There are 634 total results for your 底 search. I have created 7 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<1234567>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
浦底岳 see styles |
urasokodake うらそこだけ |
(place-name) Urasokodake |
浦底川 see styles |
urasokogawa うらそこがわ |
(place-name) Urasokogawa |
浦底浦 see styles |
urazokoura / urazokora うらぞこうら |
(personal name) Urazokoura |
浦底湾 see styles |
urasokowan うらそこわん |
(place-name) Urasokowan |
海底撈 海底捞 see styles |
hǎi dǐ lāo hai3 di3 lao1 hai ti lao |
Haidilao (aka Hai Di Lao), hot pot restaurant chain founded in Sichuan in 1994 |
海底椰 see styles |
hǎi dǐ yē hai3 di3 ye1 hai ti yeh |
coco de mer or "sea coconut" (Lodoicea maldivica) |
海底谷 see styles |
kaiteikoku; kaiteidani(ik) / kaitekoku; kaitedani(ik) かいていこく; かいていだに(ik) |
submarine valley; submarine canyon |
海底輪 海底轮 see styles |
hǎi dǐ lún hai3 di3 lun2 hai ti lun |
muladhara, the root or Saturn chakra, residing in the coccyx |
海洋底 see styles |
kaiyoutei / kaiyote かいようてい |
ocean floor; sea floor; seabed |
涅哩底 see styles |
niè lī dǐ nie4 li1 di3 nieh li ti Neritei |
nirṛti, destruction, the goddess of death and corruption regent of the south-west. |
湖辺底 see styles |
kohenzoko こへんぞこ |
(place-name) Kohenzoko |
瀬底島 see styles |
sesokojima せそこじま |
(personal name) Sesokojima |
無底坑 无底坑 see styles |
wú dǐ kēng wu2 di3 keng1 wu ti k`eng wu ti keng |
the bottomless pit (Hell in the Bible); pitless (elevator) |
無底洞 无底洞 see styles |
wú dǐ dòng wu2 di3 dong4 wu ti tung |
bottomless pit |
無底鉢 无底钵 see styles |
wú dǐ bō wu2 di3 bo1 wu ti po mutei no hatsu |
bottomless bowl |
珊底羅 珊底罗 see styles |
shān dǐ luó shan1 di3 luo2 shan ti lo Santeira |
Śaṇḍila |
眼底下 see styles |
yǎn dǐ xia yan3 di3 xia5 yen ti hsia |
in front of one's eyes; in full view as a panorama; right now |
眼窩底 see styles |
gankatei / gankate がんかてい |
orbital floor (thin bone floor of eye socket) |
硬底子 see styles |
yìng dǐ zi ying4 di3 zi5 ying ti tzu |
(esp. of an actor) strong; capable |
私底下 see styles |
sī dǐ xia si1 di3 xia5 ssu ti hsia |
privately; secretly; confidentially |
筆底下 笔底下 see styles |
bǐ dǐ xià bi3 di3 xia4 pi ti hsia |
ability to write |
箱の底 see styles |
hakonosoko はこのそこ |
bottom of a box |
米底亞 米底亚 see styles |
mǐ dǐ yà mi3 di3 ya4 mi ti ya |
Media (ancient Middle east region) |
胡辺底 see styles |
kohenzoko こへんぞこ |
(personal name) Kohenzoko |
脳底部 see styles |
nouteibu / notebu のうていぶ |
lower brain; base of the brain |
船底座 see styles |
chuán dǐ zuò chuan2 di3 zuo4 ch`uan ti tso chuan ti tso |
Carina (constellation) |
薩底也 萨底也 see styles |
sà dǐ yě sa4 di3 ye3 sa ti yeh satteiya |
(Skt. satya) |
蘇補底 苏补底 see styles |
sū bǔ dǐ su1 bu3 di3 su pu ti Sofutei |
*Subhūti |
蘇部底 苏部底 see styles |
sū bù dǐ su1 bu4 di3 su pu ti Sobutei |
Subhūtti, also 蘇補底; v. 須 and the 般若 sutra. |
袋底川 see styles |
fukurosokogawa ふくろそこがわ |
(place-name) Fukurosokogawa |
