impatient; to be in a hurry |
氣急敗壞 气急败坏 see styles |
qì jí bài huài qi4 ji2 bai4 huai4 ch`i chi pai huai chi chi pai huai |
flustered and exasperated; utterly discomfited |
深夜急行 see styles |
shinyakyuukou / shinyakyuko しんやきゅうこう |
midnight express (train, bus) |
焦眉の急 see styles |
shoubinokyuu / shobinokyu しょうびのきゅう |
urgent need |
燃眉之急 see styles |
rán méi zhī jí ran2 mei2 zhi1 ji2 jan mei chih chi |
lit. the fire burns one's eyebrows (idiom); fig. desperate situation; extreme emergency |
牙関緊急 see styles |
gakankinkyuu / gakankinkyu がかんきんきゅう |
trismus; lockjaw |
特別急行 see styles |
tokubetsukyuukou / tokubetsukyuko とくべつきゅうこう |
(1) (used by JR, Seibu, Kintetsu, etc.) limited express (train for which a limited-express ticket is required); (2) (used by Keiō, Keikyu, Hankyū, Hanshin, etc.) limited express (train making a limited no. of stops) |
特急列車 see styles |
tokkyuuressha / tokkyuressha とっきゅうれっしゃ |
limited express train |
狗急跳牆 狗急跳墙 see styles |
gǒu jí tiào qiáng gou3 ji2 tiao4 qiang2 kou chi t`iao ch`iang kou chi tiao chiang |
a cornered dog will jump over the wall (idiom); to be driven to desperate action |
生き急ぐ see styles |
ikiisogu / ikisogu いきいそぐ |
(v5g,vi) (See 死に急ぐ) to live fast (and recklessly) |
當務之急 当务之急 see styles |
dāng wù zhī jí dang1 wu4 zhi1 ji2 tang wu chih chi |
(idiom) top priority job; a matter of the greatest urgency |
直通特急 see styles |
chokutsuutokkyuu / chokutsutokkyu ちょくつうとっきゅう |
direct limited express |
短慮性急 see styles |
tanryoseikyuu / tanryosekyu たんりょせいきゅう |
(noun or adjectival noun) (yoji) short-tempered and impatient |
緊急事件 紧急事件 see styles |
jǐn jí shì jiàn jin3 ji2 shi4 jian4 chin chi shih chien |
emergency |
緊急事態 see styles |
kinkyuujitai / kinkyujitai きんきゅうじたい |
state of emergency; emergency; crisis |
緊急会議 see styles |
kinkyuukaigi / kinkyukaigi きんきゅうかいぎ |
emergency meeting; urgent meeting; emergency session; emergency conference |
緊急停止 see styles |
kinkyuuteishi / kinkyuteshi きんきゅうていし |
(noun/participle) emergency stop; emergency shutdown; scram (nuclear reactor) |
緊急停車 see styles |
kinkyuuteisha / kinkyutesha きんきゅうていしゃ |
(noun/participle) emergency stop (of a train, car, etc.) |
緊急動議 see styles |
kinkyuudougi / kinkyudogi きんきゅうどうぎ |
urgent motion |
緊急危害 紧急危害 see styles |
jǐn jí wēi hài jin3 ji2 wei1 hai4 chin chi wei hai |
emergency risk |
緊急宣言 see styles |
kinkyuusengen / kinkyusengen きんきゅうせんげん |
(See 緊急事態宣言) declaration of a state of emergency |
緊急対策 see styles |
kinkyuutaisaku / kinkyutaisaku きんきゅうたいさく |
(noun/participle) emergency measures; urgent countermeasures |
緊急應變 紧急应变 see styles |
jǐn jí yìng biàn jin3 ji2 ying4 bian4 chin chi ying pien |
emergency management |
緊急手術 see styles |
kinkyuushujutsu / kinkyushujutsu きんきゅうしゅじゅつ |
emergency surgery |
緊急措置 see styles |
kinkyuusochi / kinkyusochi きんきゅうそち |
(noun/participle) emergency measures; urgent countermeasures |
緊急援助 see styles |
kinkyuuenjo / kinkyuenjo きんきゅうえんじょ |
emergency aid (e.g. disaster relief); humanitarian aid |
緊急支援 see styles |
kinkyuushien / kinkyushien きんきゅうしえん |
emergency support; emergency assistance |
緊急浮上 see styles |
kinkyuufujou / kinkyufujo きんきゅうふじょう |
emergency ascent (submarine); emergency surfacing |
緊急狀態 紧急状态 see styles |
jǐn jí zhuàng tài jin3 ji2 zhuang4 tai4 chin chi chuang t`ai chin chi chuang tai |
state of emergency |
緊急用事 see styles |
kinkyuuyouji / kinkyuyoji きんきゅうようじ |
emergency tasks; urgent tasks |
緊急疏散 紧急疏散 see styles |
jǐn jí shū sàn jin3 ji2 shu1 san4 chin chi shu san |
emergency evacuation |
緊急発進 see styles |
kinkyuuhasshin / kinkyuhasshin きんきゅうはっしん |
