There are 477 total results for your 律 search. I have created 5 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
中全音律 see styles |
chuuzenonritsu / chuzenonritsu ちゅうぜんおんりつ |
{music} meantone temperament |
中山律子 see styles |
nakayamaritsuko なかやまりつこ |
(person) Nakayama Ritsuko (1942.10.12-) |
中野律紀 see styles |
nakanorikki なかのりっき |
(f,h) Nakano Rikki |
丸山律夫 see styles |
maruyamaritsuo まるやまりつお |
(person) Maruyama Ritsuo |
事務律師 事务律师 see styles |
shì wù lǜ shī shi4 wu4 lu:4 shi1 shih wu lü shih |
solicitor (law) |
二律背反 see styles |
niritsuhaihan にりつはいはん |
(yoji) antinomy; self-contradiction; either-or situation; choice between mutually exclusive alternatives |
五言律詩 see styles |
gogonrisshi ごごんりっし |
poem of eight lines, each of five (Chinese) characters |
井波律子 see styles |
inamiritsuko いなみりつこ |
(person) Inami Ritsuko |
八十誦律 八十诵律 see styles |
bā shí sòng lǜ ba1 shi2 song4 lv4 pa shih sung lü hachijū shōritsu |
The original Vinaya recited by the Buddha's disciple Upāli eighty times during the summer retreat, while the Tripiṭaka was being composed after the Buddha's death. |
出要律義 出要律义 see styles |
chū yào lǜ yì chu1 yao4 lv4 yi4 ch`u yao lü i chu yao lü i Shutsu yōritsu gi |
Chu yaolǜ yi |
別当律子 see styles |
bettouritsuko / bettoritsuko べっとうりつこ |
(person) Bettou Ritsuko |
勤策律儀 勤策律仪 see styles |
qín cè lǜ yí qin2 ce4 lv4 yi2 ch`in ts`e lü i chin tse lü i gonsaku ritsugi |
precepts for novice monks |
十種非律 十种非律 see styles |
shí zhǒng fēi lǜ shi2 zhong3 fei1 lv4 shih chung fei lü jisshu hiritsu |
ten kinds of wrong precepts |
千篇一律 see styles |
qiān piān yī lǜ qian1 pian1 yi1 lu:4 ch`ien p`ien i lü chien pien i lü senpenichiritsu せんぺんいちりつ |
thousand articles, same rule (idiom); stereotyped and repetitive; once you've seen one, you've seen them all (adj-no,adj-na,n) (yoji) monotonous; humdrum; stereotyped; banal; dull |
千編一律 see styles |
senpenichiritsu せんぺんいちりつ |
(adj-no,adj-na,n) (yoji) monotonous; humdrum; stereotyped; banal; dull |
南山律宗 see styles |
nán shān lǜ zōng nan2 shan1 lv4 zong1 nan shan lü tsung Nansan risshū |
the Vinaya school of the southern mountain |
嚴以律己 严以律己 see styles |
yán yǐ lǜ jǐ yan2 yi3 lu:4 ji3 yen i lü chi |
to be strict with oneself (idiom); to demand a lot of oneself |
嚴於律己 严于律己 see styles |
yán yú lǜ jǐ yan2 yu2 lu:4 ji3 yen yü lü chi |
to be strict with oneself |
嚴淨戒律 严淨戒律 see styles |
yán jìng jiè lǜ yan2 jing4 jie4 lv4 yen ching chieh lü gonjō kairitsu |
maintain precepts |
四分律宗 see styles |
sì fēn lǜ zōng si4 fen1 lv4 zong1 ssu fen lü tsung Shibunrisshū |
Four Part Vinaya School |
四大廣律 四大广律 see styles |
sì dà guǎng lǜ si4 da4 guang3 lv4 ssu ta kuang lü shi daikō ritsu |
four comprehensive vinaya texts |
四律五論 四律五论 see styles |
sì lǜ wǔ lùn si4 lv4 wu3 lun4 ssu lü wu lun shiritsu goron |