討底兒 讨底儿 see styles |
tǎo dǐ r tao3 di3 r5 t`ao ti r tao ti r |
erhua variant of 討底|讨底[tao3 di3] |
訶利底 诃利底 see styles |
hē lì dǐ he1 li4 di3 ho li ti Karitei |
Hāritī; also 訶利帝 (or 訶哩帝); 呵利底; 呵利帝 (or 呵利陀); 阿利底 Ariti; intp. as captivating, charming; cruel; dark green, yellow, etc.; mother of demons, a rākṣasī who was under a vow to devour the children of Rājagṛha, but was converted by the Buddha, and became the guardian of nunneries, where her image, carrying a child and with children by her, is worshipped for children or in children's ailments. |
說到底 说到底 see styles |
shuō dào dǐ shuo1 dao4 di3 shuo tao ti |
in the final analysis; in the end |
諾曼底 诺曼底 see styles |
nuò màn dǐ nuo4 man4 di3 no man ti |
Normandy, France |
貝底川 see styles |
kaisokogawa かいそこがわ |
(place-name) Kaisokogawa |
迷底履 see styles |
mí dǐ lǚ mi2 di3 lv3 mi ti lü Meiteiri |
v. 彌 Maitreya. |
野底岳 see styles |
nosokodake のそこだけ |
(personal name) Nosokodake |
野底崎 see styles |
nosokozaki のそこざき |
(personal name) Nosokozaki |
野底川 see styles |
nosokogawa のそこがわ |
(place-name) Nosokogawa |
鑠枳底 铄枳底 see styles |
shuò zhǐ dǐ shuo4 zhi3 di3 shuo chih ti shakushitei |
鑠訖底 śakti, a halberd or lance; a tally or sign. |
闍演底 阇演底 see styles |
shé yǎn dǐ she2 yan3 di3 she yen ti Jaenchi |
(Skt. Jayānti) |
阿底哩 see styles |
ā dǐ lī a1 di3 li1 a ti li Ateiri |
(or 阿跌哩) Atri, a devourer; one of the stars in Ursa Major; one of the assistants of Agni shown in the Garbhadhātu; an ancient ṛṣi. |
阿闡底 阿阐底 see styles |
ā chǎn dǐ a1 chan3 di3 a ch`an ti a chan ti asentei |
(阿闡底遮) anicchantika, without desire, averse from, i.e. undesirous of nirvana. |
青底翳 see styles |
aosokohi あおそこひ |
(colloquialism) (kana only) glaucoma |
頞飯底 頞饭底 see styles |
è fàn dǐ e4 fan4 di3 o fan ti |
v. 阿 Avantī. |
骨盆底 see styles |
gǔ pén dǐ gu3 pen2 di3 ku p`en ti ku pen ti |
pelvic floor (anatomy) |
骨盤底 see styles |
kotsubantei / kotsubante こつばんてい |
{anat} pelvic floor |
黒底翳 see styles |
kurosokohi くろそこひ |
black cataract; amaurosis |
底なし池 see styles |
sokonashiike / sokonashike そこなしいけ |
(place-name) Sokonashiike |
底をつく see styles |
sokootsuku そこをつく |
(exp,v5k) (1) to run out of; to dry up; to be depleted; (2) to hit the bottom; to bottom out |
底を打つ see styles |
sokooutsu / sokootsu そこをうつ |
(exp,v5t) to hit the bottom; to bottom out |
底を突く see styles |
sokootsuku そこをつく |
(exp,v5k) (1) to run out of; to dry up; to be depleted; (2) to hit the bottom; to bottom out |
底下薄福 see styles |
dǐ xià bó fú di3 xia4 bo2 fu2 ti hsia po fu teika hakufuku |
ignoble and deficient in virtue |
底原ダム see styles |
sokoharadamu そこはらダム |
(place-name) Sokohara Dam |
底引き網 see styles |
sokobikiami そこびきあみ |
trawl (net) |
底曳き網 see styles |
sokobikiami そこびきあみ |
trawl (net) |
底格里斯 see styles |
dǐ gé lǐ sī di3 ge2 li3 si1 ti ko li ssu |
Tigris River, Iraq |
底棲生物 底栖生物 see styles |
dǐ qī shēng wù di3 qi1 sheng1 wu4 ti ch`i sheng wu ti chi sheng wu |