scrambling; scramble |
緊急着陸 see styles |
kinkyuuchakuriku / kinkyuchakuriku きんきゅうちゃくりく |
emergency landing |
緊急警報 see styles |
kinkyuukeihou / kinkyukeho きんきゅうけいほう |
emergency alert; critical alert; emergency warning |
緊急車両 see styles |
kinkyuusharyou / kinkyusharyo きんきゅうしゃりょう |
emergency vehicle |
緊急通報 see styles |
kinkyuutsuuhou / kinkyutsuho きんきゅうつうほう |
emergency call |
緊急速報 see styles |
kinkyuusokuhou / kinkyusokuho きんきゅうそくほう |
emergency early warning (cellphone, email, etc.); emergency alert |
緊急逮捕 see styles |
kinkyuutaiho / kinkyutaiho きんきゅうたいほ |
arrest without warrant |
緊急避妊 see styles |
kinkyuuhinin / kinkyuhinin きんきゅうひにん |
emergency contraception |
緊急避難 see styles |
kinkyuuhinan / kinkyuhinan きんきゅうひなん |
emergency evacuation |
緊急部隊 see styles |
kinkyuubutai / kinkyubutai きんきゅうぶたい |
rapid force |
緊急配備 see styles |
kinkyuuhaibi / kinkyuhaibi きんきゅうはいび |
emergency deployment (police, etc.); emergency posting |
緊急醫療 紧急医疗 see styles |
jǐn jí yī liáo jin3 ji2 yi1 liao2 chin chi i liao |
emergency medical care |
緊急集会 see styles |
kinkyuushuukai / kinkyushukai きんきゅうしゅうかい |
emergency meeting of the upper house of the Diet (in response to dissolution of the lower house) |
緊急電話 see styles |
kinkyuudenwa / kinkyudenwa きんきゅうでんわ |
urgent phone call; emergency phone call |
緩不濟急 缓不济急 see styles |
huǎn bù jì jí huan3 bu4 ji4 ji2 huan pu chi chi |
lit. slow no aid to urgent (idiom); slow measures will not address a critical situation; too slow to meet a pressing need |
緩急相濟 缓急相济 see styles |
huǎn jí xiāng jì huan3 ji2 xiang1 ji4 huan chi hsiang chi |
to help one another in difficulty; mutual assistance in extremity |
緩急自在 see styles |
kankyuujizai / kankyujizai かんきゅうじざい |
(noun or adjectival noun) (yoji) varying the tempo or speed (of something) at will |
緩急記号 see styles |
kankyuukigou / kankyukigo かんきゅうきごう |
(See 速度標語) tempo indication; tempo marking; (a) tempo |
緩急輕重 缓急轻重 see styles |
huǎn jí qīng zhòng huan3 ji2 qing1 zhong4 huan chi ch`ing chung huan chi ching chung |
slight or important, urgent or non-urgent (idiom); to deal with important matters first; sense of priority; also written 輕重緩急|轻重缓急 |
至急電報 see styles |
shikyuudenpou / shikyudenpo しきゅうでんぽう |
urgent telegram |
裡急後重 里急后重 see styles |
lǐ jí hòu zhòng li3 ji2 hou4 zhong4 li chi hou chung |
(medicine) tenesmus |
買い急ぎ see styles |
kaiisogi / kaisogi かいいそぎ |
buying spree; hasty purchase; rush to buy |
賙急扶困 赒急扶困 see styles |
zhōu jí fú kùn zhou1 ji2 fu2 kun4 chou chi fu k`un chou chi fu kun |
disaster relief |
輕重緩急 轻重缓急 see styles |
qīng zhòng huǎn jí qing1 zhong4 huan3 ji2 ch`ing chung huan chi ching chung huan chi |
slight or important, urgent or non-urgent (idiom); to deal with important matters first; sense of priority |
轍鮒の急 see styles |
teppunokyuu / teppunokyu てっぷのきゅう |
(exp,n) imminent danger; impending hardship |
通勤急行 see styles |
tsuukinkyuukou / tsukinkyuko つうきんきゅうこう |
commuter express; commuter limited express; rapid-service commuter train |
通勤特急 see styles |
tsuukintokkyuu / tsukintokkyu つうきんとっきゅう |
commuter express; commuter limited express; rapid-service commuter train |
道を急ぐ see styles |
michioisogu みちをいそぐ |
(exp,v5g) to hurry on one's way |
阪急正雀 see styles |
hankyuushoujaku / hankyushojaku はんきゅうしょうじゃく |
(place-name) Hankyūshoujaku |
阪急電鉄 see styles |
hankyuudentetsu / hankyudentetsu はんきゅうでんてつ |
(company) Hankyu Corporation; (c) Hankyu Corporation |
急がば回れ see styles |
isogabamaware いそがばまわれ |
(expression) more haste, less speed; slow and steady wins the race |
急がば廻れ see styles |
isogabamaware いそがばまわれ |