The four vinaya and the five śāstras. The four vinaya 四律, or disciplinary regulations, are the 十誦律 Sarvāstivāda version tr. in 61 chuan by Punyatara; 四分律 Dharmagupta's version, tr. in 60 chuan by Buddhayaśas; 僧祗律 Sāṃghika version or Mahāsāṃghika version, tr. in 40 chuan, by Buddhabhadra; and 五部律 Mahīśāsaka version, tr. in 30 chuan by Buddhajīva and others, also known as Mahīśāsaka-nikāya-pañcavargavinaya. The five śāstras 五論 are 毘尼母論; 摩得勒伽論; 善見論; 薩婆多論; and 明了論. v. 論. |
坂井律子 see styles |
sakairitsuko さかいりつこ |
(person) Sakai Ritsuko |
堀本律雄 see styles |
horimotoritsuo ほりもとりつお |
(person) Horimoto Ritsuo (1935.1.20-) |
増山律子 see styles |
masuyamaritsuko ますやまりつこ |
(person) Masuyama Ritsuko |
大乘律宗 see styles |
dà shèng lǜ zōng da4 sheng4 lv4 zong1 ta sheng lü tsung daijō risshū |
Mahāyāna Vinaya Tradition |
大宝律令 see styles |
taihouritsuryou / taihoritsuryo たいほうりつりょう |
Taiho Code (701 CE) |
守恆定律 守恒定律 see styles |
shǒu héng dìng lǜ shou3 heng2 ding4 lu:4 shou heng ting lü |
conservation law (physics) |
安住律儀 安住律仪 see styles |
ān zhù lǜ yí an1 zhu4 lv4 yi2 an chu lü i anjū ritsugi |
one who maintains the retraints |
安楽律院 see styles |
anrakuin あんらくいん |
(place-name) Anrakuin |
安部律子 see styles |
aberitsuko あべりつこ |
(person) Abe Ritsuko (1949.10.7-) |
尸羅律儀 尸罗律仪 see styles |
shī luó lǜ yí shi1 luo2 lv4 yi2 shih lo lü i shira ritsugi |
the restraints of morality |
尼拘律樹 尼拘律树 see styles |
ní jū lǜ shù ni2 ju1 lv4 shu4 ni chü lü shu nikuritsuju |
(Skt. nyagrodha) |
岡崎律子 see styles |
okazakiritsuko おかざきりつこ |
(person) Okazaki Ritsuko (1959.12.29-2004.5.5) |
岩波律子 see styles |
iwanamiritsuko いわなみりつこ |
(person) Iwanami Ritsuko |
島田律子 see styles |
shimadaritsuko しまだりつこ |
(person) Shimada Ritsuko (1968.7-) |
心律不整 see styles |
xīn lǜ bù zhěng xin1 lu:4 bu4 zheng3 hsin lü pu cheng |
arrhythmia |
心律不齊 心律不齐 see styles |
xīn lǜ bù qí xin1 lu:4 bu4 qi2 hsin lü pu ch`i hsin lü pu chi |
arrhythmia |
心律失常 see styles |
xīn lǜ shī cháng xin1 lu:4 shi1 chang2 hsin lü shih ch`ang hsin lü shih chang |
arrhythmia |
惡說法律 恶说法律 see styles |
è shuō fǎ lǜ e4 shuo1 fa3 lv4 o shuo fa lü akusetsu hōritsu |
twisted explanations of the dharma and moral code |
扶律談常 扶律谈常 see styles |
fú lǜ tán cháng fu2 lv4 tan2 chang2 fu lü t`an ch`ang fu lü tan chang furitsu danjō |
(扶律談常教) The teaching which supports the rules and speaks of the eternal, i. e. the 涅槃經 Nirvāṇa Sūtra. |
持律第一 see styles |
chí lǜ dì yī chi2 lv4 di4 yi1 ch`ih lü ti i chih lü ti i jiritsu daiichi |
most eminent in terms of observance of the precepts |
按照法律 see styles |
àn zhào fǎ lǜ an4 zhao4 fa3 lu:4 an chao fa lü |
according to the law |
摩爾定律 摩尔定律 see styles |
mó ěr dìng lǜ mo2 er3 ding4 lu:4 mo erh ting lü |
Moore's law (computing) |
摩西律法 see styles |
mó xī lǜ fǎ mo2 xi1 lu:4 fa3 mo hsi lü fa |
law of Moses |
攝律儀戒 摄律仪戒 see styles |
shè lǜ yí jiè she4 lv4 yi2 jie4 she lü i chieh shō ritsugi kai |
observance of the full gamut of precepts |