benthos |
底極廝下 底极厮下 see styles |
dǐ jí sī xià di3 ji2 si1 xia4 ti chi ssu hsia teigoku shige |
bottom-ranked menial slave |
底生動物 see styles |
teiseidoubutsu / tesedobutsu ていせいどうぶつ |
{zool} (See 底生・ていせい) benthic animal; benthonic animal; zoobenthos |
底生生物 see styles |
teiseiseibutsu / tesesebutsu ていせいせいぶつ |
(See ベントス) benthic organism; sea-bottom fauna; benthos |
底知れず see styles |
sokoshirezu そこしれず |
(expression) (See 底知れぬ) bottomless; unlimited; immeasurable; inexhaustible |
底知れぬ see styles |
sokoshirenu そこしれぬ |
(exp,adj-f) bottomless; unlimited; immeasurable; inexhaustible |
三佛栗底 see styles |
sān fó lì dǐ san1 fo2 li4 di3 san fo li ti sanbutsuritei |
saṃvṛti, which means concealed, not apparent, is intp. as common ideas世俗諦 or phenomenal truth; it is also intp. as that which hides reality, or seems to be real, the seeming. |
三摩鉢底 三摩钵底 see styles |
sān mó bō dǐ san1 mo2 bo1 di3 san mo po ti sanmapattei |
(or 三摩鉢提); 三摩拔提 (or 三摩跋提); 三摩越 samāpatti, attainment, arrival; defined by 等至 and 等持 which is intp. as complete dhyāna; similar to 三摩半那 samāpanna, attainment. Eitel says: "a degree of abstract ecstatic meditation preparatory to the final attainment of samādhi." Clough speaks of eight samāpattis, i.e. attainments— "eight successive states induced by the ecstatic meditation." v. also 三摩越. |
上底井野 see styles |
kamisokoino かみそこいの |
(place-name) Kamisokoino |
中底井野 see styles |
nakasokoino なかそこいの |
(place-name) Nakasokoino |
井底之蛙 see styles |
jǐng dǐ zhī wā jing3 di3 zhi1 wa1 ching ti chih wa |
lit. a frog at the bottom of a well (idiom); fig. a person of limited outlook and experience |
伊於胡底 伊于胡底 see styles |
yī yú hú dǐ yi1 yu2 hu2 di3 i yü hu ti |
where will it stop? |
伊洛瓦底 see styles |
yī luò wǎ dǐ yi1 luo4 wa3 di3 i lo wa ti |
Irrawaddy or Ayeyarwady, the main river of Myanmar |
依洛瓦底 see styles |
yī luò wǎ dǐ yi1 luo4 wa3 di3 i lo wa ti |
Irrawaddy or Ayeyarwady River, the main river of Myanmar |
俄底浦斯 see styles |
é dǐ pǔ sī e2 di3 pu3 si1 o ti p`u ssu o ti pu ssu |
Oedipus, legendary king of Thebes who killed his father and married his mother |
俄那鉢底 俄那钵底 see styles |
èn à bō dǐ en4 a4 bo1 di3 en a po ti Ganapatei |
Gaṇapati, v. 誐. |
修昔底德 see styles |
xiū xī dǐ dé xiu1 xi1 di3 de2 hsiu hsi ti te |
Thucydides (c. 455 - c. 400 BC), Greek historian, author of the History of the Peloponnesian War |
倶攞鉢底 倶攞钵底 see styles |
jù luó luǒ bō dǐ ju4 luo2 luo3 bo1 di3 chü lo lo po ti kurabatei |
kulapati, the head of a family, a householder. |
凡事徹底 see styles |
bonjitettei / bonjitette ぼんじてってい |
(expression) do your best; give it your all |
刨根問底 刨根问底 see styles |
páo gēn wèn dǐ pao2 gen1 wen4 di3 p`ao ken wen ti pao ken wen ti |
to dig up roots and inquire at the base (idiom); to get to the bottom of something |
制底畔睇 see styles |
zhì dǐ pàn dì zhi4 di3 pan4 di4 chih ti p`an ti chih ti pan ti seichihandei |