(expression) more haste, less speed; slow and steady wins the race |
急きたてる see styles |
sekitateru せきたてる |
(transitive verb) to hurry (up); to press; to urge on |
急き立てる see styles |
sekitateru せきたてる |
(transitive verb) to hurry (up); to press; to urge on |
急ごしらえ see styles |
kyuugoshirae / kyugoshirae きゅうごしらえ |
(noun or adjectival noun) hastily made; improvised preparation |
急を要する see styles |
kyuuoyousuru / kyuoyosuru きゅうをようする |
(exp,adj-f) urgent; requiring quick (response) |
急ハンドル see styles |
kyuuhandoru / kyuhandoru きゅうハンドル |
abrupt steering |
急ブレーキ see styles |
kyuubureeki / kyubureeki きゅうブレーキ |
sudden braking; slamming on the brakes |
急場を凌ぐ see styles |
kyuubaoshinogu / kyubaoshinogu きゅうばをしのぐ |
(exp,v5g) to use a stopgap measure to cope with an emergency |
急性心筋炎 see styles |
kyuuseishinkinen / kyuseshinkinen きゅうせいしんきんえん |
{med} acute myocarditis |
急性感染症 see styles |
kyuuseikansenshou / kyusekansensho きゅうせいかんせんしょう |
{med} acute infection |
急性期病院 see styles |
kyuuseikibyouin / kyusekibyoin きゅうせいきびょういん |
acute hospital; acute care hospital |
急性腎不全 see styles |
kyuuseijinfuzen / kyusejinfuzen きゅうせいじんふぜん |
{med} acute renal failure |
急性膀胱炎 see styles |
kyuuseiboukouen / kyusebokoen きゅうせいぼうこうえん |
{med} acute cystitis |
急性闌尾炎 急性阑尾炎 see styles |
jí xìng lán wěi yán ji2 xing4 lan2 wei3 yan2 chi hsing lan wei yen |
acute appendicitis (medicine) |
急成長企業 see styles |
kyuuseichoukigyou / kyusechokigyo きゅうせいちょうきぎょう |
rapidly growing company |
急所を突く see styles |
kyuushootsuku / kyushootsuku きゅうしょをつく |
(exp,v5k) to touch the vital point |
急施如律令 see styles |
jí shī rú lǜ lìng ji2 shi1 ru2 lv4 ling4 chi shih ju lü ling kōse nyo ritsuryō |
Swiftly as Lu-ling runs,' used by sorcerers in their incantations. |
急行停車駅 see styles |
kyuukouteishaeki / kyukoteshaeki きゅうこうていしゃえき |
express station |
急進主義者 see styles |
kyuushinshugisha / kyushinshugisha きゅうしんしゅぎしゃ |
radical (person) |
急降下爆撃 see styles |
kyuukoukabakugeki / kyukokabakugeki きゅうこうかばくげき |
dive bombing |
Variations: |
sokkyuu / sokkyu そっきゅう |
(adjectival noun) immediate; quick; sudden |
京急大師線 see styles |
keikyuudaishisen / kekyudaishisen けいきゅうだいしせん |
(serv) Keikyū Daishi Line; (serv) Keikyū Daishi Line |
京急大津駅 see styles |
keikyuuootsueki / kekyuootsueki けいきゅうおおつえき |
(st) Keikyūootsu Station |
京急富岡駅 see styles |
keikyuutomiokaeki / kekyutomiokaeki けいきゅうとみおかえき |
(st) Keikyūtomioka Station |
京急川崎駅 see styles |
keikyuukawasakieki / kekyukawasakieki けいきゅうかわさきえき |
(st) Keikyūkawasaki Station |
京急新子安 see styles |
keikyuushinkoyasu / kekyushinkoyasu けいきゅうしんこやす |
(personal name) Keikyūshinkoyasu |
京急田浦駅 see styles |
keikyuutauraeki / kekyutauraeki けいきゅうたうらえき |
(st) Keikyūtaura Station |
京急空港線 see styles |
keikyuukuukousen / kekyukukosen けいきゅうくうこうせん |
(serv) Keikyū Airport Line; (serv) Keikyū Airport Line |
京急蒲田駅 see styles |
keikyuukamataeki / kekyukamataeki けいきゅうかまたえき |
(st) Keikyūkamata Station |
京急長沢駅 see styles |
keikyuunagasawaeki / kekyunagasawaeki けいきゅうながさわえき |
(st) Keikyūnagasawa Station |
京急鶴見駅 see styles |
keikyuutsurumieki / kekyutsurumieki けいきゅうつるみえき |
(st) Keikyūtsurumi Station |
伊豆急行線 see styles |
izukyuukousen / izukyukosen いずきゅうこうせん |
(personal name) Izukyūkousen |
千葉急行線 see styles |
chibakyuukousen / chibakyukosen ちばきゅうこうせん |
(personal name) Chibakyūkousen |
富士急行線 see styles |
fujikyuukousen / fujikyukosen ふじきゅうこうせん |
(place-name) Fujikyūkousen |
応急手当て see styles |
oukyuuteate / okyuteate おうきゅうてあて |
first-aid (treatment) |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "急" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.