晝夜節律 昼夜节律 see styles |
zhòu yè jié lǜ zhou4 ye4 jie2 lu:4 chou yeh chieh lü |
circadian rhythm |
曇無德律 昙无德律 see styles |
tán wú dé lǜ tan2 wu2 de2 lv4 t`an wu te lü tan wu te lü Tanmutokuritsu |
Dharmagupta Vinaya |
柳山律興 see styles |
yanagiyamatsuoki やなぎやまつおき |
(place-name) Yanagiyamatsuoki |
毘婆沙律 see styles |
pí pó shā lǜ pi2 po2 sha1 lv4 p`i p`o sha lü pi po sha lü Bibasharitsu |
Piposhalv |
法律事件 see styles |
houritsujiken / horitsujiken ほうりつじけん |
legal case |
法律制度 see styles |
houritsuseido / horitsusedo ほうりつせいど |
legal system |
法律制裁 see styles |
fǎ lǜ zhì cái fa3 lu:4 zhi4 cai2 fa lü chih ts`ai fa lü chih tsai |
legal sanction; prescribed punishment; punishable by law |
法律問題 see styles |
houritsumondai / horitsumondai ほうりつもんだい |
legal problem |
法律学者 see styles |
houritsugakusha / horitsugakusha ほうりつがくしゃ |
lawyer; jurist |
法律用語 see styles |
houritsuyougo / horitsuyogo ほうりつようご |
legal term; law term |
法律相談 see styles |
houritsusoudan / horitsusodan ほうりつそうだん |
legal consultation; (giving) legal advice |
法律行為 see styles |
houritsukoui / horitsukoi ほうりつこうい |
{law} legal action; juridicial act |
法律責任 法律责任 see styles |
fǎ lǜ zé rèn fa3 lu:4 ze2 ren4 fa lü tse jen |
legal responsibility; liability |
法律違反 see styles |
houritsuihan / horitsuihan ほうりついはん |
violation of the law |
浜律ヶ池 see styles |
hamatsugaike はまつがいけ |
(place-name) Hamatsugaike |
浮力定律 see styles |
fú lì dìng lǜ fu2 li4 ding4 lu:4 fu li ting lü |
Archimedes' principle (physical law of buoyancy) |
淨戒律儀 淨戒律仪 see styles |
jìng jiè lǜ yí jing4 jie4 lv4 yi2 ching chieh lü i jōkai ritsugi |
[moral] observances and restraints |
田中律子 see styles |
tanakaritsuko たなかりつこ |
(f,h) Tanaka Ritsuko |
眞言律宗 see styles |
zhēn yán lǜ zōng zhen1 yan2 lv4 zong1 chen yen lü tsung Shingon risshū |
Shingon risshū |
石山律雄 see styles |
ishiyamaritsuo いしやまりつお |
(person) Ishiyama Ritsuo (1942.2.2-) |
磯辺律男 see styles |
isoberitsuo いそべりつお |
(person) Isobe Ritsuo (1922.4.3-) |
箭竹律子 see styles |
yatakenoriko やたけのりこ |
(person) Yatake Noriko (1954.9-) |
細川律夫 see styles |
hosokawaritsuo ほそかわりつお |
(person) Hosokawa Ritsuo (1943.8.8-) |
經律異相 经律异相 see styles |
jīng lǜ yì xiàng jing1 lv4 yi4 xiang4 ching lü i hsiang Kyōritsu isō |
Jinglu yixiang |
耶律大石 see styles |
yē lǜ dà shí ye1 lu:4 da4 shi2 yeh lü ta shih |
Yollig Taxin or Yelü Dashi (1087-1143), Chinese-educated Khitan leader, founder of Western Liao 西遼|西辽 in Central Asia |
耶律楚材 see styles |
yē lǜ chǔ cái ye1 lu:4 chu3 cai2 yeh lü ch`u ts`ai yeh lü chu tsai |
Yelü Chucai (1190-1244), Khitan statesman and advisor to Genghis Khan and Ögödei Khan, known for convincing the Mongols to tax the conquered population of the north China plains rather than slaughter it |
能城律子 see styles |
noshiroritsuko のしろりつこ |
(person) Noshiro Ritsuko |
自律動作 see styles |
jiritsudousa / jiritsudosa じりつどうさ |