(or 畔彈那) caitya-vandana, to pay reverence to, or worship a stūpa, image, etc. |
前宇根底 see styles |
maeunesoko まえうねそこ |
(surname) Maeunesoko |
包袱底兒 包袱底儿 see styles |
bāo fu dǐ r bao1 fu5 di3 r5 pao fu ti r |
family heirloom; most precious family possession; person's secrets; one's best performance |
北瀬底原 see styles |
kitasesokobaru きたせそこばる |
(place-name) Kitasesokobaru |
南瀬底原 see styles |
minamisesokobaru みなみせそこばる |
(place-name) Minamisesokobaru |
只底舸部 see styles |
zhǐ dǐ gě bù zhi3 di3 ge3 bu4 chih ti ko pu Shiteika bu |
只底興世羅部; 支提加部; 支提山部; 制多山部; 住支提山部; 逝多林 (or 逝多苑); 祇桓 Jetavanīyāḥ or Jetīyaśailāḥ. School of the dwellers on Mount Jeta, or 勝林部 School of Jetṛvana. A subdivision of the Stṣṭhavirāḥ Cf. 北. |
吉岡海底 see styles |
yoshiokakaitei / yoshiokakaite よしおかかいてい |
(place-name) Yoshiokakaitei |
周知徹底 see styles |
shuuchitettei / shuchitette しゅうちてってい |
(n,vs,vt,vi) (yoji) making (something) known to everyone; publicizing as widely as possible; dissemination |
呾摩栗底 see styles |
dá mó lì dǐ da2 mo2 li4 di3 ta mo li ti Taimarittei |
(or 躭摩栗底); 多摩梨帝 Tāmralipti (or tī), the modem Tamluk near the mouth of the Hooghly, formerly 'the principal emporium for the trade with Ceylon and China'. Eitel. |
咥哩若底 see styles |
dié lī ruò dǐ die2 li1 ruo4 di3 tieh li jo ti chirishachi |
trijāti, the three stages of birth, past, present, future. |
嚩蘇磨底 嚩苏磨底 see styles |
mó sū mó dǐ mo2 su1 mo2 di3 mo su mo ti Basomatei |
Vasumatī |
土底浜駅 see styles |
dosokohamaeki どそこはまえき |
(st) Dosokohama Station |
基底動脈 基底动脉 see styles |
jī dǐ dòng mài ji1 di3 dong4 mai4 chi ti tung mai |
basilar artery (central artery of the brain) |
基底構造 see styles |
kiteikouzou / kitekozo きていこうぞう |
base structure; underlying structure |
基底状態 see styles |
kiteijoutai / kitejotai きていじょうたい |
ground state |
基底部門 see styles |
kiteibumon / kitebumon きていぶもん |
base component |
墮羅鉢底 堕罗钵底 see styles |
duò luó bō dǐ duo4 luo2 bo1 di3 to lo po ti Darahatei |
Dvārapati or Dvāravatī, 'an ancient kingdom on the upper Irawaddy.' Eitel. |
外匯存底 外汇存底 see styles |
wài huì cún dǐ wai4 hui4 cun2 di3 wai hui ts`un ti wai hui tsun ti |
foreign exchange reserves (Tw) |
大休歇底 see styles |
dà xiū xiē dǐ da4 xiu1 xie1 di3 ta hsiu hsieh ti daikyū kettei |
ended |
大悟徹底 see styles |
taigotettei / taigotette たいごてってい |
(n,vs,vi) (yoji) attain divine enlightenment; perceive absolute truth; experience spiritual awakening |
大死底人 see styles |
dà sǐ dǐ rén da4 si3 di3 ren2 ta ssu ti jen daishi tei nin |
One who has swept away completely all illusions, or all consciousness; also 大休歇底. |
奈落の底 see styles |
narakunosoko ならくのそこ |
(exp,n) (1) (See 奈落・1) depths of Hell; (exp,n) (2) (idiom) abyss; inescapable situation |
婁底地區 娄底地区 see styles |
lóu dǐ dì qū lou2 di3 di4 qu1 lou ti ti ch`ü lou ti ti chü |
Loudi prefecture in Hunan |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "底" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.