{comp} autonomous action |
自律神経 see styles |
jiritsushinkei / jiritsushinke じりつしんけい |
{physiol} autonomic nerve |
興雲律院 see styles |
kouunritsuin / kounritsuin こううんりついん |
(place-name) Kōunritsuin |
苾芻律儀 苾刍律仪 see styles |
b chú lǜ yí b4 chu2 lv4 yi2 b ch`u lü i b chu lü i hisshu ritsugi |
The 250 rules for monks. |
菩薩律藏 菩萨律藏 see styles |
pú sà lǜ zàng pu2 sa4 lv4 zang4 p`u sa lü tsang pu sa lü tsang bosatsu ritsuzō |
Bodhisattva Vinaya |
菲律賓人 菲律宾人 see styles |
fēi lǜ bīn rén fei1 lu:4 bin1 ren2 fei lü pin jen |
Filipino |
菲律賓語 菲律宾语 see styles |
fēi lǜ bīn yǔ fei1 lu:4 bin1 yu3 fei lü pin yü |
Tagalog (language) |
藤山律子 see styles |
fujiyamaritsuko ふじやまりつこ |
(person) Fujiyama Ritsuko (1934.3.15-) (1949.3.15-) |
西沢定律 see styles |
nishizawayasunori にしざわやすのり |
(person) Nishizawa Yasunori |
解脫律經 解脱律经 see styles |
jiě tuō lǜ jīng jie3 tuo1 lv4 jing1 chieh t`o lü ching chieh to lü ching Gedatsuritsu kyō |
Jietuolu jing |
調律異常 see styles |
chouritsuijou / choritsuijo ちょうりついじょう |
arrhythmia; abnormal rhythm; dysrhythmia |
赤腳律師 赤脚律师 see styles |
chì jiǎo lǜ shī chi4 jiao3 lu:4 shi1 ch`ih chiao lü shih chih chiao lü shih |
barefoot lawyer; grassroots lawyer |
運動定律 运动定律 see styles |
yùn dòng dìng lǜ yun4 dong4 ding4 lu:4 yün tung ting lü |
laws of motion (mechanics) |
金科玉律 see styles |
jīn kē yù lǜ jin1 ke1 yu4 lu:4 chin k`o yü lü chin ko yü lü |
golden rule; key principle |
阿尼律陀 see styles |
ā ní lǜ tuó a1 ni2 lv4 tuo2 a ni lü t`o a ni lü to Aniritsuda |
Aniruddha |
阿泥律陀 see styles |
ā ní lǜ tuó a1 ni2 lv4 tuo2 a ni lü t`o a ni lü to Anairitsuda |
Aniruddha |
阿那律陀 see styles |
ān à lǜ tuó an1 a4 lv4 tuo2 an a lü t`o an a lü to Anaritsuda |
Aniruddha |
養老律令 see styles |
yourouritsuryou / yororitsuryo ようろうりつりょう |
(hist) Yōrō Code (promulgated 757 CE) |
馬鹿律儀 see styles |
bakarichigi ばかりちぎ |
(noun or adjectival noun) honest and straightforward to a fault |
鼻奈耶律 see styles |
bín ài yé lǜ bin2 ai4 ye2 lv4 pin ai yeh lü |
Vinaya |
Variations: |
richigi りちぎ |
(noun or adjectival noun) upright; honest; faithful; conscientious; sincere |
律師事務所 律师事务所 see styles |
lǜ shī shì wù suǒ lu:4 shi1 shi4 wu4 suo3 lü shih shih wu so |
law firm |
Variations: |
kakuritsu かくりつ |
maxim; personal standard |
不癡止諍律 不癡止诤律 see styles |
bù chī zhǐ zhēng lǜ bu4 chi1 zhi3 zheng1 lv4 pu ch`ih chih cheng lü pu chih chih cheng lü fuchi shisō ritsu |
stopping a litigation through (a verdict) of restored sanity |
中村美律子 see styles |
nakamuramitsuko なかむらみつこ |
(person) Nakamura Mitsuko (1950.7-) |
事務所律師 事务所律师 see styles |
shì wù suǒ lǜ shī shi4 wu4 suo3 lu:4 shi1 shih wu so lü shih |
office lawyer |
元素周期律 see styles |
gensoshuukiritsu / gensoshukiritsu げんそしゅうきりつ |
(rare) (See 周期表) periodic table of the elements |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "律" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.